Posted by | Scorched | Dog RP | closed | |
![]() Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-18 22:18:29 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 03/06/19 @ 15:43:21 by Vespertine [SIDE] (#33365) |
pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-31 21:10:42 |
arthur | five years old | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Purebred German Shepherd location ; the city streets | mentions ; cole, risha, ruby, ciel. his black ears pointed forward, his sharp brown eyes followed the female dog. slowly lowering his head down in a solemn bow. "luckily, I still got both." he commented, a small smile curving his ebony lips. that smile hardly lasted a heartbeat. his attention fell on the trainee who spoke about frost, frowning as the scar above his nose wrinkled for a second. "I'd feel bad for the poor bastard in her teeth, but I'd end up in the same jaws as him." he commented, his thick accent laced his words better than twine. thicker than honey, and with an attractive rasp made it obvious why he was a stud. arthur averted his gaze to look up at cole, listening to his agreement to join the patrol. murmuring a thank you before listening to risha. his tall frame almost felt like he was hunching over the female, he stepped back as he stood aside. wondering if the large male were to lead them forward. his deep brown eyes held soft hues that made the earth bashful. the short black whiskers twitched as he gazed around the familiar faces, inponderment of who could've killed the fighter. worry clouded his gaze for a heartbeat, not wanting to dare think it was a Red Willow dog, but that what if still lingered. "ya know, gon' be a stretch, but what if it was a Red Willow dog? I have doubt that it is, but he always need to wonder the what if?" he spoke up, his black and tan face holding maturity and all seriousness. his docked tail curled by his hunches as he looked at the faces of the patrol. he hoped it was anyone but a Red Willow dog. Berry was a rare gal to come across, and to see her under the claws of her packmates, it tested the loyalty in his heart. his large black ears fell back as the muscles on his body tensed. his large and rough paws pressed down onto the ground, letting the thought disappear into the air. "anyway, it could be a wolf. it'd be hard for those soft dogs to up 'n kill a fighter out of no where. they don't have the guts to dare." he murmured, his docked tail twitching. arthur only said what he wanted to believe, and with the rapid pitter patter of his heart he just hoped it was only a wolf. berry | three years old | Red Willow Subordinate | Irish Setter mix location ; the woods | mentions ; akia, torak, xander, and the rest of the patrol. . her floppy ears perked forward at the pawsteps near by, spotted her fellow packmate walk away. she felt her tail wag happily in greeting, but slow in a stop as she met his glare. maybe xander was in a bad mood today. berry didn't often realize how her attiude often rubbed people the wrong way, or she's just too much to handle for some dogs. a whine escaped as she heard the question on arthur, her mahogany red fur was flat against her body. her dark red curving into such a rare forwn, her golden brown eyes held shame and guilt. lowering her body close to the ground, placing the squirrel down in a slight sign of submission. she looked like a puppy that got caught doing something bad. "oliver's gone? that cute ollie? I didn't see anyone when I was out catching eggs." she commented, but the anxiety prickled her pelt as the questions about arthur. berry couldn't lie about him, but she didn't want to seek the wrath of thunder either. she knew the large male was a understanding and compassionate dog, but she knew she would seek the disappointment he would give. "before I joined Red Willow, I met a german shepherd named arthur, he's a real kind fellow! he often gives me beetles!" she exclaimed, sitting up with that goofy smile back on her face. she felt her docked tail wag before she lowered her head meeting the gaze of her packmates. the tall irish setter let out a sigh, her golden brown eyes lowered onto her white freckled paws. "he's a Fallen Ashes fighter. he gave me a beetle earlier this morning, but that was it! he gave me a beetle and then he left! I've been traveling with him before we went our separate ways. arthur wouldn't do anything to harm a single egg!" she perked up, before letting out a small chortle. "in fact, he got a big bird egg stuck in his mouth while he was trying to give it to me." she smiled at the fond memory, but never did berry say she liked arthur as a mate. truthfully she was more than happy to just be her friend, and would act the way she does for any other dog. "arthur hasn't done anything, and I haven't said anything to him. he gives me larva, I give him a flower, and then we leave." berry gave a worried look to the other dogs, hoping they understood that she only shares a trading system with the german shepherd she sat her body upward, her docked tail no longer wagging. her lips held that same frown on her white, red freckled muzzle. "he's only my friend." she murmured finally, letting the silence express her shame and guilt in her voice. aside from beetles and eggs, she treasured friendships. life was hard, she realized that, but it's much more easier with friends. the irish setter kept her eyes on the ground, her silence pierced her own heart. she hated the silence so much, letting out a quiet whine o hope break the silence some. ![]() Edited on 01/06/19 @ 20:47:31 by p e k o ;✨ (#175041) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-01 08:44:54 |
