Posted by Warriors Roleplay Sign-Ups

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 13:21:43

Main Roleplay Thread




•Follow The Warrior Code.
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Relationships must form through roleplay.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•Up to three OC's per person, not including cat outside of the main clan (those are unlimited).
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join the clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

- Foxshadow
Medicine Cat:
Med. App.:
Warriors: (OPEN)
Apprentices: (OPEN)
Queens: (OPEN)
-Pebblekit (Palebelly)
-Foxkit (Palebelly)
Elders: (OPEN)
Cats outside of Anouraclan:
-Pierre (Kitty pet)
-Seed (Loner)
-Skipper /Hazepaw/(Loner)
-Night of Many Stars (Loner/Ex-Tribe)
-Spiderleaf (Duletclan Warrior)
-Hollowpaw (Duletclan Apprentice)
-Flickpaw (Duletclan Apprentice)


•Anouraclan: North
--Main clan, respected by all except Duletclan. Is open to all kinds of outsiders except cats who were kicked out of their clan and other clans.
•EastflowerClan: East
--Weird clan who accepts all and is far too forgiving. Their cats are nice, but its rumored that's just what they want their rivals to think. 'Nice and innocent.'
•Duletclan: South
--Respectable clan that is great in most battles. They are 100% clan blood, their leader will not accept outsiders unless they can confirm they were once a clan cat.
•West. (Open clan to suggest a name for)


--Edit (-) Only!!
•(Image /optional/)
•Clan:(leave blank of Anouraclan, or just state Anouraclan)
•Moons:(Age in moons)
•Desc.:(Description and personality)
•Other: (Are you open to being related/kin to any other members of the clan? If so, state here. Open for a relationship? State here. Anything else? Here.)


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Edited on 22/03/19 @ 06:16:47 by Audrey II (#169528)

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 14:33:01
[image link removed]
•Name: Applepaw
•Rank: Apprentice
•Moons: 8
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Pansexual
•Desc.: He is sarcastic, snarky, but also humorous when around those he's comfortable with or trust. Also stubborn and adventurous. He is impulsive and loyal (but only with conditions). He only seems to care about himself and his future most of the time.
•Other: PM me if you want to be related/kin to my cat. If you want a relationship, whether it be friendship or romantic, or anything, you must let it develop through roleplay. If you have any other questions, PM me.

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Edited on 02/03/19 @ 14:44:10 by Sinbreaker (#136399)

Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 20:04:49
Name: Owlscar
Rank: Warrior
Moons: 15 moons
Gender: Female
Preference: Bisexual
Desc.: A chocolate brown she-cat with darker brown stripes with orange eyes with a scar over one eye. She is a slightly rude and sarcastic cat but is mostly level headed and is one of the few cats who will question the leader or deputy if a choice seems morally wrong. She is a former rouge who was attacked by an owl as a kit. Most cats probably don’t like her but she can be kind once you get past her rough exterior
Other:For the being related part is no because of the being a former rouge thing, sorry. But I am not opposed to a rp relationship just PM me and I’ll see but please let a friendship develop through the rp before asking.

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doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-03 05:09:33
•Name: Palebelly
•Rank: Queen
•Moons: 20 Moons
•Gender: Female
•Preference: Heterosexual
•Desc.: Small, pale grey she-cat with a white belly and extremities(limbs), including her face and ears. She has long, soft fur that is very well-kept. She has amber eyes. Currently, her belly is swollen with new additions to Anouraclan. She is quiet and very kind. Very affectionate and friendly.
•Other: Open to any family members. If anyone wants to play as one of her kits, you can. If you’re interested, just ask and I’ll gladly accept. Her mate is Pierre

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 21:04:47 by |Lovey♥Dovey| (#133614)

doveyy (#133614)

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Posted on
2019-03-04 21:04:15

•Name: Pierre
•Rank: Kittypet
•Moons: 24 Moons
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Heterosexual
•Desc.: Tall, with short brown tabby fur. Amber eyes. His tail is stubby and he has a black collar with silver studs on it. He is kind and always trying to make others laugh.
•Other: The father of Palebelly’s kits.

