Posted by | Scorched | Dog RP | closed | |
![]() Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-18 22:18:29 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 03/06/19 @ 15:43:21 by Vespertine [SIDE] (#33365) |
Cervicorn [G1 Maroon Ennedi] (#33365) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-22 13:45:58 |
![]() Edited on 25/05/19 @ 22:05:44 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Cervicorn [G1 Maroon Ennedi] (#33365) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-22 13:46:29 |
![]() Edited on 05/05/19 @ 01:10:13 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Cervicorn [G1 Maroon Ennedi] (#33365) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-22 13:46:41 |
Please do not post anything beyond roleplay replies here. Direct all inquiries and chatter to the ooc thread or my inbox. ![]() Edited on 16/05/19 @ 11:01:15 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-16 15:05:32 |
Quinn | 3 Years, 2 Months | Female | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Doberman Pinscher Rottweiler Mix ![]() Edited on 17/05/19 @ 16:45:58 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-17 15:03:09 |
Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-17 20:11:05 |
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Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-17 20:28:27 |
Maculoses | Six years | Red Willow Healer | Dalmatian | Mentions: Open The spotted babe raised her heavy head, eyes drooping with sleep. It took perhaps a bit longer than the norm for them to focus, but as soon as they did Mac was up and trotting out of the cabin, curious as to the commotion outside. Nails clicking upon the floor, she would pause at the door, causing a dog behind her to collide with her hindquarters. She passed a sheepish smile and a "Sorry, dear." Over her shoulder before continuing through the door. It didn't take long for Mac to piece together what had transpired during this oh- so- eventful morn. As she waited for her earth and sky eyes to adjust to the sun she took in all that happened around her. Dogs searching, the name 'Oliver' ringing through the clear air, others chattering nervously as they tried to form a plan. Mac simply put her ebony nose to the ground, and began to sniff. Of course, she quickly became entangled in the web of scents. Pack mates, the small critters that passed through, the faintest scents of food, foxes, a touch of coyote. The normal smell of the woods. But no Oliver. Mad had never been very good at scenting. Her thin tail still waved, though, as she picked up her head and peered into the woods. The shadows seemed especially dark, even the places where sunlight filtered through seemed dim, yet a small little thing tugged at her, told her to go. But a slightly bigger thing sat in her chest, making her heart beat faster, her mouth dry up, and her breathing come more rapidly. She turned away. The bigger thing had won again. Facing the scattered dogs of her pack, Mac once again settled for searching by scent, questing back and forth across the packed dirt of their camp. Some paw prints were pressed into the especially loose dirt, but none small enough to be a pup. The mother inside Mac forced a deep whine out of her throat, worry for the poor, lost soul rising like a tide in her patched chest. She kept her nose down, but those earth and sky hewn eyes wandered anywhere they could find substance. Where would a pup go? Maybe to play in the thin stream that meandered through the woods? Maybe some small prey animal caught their eye and they gave chase? Could something have taken him? That thought was pushed out of Mac's mind almost as soon as it surfaced. No. Nothing would be daring enough, nothing would have the audacity, to steal a pup from right under a pack's nose. That was a death sentence. But still, that little worm of doubt nagged her. Had he been kidnapped? Polaris | Three Years| Fallen Ashes Hunter | Border Collie | Mentions: Shemira The young dog had never witnessed death on this scale. He'd never seen another killed so brutally, the ichor that had once flowed warm and vivacious through Axel's veins now leaked across the floor, rushing out as to find his killer. But it seemed the guilty monster was nowhere to be found. That's what it had to be, right? A monster? No dog would do this. No dog would kill so brutally. No dog would keep attacking even after their opponent died, which seemed apparent. Axel was strong, but not strong enough to keep standing after his throat had been torn from his body. And based on the ragged, gruesome tears, whatever attacked him had kept going