Posted by Warriors Roleplay Sign-Ups

Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-02 13:21:43

Main Roleplay Thread




•Follow The Warrior Code.
•Do not kill another roleplayer without their consent/permission!
•Semi-lit to Lit only. No asterisks. At least 3-4 lines.
•Relationships must form through roleplay.
•Follow the sign-up sheet and always use the opening with every response/reply you give.
•Drama and prophecies are allowed and welcomed. Cats outside of clans and in other clans are allowed as well, so long as you have ONE main character in Anouraclan!
•Up to three OC's per person, not including cat outside of the main clan (those are unlimited).
•The 'moon' suffix and prefix is not allowed.
•Join the clan at any time. If we are mid-roleplay and you want to leave the roleplay for good, you must kill off your character. YOUR OC is canon in this little universe of ours, therefore even after you're gone, it will still be acknowledged and remembered.
•You may suggest another territory location whenever

- Foxshadow
Medicine Cat:
Med. App.:
Warriors: (OPEN)
Apprentices: (OPEN)
Queens: (OPEN)
-Pebblekit (Palebelly)
-Foxkit (Palebelly)
Elders: (OPEN)
Cats outside of Anouraclan:
-Pierre (Kitty pet)
-Seed (Loner)
-Skipper /Hazepaw/(Loner)
-Night of Many Stars (Loner/Ex-Tribe)
-Spiderleaf (Duletclan Warrior)
-Hollowpaw (Duletclan Apprentice)
-Flickpaw (Duletclan Apprentice)


•Anouraclan: North
--Main clan, respected by all except Duletclan. Is open to all kinds of outsiders except cats who were kicked out of their clan and other clans.
•EastflowerClan: East
--Weird clan who accepts all and is far too forgiving. Their cats are nice, but its rumored that's just what they want their rivals to think. 'Nice and innocent.'
•Duletclan: South
--Respectable clan that is great in most battles. They are 100% clan blood, their leader will not accept outsiders unless they can confirm they were once a clan cat.
•West. (Open clan to suggest a name for)


--Edit (-) Only!!
•(Image /optional/)
•Clan:(leave blank of Anouraclan, or just state Anouraclan)
•Moons:(Age in moons)
•Desc.:(Description and personality)
•Other: (Are you open to being related/kin to any other members of the clan? If so, state here. Open for a relationship? State here. Anything else? Here.)


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Edited on 22/03/19 @ 06:16:47 by Audrey II (#169528)

HawtFaux (#31752)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2019-03-17 08:23:22
•Name: Night of Many Stars
•Rank: Loner (Ex-Tribe)
•Moons: 24 moons
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Straight
•Personality: Despite Night of Many Stars' tribe being massacred in a rock slide high in the mountains seen from Anouraclan territory, the tomcat is still surprisingly jovial. Through his 5 moon journey to reach the clan's territory, Night of Many Stars has also become a strategist and a survivalist in thick and tricky situations; his sharp wit and survival skills make him a naturally born leader in battle and escape. The tomcat's peaceful and calm nature would never hint to the true warrior he is within, though his massive size (13in tall) would make any cat weary of approaching; his strange, mottled appearance also makes him stand out amongst other cats.
•Other: Not open to kin, but open to friendships/crushes/relationships. Night of Many Stars is also attempting to join the clan cats! Completely up to the leaders discretion if this "plot" actually goes through or not!

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Edited on 17/03/19 @ 08:24:26 by HawtFaux (#31752)

GhostJustice (#170654)

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Posted on
2019-03-17 12:41:39
•Name: Honeypaw
•Rank: Apprentice
•Moons: 9
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Bisexual
•Desc.: A petite dilute calico tom with green eyes. He is mostly golden with a white underbelly and face and distinctive dark gray markings over his eyes, shoulders, tail, and toes. His tail is particularly fluffy. This small tom is the first one to make his presence known in any situation. Quick witted yet exceptionally adept at making terrible decisions, he's prone to snappy quips levied directly at the most irritable people. Although, less apparent is his excellent observational skills and his ability to read others fairly well, which can be a benefit or an aid in his efforts to get under others' skin.
•Other: Open to familial relationships/crushes/ect.