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Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)

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Posted on
2019-03-05 07:18:39
•Name: Echostar
•Rank: Leader
•Moons: 27 moons
•Gender: She-Cat
•Preference: Straight
•Desc.: She is a jet black cat with four white paws, a white chest, white ear tips, a white tail tip, and two white eye dots. She has deep blue eyes. She is a fun cat and loves to hang out with her clan. She wants to be a part of everyday life and help her clan out any way she can.
•Other: I am open for a relationship! -Echostar

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-07 15:22:12
White Cat Leaning on Brown Concrete in Macro Shot Photography
•Name:(Name) Frostbite
•Rank:(Rank) warrior
•Moons:(Age in moons) 20 moons
•Gender:(Gender) she cat
•Preference:(Sexuality) straight
•Desc.:(Description and personality) rude( at times),kind(at times),flirty,,stubborn.
•Other: (Are you open to being related/kin to any other members of the clan? If so, state here. Open for a relationship? State here. Anything else? Here.) Open to mates and kin

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-08 19:08:49
•(Image /optional/) Close-up Portrait of Cat
•Name:(Name) Blossompaw
•Rank:(Rank) apprentice
•Moons:(Age in moons) 7
•Gender:(Gender) she cat
•Preference:(Sexuality) straight
•Desc.:(Description and personality) very kind,stubborn,witty,shy
•Other: open pm me

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-08 20:33:28
Name: Seed
Rank: Loner
Moons: 14
Gender: She-cat
Sexuality: lesbian
Desc: a kind and curious she cat with pretty cream colored fur, she has small wing like markings on her side. She loves adventure and is good with herbs
Other: not open for relationship or being kin

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Edited on 08/03/19 @ 20:35:20 by Pastelly (#165589)

20mia08 (#66703)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-10 13:46:47
Image Credit: "Abyssinian Cat Looking Up Stock 1" by FurLined of DeviantArt, image links to credit, (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

Name: Foxshadow
Rank: Deputy
Moons: 23 moons
Gender: Tom (male)
Preference: Heterosexual
Desc.: Compact and athletic like his heritage, this handsome ruddy ticked tabby is swift on his paws and stealthy in the shadows. While boasting a muscular and healthy build, he's a surprisingly light-weight cat, allowing him to climb trees as he pleases. But water-- that's a big no-no for him. While his fur is dense, slick, and short, the deputy absolutely despises getting wet, and any pranks involving him getting doused in the water will not be tolerated. True to his appearance, Foxshadow is energetic and surprisingly social for a cat of exotic heritage. He boasts an attitude that requires everyone to be involved, even the wallflowers of his clan. However, Foxshadow is not a private cat, and that may be one of his greatest faults yet. He firmly believes in having the entire Clan aware of any situation, with a "team work makes the dream work" attitude that simply cannot be ignored.
Other: He's open to a mate and/or kits, but likely no family members. I believe that, because of his ancestry, he was born a kittypet from a show lineage. So more than likely, his family left him to do "better things".

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Edited on 10/03/19 @ 14:13:34 by 20mia08 (#66703)

20mia08 (#66703)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-10 14:22:49
"Snow's Cat" by Nicola Centenaro on Flickr, image linked, (CC BY 2.0)

Name: Skipper (Formerly: Hazepaw)
Rank: Loner (ex-Clan)
Moons: 9 moons
Gender: Tom (male)
Preference: Heterosexual (straight)
Desc.: Flamboyant and a bad-boy by nature, this handsome lynx point guy is well-aware of his charming appearance, and won't hesitant to flaunt it. What he loves to boast about, above all things else, is the freedom he has as a loner. The tom is all about having "no rules", but secretly hates being ignored and left out all on his own. Loneliness is something he simply cannot bear. As he grows older and continues to live a solo life, he's getting a little ambitious. Maybe it's just because of that good old adolescent age? Or maybe he's looking to make a rival Clan or loner clowder? Who knows, but for now, his hanging around the Anouraclan border is entirely harmless. He just loves a good chat.
Other: He's free game to family, friends, crushes (m/f, will only reciprocate female), mate, kits (future), etc.