long after he died. Polaris had to step away. This was too much for the Collie. His normally overwhelming presence of sheer energy had faded to a morose aura, the same one shared by many of his pack mates. A death was always sobering. But it wasn't in Polaris' nature to be alone, and he found himself standing beside the lithe, silvery frame of Shemira. Looking up, he sought eye contact like a child seeks comfort. But no physical touch was exchanged, just a search for the companionship of a soft gaze. His heavy tail hung limply between his white splashed legs, and his fine head hung sadly. "Who would do such a thing? What would do such a thing?" (Sorry Pol's is short, it's late here and I'm exhausted. ![]() |
cloud | 🍉 | they/he (#175820) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-18 11:38:47 |
[[ Cole | 5 Years Old | Male | Great Dane Location : Camp | Mentions : Shemira, Polaris, Frost. [ OPEN ] ]] The solid black dog moved like a shadow as he entered the building he had heard the yapping and snarling turn into surprised gasps whimpers and growls of disbelief. Cole looked like a tree, one that sat in the most shaded of forests. His long legs strode himself further into the factory, his pricked ears forward and alert, curious about what in the world was going on. As he reached the crowd, Cole could smell the body before seeing it- the rich, metallic scent of blood, and fear. The Fighter pushed himself past some whimpering, growling, muttering canines to see what they were circling around. He stopped abruptly as he breached the front of the crowd, nose wrinkling at the sight and foul scent of blood escaping veins. Cole recognized the body as Axel, the Rottweiler, the Fighter. The Great Dane turned his big head to Frost, in need of being told what in hell happened. "I wasn't here. What- happened?" He choked out, because when he opened his muzzle, the scent got worse, and he could /taste/ it. As he spoke, he'd realize that others were asking, thinking, the same thing. No-one knew what had happened to Axel, and from the looks of it, the way his throat was ripped, torn up to shreds, only a big dog could've done this, and it would've done this brutally, no mercy. His breath caught in his throat, because well, he was a big dog, he was known to do things if someone ordered it, and he was strong. But he did not think he was strong enough to do something like this though, was he? He certainly hoped others didn't think so. He did come into the building late, where most of the other dogs of Fallen Ashes pack always were. He was atop the factory, actually. Like he normally was in the mornings, wishing everything would just go back to normal. Would they think he did this? [[ Keys | 2 Years, 6 Months old | Female | Pitsky [Pitbull / Husky] Location : Camp | Mentions : Maculoses, anyone. [OPEN] ]] Keys had been awake when the chaos started, her voice calling out to anyone with the name 'Oliver' who could hear. She had hoped it would be that simple, to take a deep breath, and yell out the name over and over again until the pup heard her calls and came stumbling back to the Pack. But it didn't happen, she didn't find the pup the moment the problem arose, and her calls were of no use. The only use it made was probably waking half the pack up. The Pitsky had also shoved her good nose into the dirt and sniff, sniff, and sniff until she reached the very edged of their camp boundaries, and she had gotten unnerved and ran back to the middle of camp, upset at herself for being cowardly enough to run back home, just because she felt as if someone or something was watching her every move as she sniffed. Now, her brown, blue and gray eyes scanned the big, growing crowd of dogs that ran, walked, paced the camp in search of the pup she had no luck in finding or getting a single trace of in camp. Oliver was no-where near Red Willow camp, and Keys was panicking. Who would steal a little pup? Did he just wander off, and was lost and scared? Was he being eaten by some creature and wasn't able to be found? Did he run away, to Fallen Ashes? Did /they/ capture him? Keys was so caught up in her rushing thoughts that the crossbreed did not see herself walking straight towards a spotted dog. It was too late when she noticed though, because when she focused on where she was going finally, Keys was already losing her footing and bumping into Maculoses, Red Willow's Healer. She let out a surprised, guilty squawk. The poor female was just sniffing, with her head to the ground, doing what Keys had been doing just an hour or two ago. ![]() |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-18 11:58:38 |
