Posted by ✨The Days And Nights|open|✨

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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2019-10-12 13:33:58

Girl in a jacket

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Millions of years ago, in a world of no humans, the sun and moon were rivals. The moon was jealous of the sun, being stronger and lighting up the world during the day. When the sun went to rest, the moon was left alone with nothing but itself to light up the emptiness of the sky. The moon felt alone, wanting companions to also light up the sky above. So the moon seeked the help of the creatures of the world below. The moon asked animals, animals across the globe, to help him bring light to the night sky.

The animals were surprised and were wary, but some animals changed their minds when the moon told them that they would become legends and people would talk about them for centuries. Some animals stepped forward to help the moon. The critters went to a large tower-like-ruin, where they would place their paws on a constellation and were sent up to light up the sky. With more and more animals going up to light up the sky at night, the sun became jealous of the moon.

The sun also seeked guidance from the animals of earth. The animals who accepted went to a castle ruin, where there they would place their paws over markings of types of natural occurences of the weather and nature itself. The animals joined the sun, bringing life and destruction to the world.

Everyday, the animals of the Moon and Sun went down to earth disguised as normal animals to watch it`s creatures. They seem to work together to protect this earth, but really they do not. The Sun and Moon were still in deep turmoil with one another, and the animals had chosen sides. A war seemed to be brewing... So... Which side are you on?

The Sides


Girl in a jacket

Animals of Asteria followed the moon and they lit up the night. They are usually peaceful and wise, some tend to be lazy. They seem peaceful with one another and try not to argue with the animals of the sun, but they still despise the ones on the sun`s side. In the sky they live in a moon fortress, with no roof to let the stars shine through. The moon fortress even has a large fountain, with dim lamps that cover the hallways. They all live in harmony up in their fortress, that is until the animals of the sun strike them.

Girl in a jacket

The animals of Apollo follow the sun. They are energetic and expressive, some even so confident their self-confidence only seems to blind them from the world around them. They are revolted by the animals of the moon, even saying nasty things about them. They live in a castle, with many windows to let the light of the sun shine through and lucious gardens.

Girl in a jacket

The animals who live in villages across the world and who live normal lives. Some believe in the sun, others believe in the moon, and others don't have a belief. They live normal lives as they go through the daily events of life. A kingdom of royals watch over the villagers, some being cruel and others being kind. With this interesting society, the anchorites try to go through their ordinary lives.

Which side are you on dear? Who will you follow? who do you trust

Current events
No... It can't be!.. He's supposed to be dead! His supposed to be gone!
He's back!


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Edited on 15/10/19 @ 07:48:25 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:52:46
Ortus | Wolf (M) | Apollo Guardian| Location: The Border| Mentions: Smokey

He was half tempted to remain where he lay and pass off the idea of checking the border, and instead enjoy the sunlight that dappled his coat, peering through the thick forest canopy up above. The land of their rivals was barren and empty, similar to the hearts and minds of those who obeyed the word of the moon. They would fall and cower at his paws some day, he was sure of it. They chose wrong.

Although the dark and aggressive thoughts were already beginning to plague his mind, Ortus rose to his paws in a semi-stretch regardless, lazily sauntering after Smokey as he neared the edge of the Apollo territory. He effortlessly shouldered his way through the thick and healthy undergrowth that filled the sun's land, until finally be broke into the small clearing before the border, where the view of Asteria was perfect.

The red wolf allowed his legs to brush past Smokey, planting himself beside his watcher with his multicolored eyes narrowed sharply, almost in a scrutinizing manner. The breeze did not carry the delightful scents of rain and sweet fruits as it did in the Apollo Gardens, rather it smelled of...nothingness.

Ortus held his breath to tune in on his triangular ears, perking and straining them in hopes of detecting whatever noises might sound from the distant Moon Fortress. He could swear that he could almost hear...shouting. Slowly but surely, a smug grin graced the Guardian's lips. "It would seem we don't quite have a job to do, Smokey- I think they'll tear themselves apart for us."

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:52:56
Neoma | black caracl | Asteria Guardian |location: Moon fortress | mentions: Ether (indirectly), Yumi, Faith

Neoma heard the soft paw steps of her Shaman get closer to them as she looked at Yumi with her purple optics. Her heart skipped when she heard the words "causing trouble" and her sharp eyes darted to Faith.

Her voice was calm yet stern like a thread with a needle as she spoke ``Thank you Yumi that will be all.`` she said with a dismissive wave of her tail. ``Follow me Faith. We must speak privately.``

Her short bobbed tail brushed Faith's shoulder delicately as her nimble paws led her towards a small hill with a hole in one of the walls. This hole was decorated with vines leaves and jewels, and a dreamcatcher hanging by the thread.

Neoma brushed through the decorated entrance and sat near her mossy feathered nest. Flame lit candles sat in the corners of the den, with another dream catcher hanging by Neoma's bed. A small hole in roof let moon rays glistened onto a small pool, with stars dotting the surface.

This was Neoma's den, and she enjoyed the decorations. Her paw traced against the wall, a small smile shaping her muzzle.

