Posted by Fantasy High School(Closed)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 18:03:54
On your last day of being in 8th grade, students in your class talk about a new High School that just randomly opened up that week. You ask what it was about and get information that gives you chills down the spine(Human)/gives you hope and excitement(Creatures). As you walk home you see flyers of the High School on the walls and light poles every now and then. "Welcome to Fantasy High where all can learn in the same environment! Whether you are human or creature nothing will change or effect you for being you! Join us now" You finally get home and as you enter your parent hands you a letter. It seemed to be from a High School and as you open it you read:
Dear (Character),
You are invited to intend Fantasy High School as well as some other selected teens to be introduced to this idea of peace. We have heard good things from you from your school. We will happily give you a dorm as fit for any and all personal needs. Please note that school will start on the same day as all the other schools which is September 1st. All we recommend is to pack everything and come to school's campus as soon as possible to get your dorm faster. We cherish all of our students and are looking forward in seeing you at our school.
We wish the best for you,
Mrs. Holler the principle and all the staff

The new school wanted YOU
You thought as you read the ending of the letter. No other school would have cared less but this school hand chosen their students. After thinking of it for awhile you go and call the school. After of hours of talking you end the call and start packing up all your belongings. Your parents helping you as much as possible. The next day your parents drive you to the train as fast as possible. After getting on the train you meet new people and some you befriend.
After a few days you get to the train stop of where the school was. It took only a couple of minutes to walk to the school with your belongings. There as you get to the entrance you see the ginormous buildings. As you enter the gates you see other students some humans and some creatures. You go the the office and get your dorm number along with your schedule.
What will you do during the school year? Will you make friends with the opposite species? Will you continue to come back to this school until it's time for college? Chooses are only limited to those with very limited minds.


Principle and assistant Principles
*Mrs. Holler
* Gary Wolfmen
*Lucy Wolfmen
*Leo Lindworm
(Add more slots if needed)
Other Staff
(Add more slots if needed)
*Luna Bluestar
*Willow Holler
*Ellen Bluenight
*Eric Scoli
*Jasper Cunning
* Kitty San
*Orpheus Khuzayma(maybe gone???)
*Henry Doe
*Spirit Freelance
*Lucy Lindworm
* Mayhem ElkWood
*Night Bloom
*Akiono Holler
*Mikaela "Righter" Lovecraft
* Galaxy
*Sinca Malia
(Add more slots if needed)
Children on Campus
*Sparrow Holance
*Pride,Lust, Greed, ect


*Have fun
*Be creative
*No bad talking others unless the owner of that character allows it
*No sexual stuff go to PMs
*As long as you have permission from the owner your character can have a crush on others
*No OOC talk here
*Relationships allowed

If you are alone and want to join in just try to find which characters are not very busy. If all characters are busy do not whine about it. We make characters a lot and every now and then die off if nothing interesting happens. If you really want to get in at the beginning then pm me and we can work out a character I can make. Remember if I make a character but then you no longer rp with them I have the right to kill them off to make more room for other characters.

Other places


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Edited on 21/05/19 @ 22:15:19 by Akemi Zero (#168247)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 15:49:32
Willow kept eating until her foods gone

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 15:51:26
After lunch finished her lunch, still stayed at the rooftop and started to take a little nap until the bell rings....

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 15:53:46
Willow goes to her next class

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:07:35
Luna goes to her next class and sat in her chair

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:08:52
Willow draws in her sketch book

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:14:03
Luna started to sing her favorite melodies

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:15:32
Willow stays silent

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:25:42
“🎵 Come little children
I'll take thee away, into a land
Of enchantment
Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden
Of shadows🎵“ Luna started to burst into tears as she sang her melody and then she wiped it off...

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:28:10
Willow puts earbuds in and ignores her

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BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 16:49:04
Aisling Alawa

Aisling shoveled the last bit of food into her mouth on her way to first period, looking down at the map she was holding. Room 101, huh? She glanced between her schedule and the map, plotting out her routes quickly. She was so immersed in her thoughts that it took her a few moments to realize that she was in front of classroom 103 and that she had completely missed the room she was supposed to be in.

Turning quickly, she threw open the door and waltzed into the classroom, slamming it shut behind her. She glanced at the other kids in the room, and was mildly surprised to see one crying silently. But she kept on walking and sat down as far away from the other kids as possible, slightly shaken by the crying girl.


Rowan dove through the open window to her classroom and landed lightly next to the girl closest to her. She hung her backpack on her desk's hook, then smiled at the girl next to her, who introduced herself as Aisling Alawa. Rowan shook her hand and introduced herself as well, but they didn't have a lot of time to talk before the teacher walked in and began the lecture.

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 17:00:38
Willow keeps taking notes and drawing images

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 18:59:29
Luna quietly started to keep notes....

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Senpai~ (#155928)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 19:30:48
Mochi snuck into the classroom, trying not to get noticed by all of the students but her bright neon clothes were quite distracting. She sunk into the seat holding her notebook to her chest. What would people think of her?

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Edited on 04/04/19 @ 19:37:32 by SmexyMemeLord (#155928)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 20:04:29
Luna notice mochi and wave from a distance with a smile

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Senpai~ (#155928)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 20:06:58
Mochi waved to the female across the room. Her posture changed as soon as the student noticed her because who wants to give a bad impression on the first day.

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 06:02:38 by SmexyMemeLord (#155928)

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