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Posted by | Revolution | OPEN | |
![]() Sleep π± (#44085) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-17 12:30:41 |
Revolution A land ravished from war, filled with strange beasts and home to even stranger tribes of dogs. Fear is used to keep the masses in line, talk of deities raining hellfire from the skies if their followers are to take a single step out of line. This fear-mongering keeps the top dogs at the top and those who oppose their word are met with hellish brutality, cast out by their own friends or families into the dangerous wilderness. A small flicker of doubt seems to be growing deep inside the bellies of the new generation, making them hungry for change. They call themselves freethinkers, the followers refer to them as heathens and those in power see them as a threat. Their minds are untarnished by the fear of the gods, they are tired of tradition and war. Will their flame of revolution be stamped out, just as it has in the past or will this starving revolution devour what is left of the traditions so a new age can begin? Sun Tribe They reside deep within the desert in a city, half buried in sand. A massive church sits in the midst of the territory, home to the leader. They are bordered by the Earth tribe. At war with the Moon tribe. Leader(s): Shiro Second in command: Kirtonos Shaman: Dipita Priestess: Araceli Scouts: Craftsmen: Warriors: Bailey, Keres, Elders: Pups: Moon Tribe The moon tribe lives at the base of a mountain, bordered on one side by the sea and the other by the Earth tribe. They live in a massive fortress, sculpted out of stone. At war with the sun tribe. Leader(s): Kite Second in command: Dallas Shaman: Cygnus Priest: Aquila Scouts: Craftsmen: Abel, Finnigan, Warriors: Maximum, Elders: Pups: Earth Tribe They reside in the midst of a dense forest, mostly living in tunnels carved out of the ground. They are a major trading hub, found in the center of all three tribes. Their borders are open to all. Leader(s): Eden Second in command: Aspen Shaman: Priest: Scouts: Craftsmen: Bravo, Warriors: Orcus, Asra, Ranger, Elders: Pups: Loners Atticus, Caspian, Aurora, Yoloti, Polaris,
Image Sources: 1,2,3 Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 27/09/19 @ 21:25:56 by Sleep α΄Ήα΅α΅α΅ Λ’αΆ¦α΅α΅ (#44085) |
πͺΏπͺΏUntitledGoos eπͺΏπͺΏ(Main) (#171995) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-24 18:39:54 |
Atticus|Loner|Merchant|Location:Earth Market|Mentions:Open Atticus Lowered His Head And Slinked Through the Crowed Of Wolves, Slightly Browsing The Many Objects And Food Options there Where As He Tried To Make It To an Open Area To Set Up shop. In a Few Minuets He Had Found a Small Clearing That Was Open For anybody To Take So He Made a Beeline line for it and Had Gotten His Spot. He Began To Set Up Shop And Sent His Racoon Acquaintance To Bring Other Wolves Over To Him. He Had Various Meats, Deer to Cow Mice To Rabbit And He Was Willing To Trade Up for a Good Offer Radio|Location: Earth Market|Mentions:Open Radio Often did This For His What He Calls Owner, He'd Go Up To Random Wolves In The Market And did A Few Tricks and Dances While Leading Them Over To His Area. Atticus Was.... Something, First Of I Have Tried Several Time To Get Him With a Female Wolf Be He Simply Refuses, Second Of all He Seems More Attracted to The Males, He Has Flirted With a Few Males IN FRONT OF THERE MATES. I honestly Don't Get The guy but He Is Fun And Caring So Im All Out For that. ![]() |
Jay (#182776)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-25 11:21:04 |
Kite / Moon tribe leader / Location: Moon tribe camp / Mentions; Aquila The priest's den was adorned with gorgeous trinkets that Kite enjoyed as she surveyed them, her pointed ears flicking slightly. She gazed at the dead bear skin, her mind wandering for a moment before Aquila's words interrupted her thoughts. The inky female sat elegantly before her priest, her long legs tucked up against her tall, limber form. "Well, I'm not sure how to explain it, but I had a terrible nightmare," she started, her gaze falling to her delicate white paws. "Our camp was swallowed in flames, the fire devouring our entire camp. I heard cries for help and saw terrible things happening to our packmates, many dogs completely coated in fire running for their lives," her voice trembled and she paused for a moment to compose herself before continuing, "I couldn't move, and the flames began to travel up my legs, burning my fur and skin. The smell was so vivid and so terrible. I couldn't save anyone." She closed her eyes, the images flashing once more in her brain, taunting her. "I prayed as soon as I awoke for the strength to defeat whatever may come," she sighed, raising her slim head to peer at her priest. ![]() |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-25 12:43:20 |
