Posted by Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-07 13:14:44
We have a discord!

Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.

Current Event: Check here!


You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story.
Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory.

NPC list: Check them out!


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-21 17:47:14
All Aetherclan/Terraclan interaction happens on this thread!

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2018-09-21 18:50:45
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Med Den - Mentions: Risingstorm, Open!

Birchheart was even more concerned when her clan mate didn’t know where the patrol was. Where was Terrastar? And Tatteredjaw? Even more importantly, where were Rainpaw and Owlpaw? “I hope they’re okay.” She muttered to herself. “I believe Maplestream said something about going to the lake. I’m not sure why though.” She responded to Risingstorm’s inquiry. Then she felt nerves pricking at her skin as the familiar stench of smoke filled her nostrils. Her fur stood up on end as she remembered the burning heat and her eyes watered. “There’s a fire.....” She stuttered in fear. “There’s a fire near here! Towards the lake!” She yowled in panic. What was happening? Were her clan mates hurt? Where was Maplestream? Her thoughts filled with panic. She couldn’t stand to lose another family. What if Terrastar and Tatteredjaw were in trouble! She felt her thoughts and panic consume her. “We have to find them!” Birchheart yowled at Risingstorm, “We have to find them before something bad happens!”

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Fauve (CL Ferus -
Semi-Hiatus) (#12205)

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Posted on
2018-09-21 19:53:30
Risingstorm - 26 Moons - Warrior - Healthy - Med Den/Leaving Camp - Mentions: Birchheart, Open!

Panic set into his skin, sending tingles up and down his spine. Birchheart was right; where was everyone? If the fire was as serious as he was suspecting, then all of the cats that weren't in camp were possibly in grave danger! "If the fire is near the lake, that can't be good for our water supply, either!" he meowed in a strained voice. While the water was certainly important for the clan's survival in this region, it was absolutely not his primary concern.

Birchheart was an utterly loyal warrior to Terraclan, evidenced by her own panic and eagerness to find the cats who were still somewhere out in the territory. He was ready in a heartbeat to go charging out to find them, especially as he was the fastest in their clan, but there was a bright determination that was a scalding incandescent in the depths of her eyes told him that he wouldn't be leaving camp without her. His eyes searched hers, "Are you well enough to leave? You've only just gotten back to camp and you're still recovering."

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Plusheh (#88717)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-09-21 20:45:35
Tatteredjaw - 39 Moons - Warrior - Minor Burns (Treated) - Camp - Mentions; Birchheart, Risingstorm, Open!

The scarred warrior rushed into camp, paw pads burning from the abuse they’d taken from the rough terrain. She couldn’t risk not getting there quickly, so she stood the less comfortable and smooth path back to camp. A small cough escaped her throat, but she brushed it off as she approached the two warriors. It seemed she got too close to the fire while staring at the corpses of Maplestream and Willlwtuft, her mother who she always came to for comfort or reassurance. The reality of the situation threatened to crush her spirit, to destroy her mind, but she held strong for her clan. She dipped her head to arisingstorm and Birchheart. “Hello, Risingstorm, Birchheart. How are your wounds?” She asked quietly. When the clan was safe she could mourn. She just had to wait a bit longer.

(Rubypaw is in Terraclan camp, if you guys wanna interact with him hop on over to the Aether/Terra board <3)

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Edited on 21/09/18 @ 20:56:43 by Plusheh (#88717)

Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 04:07:45
Birchheart - 24 Moons - Warrior - Injured - Med Den - Mentions: Risingstorm, Tatteredjaw, Open!

Amidst all her panic, Birchheart was soothed by the familiar smell of her friend. Tatteredjaw was safe. Her fur immediately settled on her skin. She purred at the presence of her friend. “Hello, Tatteredjaw!” Birchheart chirped, visibly happier to see her. “My wounds are fine for now, Maplestream just finished healing them before darting out of the camp, do you know where he is?” She asked Tatteredjaw curiously. “And do you know where the rest of the clan is? Like Terrastar and Owlpaw?” Birchheart added. ‘How could Owlpaw be so mouse-brained? Leaving the camp when there’s a fire, he could get himself killed!’ She thought to herself. She wanted to make sure everyone was okay, especially Terrastar and Owlpaw, but she relaxed knowing that Tatteredjaw was okay.

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Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 13:51:29
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Gash on Left Thigh - Territory - Mentions:

Rainpaw, went to follow Owlpaw when a gust of smoke blew into her face. Coughing, she noticed that the wind had started to pick up, furthering the pace of the fire that she could now see devouring the trees not too far away. When she turned around, Owlpaw was gone. She tried to catch his scent, but she couldn’t smell anything other than smoke. Panicked, she ran in the vague direction of camp. Owlpaw couldn’t have gotten far, she thought, as she urged herself to run faster.

“Owl-“ her call was cut short as a branch fell from a nearby tree that had been engulfed in flames, landing on her back. Yelping, she frantically pulled herself out from under it before she was burned. Rainpaw looked around with wide eyes, noticing a familiar log. Ah, so she was on Terraclan territory. She headed towards camp, adrenaline rushing and blood pounding in her ears. She wasn’t far from camp when she noticed the stinging pain in her back leg. When she looked back, her left leg was drenched in blood, a long gash going from her hip to the bottom of her thigh. A sharp piece of the branch must have cut her. Looking at the injury made her feel nauseous, so she continued briskly in the direction of camp with a slight limp.