Maculoses | Six Years | Female | Red Willow Healer | Dalmatian | Mentions: Keys, Xander, Berry, Torak, Akia Mac listened intently as each dog offered their fifty scents as to the owner of the fur. Xander's comment on scent disguising had her tipping her head, only slightly, those spotted, oversized ears flopping roguishly. Why would something need to disguise its scent? Unless it was an enemy. But before she could voice those suspicions, the fire and ice setter leaped into the fray, words falling from her squirrel- stuffed maw like the babbling of a brook. Or a pup. Mac resisted the urge to tell her how serious the situation was. Thankfully, Torak opened his large maw and explained the predicament. But Mac's mind had come to a dead stop. Who was Arthur? As healer and self proclaimed mother, Mac knew nearly every dog in this pack, and she was very sure there was no Arthur among them. Was the setter sneaking off? Had she found a mate? Was she meeting with a Fallen Ashes dog? The spotted fur along Mac's narrow spine rose at that. Fallen Ashes could put up the nice- guy facade, but they would gut you as soon as your back was turned. But before she could voice her suspicions and cautions, similar words erupted from the rest of her patrol. Berry seemed to notice her mistake, and explanations came pouring out. She backtracked on certain details, alliterating them again and again, like trading beetles. Who trades beetles? What use did they have? Experience told Mac they sure as hell didn't taste good. Maggots were useful in cleaning wounds and disposing of dead tissue, but how could Berry know this? Maggots weren't classified as beetles, either. That spotted cranium dipped a little farther as Berry's desperate coverup trailed off. If they were such good friends, why would they part ways? Why join different packs? But there were more pressing matters than whether or not Berry was engaged in a love affair with a Fallen Ashes dog. Every second they waited, every moment they spent unwinding Berry's story, was another moment Oliver wandered farther away. Every minute they delayed was that much more the scent trail faded. For the first time since Berry's arrival, Mac found a moment of silence to add her voice to the melee. "We should get back to looking. Oliver's only getting father away. We can figure out more about... Arthur... later." Mac said his name with barely disguised reluctance, as if speaking it might summon said Fallen Ashes dog. Regardless, the spottted lass put her nose to the ground and snuffled through the dirt, desperate to find Oliver. Polaris | Three Years | Male | Fallen Ashes Hunter | Border Collie | Mentions: Frost, Quinn, Shemira The pearl and ebony collie could almost see Frost's attention split down the middle as Shemira echoed his call with one of her own. His heavy tail wagged: they were getting somewhere! He waited obediently, keeping his nose to the scent so it wouldn't fade away, but stepping back respectfully when Frost investigated. Polaris' bright eyes found the ghostly form of Shemira and proposed the silent question he had little doubt they were both wondering: were the scents the same? The graceful dog approached Polaris and he stepped aside, allowed her to match or disprove the scents. When she swept away, giving vocal confirmation to Polaris' unspoken question, he followed her, keeping up with ease. Frost's sudden halt had Polaris pulling up quickly and spinning around. Quinn had vanished. Should they go look for her? But Frost reached a decision, and the three once more trailed after the scent. Polaris felt that familiar wriggle of worry in his chest: would she be okay? She was a big dog, but with a murderer, or several murderers on the loose, safety was found most easily in numbers. But the Collie shook his head, cheek fluff and ears billowing gently. He had a job to do. He stayed two strides behind Shemira, making sure the swift moving Weimaraner didn't overrun the scent. He had total confidence in her, but it never hurt to be too careful. They trekked through alleyways, clambered over or squeezed under fences, Frost always trailing just behind them. Polaris' senses were on high alert. He had absolute faith in Frost, but if the culprit was more than one creature, would Frost and two hunters be able to hold them off? A fat rat scuttled into shadows across the street, and the Collie watched it with a suspicious, coffee hued eye. Any other time, the herder might have given chase, but now was hardly the right place. Instead he followed the ghostly form of Shemira, Frost undoubtedly right behind him. When they finally reached something different from the endless alleys, fences, and occasional trash can, Polaris' feathered ears perked up as his compact paws came to a dead stop. Something roiled within his gut, the scent of decay and burning strong in his nose. Frost urged them forward, but a single name popped up in Polaris' mind. Mite. Could the coy-wolf-dog creature be behind this? Had he built a pack? Shemira's icy gaze came to rest on him, and the Collie weighed the pros and cons in his