Wind|5 years 2 months|Fallen ashes beta |German Chow | Mentions: anyone by Frost Wind's ears pinned back as she heard everything that was happening "How are we going to calm everyone down? " she asked her brown eyes were wide and she panted with anxiety . She paced around back and forth her long legs started to hurt as she kept walking " Why did this dog do it ? " she asked holding back her growls " Do you think they are going to come after us?" she asked forgetting the fact that if she wanted to calm down the others she would need to calm herself down. ![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-19 22:23:43 |
Frost | 4 Years, 6 Months Old | Female | Fallen Ashes Alpha | Pharaoh Hound/Doberman Pinscher Mix ![]() Edited on 25/05/19 @ 19:02:29 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-20 01:35:55 |
![]() Edited on 20/05/19 @ 01:38:00 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-20 06:21:54 |
Maculoses | Six Years | Red Willow Healer | Dalmatian | Mentions: Keys, all The spotted lass, ebony nose to the ground, had been following a scent of... nothing. She'd found no trace of Oliver, just the fox, Thunder, and the rest of her pack. Nothing to set off alarm bells in her head, nothing out of the ordinary. She had just caught a whiff of some sort of game bird before something crashed into her hind end. Mac wound up in a graceful sit, one hind leg sticking up, hock pressed into the ground, the other splayed out in a very unladylike way. Her patched forelegs were spread wide to help the charcoal and opal dog keep her balance. A guilty chirp, emitted no doubt by the dog that had bumped into Mac, reached her splashed ears. She smiled softly, and nervous laughter erupted from her chest. "That's alright, love. We're all so caught up with Oliver it's a bit hard to find each other!" Her happiness was forced, but her lack of bad feelings towards the mix breed was not. Mac held no offense. Instead, she rose in a very un- graceful way, lowering her head as she pushed her hind end upwards and gathered her paws beneath herself once more. "What do you say we investigate the woods a bit? Just the edges, see if we can find a scent?" Though unwilling to go on her own, the thing that sat in her her chest was a little lighter when Mac had a friend. The question was interrupted by Thunder. Mac immediately turned to face him, the respect she held for him apparent in her rapt obedience. At his suggestion of staying in camp, Mac felt that wave of anxiety rise in her chest. It was not for Oliver, oh no, it was for her. But she nodded her head, swallowing to drown that lump in her throat. Hopefully, Thunder would stay, or at least Vervian. But he was a busy, albeit mysterious fox, and she wouldn't hold it against him if he left. After all, Oliver wasn't a part of his pack. As the search parties departed with orders from Thunder, Mac rose and climbed the steps to the porch, standing beside the huge leader. "Could Fallen Ashes have taken him?" Mac had little doubt Thunder must have run through the conclusion at least once, after all, it did seem the obvious solution if the pup could not be found. She hoped against hope they hadn't, there was no telling what they would do to a pup, but Mac sought Thunder's opinion regardless. The small talk was a way for her to combat that thing in her chest that grew ever heavier as the dogs left. But she couldn't pull her herb gathering trick. Not today, not when Thunder's orders had been so clear. Not when the pack was so desperate. Polaris | Three Years | Fallen Ashes Hunter | Border Collie | Mentions: all Polaris watched the scene from beside his silent, steel coated companion. Frost seemed annoyed, as Wind panicked and Quinn offered clues. The anxiety that rose in Polaris' chest threatened to choke him, but he stood rock steady, heavy tail the only outward sign of his nerves as it swung back and forth. Frost's command towards her beta seemed to echo through the building, the snarl embedded in the command causing the Collie to shrink back. He knew the command hadn't been directed towards him, but any form of harsh correction, whether towards him or another, made the dog's throat dry up. But he pushed those erect, feathered ears forward as Frost began to issue commands. While he listened, his intense gaze settled upon the body of Axel. Would they bury him? If the murderer had come from the woods, would it attack them if they did? Would it be willing to attack more than one dog? Suddenly, his mind came to a screeching halt, followed closely by the tensing of his muscles. What if the