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Fauve (CL Ferus -
Semi-Hiatus) (#12205)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 14:19:34
Risingstorm - 26 Moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions; Birchheart, Tatteredjaw, Open!

His ears swiveled to attention as Tatteredjaw hurdled into camp, a small cough escaping her throat. Was she caught in the flames, too? He flicked the tip of his tail in concern, but bowed his head deeply to her with respect at her approach. "Tatteredjaw," he acknowledged quietly, not wishing to consume much attention away from her entrance yet desiring to have her recognize his noticing of her.

He waited in quiet eagerness for the senior warrior's response, for he, too, was keen on knowing the whereabouts and status of his clanmates. His toes kneaded the soil beneath them, anxious to be set to work however needed of him.

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 18:18:49
Mintwhisper - 32 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Stormstep, Rainpaw, Maplestream, Open!

Mintwhisper dashed into Terraclan camp out of breath, her mint gaze frantically searching camp. She knew Stormstep was a few lengths behind her but as she looked around camp a sinking feeling settled in her stomach. Where was everyone? Where was Rainpaw and the other apprentices?? Maplestream? Dread washed over the long furred she cat, her breathing picked up as she tried to regain her level head.

Dashing back out of camp she ignored Stormstep as she passed him, heading toward the fire. She may not have known the appies well but surely they had heard the faint yell too and had gone to investigate. Her legs couldn’t seem to carry her fast enough toward the rising smoke. “RAINPAW?!” She yelled desperately, despite not knowing them for long her clan was her family and she would not give up on helping her clanmates. “RAINPAW! Where are you?!” She slowed down, her chest heaving. She was closer to the smoke now and her fur was ruffled from her panic.

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Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-22 18:45:42
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Entering Territory - Mentions: @ Rainpaw, Birchheart [ID], Terrastar[ID], Mintwhisper[ID] Open

" Come on!" The grey speckled apprentice rasped with fear harboring climaxing terror. He sprinted quickly and cautiously, his peripherals becoming narrow as smoke began to cloud his visual judgement. A cough expelling from his lungs as he rasped for fresh air. His nostrils throwing a fit against the smug. Owlpaw didn't recall how far he had traveled, before noticing that Rainpaw wasn't behind him. A drifting yell only then caught the dreadful realization that he had left her. Immediately the apprentice halted, scooping up clumps of dirt under his claws. " Rainpaw!" He cried, distraught highlighting his eyes and mouth. How could he be so empty-minded?? " Stay Put! I'm coming!" He yowled, hoping that she could hear him. His eyes darting in circles for her could not remember in that exact instance where he was? Swift as a blade, the apprentice ran back towards the source of the cry. The amber flames arising like flowers sprouting in the spring after good rain. The heat intensifying times 50.

"Rainpaw! Where are you!?" He yowled lowly, hearing Mintwhisper's howl at the end of his cry, but was being muffled by the flames. He searched around for his comrade, not sure if she was still here, hopping that Mintwhisper found her first. He stopped once he encountered a fallen, log was it? Or maybe a branch. Either way it was on fire, and simmering to charcoal. His lungs screaming for air at this point. Walking backwards, the apprentice turned tail towards a clearer part of vegetation to regain his sights. Heart beat pounding 250 beats per minutes as he felt every muscles sprung to life like a doll. His vision was beginning to fade, and his senses were becoming duller the longer he remained. Moving apart from the flames, he caught his breath, hacking up any residue soot that settled into his nostrils.

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Edited on 22/09/18 @ 19:16:07 by Raine [Mottled Fuchsia Dense] (#835)

Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 19:13:24
Rainpaw - 12 Moons - Apprentice - Gash on Left Thigh - Territory - Mentions: Owlpaw, Mintwhisper

Rainpaw’s ears perked at the sound of Owlpaw's voice, seemingly from the direction she just came. Soon after, Mintwhisper’s voice followed. “Mintwhisper? I’m over here!” She cried, heart pounding, “Mintwhisper, Owlpaw needs help!” Rainpaw spun around, heading back in the direction of the flames.

Oh Starclan, she thought as she heard the roar of fire grow near, Please let Owlpaw be okay!

Guilt swelled in her chest, making her throat burn. This was her fault. If she hadn’t over-reacted, the two of them would have been safe at camp. “Owlpaw!” she called, quickening her pace, “We're coming to get you!”

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Edited on 22/09/18 @ 19:14:03 by 🌱Wolfie🌱 (#60955)

Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 19:43:16
Mintwhisper - 32 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Rainpaw, Owlpaw, Open!

Mintwhisper’s sensitive ears twitched trying to hear above the roar of the flames. Was that Rainpaw she heard? “I’m coming! Crouch as low as you can to the ground!” She yelled before diving into the burning forest. She tried to stay as low to the ground as she could while going as fast as she could squinting through the embers. The lower to the ground the more air you would be able to have, or at least she’s heard.