Kirtonos || Second-in-command || Sun Tribe || Location: Borders || Mentions: Spiro, Dipita, Bailey, Araclei, open "Yes, sir." His posture was one of close attentiveness, like a loyal soldier listening to the directions of a general. At Spiro's dismissal, the second saw to it that the supplies were unloaded and brought to their respective storage locations. The beasts would be at ease without the heavy water weighing them down, on top of the scorching sun glaring down at their backs. He could relate. Kirtonos' fiery gaze briefly flashed over to the pale pelt of Bailey, hinting that she was expecting her to help out with unloading, since she so eagerly volunteered herself to be on the escort patrol in the first place. The male set to work, cautiously unloading the leather baggage that carried their precious cargo before urging the murk deer into the shade created by a leaning building. The sharp-featured shepherd briefly turned his cranium in the direction of a nearby warrior, muttering a command under his breath before returning to his work. A single coal ear angled in the direction of where Araclei held her ceremony. The male carried little to no interest in attending her sermon, with his faith in the gods being minimal to none. He didn't exactly believe in them, nor did he completely dismiss their existence all together. He respected a handful of traditions, such as not eating the Earth tribe's revered murk deer, yet he saw no point in praising the sun and sky. Cygnus || Shaman || Moon Tribe || Location: Moon Tribe Stairs/Beach|| Mentions: Abel, Open A small smile graced her lips, the the shaman dipped her head out of respect to the charcoal-gray male. "Good morrow to you as well, and safe travels." The long-furred female held her position on the staircase so that Abel may pass without the two having a run-in again. She had no interest in plummeting down the carefully stacked stones so early in the morning, and then having to race back to her stores to waste herbs on silly wounds. Briefly, her gaze traveled with him to watch him leave, before Cygnus resumed her descent down the stairs. Her stomach twisted as she grew anxious to feel the wet sand between her toes, to taste the salt in the air as it was carried from the sea by gusts of wind that ruffled her fur. Her pace quickened and her strides grew longer as she became desperate to reach her favorite get-away, ears perked and tail swinging from side to side with her gait. It took a while to navigate her way down to the shores, but she made it within excellent time. The morning was young and as were the waves, with the gleaming ocean almost completely still, save for the slightest hints of ripples. The golden sun in all of its might, rising on the motionless horizon, cast itself onto the golden waters to create the most spectacular scene. Cygnus walked to the ocean's edge, allowing her toes to dip into the lapping water. What knowledge have you for me today, Aibek? She glanced off into the horizon, as if seeking out her answer. ![]() |
WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-25 17:11:02 |
Bailey | Sun Tribe | Warrior | Location: Sun City | Mentions: Araclei, Kirtonos ![]() |
Sleep π± (#44085)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-26 16:46:54 |
Eden | Earth | Leader | Location: Sun and Earth Border | Mentions: Aspen, Asra, Dallas Eden's ears flicked back a bit at Asra's words and she gave the other female a kind but gloomy gaze, nudging her warrior's shoulder with her nose in a goodhearted fashion. "You need not worry about me, Asra. I am aware of Sun tribe's ways, though I haven't lost hope in them just yet." She smiled faintly before the words of the raven on her shoulder peeled away her attention. Do you wanna go meet up sometime? Ah, she was correct in assuming it was her brother. But a meeting now? Her eyes flash around at the canines streaming into the tunnels to go mingle in her marketplace. "Aspen," She turned to her second in command, a pleading look in her eyes, "Are you available to keep an eye on things in my place?" She inquires, her ears perking as she eagerly awaited his answer. She wasn't one to just abandon her duties to gallivant away at anyone's beckoning call, but she couldn't surpass the opportunity to meet with her brother after all these months of not seeing one another. She hoped her subjects would understand. Caspian | Traveler | Location: Desert and Earth Outskirts | Mentions: Polaris His curly ears twitched at the strange canine's words and his gaze scanned the surrounding dunes, "We will have to pass through Earth territory on the way, unless you aren't keen on associating with them as well?" He asks, already beginning to trot in the direction of the north. The wind caught up, causing a few stinging grains of sand to splash into his eyes, "I, on the other hand, will need to replenish my water there. It wouldn't hurt to get the sand removed from my coat either," He added, muttering the last bit to himself rather than the dog traveling at his back. The sand was hard to maneuver through and had an uncanny way of making his legs sore and his skin itchy. These lands had been dotted with oases the last time he had ventured through, though the oncoming drought had dried them up into nothing more than dust. Perhaps that's why he hadn't seen too many monitors in his travel either, they were busy lingering around Sun tribe in an attempt to soak up what drops of water were left there. The sand under his paws began to harden as they approached the expanse of shrubland lying between Earth tribe's territory and the desert. His paws felt quite irritated at the sudden change in texture and he couldn't help but shake his coat out to rid it of the hitchhiking substrate, causing a cloud of dust to envelope him in the process. "Ah, we've made it." He said, pulling the scarf around his face off and draping it around his neck. It felt as though they had been walking for hours and perhaps it had been, Caspian's sense of time was quite warped by his many moons of mindless traveling. He glanced over to the withered hound and pulled the wide vial of water free of it's lashings, removing the cork and setting it at her feet. "Thirsty?" He inquired, turning to smell the air as he attempted to locate exactly where they were in relation to the Earth tribe's dwellings. ![]() |
πͺΏπͺΏUntitledGoos eπͺΏπͺΏ(Main) (#171995) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-27 11:23:14 |
Maximum|Moon Tribe|Warrior|Location: Earth And Moon Border|Mentions: Open Maximum Stood At the Edge Of The Earth And Moon border Looking Out Over the start Of The earth Tribe, He Seemed To Be The Only Moon Tribe Warrior And Wished He Had Another Wolf To Patrol With. "Hey, Hey Max" A Little bird From above Chirped. "Did You Find anything?" Max Replied Back to The Bird. the Bird shook His Head "No, No Sir I Did Not Find Anything" the Bird Said, And Landed On Max's Shoulder. This Was Mercy and Mocking Bird He Had Mastered A Few Sentences And Was Still Learning. "Good Here", Maximum Gave Mercy a Small Caterpillar for his hardships. Maximum began to walk over To the Moon Market To Restock On Offerings To Mercy. Yeah Offerings. ![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-03 20:59:26 |
Spiro | 4 Years | Male | Sun Leader ![]() Edited on 03/10/19 @ 21:05:14 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-04 14:23:39 |
Kirtonos || Second-in-command || Sun Tribe || Location: Camp|| Mentions: Spiro, Bailey, Araclei, open As he rest his dark figure in the shadows, the male kept a single ear angled towards the preaching priestess while keeping watchful amber eyes on the murk deer. It was his sworn duty to keep them in his sights at all time, to ensure their safe arrival to prevent worsening relations with the Earth tribe. It was vital that their relationship remain healthy, otherwise the Sun tribe would be without a decent supply of water. Kirtonos' jaws were parted the slightest, giving away hints of gleaming white teeth and a bright pink tongue that just barely wavered beneath his short jowls. As Araclei's voice continued to ring throughout the dry air, the male felt a gaze burning into his jet coat. He twitched his ear curiously, allowing his own gaze to trace its source, spotting his leader a distance away, listening to the morning sermon. The second allowed his eyes to lock with Spiro's only briefly, just to take in the peculiar emotion in his leader's eyes before breaking off contact completely. It would be rude to stare the lithe hound down, as it was a sign of challenge, and Kirtonos had nothing but respect for the male that he so diligently served. However, he found it odd for Spiro to seem so...disturbed. Typically, he would deal with his problems without a moment of hesitation, meaning that if he had something to say, he'd say it. He wouldn't be surprised if the Ibizan mix was regretting his choice as electing the outsider as his second-in-command, considering the structure of the tribes. Kirtonos didn't cower at the paws of their gods, as he didn't entirely believe them. What did it matter, anyways? He had no interest in heading the tribe and taking over Spiro's place, as that was his own heir's destiny. However, if desired, the shepherd mix wouldn't hesitate to at least pretend to have some ounce of faith in their gods, if his leader asked that of him. He admired the strength and fiery passion the slender canine held in his heart, it was something that Kirtonos could relate to. If something was nagging at him, then surely Spiro would confront it later on, when the moment was perfect. For now, duty called. Sonars angling towards the pale canine that spoke, the second turned his head towards Bailey, somewhat surprised that she was already prepared to leave. "It should only require the both of us. It can be a long trek in this desert sun, tiring as well, so we need our other members to save their strength for hunting and what have you. If we run into any trouble, than any of our warriors on nearby patrol should be able to hear us in this horribly dry air. Not to mention, the murk deer are also equipped with weapons of their own." He nodded to the impressive crown of antlers that each and every ungulate wore on their cranium, wincing at the idea of one being driven through his own chest. In a single swift movement, the mutt rose to his paws, shaking out his shaggy fur in the process. "We can stay a bit longer if you wish to listen to Araclei further. Otherwise, the sooner we leave, the better our odds against this heat." ![]() |
msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-04 15:42:02 |
Dallas | Moon Tribe | Second In Command | Location: Moon Tribe/Earth Tribe Border | Mentions: Eden.(Indirectly) Open Dallas yawned as he waited on the roots of the old, gnarled willow for his sister. Will she ever be here? What she she can't come? Will she even come at all? Worry began to come over him, but he shook away the feeling. She'd come, she just had to. She held so much familial love, she wouldn't turn down this. She couldn't. He got up and began to pace, fiddling with his pouch and earrings. ![]() |
Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-05 20:48:26 |
![]() Edited on 06/10/19 @ 09:22:43 by Icy (#51844) |
βOrionβ (#172490)
Terrifying View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 14:13:31 |
Zelda | Warrior | Where: Moon Fortress | Mentions: (open) ![]() |
πͺΏπͺΏUntitledGoos eπͺΏπͺΏ(Main) (#171995) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 18:26:02 |
Maximum | Moon Tribe | Warrior |Location: Moon Fortress| Mentions: Open ![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 18:26:21 by ππDancingBananaππ (#171995) |
Sleep π± (#44085)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-08 20:19:24 |
Caspian | Traveler | Location: Earth Territory | Mentions: Polaris Caspian paused his navigating to retrieve the glass container and fashion it back to his side, pondering the other canine's question all the while. "No, I don't believe either of us introduced ourselves." He replied while tugging the lashings with his teeth to secure them, his dark eyes studying the lithe hound through his coiled bangs. His name? His parents had named him after the sea, of course. A sea he didn't really know. Despite his travelings he wasn't particularly familiar with any territory outside of these three kingdoms, they could have been lying to him and named him after a latrine for all he knew. He did quite enjoy his name regardless. "Caspian." He finally added, standing up straight to gaze at the trees in the distance, "My name is Caspian." He didn't particularly expect the other dog to give him her name, considering the air of taciturn that surrounded her. It didn't bother him in the least, he would most likely never speak to her again after their travels. He had grown quite used to the arrangement during the years, attachments were rare if at all. He sniffed lightly and swung his head in a motion for the female to follow him, his achy legs carrying him at a leisurely pace towards the looming forest ahead. The air seemed to cool as they approached the gargantuan treeline, the branches over his head had once seemed menacing to the poodle though now they were a welcoming break from the beating sun. The earth tribe's tunnels weren't too far ahead, he could smell the assortment of dogs and goods in the air as they drew nearer to the bustling dwelling. ![]() Edited on 08/10/19 @ 20:20:32 by Sleep α΄Ήα΅α΅α΅ Λ’αΆ¦α΅α΅ (#44085) |
βOrionβ (#172490)
Terrifying View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-12 10:12:41 |
Zelda | Warrior | Where: Moon Fortress | Mentions: Maximum ![]() |
πͺΏπͺΏUntitledGoos eπͺΏπͺΏ(Main) (#171995) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-12 13:40:12 |
Maximum | Moon Tribe | Warrior |Location: Moon Fortress| Mentions: Zelda ![]() Edited on 12/10/19 @ 13:40:42 by ππDancingBananaππ (#171995) |
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