Posted by Fantasy High School(Closed)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-02 18:03:54
On your last day of being in 8th grade, students in your class talk about a new High School that just randomly opened up that week. You ask what it was about and get information that gives you chills down the spine(Human)/gives you hope and excitement(Creatures). As you walk home you see flyers of the High School on the walls and light poles every now and then. "Welcome to Fantasy High where all can learn in the same environment! Whether you are human or creature nothing will change or effect you for being you! Join us now" You finally get home and as you enter your parent hands you a letter. It seemed to be from a High School and as you open it you read:
Dear (Character),
You are invited to intend Fantasy High School as well as some other selected teens to be introduced to this idea of peace. We have heard good things from you from your school. We will happily give you a dorm as fit for any and all personal needs. Please note that school will start on the same day as all the other schools which is September 1st. All we recommend is to pack everything and come to school's campus as soon as possible to get your dorm faster. We cherish all of our students and are looking forward in seeing you at our school.
We wish the best for you,
Mrs. Holler the principle and all the staff

The new school wanted YOU
You thought as you read the ending of the letter. No other school would have cared less but this school hand chosen their students. After thinking of it for awhile you go and call the school. After of hours of talking you end the call and start packing up all your belongings. Your parents helping you as much as possible. The next day your parents drive you to the train as fast as possible. After getting on the train you meet new people and some you befriend.
After a few days you get to the train stop of where the school was. It took only a couple of minutes to walk to the school with your belongings. There as you get to the entrance you see the ginormous buildings. As you enter the gates you see other students some humans and some creatures. You go the the office and get your dorm number along with your schedule.
What will you do during the school year? Will you make friends with the opposite species? Will you continue to come back to this school until it's time for college? Chooses are only limited to those with very limited minds.


Principle and assistant Principles
*Mrs. Holler
* Gary Wolfmen
*Lucy Wolfmen
*Leo Lindworm
(Add more slots if needed)
Other Staff
(Add more slots if needed)
*Luna Bluestar
*Willow Holler
*Ellen Bluenight
*Eric Scoli
*Jasper Cunning
* Kitty San
*Orpheus Khuzayma(maybe gone???)
*Henry Doe
*Spirit Freelance
*Lucy Lindworm
* Mayhem ElkWood
*Night Bloom
*Akiono Holler
*Mikaela "Righter" Lovecraft
* Galaxy
*Sinca Malia
(Add more slots if needed)
Children on Campus
*Sparrow Holance
*Pride,Lust, Greed, ect


*Have fun
*Be creative
*No bad talking others unless the owner of that character allows it
*No sexual stuff go to PMs
*As long as you have permission from the owner your character can have a crush on others
*No OOC talk here
*Relationships allowed

If you are alone and want to join in just try to find which characters are not very busy. If all characters are busy do not whine about it. We make characters a lot and every now and then die off if nothing interesting happens. If you really want to get in at the beginning then pm me and we can work out a character I can make. Remember if I make a character but then you no longer rp with them I have the right to kill them off to make more room for other characters.

Other places


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Edited on 21/05/19 @ 22:15:19 by Akemi Zero (#168247)

Senpai~ (#155928)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 08:23:53
Mochi held the hat on her head, smiling as Luna left the room. She was embarrassed of her ears and not only that but the fact that she was a dog and a cat.

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 08:27:17 by SmexyMemeLord (#155928)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-05 08:34:09
Noah looks over at Iris as she pulls books out of her locker rambling "You just had to get pulled over" She huffs and spins around. She points her small finger at Jay "You know this is all your fault" She slams her locker and huffs. Jay laughs a bit and sighs "I offered to fly you" he opens his wings then points a finger at Noah "Not him, he's a little fatter" Noah frowns and hits Jay's arm "Shut up"
Jay smiles and walks in the direction of their first class "Common I wanna see whos all here" he chuckles before turning and looking at his two best friends, they met each other in a boarding school, it was to fix them. His dad sent him there when his wings first sprouted. Noah went because of getting in trouble and his wolfy problem. Iris was along for the ride, though she also had a wolfy problem she rarely ever acted out. To say the twins were different was an understatement, they were polar opposites, Noah was always the one to get in fights on the first day and talk back to teachers, being late was a normal thing to him while Iris was always swept into the shadow of her brother, never really talked much. Jay turned and pushed the doors open of the classroom and looked around at the student. Closing his wings he stepped in and the twins followed right behind him.

