Posted by | Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP) |
![]() Zephyr (#117962) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:14:44 |
We have a discord! Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules! Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky! This RP takes place by the lake territory. Current Event: Check here! Lore You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story. Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory. NPC list: Check them out! Staff Admin: Sedrik Admin: Ash [WCU] Admin: Lightqueen Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord) Title your post Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions: Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962) |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 18:56:39 |
[Sorry for being late to the party. I'm finally getting my days off x.x] Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Camp - Mentions: @ Open/Anyone! Mottled grey fur floofed in the simplicitty of today's desirable breeze. Lush green vegatation compliment vibrant sunglowing eyes decorated with the highlighted tones of white and dark pupils. Calm eyes plundering into a wide gaze, where was everyone? The thick apprentice hauled to all four appendages, the bulk of his girth swaying to accompany his missing tail vertebrae, which he was perfectly atuned too. His thick broad skull, twitching like a paranoid bird to gain a familiar sight. The sun was dimming close to its horizon peak. " How long was I asleep?" The tom rubbed his winking eyes with a big paw. Wiping away the small granular debris that occured during any sleeping fiasco. Shoulder's squezzing towards his spine, with his posture hunched. Fine-haired white whiskers flexing to any slight detection of change. Jowls parting slightly to recoil his jacobson organ to take vital note of how long his comrades where gone. Should he follow or remain put with the remainder. His heart flew ablaze with a simmer flame, hoping Birchheart would spare his inconsiderate behavior. He would certainly make up for his lateness and mistake. Giving his ruffled chest fibers a rough lick, Owlpaw sat in silence, feeling his spinal cord tingle with anticipation. ![]() Edited on 18/09/18 @ 18:56:59 by Raine [Mottled Fuchsia Primal] (#835) |
doggocopter (#152652)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-18 19:27:53 |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 02:51:46 |
Terrastar - 38 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Birchheart Tatteredjaw, Open! Terrastar let out a soft sigh of relief, the promise reassured him. He walked alongside Birchheart, supporting her as they walked back to camp. He could not help a soft purr and feel affection for the she-cat when she gave his chest-fur a lick. "It's the least I can do, I should have gone to Aetherclan myself. Or at least accompanied you." He mewed, feeling responsible for the two she-cats getting injured. "Has Maplestream been able to tend to your wounds at all?" He asked worriedly. His mind wandered to the cats he had sent to mark the new border. Should he have gone with them? He needed to know Aetherclan's status, but he also wanted Tatteredjaw and Birchheart to get their injuries tended to as soon as possible. He picked up on Birchheart's constant purring, assuming that it was her being happy to be back in Terraclan territory and knowing her injuries would be treated soon. ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 03:37:54 |
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Maplestream, Owlpaw, Open! Birchheart’s purring increased when her little flirt resulted in her leader purring. She hoped to develop her relationship with Terrastar more when she wasn’t as injured. “No, I left before he cold treat any of my wounds...” Birchheart meowed sadly. She should have at least let Maplestream treat her some before she left. Maybe then she wouldn’t have to find someone to help her train Owlpaw while she was injured. “I have another thing to ask if you,” she started, hesitating a bit, “would you mind helping me train Owlpaw while my injuries are being treated? I know it’s my responsibility but I would definitely appreciate some help?” Birchheart asked. She felt a lump in her throat. How could she have been so reckless? Did she forget about Owlpaw’s training? She felt so useless asking another cat to help her train her apprentice. However, in her eyes, that was all she could do. Birchheart wanted to heal quickly, so that she could be of use to her clan again. ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 08:38:01 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Camp - Mentions: @ Terrastar, Birchheart, Open As he awaited the arrival of his fellow clan mates, pristine tuffed ears picked up on the incoming quiet motions of his leader and his mentor. His cervical muscles tilted towards the sky, noticing the fainted amber hues. The mass fluxuation of burnt skin and smoke clouded his nares. Stubby tail held erect, he bounded over to the pair with a submissive grace. " Birchheart!" He mewed, his mind and heart pulsating like a hummingbird's . His mind was cluttered with so many apologetic notes and tunes, but as the apprentice approached both fellow warriors he noticed the necrotic position of burned fur and flesh. Pointed, spekcled ears narrowed in worry. " What happened?" The apprentice paused about a foot short of their presence, with his orbits simmering to a subdued cream. Instinctively, the young tom positioned himself out of the way but stuck to his mentor's side like glue. ![]() Edited on 19/09/18 @ 08:41:43 by Raine [Mottled Fuchsia Primal] (#835) |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 08:58:37 |
