H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-16 05:44:41

The Meadows A beautiful green place. You can see a village nearby, the sun always seems to shine. Here you'll find the most common Rats with simple patterns
Price to explore: 5 [Common & Uncommon only]
The Laboratory
A dusty and gloomy old Laboratory. The Rats you can find here could have... unusuall colours, patterns or other weird traits.
Price: 10 [Common, Uncommon, Rare]
The Mysterious Forest
Only the bravest come here... The rats that live here had lived a savage life, hidden from the world, they had a chance to developp naturally under the influence of the forests magic.
Price: 15:GB [Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary]

Explore Form:
I'd like to explore!!!
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Edited on 16/11/19 @ 22:13:40 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 06:59:01
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #103009
Username: Yokubo
What area will you explore?: The laboratory
Items used?: Rat bait
Total price: 11GB

When should I send the GB?

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Edited on 17/11/19 @ 07:00:23 by Yokubo (#103009)

GEtREkt (#187039)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 07:02:09
Lioden ID: (#187039)
Usename: GEtREkt
What area will you explore?: meadow
Items used?: rat bait and coupon
Total price: 1

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Edited on 17/11/19 @ 07:04:50 by GEtREkt (#187039)

H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 07:39:20
@Yokubo (#103009) You enter the Laboratory. It looks like it hasn't seen a new soul for a loong time. It's only partial illuminated and dusty. You are brave enough to explore it a litte more until one of the cages catches your attention. It contains a little rat! She looks at you, squeaking loudly for the rat bait you've brought with you. She looks like she'd been very hungry. You decide to take her home despite her...questionable appearance.

Rare | Female | chaotic

You wander through the wide and green meadows, using the opportunity of this good day to go on some rat catch!
It doesn't take long for a little nose to show up between some roots. You bait the little friend to your side and take him home. What a cute boi!
Uncommon | Male | optimistic

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Hiamovi [Lineage
Collector] (#84217)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 08:07:43
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #84217
Username: Hiamovi
What area will you explore?: Meadows... and Meadows (yes twice)
Items used?: Two Rat Baits, one for each explore :D
Total price: 12 GB

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 11:08:44
Oh my, I love her! Wrinkly... Baby......

I can't resist-
I'd like to explore! Again...
Lioden ID: #103009
Username: Yokubo
What area will you explore?: The laboratory
Items used?: Rat bait
Total price: 11GB

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 11:35:23
@Yokubo (#103009)
Motivated by your first rescue, you decide to enter the Laboratory again. Who knows what other cute little rats might need your help? The second time you enter everything seems...darker... the gloomy atmosphere seems to hang over you like a spider net thats slowly wrapping around your body. You have that strange feeling of being...watched.
Then, suddenly, theres a flicker and all lights go out. What do you want to do?

A) Walk forward. You think you remember the way.
B) Search the walls for an emergency power supply
C) Call an exorcist. This place is possesed!!!

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 12:19:39
Hmm... A)

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 12:31:48
Yokubo (#103009) You decide to go on your way in the darkness. (Who needs light anyways? pfft)
You go deeper and deeper until you realize you don't even know where the exit is. Suddenly, you crash against something hard and cold. You feel it with your fingers and realize its metal bars.

A deep, angry growl suddenly sounds. In an intensity, that it brings shivers down your spine. Whatever that is its... big.
You turn around and suddenly, the lights flicker on again and you see...

... Yourself standing in front of the biggest, beast rat you have ever seen!
He growls at you again. You see that he's covered with scars... seems that he didn't belong to the laboratory but was taken capture from the mysterious forest, and brought here to get experimented on. Poor boy, he must have fought bravely but what can a beast do against human sedatives? You have to get him out somehow.. but he's still being hostile... you look at the Rat bait in your pocket

Do you want to tame him with your bait? He seems hungry! Maybe a some food can lift his mood and calm him down!

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atusito [clean 1k
ice tri ros] (#170154)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 17:44:03
Lioden ID: (#170154)
Usename: Atusito
What area will you explore?: Mysterious Forest
Items used?: (can I buy rat bait and use It now?)
Total price: 16 GB

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 18:32:56
@atusito [5.3K] (#170154) You have decided to be one of the few brave ones to enter the mystery forest!
With full of determination you wander alongside the trees. What a beautiful day to venture the forest! But soon it turns night... and within the shadows you can't trust your own eyes anymore... Suddenly, you hear a tiny noise...


you play with the little girl until that had been attracted by your rat bait when suddenly you feel an uncomfortable tap on your shoulder. You turn around and see.... O.O An enormous Wererat! He looks grimly at you and demands you to ask him for permission first if you wanna go out with his daughter,,... wait WHAT?!?

Legendary| Male | agressive

Later you found out that the little rat isn't his real daughter. He's a rat breeder from a neighboring village and calls all his rat children his daughters and sons. Phew... you nearly thought... nevermind. He decided to follow you home

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Edited on 17/11/19 @ 18:33:30 by H4V[Clean mottled Mada] (#147569)

GEtREkt (#187039)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 18:39:58
aw geeze I want one of those wererats--

Lioden ID: 187039
Usename: GEtRekt
What area will you explore?: Forest x2
Items used?: buy bat baitx2
Total price: 32 GB(?)

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Firestar102🔥 (#79468)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-11-17 18:51:05
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: #79468
Username: Firestar102
What area will you explore?: The Meadows
Items used?: None
Total price: 5GB

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2019-11-18 13:37:15
Oh god that's a big boy
Very big

I guess I'll just.. give him the rat snack and pray he doesn't bite off my hand

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H4V[Elysian Royalty] (#147569)

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Posted on
2019-11-19 05:12:28
You enter the meadows and decide it's going to be a loooong walk this time! at first, you enter a small village. Not far away from where you are standing, theres a market. You see a suspicious looking young man, that asks if you want to see his wares. You say yes. He puts a cage down in front of you and... runs away. Never to be seen again. Did he not wan't payment?

Uncommon | Female | troublemaker
Uncommon | Male | Cheeky
Oh look! The cage contained two rats! Cute little guys! You decide to give them a better home. They sqeak for your rat baits. You feed them each one :3

You continue on your journey and close to a wide, flowerfilled field, you see this tiny girl running around happily! She makes adorable noises and nudges your leg. Seems like she want to follow you home!
Common |Female | Optimistic

@Yokubo (#103009) You feed the huge Rat with your Ratbait! Seems like you managed to tame it!
Congratulations! You caught one of the BIG bois of this world!

Legendary | Male | Agressive
Looks like he's big enough for a ride! You can purchase a saddle and tack for him at the Shop! :3

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2019-11-19 05:52:12
I'd like to explore!!!
Lioden ID: 50745
Username: Lupa
What area will you explore?: The Mysterious Forest
Items used?: Rat Bait (Purchasing here bc lazy)
Total price: 16GB

C'mere ratty ratty ~ <3

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