Posted by | Fantasy High School(Closed) |
![]() Akemi Zero (#168247) Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-02 18:03:54 |
On your last day of being in 8th grade, students in your class talk about a new High School that just randomly opened up that week. You ask what it was about and get information that gives you chills down the spine(Human)/gives you hope and excitement(Creatures). As you walk home you see flyers of the High School on the walls and light poles every now and then. "Welcome to Fantasy High where all can learn in the same environment! Whether you are human or creature nothing will change or effect you for being you! Join us now" You finally get home and as you enter your parent hands you a letter. It seemed to be from a High School and as you open it you read: Dear (Character), You are invited to intend Fantasy High School as well as some other selected teens to be introduced to this idea of peace. We have heard good things from you from your school. We will happily give you a dorm as fit for any and all personal needs. Please note that school will start on the same day as all the other schools which is September 1st. All we recommend is to pack everything and come to school's campus as soon as possible to get your dorm faster. We cherish all of our students and are looking forward in seeing you at our school. We wish the best for you, Mrs. Holler the principle and all the staff The new school wanted YOU You thought as you read the ending of the letter. No other school would have cared less but this school hand chosen their students. After thinking of it for awhile you go and call the school. After of hours of talking you end the call and start packing up all your belongings. Your parents helping you as much as possible. The next day your parents drive you to the train as fast as possible. After getting on the train you meet new people and some you befriend. After a few days you get to the train stop of where the school was. It took only a couple of minutes to walk to the school with your belongings. There as you get to the entrance you see the ginormous buildings. As you enter the gates you see other students some humans and some creatures. You go the the office and get your dorm number along with your schedule. What will you do during the school year? Will you make friends with the opposite species? Will you continue to come back to this school until it's time for college? Chooses are only limited to those with very limited minds. CharactersPrinciple and assistant Principles *Mrs. Holler * * Teachers * Gary Wolfmen *Lucy Wolfmen *Will *Leo Lindworm * * (Add more slots if needed) Other Staff * * * * (Add more slots if needed) Students *Luna Bluestar *Willow Holler *Ellen Bluenight *Eric Scoli *Jasper Cunning * Kitty San *Orpheus Khuzayma(maybe gone???) *Henry Doe *Spirit Freelance *Lucy Lindworm * Mayhem ElkWood *Echo *Night Bloom *Akiono Holler *Lucky *Mikaela "Righter" Lovecraft *Shadow * Galaxy *Torrent *Hydra *Meadow *Heraline *Sinca Malia (Add more slots if needed) Children on Campus *Sparrow Holance Pets *Hunter *Winter *Mist *Void *Pride,Lust, Greed, ect Rules*Have fun *Be creative *No bad talking others unless the owner of that character allows it *No sexual stuff go to PMs *As long as you have permission from the owner your character can have a crush on others *No OOC talk here *Relationships allowed If you are alone and want to join in just try to find which characters are not very busy. If all characters are busy do not whine about it. We make characters a lot and every now and then die off if nothing interesting happens. If you really want to get in at the beginning then pm me and we can work out a character I can make. Remember if I make a character but then you no longer rp with them I have the right to kill them off to make more room for other characters. Other placesOOC TALK Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 21/05/19 @ 22:15:19 by Akemi Zero (#168247) |
ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) Naughty View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 20:54:13 |
(forgive me. i know neither where everybody is nor what they are doing.) hatsumomo opened her grey-blue eyes, bleary glaze clouding her vision. rubbing them with the palm of her hand, she slipped out of bed with nothing but a black sleeping robe draped over her shoulders. quietly brushing her matted, glossy onyx hair, the kitsune stretched her sore tails before shifting her gaze onto her favorite kimono, which was folded neatly in her black wardrobe. hatsumomo silently put on her undergarments, then unfolded her kimono and laid it onto her bed. she took a moment to admire it— it's mid-thigh length, black base, the blue-black flowers near the hem, sleeves, and waist, as well as the celestial speckles flecking the lower half of the skirt. the sleeves were long and draping as always, like a bird about to take flight. hatsumomo dressed into the kimono, her heart-shaped lips in a slight frown. to finish the garment, she grabbed a large celestial-colored obi hanging on her door and, walking to the mirror, wrapped it around her waist with a bow-like formation in the back. she clipped on a silver bell on the bow and turned away from the mirror, averting her gaze from her reflection. as hatsumomo fashioned her hair into a sakko-like style, she made sure to add the side-swept bangs to the right, as well as leave curly tendrils nestled in front of her human ears. she also tried to hide her black fox ears to spare the embarrassment. sighing in exasperation, she slid her feet in knee-high white socks with black bows, then, to top off the outfit, black flats. stepping out of her dormitory with tears in her eyes, she quickly blinked them away and hurried to the common area, where she stepped out of a sliding door and out onto the balcony. she had felt like feeling the cool, gentle breeze this specific morning— maybe to ease her anxieties and brighten her mood. ![]() Edited on 05/04/19 @ 21:18:55 by ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 21:14:18 |
I need to go for maybe an hour ill be back but imma start off with my ocs at home even if everyone eles is at school///// ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 21:17:55 |
Damion sucked in a deep cold breath as he slammed the door to his dorm. He swung around and ran at the wall creating a loud nosie and a big hole. He started yelling at things that wernt there. He saw a little girl appear who kept chanting things that seemed to be burning his skin clean off. As the pain became overwhelming he screamed and flew out of his bed sweating and a small burn scar on his arm "Not again.." he whispered (I gtg for like an hour!) ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:15:37 |
Iris looked around her dorm and smiled, she and her brother had requested their own dorms, unlike the other siblings. But the school had made a mistake and given her and her brother different sibling rooms so they were big and she convinced her brother not to tell them so she could have a bigger room. She looked around and twirled a bit giggling before she fell on the floor laughing. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:18:14 |
