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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 12:30:41

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A land ravished from war, filled with strange beasts and home to even stranger tribes of dogs. Fear is used to keep the masses in line, talk of deities raining hellfire from the skies if their followers are to take a single step out of line. This fear-mongering keeps the top dogs at the top and those who oppose their word are met with hellish brutality, cast out by their own friends or families into the dangerous wilderness.

A small flicker of doubt seems to be growing deep inside the bellies of the new generation, making them hungry for change. They call themselves freethinkers, the followers refer to them as heathens and those in power see them as a threat. Their minds are untarnished by the fear of the gods, they are tired of tradition and war. Will their flame of revolution be stamped out, just as it has in the past or will this starving revolution devour what is left of the traditions so a new age can begin?

Sun Tribe
Followers of Elio, the sun god. Bringers of war.

They reside deep within the desert in a city, half buried in sand. A massive church sits in the midst of the territory, home to the leader. They are bordered by the Earth tribe. At war with the Moon tribe.

Leader(s): Shiro

Second in command: Kirtonos

Shaman: Dipita
Priestess: Araceli

Warriors: Bailey, Keres,


Moon Tribe
Followers of Aibek, the moon god. Keepers of wisdom.

The moon tribe lives at the base of a mountain, bordered on one side by the sea and the other by the Earth tribe. They live in a massive fortress, sculpted out of stone. At war with the sun tribe.

Leader(s): Kite

Second in command: Dallas

Shaman: Cygnus
Priest: Aquila

Craftsmen: Abel, Finnigan,
Warriors: Maximum,


Earth Tribe
Followers of Alira, the earth god. Protectors of life.

They reside in the midst of a dense forest, mostly living in tunnels carved out of the ground. They are a major trading hub, found in the center of all three tribes. Their borders are open to all.

Leader(s): Eden

Second in command: Aspen


Craftsmen: Bravo,
Warriors: Orcus, Asra, Ranger,


Travelers, merchants, outcasts. Forging their own path.

Atticus, Caspian, Aurora, Yoloti, Polaris,


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Edited on 27/09/19 @ 21:25:56 by Sleep α΄Ήα΅˜α΅—α΅— Λ’αΆ¦α΅ˆα΅‰ (#44085)

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 17:05:25
Eden | Earth | Leader | Location: Sun and Earth Border | Mentions: N/a, open.

Eden's caramel eyes cast a worrisome gaze towards the south, her eyes studying the dying plant life that couldn't seem to quite make it in the heat of the desert. She could just make out the silhouette of three Murk deer in the low light, loaded down with heavy leather bags filled with water to send to the parched Sun tribe. With the hulking beasts, riding on the largest of the party's horns, was a single white raven carrying a message within it's throat of her apologies for not being able to send more. Of course she wanted to send more.. but sending more of her beloved beasts of burden out into the desert with no certainty that they would return was too great of a risk to her tribe's well-being. For now, this was all she could do.

Turning away from the harrowing scene, she noted the expanse of scrubland that now stretched out before her and the forest she called home. The first rays of the sun crept above the dunes of sand at her back, casting an array of pinkish light across her pelt and the landscape. If she wanted to get back home in time for the market to open she would have to start moving, and fast. The lanky canine takes a long step, propelling herself towards the land which was much more familiar to her. A sense of guilt washed over her as she made her trek, all she could do was hope that the caravan would reach the city safely.

Dipita | Sun | Shaman | Location: Sun City | Mentions: Spiro (Indirectly)

The red-coated female's tongue lolled out in a haphazard yawn as she pulled herself into a stretch and finally to her feet. She wasn't particularly fond of the morning or the annoyingly bright glints of sunlight that had snaked their way through the crumbling architecture to disturb her rest. She lets out an annoyed growl and rubs her eyes against her paw, shaking the sand out of her coat in a lazy manner. The hum of the tribe, already awake and going about their daily business, made her all the more angry as she stumbled her way out of the building and into the morning rays.

Temperatures were already soaring, though the sun was just barely visible over the horizon. The sting of the hot sand against her paws made her ears lie back in annoyance as she made her way down a stone staircase leading towards the market. The jingling of trinkets and murmur of voices greeted her at the end of the path and her eyes cut across the crowd in search of the daily gift sent by their neighbouring tribe. They weren't particularly hard to spot, the large smelly beasts. She trots over to the Murk deer and grabs the closest one by the rope attached to a ring in it's nose, resulting in a snort of discomfort from the animal. She growls back at it in response and turns away, yanking the rope with her. She made her way through the street and towards the church, gifts in tow to deliver to the leader.

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 07:06:39 by Sleep (Mutt Side) (#44085)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-19 13:26:33
Kirtonos || Second-in-command || Sun Tribe || Location: Borders || Mentions: Eden, open

Big black dog, thick wolfish fur- not a real phenomenal combination for desert-living, but he always managed. He found himself acclimating to his environment quickly, especially since it was essentially a "do-or-die" situation for him. While the climate wasn't ideal, the cause behind the tribe he had elected to join was absolutely in his ball park. Before his life within the Sun tribe, Kirtonos served as a loyal second-in-command to various small packs that eventually disbanded. However, he spent the longest amount of times in the largest of his discontinued factions, where he served as the head executioner. It was his duty to track down those who had displeased his leader and put their miserable lives to an end. Tough job, but he did it with zest and great success.

It had taught him that emotions and love made you weak.

The shepherd mix jogged along the borders with the merciless newborn sun beating down on his coal coat, causing him to pant rhythmically with every confident step he took. It was only daybreak, and already the temperatures and humidity were ridiculous. He paused when he found what he was looking for: their delivery, much-needed water to satisfy their always-present thirst. Desert life was difficult, but it was what they had.

In the distance he could spot a familiar slender silhouette, dancing from the rays of heat that were already rising from the heating earth. The dark male sent a firm nod in her direction as thanks, even if she couldn't see it, before returning his attention to the murk deer. He fluidly turned on his paws to escort the creatures back to camp, as he had intended to do. Kirtonos would ensure that no harm was brought to the beasts.


Cygnus || Shaman || Moon Tribe || Location: Moon Tribe Fortress|| Mentions: Open

The stony floor of her keep was still freezing cold, yet to be touched by the first golden rays of the sun. The tornjak mix raised her head the slightest, squinting over at the cracks and crevices in the walls where she kept her herbs and whatnot. Her stocks were still at a steady level, but they would need a good organizing for the sake of her sanity. However, that was something she could deal with later- for now, the ocean awaited her.

