H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 05:44:41

The Meadows A beautiful green place. You can see a village nearby, the sun always seems to shine. Here you'll find the most common Rats with simple patterns
Price to explore: 5 [Common & Uncommon only]
The Laboratory
A dusty and gloomy old Laboratory. The Rats you can find here could have... unusuall colours, patterns or other weird traits.
Price: 10 [Common, Uncommon, Rare]
The Mysterious Forest
Only the bravest come here... The rats that live here had lived a savage life, hidden from the world, they had a chance to developp naturally under the influence of the forests magic.
Price: 15:GB [Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary]

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I'd like to explore!!!
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Edited on 16/11/19 @ 22:13:40 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 08:58:29
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #84217
Username: Hiamovi
What area will you explore?: Meadows
Items used?: None... for now >.>
Total price: 5GB

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GEtREkt (#187039)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 19:43:13
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: (#187039)
Usename: GEtREkt
What area will you explore?: Mysterious Forest
Items used?: (can I buy rat bait and use it?)
Total price: 16 GB

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 20:25:54
You enter the soft green fields and valleys of the Meadows. It doesn't take long until suddenly you hear a noise near some roots of a tree. You approach the place and suddenly a little Rat comes arun and queaks happily at you. Awww look at this fluffy child! He seems to be happy to see you! Has it been fate that you two met at this place?
Uncommon | Male | affectionate
What a fluffy boi!

You enter the gloomy forest. Strange sounds are to be heard everywhere. Quiet whispers surround you and in the distance you hear the call of an Owl. You use the bait and quicken your steps when a cold breeze swirls around you. It seems to lead you somewhere? You follow your instints and come to a small clearing.
Oh look! It seems that two rats are having a friendly fight! They clash together their horns and antlers to see who is the stronger one.... wait what? antlers? O.O

Rare | Male | Joyfull
This rats parents were... A Wolpertinger and a Blue jay?! O.Ó So how did THAT happen? The Forest is mysterious indeed
Rare | Female | Mainly confused
Seems like the blue boy brought a friend! looks like she's the Devils daughter..

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Edited on 16/11/19 @ 20:26:52 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 20:39:52

I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #84217
Username: Hiamovi
What area will you explore?: Meadows
Items used?: Rat Bait c:
Total price: 6GB

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 21:07:35
After your first succssesful catch you continue your journey across the madows. You pass by beautiful flowers and and a gorgeous looking sky. Suddenly, something nudged your foot. Aww Look at this adorable Rat!
Uncommon | Male | hyperactive
What a curly boi! He's looking forward to see his new home!

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 21:15:46
He's so cute!! Thank you so much again hrrr...

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 21:25:02
Guess I'm back for the last time in a long time, but do please take your time!!
Lioden ID: #84217
Username: Hiamovi
What area will you explore?: The Laboratory
Items used?: Silver Ticket and Rat Bait
Total price: 1GB

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 22:13:42
Money towards my best friend? Why not!

I'd like to explore!!!
ID: 50745
Username: Lupa
What area will you explore: Meadows
Items used? I’d like to purchase rat bait as well bc I’m lazy.
Total price: 6GB

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 22:42:12
You enter the Laboratory. It's all dark and scary. You use the rat bait and suddenly the lights flicker on and you see a little rat on a table. It blinks at you and for a moment you could have sworn that it chirped like a bird o.o You go to pick the little girl up and just now notice that it has two tails!! It's colours also seem unusual for a rat.

Rare | Female | Lazy

You walk torwards the meadows. The weather is perfect for some hiking! You wander near the village, where you see a cute Rat approaching you from the hole in a wall. It seems to have been following the scent of your rat bait!
Uncommon | Female | Coragous

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 22:44:19
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: 50745
Username: Lupa
What area will you explore?: The Laboratory
Items used?: Another Rat bait, please!
Total price: 11GB

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 22:47:37
Ooh she's blue, and cloudy! So pretty, thanks Hav!!

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 23:13:35
@Lupa You enter the Laboratory. A weird smell is in the air. Lights flicker as you walk down through the grey and cold rooms. You take a deep breath and decide it's time to use the rat bait.
You wait but nothing happend. Suddenly, you come to a halt as you hear a strange noise in a room next door. But then you notice that dark and gloomy corridor. It's too dark to see anything yet you would need to come closer. Are you brave enough? Or do you prefer to stay in the safe light?
What do you want to do?
A) Follow the noise
B) Enter the dark corridor to find out it's mystery.

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 23:22:56
Ugh temptress! You know I have to choose B) and enter the darkness and unknown!

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 23:31:25
You decide to be brave and enter the dark corridor. It's ghostly quiet here. You wait until your eyes have adjusted to the darkness and venture deeper inside a room. Then, a noise, too quiet to be heard from where you stood before gains your attention. Is that...snorring!? You look into one of the boxes and see....

Rare | Male | Narcoleptic
A sleeping rat! OF COURSE he didn't answer to your rat bait, he wasn't even awake!! He sleepily opens his eyes. Seems like you have woken him up there! You decide to rescue the little boi from the cold laboratory and give him a cozy bed in your home. You lift him up and... aww he fell asleep in your hand!

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 23:32:41

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