Posted by Fantasy High School(Closed)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 18:03:54
On your last day of being in 8th grade, students in your class talk about a new High School that just randomly opened up that week. You ask what it was about and get information that gives you chills down the spine(Human)/gives you hope and excitement(Creatures). As you walk home you see flyers of the High School on the walls and light poles every now and then. "Welcome to Fantasy High where all can learn in the same environment! Whether you are human or creature nothing will change or effect you for being you! Join us now" You finally get home and as you enter your parent hands you a letter. It seemed to be from a High School and as you open it you read:
Dear (Character),
You are invited to intend Fantasy High School as well as some other selected teens to be introduced to this idea of peace. We have heard good things from you from your school. We will happily give you a dorm as fit for any and all personal needs. Please note that school will start on the same day as all the other schools which is September 1st. All we recommend is to pack everything and come to school's campus as soon as possible to get your dorm faster. We cherish all of our students and are looking forward in seeing you at our school.
We wish the best for you,
Mrs. Holler the principle and all the staff

The new school wanted YOU
You thought as you read the ending of the letter. No other school would have cared less but this school hand chosen their students. After thinking of it for awhile you go and call the school. After of hours of talking you end the call and start packing up all your belongings. Your parents helping you as much as possible. The next day your parents drive you to the train as fast as possible. After getting on the train you meet new people and some you befriend.
After a few days you get to the train stop of where the school was. It took only a couple of minutes to walk to the school with your belongings. There as you get to the entrance you see the ginormous buildings. As you enter the gates you see other students some humans and some creatures. You go the the office and get your dorm number along with your schedule.
What will you do during the school year? Will you make friends with the opposite species? Will you continue to come back to this school until it's time for college? Chooses are only limited to those with very limited minds.


Principle and assistant Principles
*Mrs. Holler
* Gary Wolfmen
*Lucy Wolfmen
*Leo Lindworm
(Add more slots if needed)
Other Staff
(Add more slots if needed)
*Luna Bluestar
*Willow Holler
*Ellen Bluenight
*Eric Scoli
*Jasper Cunning
* Kitty San
*Orpheus Khuzayma(maybe gone???)
*Henry Doe
*Spirit Freelance
*Lucy Lindworm
* Mayhem ElkWood
*Night Bloom
*Akiono Holler
*Mikaela "Righter" Lovecraft
* Galaxy
*Sinca Malia
(Add more slots if needed)
Children on Campus
*Sparrow Holance
*Pride,Lust, Greed, ect


*Have fun
*Be creative
*No bad talking others unless the owner of that character allows it
*No sexual stuff go to PMs
*As long as you have permission from the owner your character can have a crush on others
*No OOC talk here
*Relationships allowed

If you are alone and want to join in just try to find which characters are not very busy. If all characters are busy do not whine about it. We make characters a lot and every now and then die off if nothing interesting happens. If you really want to get in at the beginning then pm me and we can work out a character I can make. Remember if I make a character but then you no longer rp with them I have the right to kill them off to make more room for other characters.

Other places


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Edited on 21/05/19 @ 22:15:19 by Akemi Zero (#168247)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 19:53:42
Willow nodded "I will accept...."

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 20:08:43
Spirit, Henry, and kitty stands towards willow

Kitty smile and gives her dagger to willow “with my power you have the ability to control the wild” kitty disappears into the dagger

Henry smile and gives his Spear to willow “with my power you have the ability to control the nature and the universe” Henry disappears into the spear

Spirit smile and kissed willow as he gives his bow to her “with my power you have the ability to control the spirits, the weather and the earth” spirit disappears into the bow

Lucky smiles “release your weapon willow”

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 20:11:14
Willow turns into her true form this time markings of the others powers on her her scythe not only blue and red but also the colors of their abilities

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 20:20:37
The maiden weapons combines into willow scythe

Lucky looks at willow with a smile “The power of the three maidens is into you and your weapon. So be ready because you may feel, hear and see more advanced that you ever had or seen before”

Will, mayhem and Ellen smiles at willow knowing they can’t have it because of dark power they have

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Edited on 11/05/19 @ 20:21:18 by Luna Bluestar (#156177)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 20:23:40
Echo went into her dorm room and laid down in her bed,groaning she got up and changed into her pj's and combed out her hair . Laying back down she grabbed a pillow to snuggle with,closing her eyes she fell asleep.

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 01:12:52
Willow nods "thank you everyone" she looked at them then at her scythe

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 05:11:25
Lucky smiles “your welcome”. Then lucky made willow, will, mayhem, Ellen and himself back to the campus.

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 05:21:19
Akiono feels more power "we need to attack now" He goes to get Echo

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 05:57:22
Willow looks at them "So what should i do with the Maiden special power..."

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:00:38
Lucky smiles “anything that you know is right”

A white spirit came to willow but lucky and the other can’t see it

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:02:16
Willow looks at the spirit "I'm guessing their powers are already working..... What do you need light spirit?"

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:05:33
The white spirit got spooked by willow, knowing that she can see him like spirit “where is spirit?, I can’t see or find him anywhere...”

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:07:06
And then two of kitty’s beasts appears “kitty... kitty... kitty” and lucky and the other can only hear roars from them

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Edited on 12/05/19 @ 06:07:26 by Luna Bluestar (#156177)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:08:09
"Spirit is right here.... he just gave me his abilities not to long ago. I can help you if you need anything" She looks at the beasts "Kitty is fine she also lend me her abilities"

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Edited on 12/05/19 @ 06:09:12 by Akemi Zero (#168247)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-05-12 06:16:45
The beasts look at willow “you can hear us cool, your right to have kitty ability”

The white spirit spoke “so the maiden use their special power that is combining them into one light power person as their user.... just looking at you, you only have three but not five complete”

The beasts look at the white spirit “you know what happened to the fifth one”

The white spirit nodded “yes I do, it was tragic” and then looks at willow “I’m spirit’s spirit assistant , I don’t need any help... I just was looking for him tell him my report on the spirit realm”

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Edited on 12/05/19 @ 06:17:19 by Luna Bluestar (#156177)

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