H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 05:44:41

The Meadows A beautiful green place. You can see a village nearby, the sun always seems to shine. Here you'll find the most common Rats with simple patterns
Price to explore: 5 [Common & Uncommon only]
The Laboratory
A dusty and gloomy old Laboratory. The Rats you can find here could have... unusuall colours, patterns or other weird traits.
Price: 10 [Common, Uncommon, Rare]
The Mysterious Forest
Only the bravest come here... The rats that live here had lived a savage life, hidden from the world, they had a chance to developp naturally under the influence of the forests magic.
Price: 15:GB [Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary]

Explore Form:
I'd like to explore!!!
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Edited on 16/11/19 @ 22:13:40 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-19 05:58:46
Omg they’re adorable ;w;
Thank you like so so so much Hav aaaa~

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-20 07:57:27
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #84217
Username: Hiamovi
What area will you explore?: Meadows
Items used?: Rat Bait uwu
Total price: 6GB

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πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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Posted on
2019-11-20 08:12:33
I'd like to explore!!! <3
Lioden ID: #50506
Usename: Pandaburrr
What area will you explore?: The Meadows
Items used?: none c:
Total price: 5 GB, when do I send? :o

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-20 09:00:46
@Pandaburr whenever you receive your rat! Gonna try to cover all explores today <3

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-21 00:38:52
You enter the mysterious forest and pull out your rat baits to attract some cuties! Seems like you are going on a long walk today. You listen to the various sounds.
Then, you hear a rustle behing you, and a giant Wererat appears with his friends. Seems like they have been attracted by the delicious scent of your bait! Look at the funny troup!

Legendary | Male | Curious
Rare | Male| Playful

You walk through the meadows on a sunny day. The birds are blooming, the flowers are chirping.. wait O.O no it's the other way around.. *clears throat* On your way you encounter a tiny little rat thats been following you around for some time. You ask if it wants to come with you and it jumps into your pocket! how cute!^^

Uncommon | Female | hectic

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Edited on 21/11/19 @ 00:59:24 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 07:48:55
Yes I need more rats
I'm going to make an rat army
I feel like I'm going to spend here all my gb but anyways-

I'd like to explore!
Lioden ID: #103009
Username: Yokubo
What area will you explore?: The Mysterious forest x2 and Meadows
Items used?: Rat bait x3 (for each exploring)
Total price: 38 GB

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Firestar102πŸ”₯ (#79468)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-11-22 12:00:48
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #79468
Username: Firestar102
What area will you explore? Mysterious forest
Items used? Rat bait
Total price:16 gb

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οΌ£ο½ˆο½ο½ο½“| x3
Rosette (#158927)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 12:18:48
I need a rat rn they’re so cuuuuuuuuute but I’m broke ;w; Definitely coming back once I open commissions again.

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 17:24:59
Okay! Explores have been rolled! Gonna Edit this post here until I have them all finished! :3

@Lupa You walk into the mysterious Forest. You hear a melody, calling your name. It's beautiful and enchanting. Knowing, that this is the right moment, you take out your rat bait. Come heere little ones..come heeere!

Suddenly, you meet eye to eye with the biggest Rat you have ever seen! Seems like it's a female! She brought a friend with her
Legandary | Female | Mysterious

Uncommon |Female | Dominant

You enter the Medows and decide to go into a fine walk through the fields. When you nearly trip over a tiny Rat thats enjoying its meal. Angrily, she squeaks at you for disturbing her. What a rude little rat..
Uncommon | Female | Rude

You take the opportunity to take a walk into the meadows. Upon your path you discover a large Oak tree. Running up and down of it you see a Squirrel. As soon as it sees you, it turns around exitedly and.. squeaks? It runs up to you and you notice that it's in fact, a Rat in disguise... stealth 100 I would say.

Uncommon | Female | Playful!

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Edited on 22/11/19 @ 17:47:53 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 18:19:12
I'd like to explore!!!... AGAIN!
Lioden ID: #84217
Username: Hiamovi
What area will you explore?: Meadows
Items used?: Rat Bait OwO
Total price: 6GB

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 18:25:50
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: 50745
Usename: Lupa
What area will you explore?: The Mysterious Forest and The Laboratory
Items used?: 2x Rat Bait
Total price: 27GB

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-22 19:26:58
With your entire camping equippment packed, you go into a walk through the mysterious forest. As you are putting up your camp for the night, a little Rat comes to you with its friend and sniffs curiously for your rat bait. Then it suddenly sits down by the fire and starts to tell you a Joke. "So... a Rat and a Boar walk into a bar... Oh...seems I forgot the rest of the joke^^''
Rare | Male | Grumpy
Legendary | Male | Adventurous
Look at this beautifil Boarrat! :3 Isn't he cute? What? you did not expect this? Well this is the mysterious forest and not Mt. Obvious. duh.
Rare|Female| Hyperactive

After the long camping night in the mysterious forest, you go to the market on the Meadow where you find a little rat that has been lost! You want to help her find her way back home but it seems she wants to stay with you

Uncommon| Female | Lazy

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Sundance (#32322)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-11-22 21:37:20
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID #32322
Username Sundance
What area will you explore? The Mysterious Forest
Items used? Rat bait!
Total price: 16Gb

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2019-11-23 03:37:38
Omg I'm in love with the boarrat, he's precious

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πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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Posted on
2019-11-23 10:07:24
Changed my mind

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Edited on 20/12/19 @ 11:14:56 by πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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