Posted by Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-07 13:14:44
We have a discord!

Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.

Current Event: Check here!


You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story.
Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory.

NPC list: Check them out!


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 17:50:58
Mintwhisper - 32 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar, Open!

Mintwhisper snorted in a very unladylike manner at her leader’s act, glad he was joking with her. “Alas Terrastar there is nothing that can bribe a cat out of the gossip circle.” She shook her head slowly as if mourning his ‘lose.’ She quickly muffled her laughter when he stumbled, amusement dancing in her eyes. “That must be quite tragic if they are, they all end up looking like buffoons whenever they walk.” She slowed her walking pace slightly and raised her head to sniff the air, they seemed to be heading for the lake. But what for? Excitement and anticipation bubbled in her chest as she caught up to the tom, she did love the water. “Sooo, are you a fan of getting wet? We seem to be heading towards the lake.”

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Kanciv (#119308)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:05:10
Paleshine - 25 Moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Risingstorm, Terrastar, Open!

She felt relieved ‘He’s not mad’ “No problem.” she took in his words and thought for a moment “It’s been an off day, i think everyone’s felt a little affected.” pausing she looked back on their leaders actions “I suppose he did seem rushed.. perhaps he felt obligated to investigate immediately? I don’t know if he’s required to console everyone before allowing them into a dangerous situation but when in the position of power over others who care for you i guess you just hope for the best and then dive into the unknown..?” her tongue felt bitter for implying that Terrastar was careless. “The others fallowed without his command.. though, he didn’t appear to attempt to stop them..” she sighed “I don’t enjoy talking like this way about others, especially those who took me in, but, now that i’v said it out loud Terrastar seems to represent himself as an irresponsible leader.” at this point she was talking to herself and recalling previous events that might showcase the true traits of her leader. Sighing again she looked to Risingstorm, her once happy expression had dropped into one of deep thought and slight disappointment “If um, you ever need to talk don’t be afraid come up to me” she lifted herself from her sitting position and leaned on one paw akwardly “I’m, uh.. going to think about some stuff.” she moved passed him and towards the warrior den before stopping “Good luck on your next hunt.” after that she disappeared into the den to question her trust in Terrastar’s decisions and review what she’d learned about the warrior code.

Paleshine ended up questioning her own loyalty to the clan and understanding of how clan life worked, she’d been living with the clan for 6 moons but realized that no one would understand true clan life completely as none of the cats who made up the clan had come from the background required to be fully connected to Starclan.

-Sorry if it seems like i’m trying to rip on Terrastar, Paleshines 6th weakness is how dramatic she can be! >.<

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Aerosmith (#144435)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:25:56
Stormstep - 26 Moons - Deputy - Healty- Territory - Mentions: Owlpaw, Terrastar & Mistwhisper

Stormstep smiled. "We need to sharpen you fish hunting skills. Let's head twords the lake." He ignored the cats request to go to the border, near the fire. He un buryed the prey and grabbed it. He walked twoards the lake and burst thru a bush quickly and ran straight into Mistwhisper. "O-OOf!" He was twisted arond Mistwhisper. "Oh! I'm sorry." He flattened his ers, clearly ebaressed. He felt his pelt getting hot with embarassment and he blushed. 'Dummy!' He scolded himself in his mind. He pawed at the ground and nibbled at his disheveled fur to calm his nerves.

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Plusheh (#88717)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:31:12
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions; Birchheart, Maplestream, Terrastar, open!

After assisting Birchheart escape the fire and get back to camp, Tatteredjaw nudged the wounded warrior towards the medicine den. She may have been small, be she proved to be a great body support for unsteady cats. The grey tabby proceeded to seek out Maplestream, flinching as some leaves brushed against one of her burns. "Maplestream, Birchheart has been badly burned, and I'd like to ask that you can see to her wounds. I have to speak with Terrastar." She said, trying to ignore the sting of the small burns she'd sustained as well. They were not as bad as Birchheart's, but they still hurt nonetheless.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:36:27
Terrastar - 38 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Stormstep, Open!

