Posted by Adjust Cost of Crafting Windfall Marks

Vox (G2 Prismatic BO
Bomb!) (#180186)

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Posted on
2020-11-04 20:48:31
I love the look of the Windfall markings. However, I feel that the crafting "price" (in terms of items needed) for the marking app is disproportionately high.

The Windfall Markings app requires 260 total crafting materials, AND can only be crafted during November.

Of the comparable craftable apps, Kimanjano Mottled Vents uses 180 materials, and Fuchsia Nectar uses 322. Fuchsia Nectar is high, but the catch is that both Fuchsia Nectar and KMV can be crafted YEAR-ROUND, as long as you have the special items such as Fuchsia Flowers that can only be collected in a certain month.

Other marking apps, such as Gregarious Marks, use a MUCH smaller number of crafting items, and can STILL be crafted year-round.

I'm proposing these possible solutions:

A.) Keep the crafting price the way it is, but allow the app to be crafted year-round,

Or B.) Lower the crafting price significantly (by half, maybe?) but keep the restriction to only craft in November.

Editing to add a 3rd option:

C. Keeping the crafting requirements the way they are but allow the user to choose which marking they get instead of it being random, because being expensive, month-locked, AND random is too much in one item. (Credit to Jensen for this idea.)

This suggestion has 106 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/11/20 @ 07:52:40 by Vox (3xRos Hibiscus) (#180685)

🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2020-11-25 18:04:17
Apologies for coming across as that, I don't mean to be.

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Vox (G1 Ice Epicene
6BO+++) (#180685)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 18:10:26
Putting this here since it disappeared onto a previous page:

I've been playing as much as I can this month. I raffled off a high-value item for crafting materials (and advertised the raffle religiously). My friends helped me out by giving me their spares. And I STILL had to buy price-gouged materials to be able to complete even ONE app. So maybe it was easy for you, but there's plenty of people for whom it's NOT.

Like I said, I'm not asking to make it super cheap. I'd be happy if it was more like the Fuchsia marking app. It's a pain in the ass to get all the materials, BUT you can craft it year-round, which balances it out.

I just think there is a happy medium between "ridiculously cheap" (like Locust marks) and its current state. I'm not asking for a handout, I'm just asking for compromise.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 18:18:07
Having a predictable formula that craftables follow is part of what made it easy to plan for making marking apps. Super expensive year-rounds and middling monthlies are sort of the bread and butter of craftable apps. Even though I can make the Fuchsia app year round, I still don't have it, and that's fine. (I'm drowning in flowers, though.) But I know that if I WANTED to go for it, I wouldn't be confined to a month, and no less during that month, many would be trying to get 'em, which results in the aforementioned price gouging.

I like challenges. I've got a clean Dhahabi project myself and my girl have been running for a year now and I only recently got a king-worthy heir. I jumped on Madagascar projects the moment they were introduced. I completed the grueling Interstellar quest. But sometimes breaking one's back for a monthly exclusive becomes too much to ask of the player base. I've similar feelings about monthly breed-only, but breeding projects are a different matter.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 18:19:28
I am all for making the game easier, but there needs to be certain aspects to the game that is harder which does mean that unfortunately not everyone will be able to get items they want. The thing is I don't get the problem with it being locked, as it should only effect you this year and as I said it does suck, but next year it will be a lot easier as you can hoard items throughout the year. The sheer amount of items needed should only be problem this year, and in hind sight it would of been nice for the admins to give as heads up for this mega crafting app that is locked.
If you could only get items during this month I would agree with you, but you can get them all (but phantom quartz) year around, and even when it comes to phantom quartz, you only need 10 and there are two relatively common explore encounters which will give you these items

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-25 18:24:55
See for me, I work hard just to breed pretty lions, so to me this is the same as a breeding project, gotta work my ass of to get my hand on those markings. It is similar to me as a rare month locked base, which I do agree are a bit ridiculous

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🛸 Vethale (G2
Bast) (#147289)

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Posted on
2020-11-26 06:50:36
I disagree. I thought it was too expensive at first as well but any kind of applicator base or marking loses it's value super quick. By making it more difficult to craft they're increasing the value of a marking that usually wouldn't have any value at all. Besides, I had none of said items and by simply exploring I managed to get one of the applicators and I'm currently trying to get another one. If you can't craft it you can find a lot of cheap studs with said markings

I feel like the market would really benefit from some items that have a bit more value, considering how most items keep dropping their prices... (the one thing that /does/ bother me, however, is the random marking you get from applicators. Those are bs)

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-26 06:52:57
I would happily settle for it being this expensive AND monthly exclusive if we could choose what marking we got. 100%. All three (expensive, monthly, random) is way, way too much in one item.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

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Posted on
2020-11-26 07:12:38
I reckon being able to choice would be awesome and I have no arguments against it, I got bloody lucky getting the two I wanted

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Vox (G1 Ice Epicene
6BO+++) (#180685)

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Posted on
2020-11-26 07:48:20
I would tentatively be willing to accept that as a compromise (it being choosable, not random). I didn't get the mark I wanted most, but I did get my 2nd choice, at least. Pure luck, though.

I've edited the original post to include this as a possible option!

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Edited on 26/11/20 @ 07:56:35 by Vox (3xRos Hibiscus) (#180685)

[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-26 15:02:13
Thanks Vox. ♥

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