Rosettes are one of the most sought after markings on site. To help everyone understand more about rosettes and the chances of passing them naturally, I've made this guide/study!
The study part of this is that when I have the SB, I go into the Scrying Stone, get some water, and sit there clicking to see the outcome of two cubs (generally between lions that have rosettes). I record my results, and eventually clean them up so that whoever views this may see it! I have plans to eventually add all rosettes and their additional pass rates in.
If you are looking for the actual study/observation notes, they are on the second post of this thread.
Do note that this is ongoing, and that this may not have your specific rosette (yet). My percentages may also be off, as I'm one person, and sometimes my eyes can skip over things, or sometimes I miscount by a couple digits.
Basic Terms/Knowledge
As of today (January 1st, 2023), there are 60 rosettes in-game, which can all be found on this page on the Wiki.
The three main types of rosettes are Rosette, Soft Rosette, and Heavy Rosette, which are spoilered below.
Soft Rosette
Heavy Rosette
In addition to this, there are also Inverted versions of these main types.
Inverted Rosette
Inverted Soft Rosette
Inverted Heavy Rosette
The main note for color is that the most commonly wanted rosettes tend to be non-inverted and dark. Ebony, Noctis, and Onyx rosettes are always being sought after. However, there are other colors such as Auburn, Red, and Gold. For a better look at the colors of rosettes, please click the link at the top of this section.
Mottled Rosette is a special case. It has it's own design and coloration.
Mottled Rosette
Mottled Rosette only appears on first gen Leopons, and can only be passed down by Leopons and their offspring. This is the only way you can get Mottled Rosette. All lions with Mottled Rosette are descended from a Leopon, even if they do not have any heritage.
Rosettes names are also usually shortened.
They can be shortened into acronyms (i.e., Noctis Heavy Rosette => NHR, Mottled Rosette => MR), and sometimes a rosette is just referred to as a 'ros/rose'.
For inverted rosettes, they're usually shorted using 'inv', and that can be added onto either of the above terms, i.e. 'inv ros' or 'inv CHR'.
Finally, there are 3 different ways to make a lion with Rosettes: through RMAs, breeding to a lion with a rosette, or just completely randomly.
(Note: If you're looking for a single rosette lion, check around the Trading Center. They're typically around/less than 1200 or 1 .)
Rosettes Through RMAs
All rosettes except MR can be obtained through RMAs (Random Marking Applicators), which can be bought through the Oasis for 1 , or by rolling your account 29 days in a row.
However, there is only a 0.1%, or a 1/1000 chance of getting a rosette from an RMA.
If you are attempting to get a rosette via an RMA, you also have to invest in Marking Removals as well since there is limited number marking slots. These can be bought through Oasis for 1 .
This method is best if you are trying to turn a x2 rosette into a x3 or x4 rosette.
Rosettes Through Breeding
Rosettes are most commonly obtained through breeding, however, they have a much lower pass rate than other markings on Lioden. This is also the only way that MR can be applied to a lion.
The best way to go about breeding for a rosette is to obtain an Ochre Gnawrock, aka a gnaw. A gnaw allows you to 100% guarantee that a marking of your choosing will pass onto it's cubs. However, only 1 gnaw can be applied to a lion at a time. If you're using a gnawrock, you can only guarantee double rosettes by gnawing a rosette from each parent.
Ochre Gnawrocks are unlocked in Tier 2 of the Prophet Shop in September, and can be bought for 150 Jewel Beetles. Their prices steadily raise throughout the year, being ~15-20 during the event and getting up to ~50 later on.
Mottled Rosette is a special case in breeding. If you're breeding a leopon who has MR, MR has an increased chance of passing. If you want MR on a specific breed-only base, breeding a leopon with MR is your best chance. This increased pass rate is only for MR on pons.
As of 11/21/2020, from what I can tell, the general pass rate of a rosette marking is approximately ~3.85%. This doesn't take into account possible different pass rates for different rosettes, so take this information with a grain of salt. It will be periodically updated.
To help your chances with getting a rosette to naturally pass:
Check which marking slot the rosette you want to pass is in. Then, check the other parent of the litter and make sure they do not have a marking in that slot, or if they do, they also have a rosette.
As other markings have a higher pass rate than rosettes, you don't want the rosette you're trying to pass to possibly get pushed out by a different marking.
Additionally, you can raise your chances of getting a specific rosette by breeding two parents with the same rosette marking in the same slot.
Random Rosettes
There's also a small chance for a rosette to just randomly appear on a lion, regardless of what markings its parents have.
Currently, there is known reason for what causes a random rosette to appear. As more information comes in about this, I'll update this section.
From my current findings, the possibility of a random rosette appearing is ~0.25%. However, this is without knowing what causes a random rosette to appear. You should not count on getting a rosette through this method.
Current theories for boosting the chance of getting a random rosette include:
White undermarkings on either parent
ID numbers matching in some way
Additional Questions?
Hopefully this helped clear up how to get a rosette, how to breed one, etc. If you have any more questions or criticisms, feel free to post them! I'll try to reply to everything I can.
Came here because one of my cubs unexpectedly popped out with rosettes and reading up on the info in this thread (and linked in this thread) is really interesting. Thanks!
Hey- I noticed you don't have any shaded Rosettes listed, so it might not be much help, but my lioness who has shaded rosette Ebony(slot 10), has passed the marking twice in a row while bred to my own king who has atlas quail flecks in said slot. I didn't use any items or anything, and both cubs had the marking at a higher percent.