Posted by | POLAR | Literate Wolf RP (IC) | |||||
![]() daffydil ⋆ (#122151) Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 17:09:11 |
![]() Edited on 10/09/18 @ 16:16:10 by malinoi ⋆ (#122151) |
EbonyClaw (#122053)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-17 04:32:08 |
Salem | Rimes Guardian | Mentions : Kaeva, Freya The male kept himself in his spot, weary of the other padding on their side of the border. He wondered if he should linger any further here, unsure if she would cross or not, yet it wasn’t as if she could stay on Rimes territory for too long. Still, he worried. Flicking an ear towards Kaeva, he turned just barely. He wanted to keep an eye on the Forger if she lingered. “Well enough. I think you should be weary of the border for a bit though, there’s been a lot of activity from both packs today.” His gaze flickered towards her for a moment, “and what of your endeavors? I see you have something.” Salem cared not for knowing about herbs or which to use. If he had any injury, he just walked it off or tried his best to. It wasn’t as if he didn’t care but he just didn’t like any part of the process. He still respected her role though. “Should there be another incident, I’ll have to request joining you and Lakir to the border.” ![]() |
Windsparkle (#16196)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 14:47:10 |
Kaeva Kaeva crossed over to the Rimes territory, the familiar chill running down her spine. ‘There’s been a lot of activity from both packs today’. She tried to keep her expression blank and flicked an ear towards the border. ‘I see you have something’. She froze at his words. She almost got in a fight with a Forger. Should I tell him? She decided on no. The Rimes guardian would just worry and she didn’t need that. It’s already hard enough to gather herbs as it is. ”Oh this?” her tone was light. ”Just an herb I picked up in the … Nether.” She had almost slipped up and said the Forger’s territory. Good thing he’s not a healer or he could see through my lie. ”I don’t think that’ll be necessary. You’ve never been exactly interested in what we do considering you never come to us after battle. I wouldn’t want to subjugate you to something so uninteresting” She said quickly and winced. It came out sounding harsher than she realized, but collecting herbs had always been an alone task. And with a guardian there might be a fight She shuddered. ![]() |
EbonyClaw (#122053)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 19:50:19 |
Salem | Rimes Gaurdian | Mentions : Kaeva Cocking his head at her reply over the herb, Salem watched her for a moment before directing his attention elsewhere. Though, he either seemed to ignore her tone or didn’t register it at all. Most likely, it was the latter. “I would rather not have my packmates injured by careless Forgers, no matter their rank or how boring it may be.” He stated, tail lashing for a moment in slight impatience before stilling. The male was never one to back down from a fight, but loyalty was something that he was committed to, and that was more or less to his job. “Should you ever need me, do not be afraid to call. I have a good nose and good ears. I merely worry for everyone.” His tone lowered into that of almost silence, but what he stated was truth. He didn’t like the idea of anyone being hurt, never one to even kill a creature unless absolutely necessary. “It is never a bother for me to help anyone.” ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 20:35:21 |
Freya: 30 moons: guardian: Nether: mentions: Salem, Kaeva Freya snarled once more, glaring across the border. A gust of wind caused her to back up, shivering. moons, why is it so cold! “We’re watching, Ice-Wolves!” The Head Guardian snapped. The black and red she-wolf turned around and looked back towards the forger territory, still muttering angry comments. By the time Freya got back to the desert, she thought her fur would freeze off. She stood on a dune of sand and gazed around the land. Heat waves rose from the desert dunes, and she could see scorpions scuttling around. No snow in sight, let alone water. She loved it. ![]() |
EbonyClaw (#122053)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 17:44:27 |
Salem | Rimes Guardian | Mentions : Freya, Kaeva, open Turning his gaze back onto the Forger, his fur raised on his hackles once more at her shout. Caution and adrenaline surged through him, travelling down his spine and into his paws, ready to move in an instant if necessary. He barely relished the feeling, though, as she ran off. Salem couldn't help but be curious by her hot-headed nature but disregarded it. He let the frozen lands; the wind, the snow, the bitter chill of it all, cool down his anxiety and return to look upon the healer. "Just be careful. I'm going to head back, should you join me then feel free to do so." Salem shifted on his paws, taking a moment to shake out his fur. Whenever his fur rose, it always left an uncomfortable feeling on his skin, and the momentary relief of fixing his pelt didn't get rid of the tingling sensation that lingered. For now, he'd let the snow handle it, the icy flakes already falling upon his grey fur and simply blending with the few markings he adorned on his back. He padded back to the encampment, mind flooded with murky thoughts and no real conclusions. The male didn't even realize he had made it back until he felt his nose flooded with the scent of what he could only describe as cold. The icy scent that ran rapid with most of his packmates, hinted with the evergreens that littered the arctic forest and just the feeling of cold. Salem finally felt himself relax. ![]() |
