Posted by | Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP) |
![]() Zephyr (#117962) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:14:44 |
We have a discord! Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules! Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky! This RP takes place by the lake territory. Current Event: Check here! Lore You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story. Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory. NPC list: Check them out! Staff Admin: Sedrik Admin: Ash [WCU] Admin: Lightqueen Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord) Title your post Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions: Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962) |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-16 14:29:54 |
Birchheart - 25 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp/Leader’s Den - Mentions: Terrastar, Open! Birchheart’s heart jumped. She had to use all her strength to not scream. “Yes! I would be an honor to be your mate!” Birchheart whispered yowled. She didn’t want to make a scene, she wanted this moment to just be between her and Terrastar. She purred at her new mate, and curled up against him. She relished in his warmth. She purred, and licked Terrastar’s cheek affectionately. In all her happiness, she couldn’t help but be confused. What a quick change of events that just happened. She came back from the Dreampool, became the clan’s Deputy, met some “Dark Forest” cat that claimed to be her father, and then became her leader’s mate! She had so many questions. Like who was that cat she saw? Was he really her father? What did Terrastar mean by “rule the forest together? Birchheart was sure that Terrastar’s unnerving sentence was due to his nervousness. But so much has happened. All Birchheart knew was that she felt calm cuddled up against her mate. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 12:22:07 |
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Rainpaw, Owlpaw, Mintwhisper, Risingstorm, Open! As Stonefell padded through camp—consciously keeping a close eye on the odd tom that had everyone bristled—she couldn't help but overhear Risingstorm's chat with Mintwhisper and the two apprentices. Flicking her stumpy tail absentmindedly, Stonefell made her way over to them and meowed, "If it's alright with you three, I'd like to accompany you. I'm sure Terrastar won't mind the extra help." ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 13:52:13 |
Mintwhisper - 33 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Rainpaw, Owlpaw, Risingstorm, Stonefell, Open! Mintwhisper answered Rainpaw’s question after a moment, her tone unsure. “I think we had a visitor from the stars...” She was a little bit glad that her companions had seen the see-through warrior as well, she wasn’t just hallucinating. Owlpaw’s voice broke through her thoughts and she nodded, only now noticing that Risingstorm was approaching them. She rose to her paws and said farewell to Rainpaw before moving to stand in front of Risingstorm. She nodded her head in greeting to her fellow warrior. “Always a pleasure to see you as well,” She meowed with a smile as she listened to what he had to say. “Well welcome to the team I guess. I’m ready to head out whenever you are, are we going to be meeting the Aetherclan representatives at the border now?” She felt a bit sympathetic seeing how nervous he appeared, well at least that’s what she guessed from the figiting. The white speckled she-cat started to head towards the entrance when a vaguely familiar cat padded up, it was Stonefell. Hearing the she-cat’s request she glanced questioningly back at the two toms behind her, while she would mind another cat accompanying them they also had to consider what Aetherclan might think or feel. She didn’t want there to be too many Terraclan cats going, the two clans were supposed to work together and should have an equal amount of warriors going. ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 14:04:01 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Territory - Mentions: @ Rainpaw, Mintwhisper, Risingstorm, Stonefell, Open Owlpaw flattened his ears when Risingstorm 'found' him. He didn't know he was being looked for, but he had been in the same spot since.. The apprentice shrugged. It was certain the warrior had forgotten his cool, and was trying to recover it swiftly. As the apprentice was already on his paws, he looked back to Mintwhisper with a small smile, then to Rainpaw and eyeballing her gash on the side of her leg. At least the wound was clean, and had stopped bleeding. Perhaps it could just heal naturally. Upon Risingstomr's readiness, Stonefall also approached. He dipped his head to the fellow warrior, and now it would be a total of 4 cats to accompany Fernstar's patrol in search of water. He felt uneasy in the sudden volunteering though, he felt that Terrastar should know at least in the meantime. But Risingstorm was right, that time was of essence here. He stood beside Mintwhisper now, awaiting Risingstorm's word to move out and where to meet. He felt a ping of excitement at the ends of his paws, this would be something. ![]() |
Fauve (CL Ferus - Semi-Hiatus) (#12205) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 15:40:16 |