Iris looked at the other people in the classroom and was surprised to see it contained mostly girls. She wasn't expecting to see so many different people. 'Shit were in trouble' whispered the small voice in her head. She wasn't freaked out by it knowing it was just her inner wolf, and she highly agreed as she looked over at the teacher who looked a bit mean.

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 08:37:34
Luna got to her dorm and transform into a wolf to relax her nerves and then she look up to see a big pile of paper on her desk next to her computer “this will be great” she pick up the papers and read the title (computer manual) she got interested to see if she can learn how to operate her computer, so she laid in her bed and started read page by page and started to ask a bunch of questions to herself of how’s this, what’s this and wait what....

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Senpai~ (#155928)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 08:48:47
Mochi rested her head on the desk, falling asleep during lecture. Her tail lightly swished back and forth

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 08:51:59
When Luna was trying to understand the manual, she started to get a little dizzy and fell asleep...

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:05:09
Willow leaves the class as the bell rings

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Senpai~ (#155928)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:06:55
Mochi woke up and quickly packed her things rushing out of the classroom

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Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:09:46
She went to her other class

(We need some teachers Mrs. Holler is the principle not suppose to be teaching)

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:14:55
Jay looks over at Noah and breaks out laughing as he turns right back around and walks out the door, the twins follow closely from behind. "Wow that class was great" he chuckled and unfolded his wings which took up most of the hallway. He walked down the Hallway and stopped at his locker opening it and rummaging around inside.

Noah looked over at his sister and smile weakly "You guys are terrible" she sighs shaking her head "we missed so much class imagine what teachers must think of us now" she looks down the hallway and sighs again. She whips around and looks directly at her brother, meeting his eyes she says the words he hates the most and she knows it "Dads gonna be disappointed" Noah loses his cool and growls "We don't talk about that asshole, he left both of us and you know it"

Iris knew she had messed up when he growled, she knew he hated their dad with all of him but she never understood why. He sent them away to protect them. She put on a braver face then she felt and growled right back and pointed at him "He did not leave us" she said jabbing him with her finger "Why the hell do you hate him so much" she yelled into his face

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:15:34
((Ill play teacher XD))

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Senpai~ (#155928)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:17:36
Mochi decided that she would skip next period and the period after. She rushed past the twins and their friend, mumbling and holding her hat

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:24:21
Luna Heard the bell and got up from bed,transformed back to human. Left the dorm and had a little walk outside.

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 09:24:59 by Luna Bluestar (#156177)

Akemi Zero (#168247)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:24:28
She starts taking notes from her laptop

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:28:59
Jay felt something hit his wings, he spun around cursing at whoever did but saw the back of a girl and a small ear pokeing out of her hat "hmp" he sighed as he looked back at his best friends "Can you two shut up we dont need puppies wrestling on the floor of a new school." he laughed and leaned down petting the cold white tiles "Common guys look at how pretty the floor is"

Noah growled at his friend but busted up laughing at the floor comment "Your lucky we love you or you would probably have red stained wings right about now" Iris mumbled from behind him. Noah spun around "your lucky I love you or you'd probably be dead right about now" he joked "kidding the worse id do is make you a vegetable the rest of your life"

Iris frowned but brushed it off "I refuse to be late for another class, are you two devils coming or not" she huffed and walked in the direction of her class. "What the hell that was aiming at me" Jay growled fro behind her. SHe had toa admit he was not wrong. All three of them stepped in the abnormal classroom. She looked around like she had been transported.

"AH students" said a voice from behind a pile of books "welcome to, hm what subject is this again" said a small frail women who walked around the books "oh yeah sorry, welcome to art" she looked up at them and smiled "I am Mrs wells" she smiled then snapped her fingers and she was a tall man "or Mr Simons" she snapped them again and she shifted into Taylor swift "or Mrs swift" she snapped them again and this time she was a younger women "Just call me Mrs Tyler" She smiled at them and motioned for them to sit.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-05 09:29:57
((imma start doing separate responses))

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