The deep red she cat’s ears twitched again trying to catch Rainpaws voice. She veered toward what direction she thought Rainpaw was in, her paws skimming the ground. Soon she passed a slowly burning log with paw tracks nearby, she was getting closer. “Rainpaw?” She squinted into the burning forest. “Rainpaw!” She yelled, bounding toward the apprentice as her figure came into view.

As she got closer to the younger cat Mintwhisper looked over the apprentice’s body ears flattening when she saw the gash on Rainpaw’s leg. Taking shallow breathes she lowered her head a bit, blinking away the stinging in her eyes from the smoke. “Who else is here? Owlpaw?” She couldn’t match a face to the name so the warrior trusted Rainpaw to help find the missing apprentice. They would worry about injuries once they were out.

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Edited on 22/09/18 @ 19:44:13 by Elska (#140306)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-22 19:49:37
The fire is located away from the forest Terraclan's camp is in. It is restricted to the area on on the South-East side of the lake, North of where the Riverclan camp would have been. There are currently humans with firetrucks there who have put the fire out.

The only purpose of the fire was to kill off Maplestream, and destroy some land belonging to Terraclan. The camp and forest are not in danger.
Please read over replies in Aether/Terra interaction as sometimes information about the environment is given there.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-23 16:46:50
Terrastar - 38 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Rainpaw(ID), Owlpaw(ID), Mintwhisper, Open!

Terrastar raised his head as he heard shrieks coming from the area the twolegs had put out. He turned his head and stared in shock. How had he missed living clanmates? He steeled himself and swallowed heavily. The twolegs were still around. He worried they would get in his way when trying to figure out who was there and who was not. After a deep breath, the leader crouched and started stalking towards the area, avoiding the patches where the fire had burned away the grass. He heard the twolegs mewl amongst themselves, and spotted one getting into a big red monster. Were they leaving? He felt hopeful, and padded towards the few trees in the area. The trees seemed charred, and a few branches had broken off here and there. He assumed the branches must have hit a clanmate, or spooked them.

The dark coloured tom snuck around the large red monster that remained, able to see some fur move around by one of the trees. He vaguely recognised the scent of Mintwhisper through the stench of the charred lands. "Mintwhisper?" He mewed, though the cats had already started to run off. He faintly heard the mention of Owlpaw, and grew more concerned. How could he allow this to have happened? He felt a sliver of guilt, but shook his head and started running after the two cats. He now recognised Rainpaw's pelt. Hopefully they would be able to locate Owlpaw soon and get back to camp. He needed to make an announcement of Maplestream's death.

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Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-23 17:15:29
Owlpaw - 7 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Entering Territory - Mentions: @ Rainpaw, Birchheart [ID], Terrastar, Mintwhisper, Open

Hacking up a flame, Owlpaw felt the extreme heat disenegrate around him. The smug, was becoming increasingly outrageous. Tufted wars tip perking to his name being called. Mintwhisper and Rainpaw were now looking for him even though the reason he came out here was the exact opposite. Once he could catch his breath, the thick bodied Tom howled. “ I’m over here! Coming!”

The apprentice darted towards their voices using them as a guidance to the subdued flames that were molten like chalk. The forest looked so.. dead in this area. Strange noises keeping his nerves on end and he could smell water for some strange reason despite the lake being dried. Squeezing his way through a pair of fallen trees he finally reunited with his comrades. “ Rainpaw, Mintwhisper!” He mewed, rejoice elementing his voice. He brushed his check along Rainpaw before brushing his entire body against Mintwhisper. Like how a kitten would do to it’s mother as part of reassurance and familiarity. He was formerly glad that Rainpaw was safe. His clan mates newly acquired injury didn’t go unnoticed however.

“ What happened to your leg?” His faced switches off like a lamp, blame building up in his chest. If he hadn’t had left her so selfishly.. His teeth clenched in bare realization that he caused harm to another even if it was unitentionally. He nosed Rainpaw back towards camp with haste. Maybe Maplestream could patch it up real fast. He was also wanting to visit his mentor Birchheart as well to see how she was.

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Edited on 23/09/18 @ 17:16:39 by Raine [Mottled Fuchsia Dense] (#835)

Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-09-23 18:28:43
Mintwhisper - 32 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Rainpaw, Owlpaw, Open!

The deep red warrior let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, the ire was going out and the smoke was starting to clear. She sneezed, her nose still tingling from the smoke. It was also uncomfortablely damp, she guessed the twolegs had somehow gathered water to put the fire out with. When she raised her head she was pleasantly surprised to see Owlpaw coming towards Rainpaw and herself. “Owlpaw! Are you alright?” She purred in relief, checking the apprentice over like a worried mother.

She didn’t mind as he pressed against her body, she was just as relieved to see him alive and leaned slightly against him. To both reassure herself and him that they were okay. Now to get back to camp, she looked worriedly over at Rainpaw. “Alright, think you can make it back to camp without too much trouble?” She asked. She was worried and wanted to chastise the young cats for running towards the fire instead of away but couldn’t say she hadn’t thought of doing the same.

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