daffydil ⋆ (#122151)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 18:11:33 |
North, alphess of the rimes | Mentions, open Scanning the wintry horizon swiftly once more, the she - wolf turned her tail 'round and retreated from her high vantage point. Despite her awkwardly tall legs, the leader's movements were graceful as she trudged through the piled snow, accustomed to its equally tall height. She made her way downwards from the summit peak she spent rather a lot of time on observing her pack members and surroundings, acknowledging that she should be with them instead of above them as their alphess. Her paws met flat land, and she peered around at the bottom of the slope, taking heed of the white-furred canines and noticing the entry of one of her guardians. Her muzzle raised slightly, inhaling - noticing the slight stench that wafted towards her, almost resembling the smell of burnt fur. Her nose wrinkled, and her own fur prickled in distate. She wondered where the guardian had been previously as her icy gaze watched him trek through the camp. ![]() |
EbonyClaw (#122053)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 18:25:15 |
Salem | Rimes Guardian | Mentions : North, open Taking in the sight of the other's, noticing some of the slight upturn of lips and scrunching of noses, he turned slightly to sniff at his pelt. At the scorching sensation of Forger scent and the muddled smell of Rime, he realized quite quickly what the looks could have been from. It wasn't as if it would be any different than his usual smell on certain days; someone had to patrol, and he either watched the border or did anything he needed to inside it. He had to admit though, he did stink. Huffing, trying to relieve his nostrils of the stench of mud and fire, he lifted his head a bit higher and scanned the area for a moment. Once he found what he was looking for, he locked his eyes upon the alphess and started trekking towards her. "May I have a word?" He questioned once he approached her, voice once again just loud enough to be heard. "I have a few concerns, involving the Forgers especially." His paws shifted in the snow, waiting to hear the other's reply. ![]() |
daffydil ⋆ (#122151)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 19:13:16 |
North, alphess of the rimes | Mentions, Salem, open Blue-grey eyes pierced through the clearing like icicles, gazing at the male as he approached her. She didn't embody hostility, just curiosity for his whereabouts and what happened during his mandatory patrol. She stood still as he halted in front of her, though her tail lashed out slightly to betray her interest. She noticed that his masculine body was bigger than her petite frame, taking in his appearance and committing it to memory. Her ears went erect with mute fascination at the mention of the hot-headed brutes. "You have my attention," she spoke, trying to keep a calm and unperturbed facade as her nose burned from the inhalation of burnt twang radiating off of him. "Come, first. We must rid you of that filthy stench. You can tell me about your concerns on the trek." The feminine canine stepped onwards, expecting her pack mate to follow her lead. ![]() |
EbonyClaw (#122053)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 23:33:43 |
Salem | Rimes Guardian | Mentions : North The male bowed his head, nodding at the Alphess' words and following close behind. Padding through the snow, trekking over the softer layers and hitting the harder ice-like sheets beneath brought him a bit of quiet joy. He preferred it over the thinner layers closer to the nether, where his paws hit the few sticks and twigs that lingered closer to the more fertile strip of land between the borders. Taking a moment to relish in the momentary peace, he soon grew serious and began to speak. "I'm sure you are aware about the activity between both packs on the Nether. It seemed like there was alot of activity there just today." Salem stated honestly, carefully thinking over the events of the patrol. Inside their borders, he hadn't witnessed much. There were some larger tracks near the south end that he needed to check into once he could, just to make sure nothing came too close to the pack. Yet, most of the discussion focused upon the latter half of his route. "I am starting to believe that some of our packmates may be starting trouble. If it is true, I fear for the safety of those that may encounter the Forger that takes action instead of running them off." ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-22 17:34:12 |
Freya: 30 moons: guardian: Nether: mentions: Kiminjaro, Kaeva _______ Freya padded through the desert in silence. She was headed back to the Nether. The camp seemed alright, so she decided to go scout the borders-- and see if that insolent Rime was back. The black wolf snarled at the thought. Her ice cold gaze grew darker as she felt the familiar heat pan out to a simple, neutral,temperature. Freya's ruff raised in anticipation. Her thoughts wandered to what it was like on the other side. She was perplexed as why anyone would want to live there. Freya was tempted just to cross the border to feel the cold. The she-wolf wondered if any Rimes felt the way she did. ![]() |