Noah looked at his room and huffed. He loved smaller places so this big room wasn't cutting it for him. He walks into the closet and smiles "More like it" he laughed and looked around the huge closet, well for a closet it was big. He set his shit down and walked into the actual bedroom and started to pull one of the twin sized beds into the closet. He finally moved it in and pushed it against the wall. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:20:43 |
Jay looked around his room in extreme anger. He walked over to a punching bag and stared at it until he started striking it with extreme force. He started growling a bit and his eyes started turning back to normal as he hit harder. The large bag fell to the ground he cussed before starting to kick it "Why is he here" he said kicking inbetween words. ![]() |
ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) Naughty View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:21:35 |
hearing thumps from inside the dorm building, muffled by the screen door, hatsumomo whipped around from where she was standing. bewilderment and panic set in. was there a fight going on inside? tears, yet again, pricked at the corners of her eyes. she watched glass with a terrified complexion as damion thrust himself through his wall. crying, she clutched wrung her hands in anxiety as damion hallucinated. should she go inside and stop him? should she isolate herself as she usually did? did things like this happen all the time? hatsumomo decided to turn back around— walking inside to potentially create more worries was something she could not afford. pessimism and gloom passed over her like a front over the sun. her mid-thigh kimono blew gently in the morning breeze, unaware of the commotion occuring on the other side of that door. she wished she could drown out the anguished cries emitting from damion's dorm. her nine onyx tails intertwined temselves with one another with worry, the blue-ish iridescent glazes on all of them visible in the soft, gentle light. if she was ignored, she would do the same to them. she was too timid, too softspoken, to go inside and interact. all she could possibly do was live in the moment and enjoy the morning while she still had the mood to. as iris and her accomplices entered the dormitory complex, hatsumomo glanced sideways with a look of despair scrawled across her countenance. moroseness washed over her like the pulse in her heart— it completely dominated her body. a heavy sigh escaped between her lips as she continued to look over the balcony, leaning over the railing as she did so. her nine tails hung low as the melancholy feeling seeped through her. ![]() Edited on 05/04/19 @ 22:33:42 by ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:23:22 |
Aerwyna looked around the small one person dorm room. She sighed and sat down at her desk looking around the posters of missing and wanted people. She huffed to herself and started thinking about where the trouble could be coming from. she shook her head and hit her fists in the wooden desk. She wanted to yell but she couldn't talk or well yell once she stopped. It was always a choice but she was not terrified to talk. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:29:29 |
Damion started chanting a curse around his small room to keep the spirits away. He could hear another person but he didnt mind. The girl was now sitting on his bed and he yelled at her "Get the fuck out" He screamed as his black wings unfolded and he flew at her. At the last moment, the girl disappeared so he hit the wall at full speed which made him fly completely through the wall into hatsumomo room ![]() |
ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) Naughty View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:44:49 |
a sudden, loud crash resonated through her two pairs of ears— closer this time. hatsumomo whipped around, beside herself with the sudden amount of adrenaline coursing through her body. her grey-blue eyes searched frantically for the cause of the noise. it was too close to be anybody else's dorm besides hers. her conclusion was proven correct when she locked eyes on the fallen angel on her floor, surrounded by drywall, plaster, wood, and her own belongings. the japanese teenager sobbed, rushing through the glass door to get a better look. "wh-who are you?" whimpered hatsumomo in a feeble whisper, her dainty face streaked with tears. she frantically began to pick up fallen objects, placing them neatly on shelves and dressers. "what h-happened to you? w-why are you in my room?" she knelt down on her knees, eye-level with damion. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:46:55 |
Damion looked up and smirked "Well Im Damion for starters he said and smiled reaching his hand up for a hand shake ![]() |
ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) Naughty View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 22:56:50 |
"i-i...," hatsumomo blinked, taken aback, but hesitantly shook his hand. "i saw what you were doing in your dorm, damion. what happened? the school will have to pay for this, and you are going to need an explanation." she straightened out her short black kimono, which had bunched up and contorted the blue-black flowers and the celestial speckles. her long sleeves flapped like a blanket in the process of being folded, and she worried momentarily that she might accidentally slap her... visitor... with them. "i'm gl-glad you didn't demolish many of my personal things, but..." a profuse blush manifested on her cheeks, and she scooted about a foot-length backwards from her kneeling position. "sorry." averting her gaze, she looked down at her lap. ![]() |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 23:06:22 |
Damion look at her curious for a second but shook his head and looked at hatsumonmo before smiling and pointing to his room "Practicing" he says fastly trying to find out if she was scared of him. He looked over a bit and saw the little girl sitting on her dresser. Trying to act normal but he could feel himself shaking. ![]() |
ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) Naughty View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 23:18:22 |
"you didn't ha-have to launch yourself through walls to do so," hatsumomo murmured, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. something in her gut told her something was not right. being an empath, in her case, meant a lot of things. a heavy presence weighed itself down on her— seemingly heavier than gravity. she could not stop herself from trembling, so she fidgeted to attempt to cover it up. "you had me frightened. i thought you were in a kind of bloodlust." still keeping her eyes low, she refused to make eye contact. nevertheless, even if she tried, she couldn't have— the dark presence in the room was something even she could not conjure. the kitsune adjusted her silver obi, fixing the bow in the back. ![]() Edited on 05/04/19 @ 23:40:52 by ʷⁱⁱᵗᶜʰ ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213) |
Priz (#127393)
![]() Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-05 23:30:02 |
Damion smiled "pain tolerance" he smiled before frowning as the girl appeared right next to hatsumomo. He shook he head a bit but she was still sitting there "Well as a fallen angel I have business with the devil." ![]() |