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Camp - Mentions Terrastar, Owlpaw, Open! Before Birchheart heard Terrastar’s response, her ears picked up on a young toms voice. “Owlpaw!” She meowed. She didn’t expect to see her apprentice so soon. “Thank you for the concern, but it’s just a couple burns and bruises! I’ll be alright soon.” She added. She purred and rubbed her head against her apprentice. “I was actually thinking that I might have some other cat help me train you while I’m injured. I was just asking Terrastar that now!” Birchheart said softly. “I’ll still train you on hunting, but it might be better if I stay closer to camp until my wounds heal a little more. So I’ll have another warrior train you in fighting and take you along the borders! Is that alright with you, Owlpaw?” She asked sweetly, trying to hid her shame. She knew she was letting Owlpaw down, but she wanted him to get the best training, even if it want with her. Birchheart quickly turned on her paws towards Terrastar, “I didn’t get an answer from you, do you mind helping me with Owlpaw’s training while I’m injured, if not I’ll ask someone else?” She asked the tom again, a little bolder this time. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 11:57:33 |
Terrastar - 38 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Birchheart, Owlpaw, Open! Terrastar was displeased to hear that Birchheart had left before Maplestream could treat her, his worry for the she-cat increased greatly. He gave the request some thought. Owlpaw was a promising young apprentice, and he had yet to take an apprentice of his own. Perhaps helping Birchheart out wit her apprentice while she recovered would prove beneficial to everyone. He waited for the two cats to finish their conversation, glad that they had given him some time to think. "I'll gladly help with mentoring Owlpaw, you focus on getting back to full health." He replied, starting to nudge Birchheart towards the medicine cat den. "Now let Maplestream do his job, we'll both make sure you're well cared for while you recover." ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 12:04:34 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Camp - Mentions: @ Terrastar, Birchheart, Open A sensational purr musing from deep within his chest, as he shared fonded affection with his mentor. Slited pupils adoring her slightly battered frame with admiration despite the trailing remarks of pain and healing luminating behind those smiling eyes. Owlpaw couldn't help but feel an upside down episode, even though there was nothing he could do. His bobbed manx tail held stiffly to signal his uncomfortability at the mention of a new partial mentor. But he was open to trying new things, and it was help Birchheart's healing process. The gray meduim fur looked at Terrastar with quisitive eyes, a glossy film submerging them. He was unsure but at the same time, ready for this new change in routine. His skull raised a tab bit higher to glance at the towering Leader, as he nudged his former mentor to the medicine cat den to feel well. His pulsating heart throbbed a detached pin, but it was for the best. The apprentice tried to keep his cool as anxiety sternly built throughout his muscle fibers. "Thank you" He blurged out with a random sensation, talk about a random mood change? ![]() Edited on 19/09/18 @ 12:07:58 by Raine [Mottled Fuchsia Primal] (#835) |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 13:51:58 |
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Owlpaw, Open! Birchheart almost leaped for joy when Terrastar agreed to help her. “Thank you so much, Terrastar! I really appreciate it! I promise once I’m healthy I’ll take full responsibility for mentoring Owlpaw!” She purred. Birchheart gently rubbed her head against her leader’s side, before turning to her apprentice, “Once Maplestream treats me, I’ll take you out hunting near the camp, I’ll tell you when to get Terrastar for battle training and patrolling borders. For now just relax, and if Terrastar asks you to go on a patrol, listen to him.” Birchheart meowed to her apprentice. She thought for a moment, about how long her injuries would last, she quickly shook her head. Birchheart then turned towards Terrastar again, “I’ll go in and see Maplestream, thank you again for helping me!” She purred, before slowly walking to Maplestream’s den to get treatment. ![]() |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 19:08:40 |