Slowly, the fluffy Cygnus rose to her paws, a small yawn escaping parted jaws before her keen almond eyes darted to the window to her right. A small smile blessed her features when she spotted the wide, endless blue body of water that always brought her tranquility and peace of mind in troubling times. Today, it as her plan to learn, to absorb any information that dear Aibek had to offer. Oh, how she admired her god and his wisdom! She still held onto the moment when they first met, when they provided her with the option to become a shaman and allowed her to carry them on her shoulder in the form of a raven with the moon as eyes.

However, enough dilly-dallying, there was a day full of adventure and lessons awaiting her. Turning, Cygnus found her way down the cold rocky steps to seek her exit from the fortress.


Bravo|| Craftsman|| Earth Tribe || Location: Forest|| Mentions: Open

The dane had risen before the sun, to flee from the demands of those above him and avoid any preachings his tribemates had to offer. Today was about learning, to expand his knowledge so that he might "bless" the idiots around him with some "sense". He would prove their gods false and turn them towards a significantly more enlightened path: wisdom and reality. It was about time that they all woke up from this silly daydream.

He moved with the grace and prowess of a giraffe, with his head held high and eyes squinting in a scrutinizing manner at all forms of matter. Bravo had graced himself with the opportunity to explore the curiosities that a peculiar glowing fungi had to offer earlier that dawn, when the sun was yet to peak over the horizon. He was keenly interested in its properties- perhaps he could make a sort of paste out of it to humor himself with? Paint it on his tribemates and make them glow? Hah!! They would keel over in their skins out of fright, wailing that the gods had cursed them.

No time for that yet, he still had a perimeter to explore. He had spotted a strange butterfly in this area the day before, one he was yet to classify and add to his collection. It as quite stunning, it would be a shame to smash it- but it was all the in name of his science.

There had to be casualties for progress.

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-09-19 16:44:31

Araceli | Female | Sun Tribe | Priestess |
Location: Sun City | Mentions: Dipita [direct], Spiro & Kirtonos [indirect]

The soft sift and hiss of the sand accompanied the otherwise serene and silent priestess as she journeyed through the buried city of her tribe, her graceful gait never halting or stumbling as she crossed paths with others, giving them a tender smile before continuing on her way. A gentle presence, despite the warring nature of the god she worshiped. Despite the war they waged upon the Followers of Aibek.

With her, she carried a smokey, aromatic scent and the delicate sound of wind chimes, prompted by the thin, golden hued piercings that dangled from her ears. The sounds of the tribe soothed her, made her believe all was well, despite the war and the drought. The hustle and bustle of the artisans, the rallying of the warriors, and the solid physiques of the scouts setting out. It really all gave the appearance of peace. How wrong it was. It felt almost like a shoddy masquerade. Perhaps if it looked alright, she could act like it was.

Clicking her tongue silently, she turned her mind to the supplies the tribe was supposed to be delivered today. The thought eased some internal suffering. Perhaps Kirtonos had already gone to gather it. Or perhaps another, with a greater need for it. Araceli knew it had come regardless. Eden was nothing if not punctual. It was something she liked about the Earth leader. Celestial blue and copper eyes searched and searched… and found what they sought. Dipita, tugging a Murk beast towards her own destination. Speeding up into a fluidic trot, she caught up with the tall, angular lass. β€œYou’ve beaten me to it, it seems,” she said in way of greeting, a smile brightening the silken’s mien. β€œHow do you fare?” She asked kindly, bracing herself for the female’s fiery whip of a tongue, despite her own friendly disposition.

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Edited on 20/09/19 @ 13:02:15 by β™›LadySeerβ™› (#139547)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-20 13:29:36

Spiro | 4 Years | Male | Sun | Leader
Location: Sun City | Mentions: Dipita, Araceli, Kirtonos / Eden (Indirectly)

Golden orbs peered from the darkness of the church, crouched in shadow as the outline of the sun appeared on the horizon. The day would soon grow unbearably hot, worsened by unending drought. He sent a silent prayer to Elio, pleading his intervention. How much longer could they survive on borrowed water? How much longer would he be at Eden’s mercy? He was indebted to her now and the notion made him sneer. Spiro loathed the thought of owing another dog a single thing. A familiar bellow drew his thoughts back to the city below, bustling with activity as the craftsman prepared the market.

Rising to his paws, Spiro descended the stone steps as Dipita and Araceli rose toward him, the former’s teeth clutching the reigns of their water bearers. His eyes cast behind them, expecting more, but only Kirtono’s dark form appeared behind the large cervids. β€œOnly three?” He asked, his trepidation thinly veiled. His eyes lifted to the Spirit Raven perched atop the leading deer’s antlers, head tilting in an agitated manner as he awaited an explanation. It clearly had some message to relay if it were here at all.


Aquila | 4 Years | Male | Moon | Priest
Location: Moon Tribe Fortress | Mentions: None, Open / Cygnus (Indirectly)

β€œThe night is dark and full of terrors, yet by the grace of Aibek we wake to greet each new day,” Aquilia’s voice carried across the fortress, echoes reverberating off the stone walls and reaching the ears of every dog who remained within the ruins they called home. β€œThe serpent’s poison has not tainted us, and the lion’s claw has yet to silence us. Have faith brothers and sisters. As Elio and his followers rage war against us Aibek works against him, their beak sharpened and talons at the ready. They will never abandon us, so long as we believe.”

A smile graced his muzzle, gentle honey-colored eyes brimming with warmth and encouragement for his troubled tribemates. He hoped they would take his sermon to heart, and that it would bring them some peace of mind as they began readying themselves for the day’s tasks. Slipping from his perch, a large block of stone risen above the floor, he leaped down to ground level with minimal effort. The first face he sought was the freckled visage of his sister, but Cygnus was nowhere to be found. Gone already it seemed, seeking solitude in the mountain’s craggy paths. No matter. He would catch up with her another time.


Polaris | 6 Years | Female | Loner
Location: Desert | Mentions: None, Open


The word bounced inside her brain, a repeated mantra she continuously ignored despite the voice’s growing insistence. β€œI will rest when I’m dead,” Polaris replied flatly, her vision blurring as she forced herself forward. The night offered a brief respite from the sweltering heat that weighed on her limbs during the day, leaving the hound overheated and disoriented, yet the chilling bite was just as bad if not worse, cutting through her sleek coat down to the bone. She wasn’t meant to retain warmth, most of it lost through her comically large ears. This land was a curse, but it was her prison now. She must make the best of it.

