Posted by Adjust Cost of Crafting Windfall Marks

Vox (G2 Prismatic BO
Bomb!) (#180186)

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Posted on
2020-11-04 20:48:31
I love the look of the Windfall markings. However, I feel that the crafting "price" (in terms of items needed) for the marking app is disproportionately high.

The Windfall Markings app requires 260 total crafting materials, AND can only be crafted during November.

Of the comparable craftable apps, Kimanjano Mottled Vents uses 180 materials, and Fuchsia Nectar uses 322. Fuchsia Nectar is high, but the catch is that both Fuchsia Nectar and KMV can be crafted YEAR-ROUND, as long as you have the special items such as Fuchsia Flowers that can only be collected in a certain month.

Other marking apps, such as Gregarious Marks, use a MUCH smaller number of crafting items, and can STILL be crafted year-round.

I'm proposing these possible solutions:

A.) Keep the crafting price the way it is, but allow the app to be crafted year-round,

Or B.) Lower the crafting price significantly (by half, maybe?) but keep the restriction to only craft in November.

Editing to add a 3rd option:

C. Keeping the crafting requirements the way they are but allow the user to choose which marking they get instead of it being random, because being expensive, month-locked, AND random is too much in one item. (Credit to Jensen for this idea.)

This suggestion has 106 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/11/20 @ 07:52:40 by Vox (3xRos Hibiscus) (#180685)

[โ–ณ] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:27:27
Exactly. Raffles only work if you have stuff people want. Don't get me started on the interstellar quest. Repetitive, time consuming, and I found out recently the herbs required are worth more total than the Interstellar app itself. I'm lucky I've got high speed net, but I really, REALLY feel for people who don't or are stuck on mobile. Some of the requirements are getting absurd.

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Mwothyman (#138189)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:28:27
Tatsu, again, most people don't participate in any wishes granted threads because it's the rich players gifting each other and when someone does try that get shit responses. Not everyone can make raffles.

I mean as in not everyone can get raffle coverage. I once did a raffle for a young dwarf and no one wanted her - decent marks, decent stats, relatively cheap. Nothing

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Edited on 25/11/20 @ 17:29:28 by Bumbleberry (#138189)

๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:32:06
Blessed by RNG? Not sure where you got that from. The thing is, you don't have to shell out to get the applicator if you bothered to read my posts, 8gb for an app is hardly shelling out , budgeting maybe. I have been on the quest for a year too, but the game would be a bit broken if everything was easy to get, the point of the game is to work hard to grow in the game, if getting every app was it would be a boring game.

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๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:35:41
It really isn't rich gifting rich, I am far from rich. AND you have to have wishes that newbies can gift, as well as any wishes they can not. At this point you are just complaining that you have to work hard to get the app... Which isn't much of an argument

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Edited on 25/11/20 @ 17:35:52 by ๐Ÿ‰Tatsu๐Ÿ‰ (#49134)

๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:37:54
Did you actively advertise your raffles? I posted mine as much as i could within the rules. Everyone can get gb, and gb is the easiest thing to make a raffle from 10gb flat would get you everything you need tbh

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[โ–ณ] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:39:43
Making GB literally is not the point of this thread. It's high requirements in a short time frame, where all other high requirement apps can be crafted year round, or monthly only have lower requirements.

This is asking that it matches the formula.

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Mwothyman (#138189)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:40:14
No one is complaining about the hard work. Everyone is complaining at how stupid the requirments are,

The interstellar quest has a lot BUT you can complete it WHENEVER
other applications EITHER have their key crafting items locked by a certain month but can be crafted all year, or in the case of gem applicators - found all year but crafting is locked to a certain month. 260 items is hard to get regardless, especially if both it's items and crafting is locked by a month. No one is saying "MAKE THIS FREE" We are saying "Unless you are willing to shell out, happen to be lucky (That includes raffles and being to host them), your average player who is grinding is unlikely to be able to complete this without outside help".

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๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:43:42
But you can easily get the items within that time frame my dude, by raffling/exploring/gifting threads, which is what I'm stating as you two kept going on about how not everyone has stuff like that to raffle off. Are you seriously complaining solely for the fact that you can't get them just from exploring without putting in extra effort? So it is literally you have to work hard to get it...

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๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:46:56
The only thing you can't get year round is Phantom Quartz.... You could easily save your items over a year to get this app, does it suck you can't get it this time round? Yes! But it is not ridiculous as it is it's first year out

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๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:48:32
Being able to host raffles is not luck -_-
I am an average player just bobbing along, I have been playing for 6 years, so I do have experience on my hand, but that is all

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Mwothyman (#138189)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:50:50
Yet again

You are putting an emphasis on money. That isn't the point, the point of this thread is to reduce some of the requirements so it isn't like a fucking adventure quest.

If I want to spend a shit tonne of money getting the fucking crater quest, I know what I am getting into. But a common applicator shouldn't be a stupid amount of items where you have to spend an entire year getting the shit needed to make it.

We are asking to either make it so certain elements can be founded year round, or making the crafting year round.


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๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:53:32
"But a common applicator shouldn't be a stupid amount of items where you have to spend an entire year getting the shit needed to make it."
It is not a common applicator, hence the high price of it, if they wanted it to be a common marking they would of set the price low

I keep going back to the cost as I am trying to show you that it is not as hard as you think it is.

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Mwothyman (#138189)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:55:02
I am going to stop interacting because it's evident that you are not understanding the point of the thread nor our arguments.

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๐ŸŒ—Pidge๐ŸŒ“ (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 17:58:06
I get the point, and your arguments, you don't seem to get mine though

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Vox (G1 Ice Epicene
6BO+++) (#180685)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 18:01:41
Tatsu - your wording is kinda coming off as combative and condescending. Could you please tone that down on my thread? I want this discussion to remain polite and productive. It's possible to disagree with someone without acting like they're stupid or lazy because they don't agree with you.

Some people probably agree with you that it's easy. But just from looking at numbers, it looks like 10 x more people disagree with you. Obviously support votes aren't everything, but they're not nothing, either.

Editing to add:
I've been playing as much as I can this month. I raffled off a high-value item for crafting materials (and advertised the raffle religiously). My friends helped me out by giving me their spares. And I STILL had to buy price-gouged materials to be able to complete even ONE app. So maybe it was easy for you, but there's plenty of people for whom it's NOT.

Like I said, I'm not asking to make it super cheap. I'd be happy if it was more like the Fuchsia marking app. It's a pain in the ass to get all the materials, BUT you can craft it year-round, which balances it out.

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Edited on 25/11/20 @ 18:08:18 by Vox (3xRos Hibiscus) (#180685)

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