sharp mind. If they were killed, Fallen Ashes would be without an alpha. And since there was no beta as of late, the pack could fall into chaos as they tried to rebuilt the hierarchy. The loss of two hunters was less important, but not great, either. Especially if he was one of those hunters. But if they caught the murderer the pack could rest easy again. Polaris took two steps to stand beside the much larger Shemira, took a deep breath, and caught her gaze. "Let's go." This time he took the lead, stepped ahead of the longer legged females and placing his nose to the charred ground. Silence was now his greatest asset. He viciously fought the overwhelming urge to sneeze as the acrid scent of burning and death filled his nose, overwhelming him, but he shook his head, and continued stoically on. They had to find whoever did this. They had to enact justice. He dared not check over his shoulder to see if the other two followed, as glances over the shoulder only ever produced more reasons to keep looking back, and often seeded fear. Polaris couldn't have fear. Instead he simply walked on, white paws quickly turning black against the dry ash and dirt of the charred city. ![]() |
cloud | 🍉 | they/he (#175820) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 18:26:17 |
[[ Cole | 5 Years Old | Male | Great Dane Location : City Streets, heading toward Forest/Border. | Mentions : Ruby, Ciel, Arthur, Risha. ]] The jet black fur on the tall canine shimmered iridescently in the sunlight, his light chocolate eyes flicking to Risha. "Us five will do, we will finish searching here in the alleyways, then head toward the Forest Border." He explains to her, and anyone else who needed a recap. Then at Arthur's words, the tall dog zeroed in on him, listening closely. His cropped ears slowly lowered the more the German Shepherd spoke, images of his packmates running to Red Willow's territory and ripping them to shred- which would be easy because the other pack was..Soft, he could say. The thought of Keys being hurt, killed or worse made his eyes harden quickly. "The Red Willow Pack- even if they did, it would take at least four of their dogs to take down a Fighter like Axel. Then again, they would not risk their members like that." His voice was quick, sharp. He knew he sounded like he was defending the rival pack, but he refused to even think about it being a possibility that Red Willow was behind this. "The patrol who went to go search the murder scene may have found a lead already and isn't thinking about the culprit being them." He barks, before adding, "let's stop talking about this, and get searching." Then his nose was to the ground and the Great Dane was heading down the first alley he noticed. His shoulder hunched to allow his nose to be an inch off the floor, his height being a bit difficult to keep his head down for long periods of time. As he sniffed down the alleyway, he went behind rubble of concrete and burnt wood. He could not find a thing down this way so he took the next turn to head further through the ways between buildings. He avoided entering an alley with a dog from the patrol already searching, in fear of messing either of them up or bumping into the packmate. He headed down the second empty alley he found and his head shot to the ground immediately, sniffing. [For anyone, you can ponder/ask why Cole suddenly got defensive/closed off when speaking about Red Willow.] [[ Keys | 2 Years, 6 Months old | Female | Pitsky [Pitbull / Husky] Location : Woods, the Patrol. | Mentions : Maculoses, Akia, Torak, Xander, Berry. ]] As the attention on her was slowly ripped away, Keys knew that this was probably a big deal- because some had their fur raised and looked mean- some's heads were even low, like they were hunting poor Berry. Her own fur flattened as the setter explained what she meant, who Arthur was, and what was happening. By what she was saying, this Arthur guy was really nice- and then that reminded her of Cole, of the separation, and her ears pin back. Taking a shuddering deep breath, the Pitsky blinked her colorful, beautiful eyes and looking between the others staring, or glaring at Berry. "I believe her," she would state, on Berry's behalf. She probably just erased all the praise they had thought about her a minute ago, but it wasn't fair for them to get angry, if they were thinking about snapping at the setter mix. A deep longing to see Cole again tugged in her chest, her belly, her mind, but she shook the thoughts out of her head- she stood closer to the dog that was even more hyper-active than the Pitbull/Husky. As Maculoses spoke, and tried diverting the conversation, the medium sized female brushed her tail against the shiny pelt of the other mix, her eyes understanding Berry's thoughts. She stood and waited, not talking, and hoping the conversation would sway from Berry and Arthur's friendship between packs. She knew the Fallen Ashes pack could be vicious, was vicious, but from experience, she knew not all canines from that horrid pack were cruel- just following orders, rules. "Can we move our mean stares to the puff of fur I found on the bramble? We need to focus our grouchy faces on that, and the owner of that fur." She pouted, her voice loud. [For anyone, you may presume/ask Keys is only protecting Berry because she does or used to have a friend in the other pack.] ![]() |