Risingstorm - 27 Moons - Warrior- Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Mintwhisker, Owlpaw, Stonefell Mintwhisker's odd accent was absolute honey to his ears. He, and many other cats he imagined, found it quite adorable. He was pleased to see that she was ready to depart on their mission. Dipping his head in gratitude for her politeness, he then turned his gaze back to the apprentice with a beaming smile. "Yes, I think we should head for the border as soon as we're able. I'm glad to see you're ready, too, Owlpaw!" He purred, still somewhat attempting to recover himself. "This is sure to be an incredible learning experience for us all, particularly for a growing apprentice like yourself. I know you'll make our clan proud!" Risingstorm smiled at Stonefell as she approached suddenly, his breath suddenly caught in his throat as his green eyes met her own. "S-Stonefell, welcome," he began, startled by her sudden appearance. His feathered forepaws involuntarily kneaded the soil beneath them as if he were flustered. Was he? He shared a glance with both Mintwhisker and Owlpaw, his ears nervously flicking as he felt as if they were waiting on him to make the decision. Perhaps it was because he was the last to speak to Terrastar? I believe we're meeting two Aetherclan representatives at the border...I imagine two warriors and an apprentice would be enough of a presence. But perhaps they would appreciate the extra effort and paws as a show of good faith for their joint search for water? "I-I suppose you're right. I'm sure Terrastar would appreciate his warriors showing initiative in such desperate times." He waved his tail in acceptance, before once again turning his gaze to Mintwhisker. "Do you know the place Terrastar said their representatives would meet us for this mission?" Risingstorm invited the she-cat to take the lead. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 16:09:09 |
Terrastar - 39 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Camp, Leader's Den - Mentions: Birchheart, Open! Terrastar's purring grew louder as Birchheart responded positively to his question, starting to share tongues with his new mate. "Thank you, you've made me the happiest cat ever!" He curled his tail around her, unable to believe the happiness he was feeling. He gazed fondly at the she-cat, appreciating the affection she showed him. He decided to remain by Birchheart's side for a while longer, calmly grooming her fur as he thought about his upcoming meeting with Fernstar. He would have to ask her about how the rebuilding was going, perhaps he would admit to her how damaged his territory was. If he formed the correct bond with the Aetherclan leader, he could perhaps launch a successful attack on the camp and take control over both Clans by the lake. The leader was lost in his thoughts as he groomed Birchheart, she was probably able to tell by the far-away look in his eyes. ![]() |
Plusheh (#88717)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 19:17:29 |
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Minor Burns (Treated) - Territory - Mentions; Risingstorm, Mintwhisker, Stonefell, Owlpaw, Terrastar, Birchheart The scarred she-cat lifted her head as she spotted her fellow clanmates moving through the trees, several tail lengths away from the path she took. She considered following after them, but decided against it, she was still quite fatigued after traveling to the Moonpool and back. Her gaze settled upon the newer warrior, Stonefell, as she felt a twang of jealousy. She often blamed her unruly appearance on her short tail, but even this cat could flaunt it with elegance. With a shake of her head, Tatteredjaw pushed it aside and continued walking, attempting to straighten her back as she entered camp. She looked around, hoping to see her friend, Birchheart, or maybe Terrastar, though she couldn't quite see them. Letting out a sigh, the tired warrior retreated to the warriors den, paws aching from the journey and eyes drooping from lack of sleep. As she lied there, she finally broke down, a very quiet wail escaping her. She thought she was done mourning, but the image of her mothers charred, broken body wouldn't leave her mind. After several minutes of trying to fall asleep, despite her racing mind, Tatteredjaw gave up and exited the den, heading towards the camp entrance. Maybe a quick hunt would clear her mind. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-17 23:19:53 |
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Owlpaw, Mintwhisper, Risingstorm, Open! Despite herself, the grey shecat let out a slight sigh of relief at Risingstorm's confirmation. Though she refused to show it, Stonefell ached to help the clan in any way she could—joining in on the search for water was the best she could think to do so. "Thank you, Risingstorm," she meowed with a curt nod. "Even with Aetherclan's volunteers, I'm sure we need all the help we can get to find the water regardless. Noting Owlpaw's uneasiness, Stonefell attempted to offer him a reassuring smile—that's quite honestly came out looking more like a sneer than anything—and motioned for him to follow Risingstorm and Mintwhisper. "I'll take up the rear," she said, "don't worry, we'll be fine." ![]() |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-18 00:21:22 |
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Gash on Left Thigh (partially healed) - Territory - Mentions: Tatteredjaw The gray she-cat hummed at what Mintwhisper had said, but didn’t fully understand. She thought she’d seen an unfamiliar figure weaving through the camp, but whatever it was had gone. Maybe it was a trick of the light. Besides, the stories from her kithood weren’t real, just something to keep kits entertained. As Mintwhisper and Owlpaw left to speak to Risingstorm and Stonefell about the search for water, she quietly excused herself. She caught Tatteredjaw’s silver and black pelt make its way to the entrance of of the camp. Seizing the opportunity to get to know her fellow clanmate, she hastily padded up to her with her short tail held upright. She’d always admired the older she-cat, so spending time with her might be good. When she caught up to the warrior, she noticed that she’d surpassed Tatteredjaw in height. Even though Tatterjaw was shorter than the average cat, it still surprised Rainpaw. Now that she thought of it, she was nearly Mintwhisper’s height and taller than Owlpaw as well. She still wasn’t as strong as most of the older warriors, but she was certain if she looked at her reflection in the water she’d see a bit of muscle where there used to be little to none. Was she really growing up so fast? Shaking the thought from her head, Rainpaw greeted Tatteredjaw, “Hello, Tatteredjaw,” She mewed, hoping she wasn’t being a nuisance, “Were you heading out to hunt?” ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-18 11:37:46 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Territory - Mentions: @ Rainpaw, Mintwhisper, Risingstorm, Stonefell, Open Owlpaw watched the pair discuss feature propositions. It was true, that more numbers would be beneficial, but could also upset the balance between both clans, with tension piling as it was. Not only did Terrastar plunder to take part of their territory.. But it would be no surprise if Aetherclan wanted to return the father, the apprentice shook his head. It was ill for him to think of such, greatest crisis was at stake. And for good reason as Stonefell gently prodding the entire group to get going. Her reassuring sneer, twitched into somewhat of a smile, helped aid his unsettling dilema. He waved a farewell to Rainpaw but the apprentice had already ceased a moment to exit, he looked at his paws for a brief moment before continuing. He felt a sense dependency swell in his chest, a new purpose in his life besides the pitful memoirs of an apprentice. He, along with several others sought to better both clans. He felt his skull lift high, and his spirit brighten, but as they neared the borderline between both territories, his bravery slowly numbed. ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-18 14:48:44 |
(@Raine, Tippin, Fauve, Balder. Quick notice. Has Terrastar already had his meeting with Fernstar? If not we’ll have to wait to leave until after he does.) ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-18 14:52:58 |
[I don't think so O.O, Good call Elska! Yup he is suppose to be meeting with Fernstar prior. ] ![]() |
Plusheh (#88717)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-18 19:45:47 |
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Minor Burns (Treated) - Territory - Mentions; Rainpaw Tatteredjaw turned to the apprentice, nonexistent eyebrows raised, before she gave a warm smile. "Hello, Rainpaw. I was having some difficulties falling asleep, so yes, I was about to go hunting. Would you like to join-" She caught herself, suddenly noticing the gash on Rainpaw's leg. "I mean, would you like to come out to the forest with me? I can catch you something to eat, and you could refresh me on what has happened since I've been gone." The warrior mentally face-pawed at the fact she'd nearly asked an injured cat to participate in hunting, which could reopen the wound that was just starting to heal. She hoped her request wouldn't seem to strange, she really was curious on what had been going on since she left to take Rubypaw and Snowcloud to the Moonpool. "I'm sure there's been quite a few changes, I don't see Stormstep around, and it seems there's some.. rather strange things going on." Tatteredjaw meowed, referring to the celestial cats that roamed the forest. She was unaware of the death of Stormstep, or that Birchheart was now a deputy, but she'd probably be delighted to hear that her friend earned that title. ![]() |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-18 21:13:47 |
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Gash on Left Thigh (partially healed) - Territory - Mentions: Tatteredjaw “I’d love to join you,” Rainpaw responded happily, adding, “There’s no need to hunt for me, but I’d love to tell you about what happened at the clan meeting.” She fell into step with Tatteredjaw, beginning to explain what their leader had previously revealed. She started with the search for water, “Since the lake has been drying up, Terrastar is sending out Risingstorm, Mintwhisper, and Owlpaw out to join a few Aetherclan cats to find a new water source. Stonefell may be joining them,” she looked at Tatterjaw with a hopeful smile, ”Perhaps such desperate times will bring the clans together.” She continued with sadder news, “Sadly, cats were lost in the fire. Maplestream didn’t make it, and Owlpaw was appointed medicine cat apprentice,” her voiced rose to a bit of a higher pitch, trying to sound calm, but afraid of breaking such grim news to the older she-cat. “Birchheart is deputy now, which is an amazing honor-“ Rainpaw paused to take a shaky breath, feeling the familiar stinging in her throat at the memory of her mentor, “But Stormstep…he…” her voiced died out, unable to force the words out of her mouth. Instead, she gave Tatteredjaw a mournful glance, hoping the point got across. ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 10:37:54 |
Birchheart - 25 Moons - Deputy - Leader's Den/Camp - Healthy - Mentions: Terrastar, Tatteredjaw, Open! Birchheart noticed the far-off look in Terrastar's eyes. 'What could he possibly be thinking about?' she wondered. She also noticed the familiar soft yowled that belonged to Tatteredjaw. Before going off from her mate she turned towards the larger male. "So, is there anything I can do, now that I'm home? Or were you planning on cuddling with me all day?" Birchheart asked, with a hint of a flirtations tone. She wanted to help, both AetherClan, and her own clan, were in need. However, she wanted to comfort Tatteredjaw, tell her about all the exciting things that happened, ask what happened at the dreampool after she left. Her whiskers twitched, half with anticipation, half with excitement from the recent events. "Oh, and before I forget, are you still willing to help AetherClan rebuild their camp?" Brichheart asked. She knew she needed to think of her own clan first, but she couldn't help but fear for her friends in AetherClan. Rubypaw, Fernstar, and Sootstep. She wanted to make sure they would be okay. ![]() |