Posted by ✨The Days And Nights|open|✨

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 13:33:58

Girl in a jacket

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Millions of years ago, in a world of no humans, the sun and moon were rivals. The moon was jealous of the sun, being stronger and lighting up the world during the day. When the sun went to rest, the moon was left alone with nothing but itself to light up the emptiness of the sky. The moon felt alone, wanting companions to also light up the sky above. So the moon seeked the help of the creatures of the world below. The moon asked animals, animals across the globe, to help him bring light to the night sky.

The animals were surprised and were wary, but some animals changed their minds when the moon told them that they would become legends and people would talk about them for centuries. Some animals stepped forward to help the moon. The critters went to a large tower-like-ruin, where they would place their paws on a constellation and were sent up to light up the sky. With more and more animals going up to light up the sky at night, the sun became jealous of the moon.

The sun also seeked guidance from the animals of earth. The animals who accepted went to a castle ruin, where there they would place their paws over markings of types of natural occurences of the weather and nature itself. The animals joined the sun, bringing life and destruction to the world.

Everyday, the animals of the Moon and Sun went down to earth disguised as normal animals to watch it`s creatures. They seem to work together to protect this earth, but really they do not. The Sun and Moon were still in deep turmoil with one another, and the animals had chosen sides. A war seemed to be brewing... So... Which side are you on?

The Sides


Girl in a jacket

Animals of Asteria followed the moon and they lit up the night. They are usually peaceful and wise, some tend to be lazy. They seem peaceful with one another and try not to argue with the animals of the sun, but they still despise the ones on the sun`s side. In the sky they live in a moon fortress, with no roof to let the stars shine through. The moon fortress even has a large fountain, with dim lamps that cover the hallways. They all live in harmony up in their fortress, that is until the animals of the sun strike them.

Girl in a jacket

The animals of Apollo follow the sun. They are energetic and expressive, some even so confident their self-confidence only seems to blind them from the world around them. They are revolted by the animals of the moon, even saying nasty things about them. They live in a castle, with many windows to let the light of the sun shine through and lucious gardens.

Girl in a jacket

The animals who live in villages across the world and who live normal lives. Some believe in the sun, others believe in the moon, and others don't have a belief. They live normal lives as they go through the daily events of life. A kingdom of royals watch over the villagers, some being cruel and others being kind. With this interesting society, the anchorites try to go through their ordinary lives.

Which side are you on dear? Who will you follow? who do you trust

Current events
No... It can't be!.. He's supposed to be dead! His supposed to be gone!
He's back!


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Edited on 15/10/19 @ 07:48:25 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

ganyuun (#129455)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2019-10-19 15:20:59
Kyoko | Alaskan Tundra Wolf (Currently Male) | Asterian Apprentice | Asterian Camp | Mentions: Open

Kyoko wearily opens his eyes, taking in his moonlit surroundings in confusion. Oh, right.. He became an Asterian after his parents had abandoned him for revealing his identity. Kyoko couldn’t help but relive the entire situation in his head, him nervously approaching his parents, their faces slowly twisting into anger and disgust.. Even the memory was gut wrenching to remember.. Kyoko suddenly shakes his head to clear it. ”I can’t think of this now.” Kyoko rises to his paws, briefly yawning, and then stretching. ”I can’t make myself look useless to everyone else. I need to be useful.” He mumbles to himself. Kyoko gingerly pads out of the den, the moonlight shining on his stark white pelt.

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Angel [G3 Torn
Medal] (#142743)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-10-19 17:33:27
|Luna|Lynx|Warrior|Location: Moon Fortress|Mentions: open|

She woke up suddenly from a terrible dream, that she was in the sun’s palace. She shuddered how can they live like that-that warmth. She sighed looking around her listening to the peaceful sound of crickets. No, she was content to stay right where she was, and with that she drifted to sleep.

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LunarLion (#186464)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-10-22 14:17:53
Was Rose and her mate Storm accepted?)

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-22 14:26:50

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Posted on
2020-01-26 19:21:42

(brining this rp back from the dead)
| Yumi | brown border collie | watcher | location: The scrolls | mentions: none |

The scrolls, an ancient yet silent place. The border collie had stumbled upon it on her stroll. Her fur had stood on end as she stumbled into it, but as her eyes adjusted, she could feel a smile make its way onto her muzzle. The pond glimmering and lightly rippling as the lovely koi of many colors swam around. Soon her blue irises glanced at the dusty old scrolls that laid before her, fascination filled her heart and mind. What a sight to be hold!
| Dark | small snow leopard | shadow | location: the forest | mentions: none |

The feline felt her paws lightly make contact with the ground below, small leaves rustling or lightly breaking as she glanced around. The snow leopard had found it odd that the woods became silent, it seemed like nobody was realy around, like the planet was deserted and hers to rule. As she made her way around, her eyes caught the glimpse of a squirrel's figure, it sat peacefully on the ground eating a nut. So she crept forward before lunging at it. With her swift kill, she quickly headed to her rugged abandoned home, where she happily feasted on her catch
| Mina | tortishell | witch | location: witch's tower | mentions: none |

Her eyes were glued to the book that sat infront of her, nodding slowly. The female had been trying to master this potion for a while now. To her she thought it was physicaly impossible but her heart told her to keep going! So she did, her eyes glanced at her ingredients and nodded slowly. Mumbling she began putting each one in, according to order....


As the smoke cleared, she coughed and glanced at the couldren infront of her, "fail number 16..." she groaned, shaking the ash off she grabbed her cloack, her basket, and began her hunt for ingredients

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Edited on 26/01/20 @ 19:49:12 by Stubby |Dwarf hoarder| (#171404)

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