Posted by POLAR | Literate Wolf RP (IC)

daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-29 17:09:11

A MALINOI Roleplay | A LITERATE Roleplay | A WOLF Roleplay

FIre. Bubbling from deep within the core is a scorching heat, a blazing scratch pining to be released- it builds steadily, slowly burning its bearer from the inside out to meager ashes, engulfing its victim in its scathing flames. Set free the inferno, and you destroy. Detain the inferno, and you destroy yourself.

Ice. Mercilessly biting at your skin is a frigid chill, gradually seeping from your pores to seize your bones in a numbing freeze and piercing the heart frozen to capture it in a bitter coldness. Keep the frost out, and it destroys. Let the frost in, and it destroys you.

Polar opposites, separated by nature. Best keep it that way.
A collision could be catastrophic. Or not.
Who would know until it happened?

Forgers, they're called. The brave warriors of the scorching deserts whispered to encompass the influence of fire, who manipulate flames into weaponry to burn their enemies to mere ash and defend their volcanic homelands.

Rimes, mere rumors spread amidst the chilly forests coated in a permanent blanket of white. The unseen ghosts said to possess command of the very ice they roamed, who wield it like armor and freeze those who threatened their homelands without mercy.

Polar opposites, and mortal enemies. The two packs are destined to despise each other. . . or so it is believed. Perhaps something could change that.

Spark romance or even a rivalry between you and one of your own kind… or venture out to another. It’s your life, your choices. Either way, remember the power you hold in your being.


Failure to abide by these rules, I will not hesitate to boot you from the roleplay.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas, as well.

ONE This is a literate roleplay. I expect to see at least two paragraphs- but I do understand writers block happens. Don’t make it consistent, though.
TWO Ensure you have the other person’s consent before killing off / pursuing a romance with their character. No one likes a mate beggar.
THREE Your character is not all-powerful. You have one specific ability: either ice or fire depending on what you choose. You can get creative with them as you please, but neither trumps the other and there are no other powers.
FOUR Drama inside the roleplay is highly encouraged. (Forbidden love? Hatred between two characters? Natural disasters? Yes please!) Outside the roleplay, not so much.
FIVE I welcome drama, but not over-the-board drama. Don’t have your character get a mere scratch and pass out from blood loss or act like they’re dying. These wolves are supposed to be warriors, not pussies.
SIX Gore is fine. Sexual content? Get that disgusting shit out of here. Take it to pm if really desired, but no explicit details whatsoever in the chats.
SEVEN Bonus points if you can make your character on your character sheet really stand out to me and ‘wow’ me. I’ll let you know.
EIGHT As I am the creator, my word is law. As is any admin I pick, in turn.
NINE Limit of 2 characters. 1 male, 1 female. You can have only one, but this is to ensure the genders are evened out and that people aren’t stressed with too many characters. Doesn’t matter what pack they are from.
TEN Humans are not a thing in this rp, as the wolves live in places near impossible for people to inhabit due to the harsh climates.
ELEVEN Most importantly, have fun!!


xxx & xxx are friends.

xxx & xxx are enemies.

xxx is crushing on xxx.


OOC (out-of-character) & INFORMATION

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Edited on 10/09/18 @ 16:16:10 by malinoi ⋆ (#122151)

Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 17:15:32
§ SunChaser § Hunter § Location: Rimes land / Pack camp. § Mention's: Open §

The she-wolf had stalked through the same woods endless times on hunts, returning from hunts, and other little times of wanders. She felt a soft calm in the bitter winds, and despite the numbness hitting her paws if she stayed out for too long without gathering herself, the feeling of joy spread across her- she'd obviously be visiting the border again, seeing as forgers seemingly started wandering there.

As the thoughts moved on, Sun reached the place all Rimes called their home. Her jaw's bit into the hare's fur as she tensed. The camp had always been a ghost town, whether it be the fact no one could see anything, or everyone blended in- maybe even the busyness of the wolves here, it always left SunChaser feeling odd.

Quickly did the wolf duck away to a small dent of brush and snow- she ate quickly, with the inability to curl a tail around her, she felt odd- looking up at every second.

[ oof, messy but eh. ]

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-09-14 17:37:41

mentions: Freya


Kaeva jumped at the sound of another wolf’s voice. The smell of the devils claw had masked the scent of another wolf. Fear pooled up in her, and her ears instinctively lay back and her tail lowered. She glanced up. She saw a large she wolf with black fur and red patches. intimidating to say the least "I um… Hi" she stammered but most of it was lost with the plant in her mouth. Devil’s foot only grows in Forger regions She tightened her grip on it with the thought. No way was she letting it go. Giving a curt bow of her head she tried to collect her emotions. "I seemed to have wandered upon your territory. Im actually sorry but you could point me the way out?" Hearing herself say it sounded more ridiculous than when she thought it but she pressed on. "It wasn’t my intention to invade your territory..." and she bit back a thought, Your scorching deathlands to put it more accurately

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Edited on 14/09/18 @ 19:25:58 by Windsparkle (#16196)

daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 19:48:45
North, alphess of rimes | Mentions SunChaser, still open

Her ghostly silhouette stood tall at the peak of the summit towering over the wintry forest, shrouded in a hazy fog that marred the white scenery. Despite this, the feminine alpha had a clear view over her territory, icy eyes accustomed to the harsh environment; their gaze roamed the bypassers below, recognition and curiosity burning in their irises as she surveyed their actions. She observed mutely, crown raised high in superiority, witnessing the entry of one of her huntresses- SunChaser, she recalled, the canine she'd observed earlier conversing with the hot-headed Forgers.

Ice flakes fell from the grey firmament in a permanent descent; adding to the white powder that coated everything else and sticking to her fur like glue, concealing her pelt's silver-grey dappled flaws. Now she felt truly a part of her surroundings, at home. A warmth blossomed in her chest, coiling around her heartstrings and clutching her insides as the cold heat bit at her flanks. She loved the chill; how could she live without it? How did those nasty fire-dwellers live without it? Her pink nose wrinkled in disgust at the mere thought of her enemies.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-09-14 21:30:49

mentions: Sivrica


Storm lounged comfortably in the sand, the sun warming his back and he rolled over. His nap had been a nice one. For once he wished there was a lake nearby so he could take a swim. He shook his dark grey fur out and sand grains flew everywhere.
He glanced around the camp. There seemed to be no one else in camp for the moment except for Sivrica. The brown wolf’s body seemed to shine in the sun. He was bored. And maybe a little cocky. He padded up to Sivrica. "Do you want to go together?" He figured the healer was going to just collect herb, but if they were lucky maybe they’d get into a fight.He hoped for the latter. He wanted a reason to hunt. A reason to fight. Besides the fact that those Rimes were all weak. As far as he could see collecting herbs was boring, and the healer had to do it in the chilled nether. He glanced at the sky. A cloudless sky He could do with some shade. Sleepiness still lingered through his body, hopefully this outing would wake him up.

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Edited on 14/09/18 @ 22:09:38 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Rappadapa (#105921)

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Posted on
2018-09-14 21:42:36

Ruel | Hunter | Male | Forger | Mentions: N/A [OPEN]

Making his way into the campsite, the dark wolf would let his tongue loll from the side of his jowls. He'd just returned from a failed hunt, prey narrowly escaping into a nook he had clawed at for what seemed like ages before giving up. Pausing the hound would raise his golden eyes to peer around the area. Not many members seemed to be confined to the camp. Perfect. Drawing his tongue over his jowls the male would trudge on, not minding the scorching heat above as it spread through his black pelt. Feathered tail swaying lazily the brute would eye a shaded area behind a large rock. The shadow would move eventually, but for now the spot looked quite tempting. Glancing around towards a pair of canines the beast would shrug before altering his course. Taking a few sauntering strides the male would make himself comfortable in the shadow, circling thrice before dropping to the ground. Grumbling, the brute would turn his paw to eye his rough pads. The were cracked and raw, nothing he wasn't used to. Lowering his maw the wolf set to work rasping over his sore paws with soothing strokes.

[I actually finally posted instead of sleeping oops]

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-15 17:07:59
Freya: 30 moons: guardian: Nether: mentions: Kiminjaro, Kaeva

The black she-wolf considered her options. She could attack, or let the the Rime Healer go in Peace. Freya would be going against her morals if she let the white wolf leave. But she wasn’t causing any trouble. Yet...

“The border’s behind you. You’re lucky some other Forger didn’t catch you. Normally we aren’t so nice,” Freya’s tone matched her gaze as she watched the white wolf. A cold gust of air blew in, and the Forger shivered. hurry up and leave so I can go warm up!

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-09-15 17:23:06
Sivrica | Male | Forgers Healer | 4 years old |
Mentions: Storm

The healer was drawn from his thoughts as one of his packmates spoke and wagged his tail in greeting. "I'm always welcoming to company. I'm off to collect some cactus blossoms before they wilt off, perhaps you'd like to catch a few hares while I'm at it? I also need to go gather nettles from the nether, but I'm not very keen on doing that right now, considering how many wolves are pacing along the borders, pelts bristling." He plodded along, heading towards out of camp and towards the grove of tall cacti not far away. "You seem well today, a good nap I take it?" There was a hit of amusement in his tone, teasing Storm a bit. He'd always been fond of his packmates, and was glad to spend time with them whenever he could. Having someone volunteer to accompany him on an herb gathering trip was a wonderful occasion.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-09-15 19:53:28



Kaeva crouched down expecting a blow to come from the black she wolf. She was surprised it never came. Cautiously she raised her head as she heard the words the black she wolf uttered. Kaeva nearly dropped the devil’s claw as her eyes widened. Then she shook herself from her stupor and mumbled a ”Thank you” as she walked from the patch of sand to the the nether.
She glanced back at the she wolf. Why did she let me go? she wondered. Either way I was lucky. It was still too hot here as the sun penetrated the sparse trees. Thankfully she was safe. The trees began to thin even more as she began to approach the Rimes’ border. Finally as she progressed deeper into the Rimes’ territory the heat let up. She felt the familiar cold wash over her and sighed, eyes closed.



Storm nodded his head in agreement, acknowledging the male’s greeting. Cacti blossoms would be nice, I could use the water. His mouth was parched. He stared off in the distance. So much sand and no water in sight. Storm sighed. ’..catch a few hares while I’m at it?’ Storm woke up from his thoughts. And he grinned showing his canines. ”A rabbit would be most welcome. And I’d share of course”, he added quickly. ”There were intruders?” Storm growled out the words. The thought made him hot. His mouth curled up in a snarl. The patch of green among the sand caught his attention. His eyes glazed over for a bit when he saw the cacti. Probably out of thirst he decided. Storm quickened his pace eager to possibly get some water. The hot sand burned through his paws, and pebbles of sand became lodged in his fur with every step he took.
”Do you often have volunteers to go with you to gather herbs?”, he asked. I suppose not, there isn’t much to do collecting herbs he thought to himself.

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-09-15 22:54:17
Sivrica | Male | Forgers Healer | 4 years old |
Mentions: Storm

"The blossoms aren't for quenching thirst, actually. The cacti themselves are a wonderful way to quench thirst, but the flowers are a wonderful way to ward off infection and inflammation." Siv yawned as they came into the grove, thankful that it wasn't a long walk from camp. "I should hope you'd share with your healer. I make sure you don't die after battles." He teased, flicking Storm's flank with his tail. "And no, not intruders, the nether belongs to neither pack, but it still seems to draw wolves to eachother to standoff and fight." He picked up a flattened shard of obsidian in his mouth, thrusting it into one of the taller cacti to use as a foothold to lean against to avoid getting needles in his paws while he reached up for the flowers atop the 'branches' of the thing. "No, most wolves would do anything to avoid getting roped into joining me. I figure it isn't my personality driving them off, so it must just be boring." He reared up, bracing one of his front paws against the obsidian shard he'd shoved into the cactus, using his other to delicately pry the petals free from one of the stalks without dragging the needles along with it. One by one, the bunches fell down into the sand for him to collect when he was ready. "What about you? Have you had luck on the group hunts lately? It's rather impossible to take down larger prey without at least three wolves hunting with you."