killer wasn't just one animal, but many? What if Axel had been ambushed by several blood thirsty savages, and was unable to overcome them all? Axel was a huge dog, composed of steely muscles and fighting experience. It was easier for Polaris to believe that several dogs had taken him down. But it was even less of a comfort. That meant several killers were on the loose, as opposed to just one. But he had no way of knowing, though he did decide to propose the idea to Frost when they formed into their gangs. Obediently, he trotted towards his cloud colored leader, tail uncharacteristically low, gaze brushing over Axel's torn up body one last time. He made a silent request that Axel might end up somewhere nice, before coming to a stop slightly behind Frost. He watched as the rest split into groups, and he quietly requested Frost's audiance. "Hey Frost? What if more than one..." He hesitated, unwilling to admit that it could have been a dog that committed this atrocious crime. "... thing did this? Axel was a big dog, and it would take an even bigger dog to do this. Unless there were a lot of them." ![]() |
cloud | 🍉 | they/he (#175820) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-20 10:55:39 |
[[ Cole | 5 Years Old | Male | Great Dane Location : Heading out of camp | Mentions : Ruby, Ciel. ]] The Great Dane's perked ears twitched at his name being spoken, and as he set his light chocolate gaze on Frost, Cole nodded curtly- a swift jut of his head that pulled his eyebrows down into a determined stare. He liked it when he was trusted like this, to be the one who was reliable enough that Frost herself had him leading a patrol to scout the area. He raised his head and began to look around with his stare for anyone he sought fit for this. Looking down quickly when the Pitbull spoke, and stated that she'd like to come with. His hard stare softened just a touch, because the young dog reminded the tall Dane of the sweet Pitsky he took care of before the packs became a thought. He almost smiled when he briefly said, "yes, I think that'd be alright." He says, voice warm. He took his eyes away from the patched female and turned in his place, searching for a another dog or two to join him and Ruby on the patrol. He didn't need to look far, because the familiar, calm voice of his friend got his attention. He turned back the way he faced Ruby, and this time, he smiled very lightly. "Hello Ciel," he greeted the dog who seemed to grow closer to him than the others, "will it be the three of us?" He says, and noticed the way the Stabyhoun was brushing her pelt against the Pitbull's form. Comforting her, he supposed, knowing that his friend was the one to try and make others feel safe and comforted. He too, felt a wave of calmness whenever the female was around. He waited a quick moment, flicking his light eyes around the factory once more before nodding. "I think this is all we will need, let's hope we don't run into anything or anyone." He joked lightly, before using his mighty tall legs to move him towards the door of camp. He was slow enough to let the other two catch up before he exited the building. [[ Keys | 2 Years, 6 Months old | Female | Pitsky [Pitbull / Husky] Location : Camp | Mentions : Thunder, Maculoses. ]] The medium sized crossbreed opened her jaws to speak at the very same time Thunder's orders boomed around the camp. Her perked ears went low as she immediately forgot what she was about to say to Maculoses' words. Shaking her empty thoughts from her brain, Keys rose back to her feet and watched the dappled she pad to the leader's side. After a moment of watching a few other dogs listen to Thunder and gather in the said groups, Keys felt a bit left out. Was it because she was just a 'pup' to some dogs? Her tail stopped it's slight wagging and she went and followed Mac to where she now stood beside the massive leader. As she reached them, the crossbreed looked up at Thunder and dipped her head quickly- before speaking. "Thunder, will I be joining a group?" The Pitbull Husky mix asked, head head tipped up to look into the guardian's face. She wanted to know if she was seen as a young pup in this Pack or would simply be told to join a patrol and go search. ![]() Edited on 21/05/19 @ 10:31:28 by cloud (#175820) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-20 13:04:55 |
Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-20 13:42:47 |
Quinn | 3 Years, 2 Months | Female | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Doberman Pinscher Rottweiler Mix ![]() Edited on 21/05/19 @ 04:51:13 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |