Posted by | Scorched | Dog RP | closed | |
![]() Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-18 22:18:29 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 03/06/19 @ 15:43:21 by Vespertine [SIDE] (#33365) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-20 15:13:26 |
Wind|5 years 2 months|Fallen ashes beta |German Chow | Mentions:everyone The female had calmed down,her brown eyes narrowed as she looked at her pack mates " Sorry " she muttered and sat down and sat up straight.The she dogs ears where forward as she looked at them,her nose raised into the air as she looked at everyone sniffing the air trying to see if she could find out who did this. " I'll lead a patrol check to see if we can find any clues on what happened " she said ![]() |
Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-22 15:32:26 |
![]() Edited on 22/05/19 @ 15:35:42 by Icy (#51844) |
Sacramora (#140353)
Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-25 22:15:31 |
RIsha | 6 Years | Female | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Northern Inuit/Tamaskan/Saarloos Hybrid. Location: Patrol | Mentions: The Pack Risha glanced disdainfully at Wind, before feeling a bit of sympathy. She knew this was hard on the she-dog, but now was not the time to be timid. It was most definitely not the time to show weakness. The tall female thought once more to herself, her ears flicking back in concentration, trying to imagine what had happened to the burly male. Risha carefully thought to herself for a moment, before sitting down, and lowering her head. The dark colored female watched the other dogs leave, wishing them luck. Kalil nudged her gently, his tail curled up behind him, and Risha felt a surge of protectiveness for the light colored pup. She would never let anyone hurt him. The young female placed a comforting paw on his shoulders, when a sudden thought hit her. Risha raced after Cole and the others, stopping before them, holding her head up high, even though she was panting. She had never known Axel well, and didn't feel anything but pity at how brutally he died. She lifted her head and shoulders again, choosing her words carefully. "W-wait! I just had an idea! Maybe we could check his claws or teeth for fur. Axel would never have gone down without a fight, so he may have gotten some of the dog's fur caught in his claws or mouth." She licked her muzzle before continuing. "It's worth a try." The black and white female glanced at Shemira, considering the hunter. "That way we might know if the culprit is indeed truly part of our pack..." ![]() Edited on 26/05/19 @ 16:08:33 by Sacramora (#140353) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-26 13:11:03 |
Frost | 4 Years, 6 Months Old | Female | Fallen Ashes Alpha | Pharaoh Hound/Doberman Pinscher Mix ![]() Edited on 26/05/19 @ 13:13:02 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-26 15:29:39 |
Quinn | 3 Years, 2 Months | Female | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Doberman Pinscher Rottweiler Mix ![]() Edited on 28/05/19 @ 13:18:39 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |
cloud | 🍉 | they/he (#175820) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-26 17:06:46 |
[[ Cole | 5 Years Old | Male | Great Dane Location : Camp, City Streets. | Mentions : Ruby, Ciel. ]] Walking beside his friend and the Pitbull, the Dane listened close to the young dog's question, and considered it deeply. Heading through alley-ways and searching the rubble and remaining buildings may be smart, searching for any odd or new smells, and such. He decided this was the better choice than anything else at the moment, so he speaks up with a rough throat clear. "We will walk along the sidewalk and go down each alley we can pass through," he begins, "If there is anything you see or smell, I want either of you to come to me before following it- just in case whatever you follow turns out too dangerous for you to handle." He directed the small patrol toward a line-up of charred and fallen buildings, the Great Dane forcing back winces whenever his sensitive paws stepped onto a piece of rubble and rock that was sharp enough to give a shocking zip of pain up his long, powerful legs. He caught onto Ruby's voice again, and turned his heavy head to face the young dog. He ran his tongue over his black nose, pondering. "I don't want to take any actions other than finding a scent and following it. Frost told us to search around the territory and confront anyone who seems out of place or new." He stepped over a shard of glass that seemed to be a dark brown color- a bottle. "We won't go searching for either Mite or Raven, not unless Frost finds us and tells us to look for them. If we don't find them near our territory, I'll be happy." He replies to Ruby, turning his head back to search the first alley with a deep sniff. [[ Keys | 2 Years, 6 Months old | Female | Pitsky [Pitbull / Husky] Location : Woods. | Mentions : Maculoses, Akia, Torak, Xander. ]] Keys padded with Maculoses to the group heading out of camp into the forest. There was a hop in her step, and a mild smile on her muzzle- she was keeping her 'work look' on her face as much as she could. The crossbreed stopped as they reached the mix of dogs gathered in the area, eyes darting between each of them before zoning in on the speaker, Xander. Her half colored eyes squinted as she affirmed Thunder's orders, tail sticking out flat and only wagging a bit, seeming to only sway. As the Deerhound continued to speak with her, with a little jaw click as she thought about her next words, Keys says, "I know!" She sounded a little offended- did these dogs really find her silly and always pup-like? "I know this is serious. I want to help find Oliver." He stated, raising her head high for a moment before the dog, Xander, turned sharply and bounded off, sniffing things and searching. She decided she did the same, obviously. She dropped her head and began sniffing, like she had did around camp early this morning. She was so focused on the ground she tumbled right into a nearby bramble bush, letting out a squawk. The Pitsky got back up, ears perked as she glared at the offending bush, shaking away at her thin-furred pelt, feeling little brambles on her shoulders. As they fell to the ground near her white splashed paws, she was about to began walking again, because she didn't want to stand here dumbfounded and be laughed at by the other dogs on the patrol. But she spotted a color that didn't match the bramble bush, and suddenly she was leaning closer, taking in fur and an odd, unfamiliar smell. Who's fur was this? She asked herself in her mind as she shoved her nose closer, taking in it's rusty, brown color that was tipped with dark gray-black grizzling. She was about to grab it in her mouth and bring it to the patrol, but realized it as she opened her mouth towards it, that it would most likely drown out the true colors and smell if she did that. Keys let out an excited yap, trying to get the attention of any dog still beside her, as they may have padded off. "Hey! I- I think I found something!" She calls out, eagerness and pride seeming to seep through her loud barks. She even howled a little, it slipping out in her excitement. Her beautiful eyes stayed transfixed onto the patch of fur stuck on the bramble bush. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-27 10:18:57 |
Maculoses | Six years | Red Willow Healer | Dalmatian | Mentions: Thunder, Vervian, Keys, Xander, Torak, Akia The spotted lass' fidgeting must have telegraphed more than she'd thought, as Vervian stepped up to stay and Thunder told her to join Xander's search party. She thanked him warmly, wagging her patched tail, then joined up with Keys to find the party. The group hadn't ventured far, and when Xander spotted them he sent a less than welcoming greeting their way. But Keys appeared to remain optimistic, answering in her usual, chipper voice. Xander's annoyed response snapped back, warning the Pitsky to behave, and Mac's ears shifted back ever so slightly. Yes, Keys was excitable and very much a puppy, but weren't they all at some point? But Oliver's absence was a greater matter than whether or not Keys was responsible, and Mac's nose dropped to the ground and snuffled through the dead leaves of the forest floor. As she dug through the loam, she kept one sky and heaven hued eye on the rest of the party, careful to not stray too far from them. But now that she was with her pack, that thing in her chest sat a little lighter. As she searched, a squirrel darted across her path, running up a tree at impressive speeds. The sudden burst of motion startled the Dalmatian, and she turned her back to the furry tailed creature and kept working at the leaves. Every so often she'd catch the scent of one of her pack mates, but never Oliver. Overhead, a bird screeched, and Mac flinched. She sent a desperate prayer upwards that the pup had not been harmed, or worse yet, killed. Her ebony and opal splashed muzzle was drawn to the rotting carcass of a small mouse, the heavy, putrid scent chasing Mac away from the dead creature. She could only hope Oliver wouldn't end up like that. An excited yap, which turned into a howl, and accompanied a discovery by Keys, turned Mac away from whatever fruitless searching she was doing. Her tail wagged a little in pride. So, the little dog had proven herself. Maybe that would take the grizzly grump of a Deerhound down a few pegs. The Dalmatian trotted towards the excited dog, a smile on her face. Maybe this would be the clue they needed! She came to a stop beside the Pitsky, her thin tail curled slightly as Mac congratulated the young dog on her find. A quick sniff proved the owner of the hair to be unfamiliar, but the pattern seemed to resemble that of a coyote. "Doesn't smell like anything I know, but it looks like coyote fur. Anyone smell a coyote?" Polaris | Three Years| Fallen Ashes Hunter | Border Collie | Mentions: Shemira, Frost, Quinn The little Collie's whiskey eyes lit up, only slightly, as Frost paused at his preposition. Then, her eyes unfocused, and was that fear? Was Frost afraid? Of what? What would be big, scary, and mean enough to scare Frost? Polaris glanced over his shoulder, showing no outward sign of his nerves aside from the occasional swing of his heavy tail and that backwards look. He took a deep breath to calm himself as Frost shook her head and gave him an answer. As the pale leader ran through the suggestions from each of his fellow patrol members, Polaris listened closely. At Raven's name, Polaris' white lip lifted, every so slightly, to reveal the tip of a gleaming canine. Admittedly, he'd never actually seen her, only heard stories, but she certainly seemed like an awful dog. But he was confident in his leader. If it was Raven, Frost would be able to take her. And she had more dogs to back her up than Raven probably did, and should an all out war escalate, which he truly hoped didn't happen, Fallen Ashes could snatch an easy victory and squash the looming threat of Raven forever. Since Polaris was young and didn't have much experience with other dogs outside the pack, the only knowledge he had of Raven were what the other dogs had told each other, and he had picked up. When they arrived at the scene Polaris took one look at the pool of ichor, staining the sidewalk a sick burgundy color, before he dropped his nose to the ground and began to quest back and forth. From he corner of his eye he saw Quinn do the same, and he made note to travel in a different direction and cover more ground. He began at the pool of rapidly evaporating blood, then moved in what seemed like a rational pattern to onlookers, but to Polaris it was simply moving where he pleased. He lifted his nose to the sky and inhaled deeply, but the wind carried no scents that would set off alarm bells. Just the usual scent of Fallen Ashes, the occasional, weak whiff of scavengers, and that ever present scent of rats and putrefying garbage. With a soft sneeze to clear his nose of the normal scents, Polaris once again sank to the sidewalk and followed whatever smells drifted across the cracked concrete. He had begun to lose hope, that thick tail sinking and those feathered ears falling back against his head, when he froze. What was that? It was something he'd never smelled before, and it was faint, but maybe he could follow it. With deep breaths the Collie followed the trail, tail flagging as he walked slowly, careful not to overrun the scent. What was this thing? His brow furrowing with the concentration, Polaris tried desperately to find out what made this creature. But the scent was too faint to discern that, and he ended up quietly calling Frost, keeping his nose to the cobbled sidewalk. Maybe the snow hued alpha could make sense of this scent. ![]() |
Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-27 12:16:56 |
![]() Edited on 29/05/19 @ 17:35:37 by Icy (#51844) |
pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-27 19:37:30 |
arthur | five years old | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Purebred German Shepherd location ; heading out of camp to the city streets | mentions ; cole, and the rest of his party. the soft murmurs of dogs rang in his black ears, he slowly raised his square head out from a trash can. he left the dank alleyway to follow the voices, though driven by curious nature, he was cautious with every step he took. his long legs taking slow strokes as he kept his distance from the walls of abandoned buildings. arthur wasn't too familiar with urban cities, but he knew better than to let his pelt to brush against any of the walls of the buildings. following the voices with a cautious walk, his black docked tail flicked as the hair from his neck relaxed. he was thankful to recognize the scent of his fellow packmates, but as he grew closer he noticed the weariness in their gait. arthur let the short whiskers of his maw twitched as he approach the large dog, greeting him with a slow nod. "mornin' there, cole." his voice held a deep and thick southern drawl. his voice was a raspy but gruff tone, but it matched his personality well very much like his appearance. "I've overheard about axel near in the mornin' after I dropped a bird off. not much we can do for him." he murmured, his docked tail flicking before a heavy sigh escaped his lips. his black ears pointed forward as he gazed around the streets. the dog was clearly a german shepherd, baring the same long maw and piercing eyes as any german shepherd. he bore a black saddle marking, and long red-tinted tan legs and underbelly. the muscles beneath his thick pelt seemed to ripple with each step he took, as his black nose twitched before his gaze parted away from the large male. truthfully, arthur was never great with empathy, nor was he great with death. his large black ears flicked before turning his large head back to the other male, a frown curving his lips. "forst ain't takin' it well, huh? well, I can't say I blame her." he commented, frowning before clearing his throat to change the subject. "anyway, do ya need any help with the patrol? it's still early 'til any good prey comes crawlin' out." the german shepherd was a bit of a stubborn ass, but he had some time to help out. afterall, this pack helped him more than he'd like to admit berry | three years old | Red Willow Subordinate | Irish Setter mix location ; outside of camp to the woods | mentions ; the patrol. rustling of leaves caused the fur on her shoulders to rise, her golden brown eyes shined in danger as she bared her sharp yellowing teeth. she let a calming sigh escape as she recognized the pelts of red willow. berry let a sigh escape as she lowered her white and red head down, pressing her long maw underneath the fresh kill of a squirrel, clamping the body in her jaws as she approached the patrol, her dark pink lips curved into a goofy smile. the squirrel in her jaws only added to her own silliness. berry was a tall and slender mahogany red irish setter. her pelt was mostly a solid color until the upperhalf of her body, there she bore a white muzzle with red speckles on her forehead and all around her maw. her legs were mostly white with red speckles similar to her muzzle, but the red curved into almost a saddle pattern on her shoulders. her pelt was a lot more smooth and softer than arthur's, but it was occasionally muddy thanks to her curious endeavors. berry broke into a quick sprint as she saw the patrol walk further away from her, "wait a minute!" she called out, muffled by the fluffy squirrel tail. her docked tail slowly wagging as she greeting her fellow packmates before approaching torak, giving the large fluffy male a confused look as he brought his nose to the ground. "whatcha sniffing the ground for? ooh, is there a rabbit near by? did you know rabbits eat their own dirt, how weird is that? kinda like how birds can't pee." she rambled, before slowly shaking her head to keep her focus on what she wanted to say. "what's with the big group out here? did someone get lost?" she finally asked, truthfully berry can't remember that well. she was a bit spotty in certain area's, but other than that she was just a dog who wore her heart on her sleeve. "I heard paws around the area before sunrise, but that was just arthur stopping by to say hello. I showed him how to cross your eyes, it gives you double vision!" she barked cheerfully, her voice slightly muffled by the squirrel in her jaws. her floppy red ears flicked up as her golden brown eyes landed on the ground. "do you need me to move or something? cause I can do that! I can also climb a tree, but we can't talk about that. I got stuck in more tree's than I wanna admit." she let a soft laugh escape, oblivious to the situation at hand, but that was berry for ya. ![]() |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-30 19:40:59 |
![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Maroon Ennedi] (#33365) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-31 01:10:37 |
Frost | 4 Years, 6 Months Old | Female | Fallen Ashes Alpha | Pharaoh Hound/Doberman Pinscher Mix ![]() |
Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-31 06:04:56 |
Quinn | 3 Years, 2 Months | Female | Fallen Ashes Fighter | Doberman Pinscher Rottweiler Mix ![]() Edited on 31/05/19 @ 06:17:37 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |
cloud | 🍉 | they/he (#175820) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-31 08:44:38 |
[[ Cole | 5 Years Old | Male | Great Dane Location : Camp, City Streets. | Mentions : Ruby, Ciel, Arthur, Risha. ] As they group slowed their pace to greet Arthur, Cole matched their pace with small steps- because his legs would normally bring him with long, further gates than the other dogs of the patrol. He listened to their inquiry, cut ears angled forward, swiveling to whomever was speaking at the moment. Hearing Arthur's greeting, Cole gave a quick dip of his head in hello. At Ciel's words, the Great Dane raised his head higher and cave a curt nod. "Yes, once we've gone through this part of the city we'll head to the border. We could..Search for wolf scent or activity." He twitched his nose, more like a distasteful wrinkle, at the thought of wolves. He was strong, yes, but wolves were all muscle, and only thought to kill, he believed. "I think the body has already been searched for fur. I think if there /was/ fur under his claws or in his jaws..We'd have a better idea of where to search." He says, eyes scanning the dogs around him..That had gone to two other dogs, to four very quickly. "Arthur, you stated you wanted to join in on the patrol. That would be best, seeing as we will be going close to the forest, and if wolves are the culprit, two Fighters and a Trainee would have been a bad idea. Risha, what about you? Will you be joining the patrol, it will give us a better distance around the area." Cole turns to the dog who mentioned searching for fur on Axel, chocolate eyes curious. [[ Keys | 2 Years, 6 Months old | Female | Pitsky [Pitbull / Husky] Location : Woods. | Mentions : Maculoses, Akia, Torak, Xander, Berry. ]] The Pitsky seemed to preen in the little bask of praises she got from Mac and Torak. Her tail wagged rapidly, flopped forward ears perked high and her stance one of a prideful puppy. Her chest was even puffed out a little. Soon she listened to their words and thoughts on what the fur could be. She began babbling on what holds this fur type and what it could've been, when Xander padded over with Akia. Her head snapped toward the two, seeming to be determined in proving herself to the grumpy dog. "I found something!" She said again in the pair's direction, tail still wagging vigorously. She watched them sniff and take in the tuft of fur, and Keys' broad head tipped to the side, waiting. She listened to Xander's thoughts on the canine probably disguising their scent. How would they do that?- She was about to speak her thought, when the other praised her on her find. She blinked her big pretty eyes, surprised and kind of..out of breath. She took in a deep breath that sounded like a gasp, her two forepaws beginning to tap excitedly in the grass, never once thinking that the grumpy Deerhound would congratulate her so outwardly. "Thank y-!" She started to blurt out, but was interrupted by Berry running into the clearing and beginning to babble. Her jaws clicked shut and she moved her gaze away from the other. She switched her eyes to Akia and Berry, when the German Shepherd mix asked about an Arthur. Who was that? She turned her attention to Berry, moving closer to Akia to hear the answer. ![]() |
Sacramora (#140353)
Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-31 09:34:13 |
Risha|Female| 6 Years Old|Northern Inuit/Tamaskan/Saarloos |Location: Outside Camp | Mentions: Cole, Ruby, CIel, Arthur, (The Patrol) | The tall female dipped her head. "I'd be happy to join, Cole." She paused, flicking her ears for the slightest sound. Her cold amber eyes searched the surroundings for movement, before flicking back to the great dane. She shook her body, feeling shivers down her spine, as if something was watching them. Her attention flicked back to Cole and the rest of the patrol, her hackles raised. "Sorry... The fact that someone as strong as Axel could be brought down has put me on edge... Either way, when should we begin? I'd like to get back soon. I don't like leaving Kalil alone for to long, ancestors know what could happen to him right now." She turned her head towards the camp, motioning towards it. "Who else will be joining us on the patrol? We should go prepared..." She growled, ears flicking backwards. She sat down, and pawed at the ground, in thought once again. ![]() Edited on 31/05/19 @ 09:36:41 by Sacramora (#140353) |
Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-31 20:19:53 |
![]() Edited on 31/05/19 @ 20:21:43 by Icy (#51844) |