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Edited on 10/03/19 @ 14:34:10 by 20mia08 (#66703)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-10 16:09:34
•Name: Cherryfrost
Cherry|Her Pinkish toned color| Frost| Her cold personality
•Rank: Warrior
•Moons: 13
•Gender: Female
•Preference: Bisexual
Breed: Somali Cat
Body Structure: Muscular, but small
Height: Shortish
Pelt Color: Redish, Pink in some lights
Extra/Special Markings: Bright Orange Patches on her back and front feet.
Eye Color: Green
Scars/Injuries: Scars on her stomach

Cherryfrost doesn't talk to other's much. She would much rather take a nap in the shade. She isn't very loyal to the clan and likes to take walks along the edge of the territory. She does like to hunt and contributes a bunch to the fresh-kill pile. But that's about it towards clan loyalty. She also likes fight and is very calm. She rarely lets anycat get to her.

•Other: Open to Kin/Mate/Kits/Friends.

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20mia08 (#66703)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-11 17:38:41
"Watchcaddy" by SilverBengalCat, Flickr, (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Name: Pebblekit
Rank: Kit
Moons: Unborn (currently)
Gender: She-cat (female)
Preference: Undecided, young
Desc.: Little Pebblekit is an overall lover of everything that moves, from the big elders in her clan, to the little beetles that scoot around camp. One thing that she will never outgrow is her overall amiable and easily-attached nature that causes her to form strong bonds with just about everyone. However, taking advantage of this sensitive molly is easy. But just be aware that using her to your advantage will break her innocent little heart. Regardless of her innocence, there is one thing that remains on Pebblekit's mind: the world around her. Exploration and wanderlust runs through her veins, and there's no denying her that adventure that lies in her future. Pebblekit's appearance matches her personality: a thin and lithe build meant for long distances. In terms of coloration, she is a silver rosetted spotted tabby with grass-green eyes.
Other: Daughter of Palebelly & Pierre (permission granted), open to friends/crushes/mate/enemies/etc

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Pastelly (Parhelion
Ferus!) (#165589)

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Posted on
2019-03-11 18:01:51
Name: Fernkit
Rank: kit
Gender: male
Moons: unborn
Preference: none atm
Desc: small red brown Tom with a white tipped tail and is deaf in one ear (this shows in the ear that flops over). He has amber eyes. He is shy and anxious often, he prefers to only talk to those he is close to. He often try’s to learn herbs or wander. He likes collecting flowers and puts them around his deaf ear.
. He fears the day where he might have to fight someone
Other: granted permission to be Palebellys kit

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Edited on 19/04/19 @ 22:25:52 by Pastelly (#165589)

Tohru (#168968)

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Posted on
2019-03-15 10:07:52
•(Image /optional/)
•Name: Geckofern
•Rank: Medicine Cat
•Moons: 20
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Demisexual `needs to get to know someone before a relationship, but if he has feelings for them, it doesnt matter their gender`
Pelt~ He basically looks like a leopard gecko, same coloring but dark, with icey blue eyes.
Personality~ Hes not that grumpy and normally upbeat and happy. He enjoys life and hanging around the people he love, like family and friends. He is all in all a very energetic and nice tom with a soft kind heart.
•Other: Im open to being anyones mate that i get to know first, aswell as anyones kin aslong as i get to know them and thier not rude or disrespectful. ^^

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HawtFaux (#31752)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2019-03-15 14:38:36

(Can't get image to work, so her is the link for anyone who is interersted in her looks! )
Otterholt has a mangled right paw from getting caught in a snare when she was a warrior apprentice. (Just imagine the Poached decor in-game and that's what the scars look like.)
•Name: Otterholt
•Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
•Moons: 12
•Gender: Female
•Preference: Bisexual
•Personality: Otterholt has a fiery, spirited personality and is never afraid to speak her mind. Her mangled paw does not stop her from exploring every bit of forest and land she can run, jump, and climb on. Often found deep in the higher foliage of the trees when in thought, one would wonder if the shecat's paw was actually lame. Somewhat self reserved, she only opens up to her close friends and holds her temper around those she knows well; be warned if you cross her line or you'll see the sharp edge to her tongue. Regardless of her temper, she is always patient and respectful to the kits and young apprentices of the clan.
•Other: Open to relationships/kin/friends/crushes; just let the relationship play out in the RP first!

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Edited on 15/03/19 @ 14:39:32 by HawtFaux (#31752)

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