``Now tell me..`` her purple eyes, filed with wisdom, traced over Faith before resting on staring into her optics. ``What is going on?``

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Duskfeather (#179614)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:55:25
Faith| Warrior | snow fox | Location: moon fortress | Mentions: Neoma

Faith gulped looking around nervously trying to find anyway to get out of this "w-well you see... um.... " the words seemed to catch in her throat

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 14:55:45
Tamu turned and followed Dark into the forest.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:00:37
Menhit| Panther (F) | Princess | Location: Forest | Mentions: Open

The midnight-black feline weaved her way through the crowds of animals of all sorts of species, their banter filling her rounded, scar-less ears. The silver jewelry that festooned her slender frame gleamed in the soft light, jingling gently as it bounced against her fur with her quickening pace. The panther felt her muscles tighten in her limbs from the excitement she could no longer contain- at last! She would explore the forest in peace, without the burden of guards or prying eyes from her fellow royal family members. Admittedly, Menhit had fled to the forest before, but her adventures were always cut short when word got out that she'd fled from the castle. Her parents were almost always hot on her heels.

Once past the outskirts of the bustling village, the panther sighed a breath of relief, as she hadn't felt the soft caress of grass on her paws in what felt like ages. How could her parents tolerate it, confined to a stony building for so long, weighed down by the stresses of ruling Anchorite?

"Finally..." The words, once more, came out as a sigh, but were practically caught in her throat because the sheer beauty of the forest almost took her breath away. What would she do first, where would she go? Would she find strange creatures out here, like some of the teachers had spoken of? Would the princess find pretty flowers to bring back to her mother?

Then again, that would make her escape a dead giveaway. Perhaps that wasn't a great idea.

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:12:48
Dark|small snow leopard|shadow|location: abandoned house|mentions: Tamu

the shadow led her to the abandoned house, reverting back to normal. her blue eyes looked at her as she stepped inside

"have a seat" her gentle voice said with a smile

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:24:50
Tamu sat down."yes ma'am" she said with a smile, her eyes gazing around the cabin she'd been led to

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:40:35
Dark|small snow leopard|shadow|location: abandoned house|mentions:Tamu

she gave her a cup of water sitting infront of her smiling "How are you, Tamu was it? I remember you from afew days ago, you are quiet interesting" she smiled "i like that, tell me about yourself"

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myukke (#105647)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:46:49
Ether | Fossa | Asteria Shaman | Location: Moon Fortress | Mentions: Yumi

Ether nodded slowly as the hound went on, pondering her words. A mysterious outcast who lives in the gloomy forest outside their castle did not sound too crazy now that she thought about it. "You don't have to worry, I'm not terribly interested in venturing out alone," she curled her tail around her front paws, letting a lazy smile fall on her lips, "When you say she's an outcast, you mean she was one of us?" Ether couldn't help but let curiosity slip trough her tone, "Or maybe a Sun creature..."

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:54:27
Yumi|brown border collie|watcher|Location: moon fortress|Ether-mentions

She sighed "possibly one of us, i just want to know her reasons, ill come with you if you do decide to look forr her" she looked at her companion "she sounds harmless but i dont trust her..."

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 15:55:47
Neoma | Asteria Guardian | black caracal | location: Moon Fortress | mentions: Faith

``You contacted Dark didn't you? Mind telling me one of those bets of yours?`` she asked, as if she could read her mind but in reality it was all on Faith's face. It always was.

Her voice still sharp like a thread the needle seemed to be piercing at Faith's heart strings. She walked over, her paw steps quiet as she walked over and her fur glistened by the moon behind her casting a long shadow over Faith.

``I won't be too mad, but I will have to punish you.`` her voice became cool as she spoke, her eyes locking onto Faith's.

Sonja | merchant | tortishell maine coon | mentions: Menhit

Sonja was still looking for the beast. Had it gone deep in the forest? A person with enough ambition have enough courage to go those parts, but most don't make it ut alive.

She was walking across the forest, muttering in frustration, when she noticed a familliar panther and the sound of jewels jingling against fur. Was taht the princess?

She had heard about her misdeeds and how she escape the castle, and Sonja admired that. Hesitantly she walked towards her.

``Ah greetings Menhit, your "oh beloved royalness".`` Sonja said that last part in a sort of teasing way, though she was a bit wary she had frieghtened her.

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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 16:18:30 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 16:05:14
Tamu raised a brow. "What do you want me to share?" She asked the other female quietly

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Posted on
2019-10-13 16:09:50
Dark|small snow leopard|shadoww|Abandoned house|Tamu

"Tell me about yourzelf" she smiled

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Duskfeather (#179614)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 16:12:27
Faith looked away daring not to hold the guardians gaze “I didn’t contact her. She contacted me.... well more like I was watching the birds flutter and she scared me half to death....” faith paused before continuing “she said I could have anything I wanted as long as I kept Yumi away and I thought that would have been easy... but I guess I got blinded by greed...”

(I’m on my phone so this is bad and I’ll edit everything when I’m back to my computer)

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 16:16:41
Tamu thought for a moment. "I'm a tigon female, which is kinda obvious. My name is indeed Tamu, and I know that yours is Dark. I was born into a family of three. Myself, my siblings, and my parents. The three of them left in a patrol and nevertheless returned, so I was alone. I've lived in Asteria my whole life." She adddd

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