Posted by | Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP) |
![]() Zephyr (#117962) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:14:44 |
We have a discord! Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules! Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky! This RP takes place by the lake territory. Current Event: Check here! Lore You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story. Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory. NPC list: Check them out! Staff Admin: Sedrik Admin: Ash [WCU] Admin: Lightqueen Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord) Title your post Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions: Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962) |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 11:45:32 |
Mintwhisper - 33 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Owlpaw, Risingstorm, Stonefell [Indirectly] Open! Mintwhisper smiled and nodded thoughtfully, “I may be mistaken but I believe we still have to wait for Terrastar to confirm that Aetherclan will be joining us.” She waves her white tipped tail as if signaling them to disperse, “For now let’s get some rest until our journey, we can gather at the entrance once we get confirmation and head to the meeting place.” With that said she wandered over to the fresh-kill pile and picked up a small mouse, carrying it to a shady spot near the edge of camp. She lay down with her paws tucked into her fluff and munched quietly, her mint gaze lazily looking around her. While she looked somewhat isolated the she-cat would not mind company. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 11:52:32 |
Terrastar - 39 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Camp, Leader's Den - Mentions: Birchheart, at anyone that can hear him, Open! Terrastar blinked his eyes when Birchheart spoke up, shaking his head to dismiss his last thoughts. "Just organise the patrols, make sure everything is in order and such. If I could I would cuddle you until the day I stopped breathing." He purred softly, getting up after an affectionate nudge. He stretched out, his tail curling over his back as he did so. He nodded his multicoloured head, it would be a good opportunity for him to get to know Aetherclan's territory, most importantly, their camp. "If you're able, could you assess Rainpaw?" He requested, starting to pad towards the exit of his den. "You're free to bring any warrior you deem necessary to decide if she's ready to be a warrior." He added. The dark brown tom slipped out of his den after that, looking around his camp for his 'water patrol'. He spotted the group and, with a flick of his tail in farewell to Birchheart, padded over to them. Before he reached them, Mintwhisper padded off towards the fresh-kill pile. He was originally planning to have them come along to his meeting with Aetherclan's leader, but decided against it. "I'm going to head to our border with Aetherclan to meet Fernstar. If I'm not back by sundown, send a patrol for me." He ordered. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 12:41:07 |
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Owlpaw, Terrastar, OPEN! Stonefell's ears twitched backwards slightly in embarrassment. Perhaps she was a little too excited to help.. Shaking off her embarrassment, Stonefell turned to Owlpaw and meowed, "Go on and rest up with Rainpaw. We'll call you once it's time to leave." Once again, the shecat attempted to flash the apprentice a kind smile before padding off towards where Mintwhisper was relaxing. She paused, turning her attention to her leader as he made his way across camp. "Stay vigilant and safe, Terrastar," she meowed in passing, bowing her head to the tom. ![]() |
Chompchomps (#155830)
UwU View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 14:14:40 |
Ratpelt - 13 moons - warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: OPEN Ratpelt sat around camp awaiting for anything to happen. He remained silent watching the other cats pass by in hopeful something to do. His eyes flick over to where Terrastar began to leave to meet up with Fernstar at the border. With slight curiosity, Ratpelt ponders if he wants to follow the leader but stops himself from getting in trouble. ((Hi ^^)) ![]() Edited on 19/10/18 @ 14:54:58 by Mange (#155830) |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 15:32:33 |
Birchheart - 25 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Tatteredjaw, Rainpaw ID, Open! Birchheart nodded and affectionately rubbed up against her mate, “I’ll get on that! Good luck with the meeting!” Birchheart meowed as Her leader left the den. She got up on her paws and stretched before trotting out of the den. She trotted over to Tatteredjaw first, seeing as she needed some comforting. “Tatteredjaw you’re back!” Birchheart meowed enthusiastically. Birchheart’s tail swished from side to side, happy to see her “clan sister”. She paused before asking Tatteredjaw, “Do you want to help me assess Rainpaw? Terrastar asked me to do so, since he thinks she’s ready to be a warrior.” Birchheart finished. She decided she’d tell Tatteredjaw about all the other exciting things that happened to her later. Right now, she just wanted to spend some time with Tatteredjaw. ![]() |
Plusheh (#88717)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 15:54:38 |
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Minor Burns (Treated) - Territory - Mentions; Rainpaw, Birchheart, Open! The sturdy she-cat's ears lowered, her expression growing somber. "I see... He had his issues, but he was a good cat. It is wonderful to hear that Birchheart was chosen for the new deputy, she is a kind and noble cat and will serve this clan well." She said, truly happy that her friend was now the deputy. She hoped it wouldn't get in the way of their friendship. Her ears perked when she noticed Birchheart, and smiled warmly at the lovely she-cat. "Hello Birchheart. Congratulations on becoming deputy, and yes, I'd love to join you. I agree that Rainpaw is ready, but I think we should make sure she's healed enough to do so. Do you think you will be able to go forth with the assessment, Rainpaw?" Tatteredjaw asked, her gaze wandering over to said apprentice. She was a bit worried that Rainpaw's wound would get in the way, but she was confident that the apprentice knew what she was doing. ![]() |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 17:02:11 |