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EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:08:35
Salem | Rimes Guardian | Mentions : Kaeva | Open

Heavy paws sank into the snow as the male walked forward. His eyes were focused over the border, brow merely raised as the scents of his clan and the Forgers intermingled upon the Nether. Sand-worn pelts and sun scorched earth made his nostrils flare, burning his senses from the intensity; yet the smell of the frost-chilled coats and ice of his home seemed to bring him some sort of relief. The trail was somewhat recent to him, yet he passed the area and carried on with the idea of following the border here a bit more often. He would rather be among the ones, if the only one, to encounter the Forgers in a hostile situation than one of his own.

Following the border further down, he paused at yet another spot. He could hear the paw steps of another leaving the Nether. The scent that lingered was of herbs, but anything else was muddled with either the snow or the sands. Salem took precaution as he followed quickly and caught sight of the white healer. Whatever adrenaline that began to flow in his veins quickly vanished, a welcoming bitter cold flowing through him in place of the heat of the moment.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:38:53
Freya: 30 moons: guardian: Nether: mentions: Salem, Kaeva
Freya caught the scent of more Rimes. Oh great, even more ice wolves She bared her teeth in irritation. Even more wolves couldn't be good. Hopefully it wasn't North, the Alpha of the Ice. She was the one thing Freya feared.

"STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE BORDER< YOU ICE WOLVES!" she howled angrily. She paced on her side of the border, waiting to see if anymore wolves appeared. Her tail twitched. Nothing but sand swirled around her.

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EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:59:18
Salem | Rimes Guardian | Mentions : Freya

Salem turned, peering over the border and raising a brow at the new sight of a Forger. He wasn't even on the Nether, preferring the snow over any kind of grass or sand. Cocking his head, he kept calm and spoke just loud enough to be heard. "As long as you stay in your land, I'll stay in mine." His small form straightened and the fur on his haunches rose slightly, a sign of warning.

The male stayed in his spot, attention now focused on the Forger, mindful of their temperaments and ready for anything she might do. The scent of the sand, torched by sun and hardened earth scorched his nose. He couldn't stand it at all.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-09-16 22:38:44

mentions: Sivrica


Storm watched as the healer carefully picked his way through the brambles. ”Ah, my mistake then. I thought all cacti were good for was water. Speaking of which I could use more.” He watched as the blossoms fell down. ”Hunting… could be better”, he admitted. Storm hadn’t seen much prey in the last few days. He had mainly been scavenging. Hopefully a big kill will come along It’d be something to ease his boredom but like the healer said, he’d need some help with a deer. ”I’ll be back” he said to Siv. He spotted a lean rabbit in the nether. It spotted him and bolted. Storm dashed after it. His long grey legs overtook the rabbit’s as he closed in for the kill. His mouth closed down on the spine as he bit down. He trotted back to Siv. ”Want some?”

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-09-16 23:02:17

mentions: Salem


”Salem” She bowed her head in greeting and her tail swayed gently, and her ears laid back in submission. ”How does the patrol go?” Not that it was really her concern, or that she cared. Hopefully nothing bloody Her deep blue eyes scanned the brilliant white snow. The snow would look so ugly marred by blood. She stiffened ever so slightly as she remembered the day her parents never returned. She had waited and waited, the cold seeping through her fur but no one ever came back. Of course her packmates helped her grief, but they could never cure her dislike of the battlefield.

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 23:39:15
Sivrica | Male | Forgers Healer | 4 years old |
Mentions: Storm

"I'm sure the herds will return soon, it's nearing that time of year." A few moments later, Storm was off chasing a rabbit, even so far as it darting out into the nether for a few moments before being dispatched cleanly by the hunter. Siv swished his tail, chuckling slightly. "Only if you bring it back where it's warm!" He collected the flowers he'd pried off the cactus from the sand, setting them in a small divet he'd made in the sand, shading them slightly from the sun. With that taken care of, he reared up, landing with both paws down on the obsidian shard he'd been using as a foothold. This caused the cactus's tough exterior to crack, allowing the moisture from inside to drip down the shard and onto the rocks that the cactus was sprouted out of. "And come have something to drink along with it!" He lapped the sweet juice that was slowly dripping from the end of the shard. He knew the guardians had their ways of getting the stuff in ways that preserved it until they returned to camp with it, but in his mind if could never compare to freshly harvested cactus water.

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