Terrastar's whiskers twitched in amusement as he tried to keep up his act. "I should have known." He sighed, a little bit dramatically. He straightened himself up after his little tumble, shaking out his fur and continuing to pad towards the lake. "Hopefully they don't stumble too much, could break a paw like that." He commented with a chuckle. He glanced back at Mintwhisper as they approached the lake. They would follow the shoreline once there. "Only when I have to, I found a beautiful island during my moons of scouting out the territory." He mentioned, pointing his tail towards a piece of land disconnected from the mainland. It was clear they would have to swim there, though the swim was not long. The leader was planning on teaching his cats to swim so they could access the island easily. "How do you feel about getting wet?" His tone was light and playful.

He was about to speed up his pace when Stormstep suddenly bumped into them, literally. "Hello Stormstep, how is the hunting?" He asked, purring softly and reaching out a paw to help them get up. He hoped Mintwhisper did not mind a quick stop to chat with the deputy, and recover from being bowled over by him.

Maplestream(NPC) - Mentions: Tatteredjaw

Maplestream had been counting over his supplies, he had finally started getting the hang of different herbs. Starclan had taught him well in his dreams, and he always made sure to pass their wisdom on to Terrastar. Oh how he idolised their leader, so brave, courageous, caring... His thoughts were interrupted by Tatteredjaw bursting into his den. He shot up at once when he heard the mention of injury. "Terrastar is out with Mintwhisper, I'm not sure where they went." He informed, nervously looking at the different herbs he had gathered. For burns... what would do best for burns? "Please take me to Birchheart!" He pleaded, picking up a bundle and crossing his claws that it was right.

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Aerosmith (#144435)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-09-17 18:46:03
Stormstep - 26 Moons - Deputy - Healty- Territory - Mentions: Terrastar & Mintwhisper

Stormstep looked into Mintwhipers eyes in the sunlight. They glowed a beautiful mint green. He smiled softly at her before hearing Terrastars voice and being pulled back into reality. "Oh thanks!" He gazed at Mintwhisper. "I'm Stormstep, the deputy. I see you have met Terrastar. This is Rainpaw. He nodded at the Apprentice. "Were going to hunt fish. I'm assuming your going to the lake?"

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 19:00:34
Mintwhisper - 32 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar, Stormstep, Open!

Mintwhisper ‘oohed’ softly when Terrastar finally told her where they were heading, a small bounce entering her step. She smirked when questioned about getting wet, “I’ll have you know I spent my fair share of time on the water. So I wouldn’t mind- Oof.” Her reply was cut short as she stumbled backwards, a look of surprise flashing across her face before she noticed that Stormstep had bumped into her. “Hey no need to apologize, it was an accident.” She meowed good-naturedly. “It’s nice to meet you Stormstep, you too Rainpaw. I’m Mintwhisper.” She sizes them up for a second, a slight habit, before continuing. “Yup! Terrastar has been giving me a tour, I’m still a bit new here.” She admitted sheepishly.

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Plusheh (#88717)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-09-17 19:06:27
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Healthy - Terraclan Territory - Mentions; Birchheart, Maplestream, open!

Recognizing some of the herbs in the bundle, Tatteredjaw felt a bit calmer as she lead the medicine cat over to Birchheart. "Thank you for informing me. If you need help with treating her wounds, I'd be happy to." She said quietly, noticing the slight panic in his eyes. She gently licked Birchheart's head in a comforting manner, wincing at the sight of the poor she-cat's wounds.

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Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 19:41:56
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Stormstep

Rainpaw’s tail twitched at Str,step’s disregard, but said nothing, embarrassed. She watched him disappear through a bush, then heard an impact and an “Oof!” She crept after him to see him introducing himself to Mintwhisper. She felt as though she interrupted something intimate, and took a few steps back awkwardly. When she heard Mintwhisper greet them, she noticed an accent that she’d never heard. She must have come from far away. Rainpaw greeted the other cats, “Greetings Mintwhisper and Terrastar,” she meowed, bowing her head, “Is Aetherclan alright?”

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 02:49:31
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Terraclan Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Tatteredjaw, Maplestream, Open!