Something slithered in the darkness, glossy dark scales glinting under the light of the rising sun. Polaris’ amber gaze narrowed, zeroing in on the beast as it coiled around her. β€œYou are not real,” she stated factually, continuing her trek.

β€œAren’t I?” The serpent hissed, his silky timbre ringing through her ears. β€œWhen will you see the truth? I am the one god. The true god. The only one who can free you from this suffering. Will you not submit?”

β€œI will not,” Polaris confirmed. β€œBe gone Nagaraj.” As if on command the snake burst into flame, disappearing seconds later in puffs of smoke. Polaris watched as it spiraled into the sky, feeling satisfied. Delusions of the gods were always the easiest to see through. They were nothing more than stories. Tales dogs made up to explain the world around them and give them something to believe in. She could see through the lies, the fairytales. They were not real. They were never real.

With an abrupt lurch, the Ibizan tumbled forward, landing in a clumsy heap with a grunt. Specklings of sand showered over her frail form and for a moment Polaris could do little more than lay curled on her side. Perhaps it would be easier to sleep. To give up and forget this world, but she was nothing if not tenacious. Crawling through the dirt with all the elegance of a worm, she found the strength to return to her paws, shakily continuing her aimless wandering.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-20 15:51:55
Dipita | Sun | Shaman | Location: Sun City | Mentions: Araceli, Spiro, Kirtonos

Dipita's scarlet eyes cut towards the figure approaching to her right, her features crumpling into annoyance. She shifted the rope to the other side of her face in an attempt to block off sight of the other female, perhaps if she didn't look at her she would go away. Of course that was only a delusion. Not only did Araceli continue to follow Dipita, she spoke to her. "Faring as well as I can be in this heat, I suppose." She replied through closed teeth, her body language growing uncomfortable as the priestess drew near.

The shaman lets out an audible groan, spitting the rope out as they approach the church and coughing as she came to realize a bundle of Murk deer fur had dislodged from the lead and glued itself to her tongue. Only three? Her eyes lifted to rest upon their leader as he spoke, the fur on the her spine prickling a bit at the tone of his voice. She followed his gaze upwards, only now noticing the stark white hitchhiker atop the deer. It flitters down to rest on the steps just above Spiro, eyeing the surrounding dogs warily before speaking, "As per custom, I have had to sacrifice my best stag to the ceremony this season. My herd is weak without him and so I can only afford to send these three for the time being. I'm sorry I can't do more and I hope you understand. May the rain come to your lands again soon, Spiro." The raven lifted itself from the ground quickly, as if anticipating being attacked, and returned to the back of the largest of the three beasts. Dipita sneered at it as she lifted her front paws off the ground and untied the ropes holding up the leather bags which descended to the ground with a loud slosh, though they somehow kept the liquid inside contained.

Caspian | Traveler | Location: Desert | Mentions: Polaris

The curly-coated male trudged through the desert, a heavy burlap scarf draped over his face in a feeble attempt at keeping the stinging grains of rock from making it into his eyes and a glass container of stale water sloshed at his hip as he moved. His coat was heavily weighted down with sand that had weaseled it's way into the curls of his fur, giving him quite a withered appearance. He didn't mind it, the sand. Though he would much rather it be wet and accompanied with the soothing sounds of the seashore. The thought made his throat clench up in emotion and he felt the need to exhale a lonesome sigh, though opening his mouth at the moment would mean having to rid it of the annoyingly tasteless granules later.

A figure in the distance caught his gaze. It's erratic movements made him first think it was a trick of the eye, a mirage created in the rising waves of heat from the dunes. Though as he watched the silhouette flop about like a newborn camel he came to the conclusion that he might as well investigate, camel or not.

It didn't take him much time to catch up and as he approached he noted the newborn camel was none other than another canine, and an adult one at that. "Lost?" He inquired, quite out of breath as he hurried to keep up, "I can point you.. in the direction.. of the nearest settlement, If you'd like?" He wheezed a bit as he finally surpassed the stranger's pace, his tongue lolling out to the side before finally skidding to a stop. His paws sunk into the sand under his feet, knocking quite a bit off of his stature and suctioning him into place.

Abel | Moon | Craftsmen | Location: Moon Tribe Fortress | Mentions: Cygnus, Aquila (Indirectly)

Abel woke up with the moon, long before the sun would grace the land with it's warming rays of light. Though that meant little to him, he only needed to get a head start if it meant getting to the Earth Tribe's market in time to sell his wares.

The sound of his nails clicking against the stone flooring echoed off the dense walls as he loaded down the pockets on his vest with all sorts of sharp bits and bobs. The coldness of the metal stung his lips as he slid each one into their own compartment, stepping back once done to admire his handy work.

He pulled the now heavy leather vest up over his back and slipped his legs into their respective sleeves, pulling the lacing at his chest tight so that it would fit snug against his frame. With a bit of adjustment he shook himself to make sure nothing would spring loose and began navigating the fortress as he headed for the exit. The distant sound of Aquila's daily sermon snaked their ways into his ears and he sighed lightly as he crept past the barrage of canines.

As he rounded the corner he all but ran down the staircase leading out of the fortress, stumbling mid-step and almost crashing into the figure of the tribe's shaman in the process. "Ah- My apologies," He spat out as he dug his nails into the stony surface of the steps in an attempt to keep his footing. He skirted around her and paused as he finally reached the ground, turning to face Cygnus, "Where are you off to in such a hurry this morning?" He mused, offering her a small wag of his sawed-off tail.

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 07:08:03 by Sleep (Mutt Side) (#44085)

Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-09-20 19:22:00

Araceli | Female | Sun Tribe | Priestess |
Location: Sun City | Mentions: Spiro [directly], Dipita[indirect]

Araceli exhaled slowly, her eyes resting on the path ahead, falling into silence. The shaman’s behavior was normal, for Dipita, anyway. Araceli could never remember her acting any differently, but she never saw the harm in trying anyway. They both helped make up the backbone of the tribe, along with Kirtonos, so she just couldn’t see why Dipita found it so hard to even be in her vicinity.

Araceli silently bowed her head to the leader, noticing the look of trepidation. After all, she shared it. The dread had blossomed in her chest the past couple of days and festered like some disease. Of course, ever the faithful devotee, she kept her mouth shut, her head high, and words pleasant. It was a dread that grew to infest her eyes. The words of the snowy raven set an ache upon her heart. The Earth leader meant well, and was doing her best to supply the tribe in the drought. The blame had nowhere else to go but inward.

Backing away from the Murk beasts, she moved towards Spiro, her expression tender and understanding, and she willed the sparkle of determination into her eyes. β€œWorry not, Spiro. Elio will be pleased soon, I’m sure of it.” Her voice dipped low, her tones feather-light in an effort to soothe. β€œI have a sermon prepared. Our praises will spur Elio into action.” There was no doubt in her words. Araceli had ripped doubt from her words, from her voice, like it was nothing more than a weed. Despite her calm resolution, her tongue tasted of sugary rot. Every word out of her mouth always felt like a lie now.

Asra | Female | Earth Tribe | Warrior |
Location: Earth Market | Mentions: Eden [directly]

Greenery swished about the female as she strode about, listening to the tribe beginning to come to life within the tunnels as she made her rounds above ground, doing a scouts sweep when she noticed the lack of them doing their duty. Her eyes were alive with a lambent glow, her posture strict and professional as she patrolled, simultaneously seeking Eden. Asra had noticed that their beautiful beasts were already taken to what she could only assume to be the Sun Tribe. The thought made her gaze narrow. The warrior could only hope they made it to their destination safely.

Spotting a deer-like figure bounding towards the fortress, she perked up and strolled forth on streamlined limbs, her pace quick and lively. β€œEden,” she greeted, dipping her head respectfully, her voice holding a tinge of softness to it that was otherwise uncharacteristic for her. Asra knew, from hearing the female talk, that she had a hard time with anything experiencing pain or hardship. While Asra herself found the struggle to be naive and childlike, she couldn’t stop the feeling of admiration that roared despite the inner criticizing. β€œDid you send the delivery already?” She questioned, head tilting. β€œI went to help you, but…” Their herd was weak with the sacrifice of the best stag. Three of their beasts being sent off wouldn’t help it in regaining its strength. Especially if they didn’t return.

She turned, as to continue walking, letting the female lead her if that was her wish. Asra wished the leader would simply take a warrior or two with them to the border. And she said as such. β€œI wish you would take some of us with you. It wouldn’t be a bother on any of us, and I don’t want Sun Tribe to pull something on you.” The Sun Tribe and their constant belligerent behavior was always something to worry about. Eden wouldn’t last a second, and it drove her up a wall. Several walls, to be exact.

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Edited on 20/09/19 @ 19:49:15 by β™›LadySeerβ™› (#139547)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2019-09-20 21:12:59

Bailey | Sun Tribe | Warrior | Location: Outskirts of Sun City | Mentions: Shiro, Dipita, Araclei, Kirtonos

The female's head lay gently against the trampled ground and her chest heaved with exhaustion as she tried to catch her breath. Her previous sprint had lasted nearly half a mile as she weaved meticulously between sparse stone structures. The outer rim of the city was hardly active this time of day, but was making itself home to a handful of Desert Monitor younglings who enjoyed mindlessly scavenging the sandy streets. Of course, at their usual size Desert Monitors were commendable opponents, but with the babies’ small scaly frames reaching barely the size of a paw it seemed they were more of a nuisance. Thankfully, the sight of a dog had sent the little reptiles scampering back off into the desert, hopefully headed back to their burrows.

But, now with her face resting on the hardened sand, and her morning responsibilities handled, she was keen for another task. Upon hearing a thundering noise echoing in her ears her energy was replenished, the pale furred canine once sprinted off. The smell of Murk Deer filled her nostrils, as did the sight of a handful of the creatures adorned with leather sacks of water from their allies in the Earth Tribe. She thought momentarily what one would taste like before scolding herself mentally for letting the more feral side of her think such a thing. She was a civilized animal, not some common coyote like her ancestors. Thrusting the thought to the back of her mind she wandered up to the small group of canines gathering. Recognizing the pelts of her tribemates Bailey decided to approach. While gently shaking off her sand covered pelt the female announced herself,

”Greetings all! It’s a fine day in the desert, isn’t it?’ She joked dryly and then continued, ”I see the Murk Deer have arrived... When they’re done distributing water will they be needing escorts back to the Earth Border or are these some of the kind that know their own way?” She questioned honestly, accompanying the query with a head tilt. It would seem such a shame to get rid of the useful animals so soon, but they did have their own Arid Camels for this kind of work, after all, and there was no need to rely on other tribes when they can handle themselves.


Finn | Moon Tribe | Craftsman | Location: Moon Tribe Fortress | Mentions: OPEN

The mottled red and white dog wandered aimlessly out of his makeshift den, he stretched slowly, his young muscles easily warming up for the day. Although within the Fortress’ structure there were many comfortable places to rest, he always ended up choosing to sleep under the same ancient slab of crumbled stone that rested near the base of the fortress instead. It was large enough that no high ranking dog had ordered it moved, but out of the way in a fashion that ensured it would never be much of a nuisance to the rest of the tribe. Inside he could only move a few body-lengths, but considering that it was nothing more than a storage place for him and his creations this didn't matter.

Like each morning, Finn trotted cheerily up the imposing steps, dragging behind him a hefty pouch of goods. He hummed to himself quietly, and nodded politely in greeting as a few other dogs passed by him. Finn struggled momentarily on the last step, he had to awkwardly wiggle his bag off of a piece of jagged stone before finally reaching his destination.

A clearing on the side of a main pathway through the fortress was an optimal place to set up his shop, and a familiar one to him and his customers. Of course, the Earth Tribe’s market would be the best place for him to make a profit, but all he had on him today were mainly pre-ordered accessories and simple pouches for his own tribemates. Setting his materials on the ground, Finn laid down formally, scanning the fortress' occupants. He raised his voice to a conversational level and yipped out short advertisements to his tribemates.


Aspen | Earth Tribe | Second In Command | Location: Earth Tribe Territory | Mentions: Asra, Eden

The stocky tan male padded through the complex tunnels. His paws grappled against some loose dirt, and Aspen easily concluded that he wasn't the first one awake... although activity was at a lull in this moment. Taking the relaxing opportunity Aspen took a sharp left and exited the tunnel system into the forest.

He squinted slightly at the sudden light change, and pulled a deep breath of fresh air into his lungs. The forest always seemed much more alive than the tunnels. Sitting at the entrance and exit of a smaller branch of the tunnels the male took up a momentary watch.