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🎵Songheart💜 (#46382)

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Posted on
2019-03-19 23:34:48
Link to Sweetgaze

•Clan: Anouraclan
•Name: Sweetgaze
•Rank: Warrior
•Moons: 59 Moons (5 Years)
•Gender: Female
•Preference: No Preference
•Personality: Sweetgaze is exactly that: very sweet and feathery. She is kind to everyone she meets and polite to those who are disrespectful. She has a very good memory and can identify herbs by smell. She tries to help the apprentices with their duties when she has free time and enjoys sleeping under the stars. She is very lovable but is disrespected a lot due to her soft voice and delicate demeanor.
•Description: Sweetgaze is a small, pure white she-cat. She has short legs, a shorter tail, a short snout, and short ears. Overall: she's a shorty. She has large, winter blue eyes with a dark liner and a black nose.
•Other: She is open to any relationship! I would especially love to have her be the mother of someone! (Also I count moons as months but if the time is different she would be younger. Like if 23 Moons is human years [assuming the cats would age in human years as well] then she would be around 28 years)

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Ron Stampler
(Business Man) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-03-20 07:33:59
•(Image /optional/)
•Clan: Duletclan
•Name: Hollowpaw
•Rank: Apprentice
•Moons: 9
•Gender: She-cat
•Preference: Straight
•Desc.: Dark calico with yellow eyes, white and brown-red patches with black around her flank and tail.
•Other: Open to kin and relationships.

•(Image /optional/)
•Clan: Duletclan
•Name: Flickpaw
•Rank: Apprentice
•Moons: 6
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Undetermined
•Desc.: Light gray nebelung tom with light blue eyes and white flecks on his flank that look somewhat like dropelts of snow. He has a slight muscle spasming problem, wide eyes, and slender build. Much of a scaredy cat and know-it-all.
•Other: Open to kin and relationships. Spiderleaf's son.

•(Image /optional/)
•Clan: Duletclan
•Name: Spiderleaf
•Rank: Warrior
•Moons: 26
•Gender: Male
•Preference: Straight
•Desc.: Gray silky tom with large black patches that look like the gray is just thin lightning streaks or spider webs. Bluish grey eyes. Snarky, sharp, and rude.
•Other: Open to kin and relationships. Flickpaw's father.

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Edited on 01/04/19 @ 08:06:31 by Audrey II (#169528)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-20 11:29:25

IMG Source

•Name: Ripplekit

•Rank: Kit

•Moons: Unborn

•Gender: Male

•Preference: Too Young to Know

•Desc.: He is very close to his siblings, being the biggest he often stands up for them. He is not scared of arguing with his mother if he needs to. Other times he seems very tamed and likes to talk. He will often wander off on his own and likes to try and bring his siblings with him. He would sacrifice himself for them in a heartbeat.

•Other: A kit of Palebelly's

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-04-09 18:21:40
Clan: Duletclan
•Moons:(Age in moons) 30 moons
•Gender:(Gender) female
•Desc.:(Description and personality)Cream colored she cat with pale blue eyes,she has one long scar that goes along her shoulders and three claw marks on her nose. Palestar is a very nice but fierce leader that will do anything to protect her clan.
•Other: open for mate or kin

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woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-05-19 09:03:26
•Clan: none
•Name: n/a (he never got one)
•Rank: loner
•Moons:less than a moon (3 weeks)
•Gender: tom
•Preference:(Sexuality) to young for that
•Desc.: a small grey tom-kit with black paws and face
•Other: open for crush or kin
•history: his mother and litter-mates died at birth. he survived off the milk his mother already had till he could try and eat meat.

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Edited on 19/05/19 @ 09:04:25 by woofwooftails (#142574)

woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-05-19 09:12:32
•Clan: Anouraclan
•Name: Fidgetripple
•Rank: warrior
•Moons: 23 moons
•Gender: tom
•Preference: bisexual
•Desc.: black tom with brown and white stripes. Hes very much of a gentlemen and is ver clever and serious.
•Other: open for crush or kin

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