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Gash on Left Thigh (partially healed) - Territory - Mentions: Tatteredjaw, Birtchheart Rainpaw nodded at Tatteredjaw’s words. Stormstep was with Starclan now, and he’d forever be missed. She lifted her head at Birchheart’s voice and her heart fluttered at the mention of an assessment. This was her chance to finally earn the warrior title! “I’ll be alright,” she assured Tatteredjaw, trying to contain her excitement. The cut was already healing, and reopening the wound seemed unlikely. It’s didnt really hurt to walk anymore, either. Still, the assessment made her a bit nervous. Her she was better at fishing, but the lake drying seemed to eliminate that option. She promised herself that she’d pass, though. She’d do it for Stormstep, who’d mentored her all this time. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 18:29:13 |
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Ratpelt, OPEN! The grey shecat turned her attention next to Ratpelt. Wondering if he would appreciate her and Mintwhisper's company, Stonefell trotted over to where the tom was relaxing. "Hello, Ratpelt," Stonefell said, her voice level and calm. Her nub tail flicked behind her idly. "Would you like to join Mintwhisper and I near the fresh kill pile?" With a toss of her head, Stonefell gestured towards where the fluffy shecat lay. ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 19:14:34 |
Mintwhisper - 33 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar (indirectly), Stonefell, Ratpelt, Open! Mintwhisper purred a greeting to Stonefell as the warrior joined her in the shade, she tilted her head toward Terrastar’s leaving form. “What did he say? I left before he came over.” She meowed curiously. She finished her mouse and when she looked up she noticed Stonefell had gone over to Ratpelt, a flicker of disappointment shot through her until she caught what the grey warrior was saying. She winked in Ratpelt’s direction when Stonefell gestures towards the spot where she lay. As she waited for Stonefell to return, perhaps with Ratpelt, the red warrior groomed her tail. The day was hot, especially for a cat with long fur, and so the shade was refreshing. If only the lake wasn’t drying up, maybe then she could’ve just splashed around in the water. ![]() |
Chompchomps (#155830)
UwU View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 19:26:01 |
Ratpelt - 13 moons - New Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stonefell, Mintwhisper The new warrior sits up quickly shaking some dirt from this curly pelt. The dark pelted tomcat begins to speak, "yeah of course I'd join relaxing with some pretty she-cats." His long tail flicks over to the she-cat, he catches her wink and his stomach feels uncomfortable. He shoves it down. The dark grey and black young warrior, stands from his spot and gives a soft smile. "Might as well head there now? No time to rest." Honest to himself, he expected a cat to tell him to go out and hunt for the clan like what happened several times as an apprentice. He expected the shrill call of his mentor to yowl any second. He remain tense. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 19:40:34 |
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Ratpelt, OPEN! Stonefell dipped her head and turned to pad off towards Mintwhisper with Ratpelt in tow. She either didn't notice or chose to ignore the tom's flirting, but who exactly could tell with a stoic shecat such as herself. "Also," Stonefell meowed as she settled down beside Mintwhisper, "Terrastar informed me that he would be meeting with Aetherclan's leader at the border. If he doesn't return by sundown, we must send a patrol after him." ![]() |
Chompchomps (#155830)
UwU View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 19:48:43 |
Ratpelt - 13 Moons - New Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Stonefall, OPEN Ratpelt feels the rejection and flicks his round short ears. He decides to drop it. For a while. "Ooooh sounds interesting," Ratpelt meows with extreme interest. "You know what it's about?" He asks before resting almost in front of them but with enough space for another cat to join. The dark grey tomcat begins to ponder on what they could be having a meeting over. ![]() |
Tippin🍉|1k Hibiscus Primal (#105742) ![]() Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 20:02:49 |
Stonefell - 21 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Ratpelt, OPEN! "Both clans will be working together to find whatever traces of water we can," Stonefell explained simply. She flicked her ears and began to groom her face, adding, "Most of the lake has dried up, you know." "Mintwhisper and I are part of a team tasked with finding a new source of water, but we cannot group up and leave camp until Terrastar has his meeting with Fernstar." Finishing her grooming, the grey shecat stretched and sat back, fixing Ratpelt with a solid stare. "It is imperative we find water, or the whole clan will be in jeopardy," she said—perhaps a tad too seriously—and turned to Mintwhisper. "Correct?" ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 20:06:24 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Territory - Mentions: @ Rainpaw, Mintwhisper, Risingstorm, Stonefell, Open Owlpaw halted with a turning head, The warrior was right, they were so keen to go and seek forth a destiny to unravel. He shot a glance to Terrastar's den.. What was taking him so long.. But he suppose to should gain some strength, and rest up. He looked forward to giving Rainpaw company and assisting with her wound if needed. He perked his twitching audits to Stonefell, with a devoted flick, and removed himself respectfully from the group. But it was clear the apprentice was pre-occupied with Birchheart and Tatteredjaw. Stonefell was communicating with Ratpelt, and Stonefell with Mintwhisper. The bob-tailed tom sighed for he was alone. Looking to the sky, he blinked, and let his paws carry him to the sanctuary of the apprentice den. ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-19 20:20:48 |
Mintwhisper - 33 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Ratpelt, Stonefell, Open! The long furred vitiligo warrior raised a brow at the tom’s flirtations and chuckled. She never had taken flirting seriously and therefore was very amused at Ratpelts antics. “What a casanova. I’m Mintwhisper, it’s nice to meet you tom-cat.” She paused and guilt flickered across her face. “I hope I don’t make you uncomfortable, I won’t flirt if it does.” She spoke sincerely, usually she wouldn’t flirt but the she-cat was starting to feel more comfortable in the clan and so she gained more confidence. Turning back to Stonefell she nodded, “Oui, it’s important to stay hydrated, especially with this heat. Or maybe that’s just me?” Her shorter-furred clanmates seemed to be faring better than she was at the moment, fortunately Mintwhisper was not overheating. ![]() |