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Owlpaw, Terrastar Rainpaw padded into camp nervously, carrying a two mice. She dropped them off at the fresh kill pile and quickly spotted Owlpaw and Terrastar. The warriors by the border probably didn’t want her to tell Terrastar about their interaction with Aetherclan just yet, so she silently bowed her head at the her leader and clanmate, trying to act natural. Her fur was a bit bristled and her steps were stiff, but she hoped that her rushed walk to the apprentice den was quick enough that Terrastar didn’t have time to ask why she entered the camp alone. ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 19:18:56 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Camp - Mentions: @ Terrastar, Birchheart, Rainpaw, Open Owlpaw almost synthesized his aura with her mentor's exclaimed excitement. Glossy pools reflecting her fine atunement in appreciation. A short smile expressing delicatedly along his facial features, Terrastar offered to feather her current situation. He couldn't help but look away; how such a burden he would become in her healing process. "You rest well, p-please.." He stutted, his pinnas catching onto sheer flames and were hot to the touch. As Birchheart faltered away, Owlpaw averted his gaze back to Terrastar with a forced smile. Infact it should be an honor do be taken on by the leader himself. Puffing out his small chest, Owlpaw rubbed his cheek against Terrastar's shoulder, his soft pools resting at Rainpaw as the she-cat darted her way into camp with an 'on edge' focus. A brow perked in interest to her fathem, but before he could say a word, she slipped into the apprentice den. His nose wrenched frustration for all he could smell was smoke. Snorted out a few strands of snot to clear his airways, he darted after his comrade into the apprentice den. " Hey, Rainpaw." Owlpaw mewed, letting his pupils from intricate slits to adjust to the lighting. ![]() |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-19 20:30:11 |
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Owlpaw Rainpaw was sitting in the back of the apprentice den when Owlpaw greeted her. She tensed at the sound of his voice, but forced her muscles to relax. “Hi Owlpaw,” she greeted. She pawed at the ground anxiously, “I’m concerned about Aetherclan,” she confessed, “I don’t think we’ll be on good terms with them for awhile.” ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 09:27:08 |
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Camp - Mentions: @ Rainpaw, Open Letting the dimmer light flex amongst his pupils, the young tom made his way quietly over to his comrade with glowing yellow orbs. Once he was directly infront of her, he sat down brushing his chin against her forehead to reconcile the anxiety that was becoming a surplus in the air. Tufted ear tips arched in direction attention to her words. " What do you mean?" Owlpaw mewed, glancing behind them as if this was a secret meeting. " Wait, that smoke? That came from their territory??" He rasped quietly. Craning his skull to look the apprentice up and down, for she too reeked of smoke and dead flames." Are you okay? You didn't get b-burned did you?" The apprentice stuttered, shiftin his front paws at the sheer utterance of his random stutter. ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 09:30:36 |
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Owlpaw, Rainpaw, Maplestream, Open! Birchheart slowly limped into the medicine den, she tipped her head and ears down in the presence of the medicine cat. “Hey Maplestream,” she started softly, “I’m here for treatment now.” She mewled. Birchheart heard Owlpaw and Rainpaw’s conversation. She hoped everything went well with Stormstep’s mission. She thought of Terrastar’s orders, ‘Do we really need to take territory from a weaker clan?’ She thought to herself. Birchheart remember the condition the Aetherclan cats were in. It made her fur shudder. Now Birchheart knee their pain. She hoped everything would sort itself out. The last thing both clans need is a fight. Her nose soon filled with the scent of plants. Both soothing and bitter. “Is there anything you can do for me?” She meowed to Maplestream. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 11:46:06 |
Terrastar - 38 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Maplestream(ID NPC), Rainpaw(ID), Tatteredjaw(ID, The patrol(ID), Birchheart, Owlpaw, Open! Terrastar shook his head at Birchheart. "No problem, really, just focus on recovering." He told her, concern audible in his voice. He bent his head down and gave Owlpaw's shoulder fur a lick. "Worry not for Birchheart, Maplestream is a wonderful medicine cat." He mewed softly to reassure the apprentice. He flicked his ears when he heard someone enter camp, turning his head to see Rainpaw hurrying to the apprentice den. He narrowed his eyes. Where was the rest of her patrol? The leader let out a suspicious huff, he would have to go to the border to see what was delaying Mintwhisper and Stormstep. He had also noticed that Tatteretjaw was missing. He had been about to ask Owlpaw to check on Rainpaw, but the apprentice had already gone when he opened his mouth. Assured that Rainpaw and Owlpaw would keep each other company, and that Maplestream would manage things while he was gone, he headed for the camp entrance. Once he was out of the camp, he sprinted towards the area he had told the patrol to mark up. Maplestream - NPC medicine cat - Mentions: Birchheart, Open! Maplestream heaved a relieved sigh when Birchheart came in, quickly ushering her to a nest. "Lay there and don't leave until I give you permission!" He commanded, nosing through the bundle he had tried to bring earlier. The medicine cat spent a few moments looking over the herbs before picking one up. "Clean your wounds while I chew this herb." He ordered. He always seemed to be bossy when cats were injured severely. He started chewing up the herb after crouching close to Birchheart. ![]() |