His attention was quickly dragged away from the uneventful scenery when he noticed the familiar pelts of his tribemates. Seamlessly, he blended himself into their personal bubbles, allowing his deep voice to politely cut into their conversation.

"Asra you're absolutely right," he agreed, "Our fearless leader needs to learn some self-preservation skills," he added in a joking tone. "Especially with so many Sun Tribe dogs involved. We may be giving them water now, but once their oases return they might not feel so appreciative."

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-09-21 08:13:21
Dallas | Moon Tribe | Second In Command | Location: Moon Tribe Fort | Mentions: Open

Dallas got to his paws, yawning and flicking his tail. He stood, stretching and shaking out his russet pelt.

He grinned at the windows, before jogging out to find something to eat

At the sound of the prayer of the preist, he internally gagged, but didn't let it show on his features. These imbeciles! Why worship a foolish moon being, who wasn't even real?
He sighed, before hunting out a Spirit Raven to send a message to his sister.

As the Raven recited the message to be sure, he nodded and sent it off, beginnning to trot over to the meeting place he'd arranged.

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 08:18:43 by Msiai(Clean Aufeis Mosaic) (#174627)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-21 08:14:41
Kirtonos || Second-in-command || Sun Tribe || Location: Borders || Mentions: Spiro, Dipita, Bailey, Araclei, open

The dark male moved with his head held low, panting from the heat that pounded down on his sleek fur. What had they done wrong to upset Elio? Was that god trying to prove a point, seeing that their second-in-command didn't fully believe the whole "starry deities" thing? was probably just a drought- it didn't help that they lived in a damned desert. However, the mutt had devoted himself to his tribe, and that meant he'd willingly serve them until the end, even if it meant him drying up like a prune in the relentless heat.

On the horizon, he could spot the spindly figure of his leader, surrounded by a handful of other members of the Sun tribe. They were waiting, and here he was, delivering with him heavy disappointment at the supplies he escorted since the sun peaked over the horizon. When he was finally finished, Kirtonos sat obediently with his ears perked, eagerly listening to the message that the crow had carried for them. He was curious to demand to hear the message when he first caught up with the caravan, but decided that it would be in his wisest interests to wait until Spiro heard it first.

"As per custom, I have had to sacrifice my best stag to the ceremony this season. My herd is weak without him and so I can only afford to send these three for the time being." Really? She cared for the lives of a few stupid prey animals over the countless lives of her allies? She chose to let a couple of beasts relax while the young and the old died from dehydration? "Bollucks!" The shepherd hissed under his breath with sharp eyes narrowed. "She cares for the lives of a few replaceable deer over the lives of pups and elders?" The sneer was meant for himself more than anyone else, scrutinizing eyes looking over the spotted creatures before him. At last, the diligent second-in-command turned to his leader that he so loyally served.

"Will you send a message with the creatures as Bailey and I escort them back?" Without directly responded to the female, he already accepted her offer. Kirtonos decided to take upon the liberty of including himself on the patrol to ensure the safe return of these little pets. While he'd be overjoyed to eat one of the Murk deer, he understood that the Earth tribe would see it as an act of war if just one didn't make it back. If Spiro had a better task for the shepherd, then Kirtonos was certain he'd speak his mind without hesitation. His leader's wish was his command.


Cygnus || Shaman || Moon Tribe || Location: Moon Tribe Fortress|| Mentions: Aquila (mentioned), Abel, Open

The shaman moved delicately down the seemingly ceaseless staircase that lead to her freedom and place of serenity, overgrown toenails clicking and clacking on the stony ground as she placed her weight on them. The sea had always called for her longingly, with its indescribable sunsets and beautiful night-time scenes, with Aibek's stars reflecting on still waters and smiling back at Cygnus. The sound of crashing waves caressing the sandy shores always helped the female find herself, and her beloved god as well. She had always found it to be the best place to communicate with the wise god, even if the ocean wasn't the closest thing to their starry night skies.

When something ran into her fluffy form, the female was taken by shock and almost found herself tumbling down the stairs. With a brief flail of her tail, she managed to catch herself by distributing just enough weight on her front legs while stiffening them, nearly enough to prevent herself from falling face-first. Round almond-colored eyes rested on the familiar velvety gray form of one of the warriors. Abel, was it?

Thankfully, he didn't seem to treat the situation with hostility, as some might have. She knew a handful of warriors to always rise on the wrong side of the bed, as it would seem. Thankfully, Abel was an exception. "Just off to the sea, it's my favorite way to start my mourning." The quiet female smoke with an almost dreamy edge to her voice, as if smitten by the idea of exploration and discovery so early in the morning. In the distance, she could hear her brother beginning his sermon, and she felt guilty for missing it. Surely, he would understand, and hopefully her beloved littermate would decide to join her later on.

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 08:16:18 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-22 01:36:42

Spiro | 4 Years | Male | Sun Leader
Location: Sun City | Mentions: Dipita, Araceli, Kirtonos, Bailey (Directly) / Eden (Indirectly)

The strain between Dipita and Araceli hadn’t gone unnoticed, but the shaman did have certain tendencies, her frosty disposition failing to shock him. Regardless, the matter of their dwindling water supply was of more importance to him than any quarrel between the females. If something were amiss he would leave them to sort it out amongst themselves. For now, he only had eyes for the raven, intense golden irises never leaving its snow colored form. Spiro expected the excuse he received before the words tumbled out of the bird's beak. Eden’s herd was weak and she could not afford to risk lives.

The notion of a damn deer being worth more than his tribemates prompted his teeth to grit, dark lips pulling back into a sneer. Fury surged beneath his pelt hot and furious as a wildfire and it appeared Spiro's dismay was shared by his fellowship. Dread flowed from Araceli’s eyes like a stream flooding it’s banks, Dipita’s face expressed her perturbation and Kirtonos was bold enough to voice his own in a hushed tone. The raven was wise to retreat to their perch, temptation to seize it in his jaws and shake until all life was gone from it swarming his brain.

Araceli’s gently uttered comforts quieted his temper, a deep breath drawn in and eyes closing momentarily before settling once more on the raven. β€œThank your master for her charity. Sun Tribe is truly grateful,” he replied courteously, though his voice dripped with derision. Head swinging back toward his priestess, he merely nodded, expression growing dull as she spoke of sermons and Elio’s appeasement. β€œGet on with it then. Soothe Elio’s wrath with that clever tongue of yours.”

Despite the lack of niceties, his voice held no malice and a brief glimmer of affection flashed in his eyes before he turned to address Kirt and Bailey, the white warrior seeing fit to invite herself into the conversation and volunteer her services. His gaze was critical and sharp as it passed over her, a silent reminder to remember her place before he nodded his concession. β€œAllow them a moment of rest and then take them. Don’t rush the beasts or nip at their heels. Elio knows I won’t hear the end of it if one of them should perish. All three of them are to return in one piece.”

He stared at Kirtonos sternly, but his faith in him was resolute. Spiro hadn’t been keen on choosing a former outsider as his second. Ordinarily, he would have picked an older, wiser warrior born into Sun Tribe as his greatest advisor, but the ghostly hound refused to give any of the dogs who disposed of his mother that much power. It was entirely of spite that led to his choosing the shadow-furred male. The decision ended up not being one he would regret. Thus far, the wolfdog had yet to fail his expectations.

As Kirt inquired if he would send a message he shook his head. β€œOnly what I’ve told the raven. You’re dismissed.”


Polaris | 6 Years | Female | Loner
Location: Desert | Mentions: Caspian (Directly) / Kite (Indirectly)


Polaris’ irregular paw steps faltered, her head swiveling toward Caspian in an unnervingly slow motion. β€œLost,” she repeated thoughtfully, amber gaze taking in the newcomer’s wilting appearance. The stranger was an odd looking thing, his tightly coiled fur laden with sand, and coarse jute fabric hiding his face. β€œNo. Are you?”

Dogs didn’t often wander this far into the desert. Not of their own violation. She lurched toward Caspian with unsteady steps, her rosy nose diving into his curls. The scent he carried crossed her as authentic. Her eyes squinted, still unconvinced he wasn’t another mirage. They had tricked her before. Perhaps it didn’t matter. Isolation could be wearying. She would be glad for the conversation, real or not.

β€œThe nearest settlement? That would be Sun City. I am not welcome there,” Polaris growled, bat-like ears pulling back against her narrow skull and teeth baring in offense. β€œYou’ve come to taunt me, haven’t you? Who sent you?” The accusation hung in the air, rage radiating from her ravaged frame. She looked poised to strike, readying her legs to spring at the hapless male when a new thought slithered from the recesses of her mind.

If this dog were real and knew the way, he could lead her anywhere. To the forest...or the mountains. β€œIf you are to take me anywhere take me to Moon. Bring me to Kite,” she spoke abruptly, abandoning her previous posture. The Moon Kingdom’s leader would know who she was within an instant of setting eyes on her. In the past it was a fact she dreaded, it was why she accepted her banishment. Polaris refused to compromise her dignity by crawling to another tribe pleading refuge. Now though? Now things had changed.

β€œBeautiful, spiteful Kite. She worships the raven, but moves like a serpent, her teeth plunging deep, her tongue lashing hard as a whip,” she murmured, eyes looking past Caspian as if not seeing him at all. She could imagine herself standing on the steps of the fortress, waiting for her old enemy’s judgment. Surely kind, gentle Kite couldn’t turn away a poor wretch like her?

β€œA proper foe, one worth my animus. Yes, I really must see Kite,” she continued to ramble, her gaze, at last, resettling on Caspain. β€œWill you show me the way?”

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Edited on 22/09/19 @ 01:47:37 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Jay (#182776)

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Posted on
2019-09-22 09:21:59
Kite / Moon tribe leader / Location: Moon tribe leader's den / Mentions; Aquila

The shadowed female stirred in her nest, dreams of fire ravaging her pack, her territory, a blazing heat eating up her legs and devouring her entirely. She woke up suddenly, her breath coming in harsh gasps as she panted, legs aching as if she had ran for miles during her slumber. The slender mutt rose to her paws, shutting her eyes and sending quiet prayers to her god. Aibek, was that a warning? she wondered hopelessly, gazing up at the roof of her den as though the crow would descend to her aid. Kite closed her eyes again and focused on calming her racing heart, her pointed ears flattening against her angled face. She took a final, slow breath and calmed herself, her eyes opening with a shine of determination. Thank you for your wisdom. Please guide my paws into victory over our enemies, and bless us with strong warriors in these moons to come, she prayed at her personal alter, lined with feathers and shiny stones, a thick coat of white fox fur as the base for her items. Kite turned to where her cape of feathers rested and stepped inside, shaking it onto her slim body and feeling relaxed as the familiar feeling of soft feathers blended with her inky black fur, her size appearing larger with the aid of the item. Her head gear was next, a delicate silver chain intricately crafted by the best creators, the glowing moonstones settling comfortably to rest on her skull. The canine padded down her stairs, her long tail flowing around her, her fur appearing like a cloud of black smoke wafting around her.

Kite walked quietly into the morning sermon as Aquila ended, his soothing words easing her anxious heart.

"Good morning, Aquila," she greeted her loyal priest warmly, gazing upon him with kindness.

"I desperately needed your wise words this sunrise. I would like to discuss my dreams with you, get your opinions and thoughts," she mused, faith laying heavily upon the large male. It was with his guidance she felt Aibek's presence most intently, firmly believing in his ability to communicate with their spirit.
Aurora / Loner / Location: Earth tribe outskirts / Mentions; Eden, Spiro, Kite indirectly

The mottled coat of a slender canine blended seamlessly into the heavy shrubbery, appearing like sun filtering through the leaves above. Aurora paced the foliage silently, dipping through the forest like a shadow. She paused, eyeing a fat squirrel who sat idly eating a seed it had discovered, its thick tail lashing occasionally and its ears constantly rotating in search of signs of a predator. The canine sighed, closing her eyes and turning away as her stomach growled in protest. Eden had been kind enough to allow the female to live in secrecy on the edges of her territory, though she'd asked Aurora to hunt elsewhere as the prey was not meant for heretics who did not follow any god. She had said it with such warmth that Aurora had taken her words with no offense, though they had left a sting in her heart. She didn't want to be cast out, but Kite had made her position clear. The mottled mix trotted out of the woods, nervously nearing the desert where Spiro ruled. She felt a tinge of fear thinking of the male, knowing if he ever found her the consequences were unimaginable. Her caution led her steps away from the territory, headed quickly back into the earth lands. She was safe here, at least. Though she wasn't certain what Eden would do if Aurora were discovered.

The female shook her head, attempting to clear her thoughts as she headed towards a nearby creek, longing for some source of comfort.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2019-09-22 13:24:01
Eden | Earth | Leader | Location: Earth Market | Mentions: Asra, Aspen (Directly) Dallas (Indirectly)

Eden's head was filled with muddled, distracting thoughts as she neared the Earth tribe's secluded dwelling. Her dainty paws ached from the morning trek, though they seemed to be getting used to the harrowing walk with each passing day. The lanky female's attention fell on those who lingered around the entrance to the underground warrens, many were traveling merchants from different lands seeking to sell their wares in the market. A familiar face stuck out to her and she greeted the other female with a wave of her tail, "Hello, Asra."

She followed her warrior's gaze towards the dwindling herd of Murk deer and a flood of emotion rose into her throat, perhaps it was time that they added new blood to their stock. She didn't particularly like rounding up the wild beasts and would prefer they stayed roaming about in the forest, as nature intended, but they were the life of her tribe. Without them they would lose their main food source, protection and transportation, "Yes.. I've already sought to it that they reached the border safely." Her words came out slowly, not masking the sorrow she felt in her heart.

Her ears perked slightly as her second in command joined the pair in their conversation. She chuckled softly at his comical tone of voice, "I'm capable of handling this task alone, I've resided in this territory my entire life. You all have the important task of keeping things together here while I'm gone, and I appreciate you both." Her words were embarrassingly genuine as she spoke, "The Sun tribe has given me no reason to mistrust them and I help them expecting nothing in return, though I'm sure they would help us out if we ever had a time of need."

The flutter of wings caught her attention and she turned her gaze towards the sky as a raven descended towards the trio of canines, it's sharp claws gripped her shoulder as it perched upon the spindly female. She gave it a curious look, half expecting it to be a message from Shiro. As she studied the bird though she noted that it was in fact different from the one she had sent with her gifts, perhaps it was sent by her beloved brother in the Moon tribe.

Caspian | Traveler | Location: Desert | Mentions: Polaris

Caspian wriggled his feet loose from the grips of the sand and stumbled back a bit as the female lunged towards him, her sun-baked nose taking in his scent. "I-I'm not from the Sun tribe," He stammered out as her demeanor quickly shifted to that of a cornered animal, "and I have no intention of taunting you, I don't even know your name." He studied her the best he could, though the curls of his coat paired with the fabric hanging near his eyes obscured his vision. It was a miracle he had spotted her at all, really.

Kite. He was fairly familiar with the name, though he had only seen the feather-adorned female in passing during his occasional stop in the Moon tribe's marketplace. "I can take you there, sure." He answered hastily after the stranger had completed her ramblings. He hadn't planned on making a trek to Moon territory, nor was he very interested in having the company of such a strange canine with him during his wandering. It seemed as though fate had reared it's ugly head in this circumstance though and Caspian wasn't the kind of dog to impede fate.

Abel | Moon | Craftsmen | Location: Moon Tribe Fortress and Territory | Mentions: Cygnus

Abel's gaze shifted to the distant waves as his Shaman spoke, his ears rising as he studied the scenery. The air was cool this morning and the sea seamed to enhance that, something he would surely miss in the coming months as summer approached and dried out the landscape with it's heat. "I do wish you a good morning," He finally spoke after a moment, dipping his head slightly as he began to step away. "I am in a hurry to reach the Earth tribe's market, though I'll be anticipating hearing about your morning venture once I return."

He departed from the female with a smile, his muscled frame turning to face the south as he took on a quick jog. The jagged bits of metal residing in his vest hit one another with every move of his body, the jarring sound echoing about in the rocky landscape surrounding him. He enjoyed these escapades, as distressing to his body as they were.

His pale grey eyes surveyed the change in foliage as he neared the border between the two territories. As subtle as it was, he could still see the open land now filling with sparse flora. He quite liked the greenery surrounding the Earth tribe, though their tunnels gave him a claustrophobic feeling. He would much rather live a lifetime in the cold foreboding fortress of Moon tribe then stay more than a day in those dark rabbit holes they called home.

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Edited on 22/09/19 @ 14:51:19 by Sleep (Mutt Side) (#44085)

Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-09-23 12:22:43

Araceli | Female | Sun Tribe | Priestess |
Location: Sun City | Mentions: Spiro, Kirtonos, Bailey

The ethereal canine nodded to Spiro’s command, an affectionate smile twitching at the edges of her jowls. Spiro, in all his devastating godlike fury, had been a good friend to her these years. Providing inspiration for her sermons and comfort where no one else could soothe her, and she hoped she had the same effect with the proud canine. Araceli glanced over at Bailey, who she had heard to be a decent warrior, and offered her a tentative smile before her eyes slid over to the handsome, wolfish shepherd of a second-in-command, listening to him speak.

Once everyone was finished with their briefing and questions, she rose seamlessly, her movements nothing more than a serpent’s glide across the sands, and offered them all a smile that gleamed with the climbing sun, giving her a saintly glow. β€œAnd with that, I must be off. Feel free to join the service and offer your praises in hopes that this drought might end.” Araceli gave a slight dip of her head, her delicate piercings chiming with her smooth gestures. Standing upon streamlined, lengthy limbs, she moved with a regal grace towards the usual place of gathering, away from the leader’s church and towards the common folk of the tribe. She always thought it felt more… personal. The closeness. The willingness of their priestess to go to them, rather than them going to her.

Araceli gazed about at the gathering dogs who awaited her usual sermon. Impassive eyes hid the tumult beneath. Did she deserve to be doing this? To be posing as their resolute priestess? The one who believes in the power of Elio? She supposed it didn’t matter. She was the only one who could do this. Araceli took a deep breath before she strode towards her destination, a building with slopes of sand leading up the sides. Leaping, she made it to her mark, sylph-like body landing elegantly upon the roof of the building. Celestial eyes gazed out over her people, those depending on her words. Slowly, carefully, words began to form.

β€œAs our mighty God begins His ascension, we gather to raise our praises to fill the sky, greeting Him on this day. Behold the golden light He gifts us. Every day He blesses us with warmth, granting us prosperity and strength to continue to the next day!”

Araceli’s paws, placed firmly upon a lifted mass, placed her just in front of the rising sun, the rays illuminating the curves of her body and her elevated head, which was lifted as if to bask in the warmth she spoke of, even though the ground was blurred by waves of heat. Always a lover of the dramatic, she stood elegantly, with the sun cresting just over the apex of her cranium, as if the rays were crowning her.

β€œOur mighty Lion God blesses us with strength in this war against the pathetic light of Aibek and their petulant children. Like Elio Himself once did, we will ignite our enemies! Win the battle and win the War! We will survive as our mighty God has, with strength and tireless energy!”

Her voice raised to the sky, unfurling in emotion like an eagle's wings, a strong-willed energy swelling behind her words, mellifluous vocals growing rough and firm with passion. Gone was the sweet, serene tones and tender expression. On her countenance raged a face of war and its deeply buried sorrows. A loving lass transformed into a flaming phoenix, copper-hinted eyes alight with emotion. And, as the sun lifted past the crest of her shoulders and above her head, her voice softened and words of love returned to her, pouring generously from her maw, before she fell completely into silence, dipping her head to offer a prayer all her own.

Slowly, she lifted her head once more, looking upon those gathered with an air of composure and regality. β€œLet our praises be weak no more. This drought makes us weak, and we refuse weakness, as He does.” She stayed there upon her pedestal, waiting until the last of her listeners had departed, with only the sound of murmuring of prayers and the sound of delicate wind chimes that sounded with each stale breeze that brushed through her fur.

Asra | Female | Earth Tribe | Warrior |
Location: Earth Fortress | Mentions: Eden, Aspen [directly]

Asra nodded slowly, worried about the rich sorrow that coated her words like a sickly sweet honey. Their weak state and the sacrifice had put a blooming kernel of sorrow within her too, but felt as if she was unworthy of expressing such emotion. After all, she was birthed by a loner, not one of the Earth Tribe. β€œThey will grow strong once more, Eden. They always do. Resilient things, they are. Like all of Alira’s creations.”

Asra nearly sighed, exasperated. Eden was too compassionate for her own good. And she expected everyone to be the same. Cute, but not exactly… efficient. Fixing her eyes upon the leader β€” after offering Aspen a respectful dip of her head and reclaiming a more comfortable distance from the male she lacked a solid friendship withβ€” and frowned slightly. β€œEden, with all due respect, you cannot expect a bloodlusting tribe to be kind. I doubt they think of you as some kind-hearted soul ready to deliver them from Nagaraj’s wicked fangs. They will see it as a debt needing to be paid, and if they don’t want to pay that debt—” The female broke off willingly, sighing aloud this time. β€œYour kindness is admirable. Your love for life is captivating and rare. But please, do take heed.”

Her lambent amber and moss mosaic eyes flickered to Aspen’s, grateful to have the second at her back. She worried for the kind-hearted, benevolent leader of theirs, often excessively. The female was great for community, yet seemed to lack knowledge of how… desperation worked. And if the Sun Tribe was desperate enough… Asra didn’t have time to finish that thought. A raven, descending upon them dutifully, nearly startled her. Asra stared at it blankly, puzzlement hidden behind her usual stoic mask. β€œWere you expecting a message, dear leader?”

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-09-24 00:43:38

Aquila | 4 Years | Male | Moon Priest
Location: Moon Tribe Fortress | Mentions: Kite

Kite’s approach saw him rise to his paws again, dipping his head in respect to the feather-cloaked leader. As she spoke of dreams he felt a surge of excitement. It was rare for their God to speak directly to any dog beyond his sister, but perhaps Aibek had graced their leader with a sign? He doubted she would so desperately seek his council otherwise. β€œOf course. Come, let us go to a place where we won’t be overheard,” he suggested, leading her deeper into the fortress and away from prying ears.

Within minutes they arrived at his quarters. The room wasn’t especially large. Aquila was a dog of the people, after all. He did not spend his days hoarding wealth. Part of the ceiling had crumbled away, revealing the sky, but what remained offered plenty of shelter from the elements on a peaceful night and Aquila enjoyed seeing the stars as his consciousness slipped away. A nest of thick black fur lay situated in a corner, the pelt of a dread bear. He looked upon it with a certain smugness. He’d delivered the killing bite himself on that terrible beast, ending its terror against the pack.

He’d kept many a trophy from that slaying, in fact. A bear tooth hanging from a chain dangling at his throat, the entire skull itself hanging from a wall. A bit morbid for a priest, perhaps, but why shouldn’t he take pride in smiting a dog killer? Other artifacts lay scattered across the room in what could only be considered cluttered organization. Some were mere trinkets, others like the dreamcatchers made from spirit raven feathers and chimes embedded with moonstones held clear religious significance. Sitting down in a corner, he motioned for Kite to settle wherever she pleased with a paw before gazing at her encouragingly. β€œWhat’s troubling you?”


Polaris | 6 Years | Female | Loner
Location: Desert | Mentions: Caspian

The stranger insisting he wasn’t from Sun Tribe crossed her as suspicious, amber eyes narrowing. Polaris’ nose twitched as she drew in another breath. He carried the same scent all desert-dwelling dogs came to procure, of scorched sand and baking fur, but followers of Elio always carried an underlying aroma, something that set them apart. This dog didn’t have it, and neither did she now, she realized. β€œVery well,” she conceded, accepting his apology. β€œForgive me, traveller, my time among the sun dogs didn’t end well.”

β€œI’ll fair better with Moon, yes. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as they say,” she muttered, her tail spiraling in a slow wag. β€œWhat way then?” she urged, ignoring the exhaustion tugging at her limbs. β€œI’ve been trapped inside this giant sandbox for moons, too many to count. I once knew it like the back of my paw, but my mind plays tricks. I was cursed to roam this hell until the end of my days before you came along.”

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-09-24 12:49:49
Spirit Raven | Location: Earth Market | Mentions: Asra, Aspen, Eden (Directly) Dallas(Indirectly)

The bird croaked a little, before opening it's beak to give it's message.

"Hey, Eden. Do you wanna go meet up sometime? We haven't seen each other since you became leader! If you do wanna, I'll be waiting by the old willow tree at the border. Love you, sis."

The raven clamped it's beak shut and cocked it's head at Eden, squawking.

Dallas | Moon Tribe | Second In Command | Location: Moon Tribe Fort | Mentions: Open

The golden canine panted as he lay flopped across the roots of the tree, waiting for Eden to arrive. His tail thumped the roots as he remembered the glory days, when him, Eden, and his other two sister had still lived in Earth together. Ah. Good times.

He yawned again, a low whine escaping his throat with it as he settled his head on the moss for a nap.

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