Birchheart purred a thank you to Tatteredjaw for helping her get into camp, but she desperately wanted to be apart of the action. She licked her sore paw as she thought about a way to escape the camp and find Tatteredjaw and Terrastar. Birchheart’s head swiveled towards the obviously panicked medicine cat. She slowly got up, sure not to make a sound, and slowly, she sauntered off to follow Tatteredjaw out of the camp.

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 08:29:07
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar, Tatteredjaw, Open!

Birchheart limped heavily; maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to leave camp without treatment. She pushed those thoughts aside, she wanted to be there! To report to Terrastar! This was her mission too! Birchheart winced as the movement made her burns sting. Her eyesight wasn’t much better. As she grew closer she noticed the figures of what she assumes were Terrastar and Stormstep. Along with Rainpaw and Mintwhisper.

As much as she wanted to report her mission herself, Birchheart doubted that that was the reason she left alone. Whenever she thought of Terrastar, her nose got all hot and she felt the skin beneath her fur tingle. “Why do I feel like this?” She meowed quietly to herself.

Once she made it up to the group, she paused, not knowing what to say. “T-Terrastar, Tatteredjaw and I are back from Aetherclan.”

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-18 08:49:39
Terrastar - 38 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Territory, by the Lake - Mentions: Mintwhisper, Stormstep, Birchheart, Rainpaw, Open!

Terrastar felt intrigued at what Mintwhisper mentioned, only wishing she had been able to finish her sentence. He decided to sit down and curled his black-tipped tail around his paws. He turned his attention to Rainpaw when she addressed him. He had not yet heard back from Birchheart and Tatteredjaw yet, and there was no use in hiding that. "I'm not sure, but I sent Birchheart and Tatteredjaw to find out." He replied. He looked towards the smoke, hopefully the twolegs would quench the fire soon.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a pelt move along the bushes before emerging. "Speaking of the sun." He murmured softly. He was a little amused that he had only just thought of Birchheart, now she was there. He quickly saw that the she-cat was injured, getting up so he was ready to escort her back to camp. "The report can wait, you're injured." He mewed worriedly.

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 09:36:09
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar, Open!

Birchheart’s face flushed, her fur stuck up on end. “A-are y-you sure you don’t want the report first?” She tried to argue, words failing her. Her ears dropped, it was no use in arguing with her leader. Birchheart noticed Terrastar get up to help her back, and she immediately leaned on him. Birchheart grew more embarrassed when she noticed that she was purring uncontrollably. ‘I told you it wasn’t a good idea to leave camp!’ Birchheart scolded herself, scrunching up her nose. “T-thank you foe helping me back, Terrastar.” She mewled at her leader, blinking at him affectionately. She felt those same feelings bubble up inside her again, but suppressed them before they became too obvious.

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Plusheh (#88717)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-09-18 10:27:16
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Minor burns - Territory - Mentions: Birchheart, Terrastar, Open!

Tatteredjaw padded alongside Terrastar and Birchheart, dipping her head to the other warriors before she looked ahead once more. She sent the injured warrior a look, a way of saying What were you thinking, coming out here in this condition?
With a sigh, the study she-cat began to speak. “No Aetherclan cats were killed in the fire, though many were wounded and their camp was destroyed. Fernstar requests help rebuilding their camp.” Her gaze flickered up to Terrastar, a hint of shame behind her stoic expression.

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-09-18 11:48:16
Mintwhisper - 32 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Terrastar, Stormstep, Birchheart, Tatteredjaw, Open!

Mintwhisper’s tail flicked from side to side, her brows furrowed with worry. She wondered why Birchheart hadn’t stayed at camp to rest up, those burns looked pretty bad. “You can show me the island another time. I believe your needed back at camp more now.” She mummered, slightly disappointed at not being able to see the supposedly beautiful spot. Oh well, she could wait. The clan needed its leader. Upon hearing the sudden purring from the injured warrior Mintwhisper hid her smile of amusement and kept her assumptions to herself. She decided to walk beside Tatteredjaw, gaze flicking to her injured clanmate to make sure she was okay. She stayed quiet most of the walk home. “While it looks like Birchheart got more serious injuries, but how are you fairing?” She quietly asked the she-cat next to her.

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