Posted by Chance Companions Exploration

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-09 20:26:52


Exploration? What's that?!Exploration is what happens when you send your companion out exploring the Randomization Realm for a while to retrieve special items! You must own one in order to explore. Don't own one yet? Check here!

What is the Randomization Realm and how do I get items?Well the Randomization Realm is where your companions live! In this realm, every biome is unique in its own way! There are special items in these biomes that only companions can retrieve. Your companion will be sent away for 2-4 days. The time your companion will be away, the biome your companion will be visiting, and the items retrieved will all be randomized. (Of course!) These items can aid in breeding better traits, finding better items, and overall owning rarer companions! The Records of Randomization is where I keep track of inventories!

The BiomesThere are numerous different biomes that your companions can explore. Keep in mind that I also take Items and my conversion rate is for every 1200 equals 1 . Here's a list of them!
Zone A [250]
-Buzzing Bayou-
The Bayou biome is muddy mess covered in Spanish moss and twisted trees. Stagnant water creates an ecosystem of muck that makes it hard to do anything. Your companion may have trouble bringing anything back. (Chance of no item) Common Items are mostly found here.
-Lucky Lavender Fields-
The Lavender Fields were cultivated long ago by companions. Since then the ground has become abandoned and overgrown with lavender. The aroma of the lavender is distracting to your companions. They may stay a while... (+1 day) Common Items are mostly found here.
-Tranquil Taiga-
The taiga is a mountainous region covered in lakes with enormous waterfalls. The sound of the waterfalls make it hard to hear, causing your companion to confuse where they are heading. (+1 day) Common Items are mostly found here.
Zone B [500 ]
-Graceful Grove-
The Grove has endless hills with few trees. The terrain is quite easy for you companion to travel. They should arrive right on time! Common & Uncommon Items are mostly found here.
-Sacred Seasonal Forest-
The Seasonal forest is littered with maple trees that change color. The scent of maple syrup is strong here. It reminds them of home! Common & Uncommon Items are mostly found here.
Zone C [1 ]
-Fun Fungal Jungle-
The Fungal Jungle is filled to the brim with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes. The bouncy mushrooms allow your companion to hop around in an instant. They may arrive sooner than later! (- 1 day) Uncommon & Rare Items are mostly found here.
-Spry Savanna-
The Savanna contains huge plateaus that are littered with strange trees. The wind energizes your companion, making them eager to return back to you. (- 1 day) Uncommon & Rare Items are mostly found here.
Zone D [2 ]
-Radiant Rainforest-
The Rainforest is filled to the brim with all kinds of life. Your companion is overjoyed by seeing all of this new and exotic life. They may stay a little while and get to know the residents of the rainforest... (+ 1 day & chance of finding a Companion) Uncommon, Rare, & Epic Items are commonly found here.
-Rolling Rainbow Hills-
The Rainbow Hills span a large area with trees dotted along the valleys. The leaves are iridescent rainbow and remind your companion of their home with you. Along their travels, Your companion may find strange white towers... Wonder what's inside? (-1 day & Chance of getting Artifacts) Uncommon, Rare, & Epic Items are commonly found here.

Items Descriptions of Items will only be revealed when any companion has obtained the specific item. Items will be randomized by rarity in that Common 50%, Uncommon 35%, Rare 10%, Epic 4%, & Legendary 1%
Common Items
-Common Kibble-
Bland and basic Kibble; Used for breeding [need 15 to breed]
-Small Accessory-
A small accessory to add to your companion; You can pick between three
Items needed to craft nests; Need 10 to make a nest
-Kibble Bits-
Small Bits of Kibble; Used for crafting [x10=1 Rare Kibble]

Uncommon Items
-Uncommon Kibble-
Savory Kibble with hints of spice; Used for breeding [need 10 to breed]
A premade nest, perfect for breeding!
Small scraps of various materials; Used for crafting [x25=Satchel]

Rare Items
-Zone Ticket-
A randomized entry ticket to any zone; The zone will be randomized A-D [Only 1 Use]
-Rare Kibble-
Fruity kibble with chunks of pineapple; Used for breeding [need 5 to breed]
-Medium Accessory-
A medium accessory to add to your companion; You can pick between three (Bandana, Glasses, Collar, Scarf)
-Gem Shards-
Small shards of diamonds and various other gems; Used for crafting [x15= Wishbone]
Sticky sweet-smelling substance gathered in jars; Used for crafting [x15=Incense]

Epic Items
Random Marking Applicator
A long stick with a distinct smell; Attracts companions in any zone after A [Only 2 uses]
-Large Accessory-

Legendary Items
-Instant Kibble-

Helpful LinksThe Records of Randomization
Adopting A Companion

Please fill out this form to explore!
Name of Companion:
Items: (Y/N?)
Payment: (sent Y/N?)

Current Explorers
-Velvet [June 4]
-Mr. Mint Brownie [June 6]

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Edited on 02/06/22 @ 11:25:41 by ⭐Vixkin⭐|G2 Subtle Cherry (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-10 18:48:34
@Falkenstern25, Yes I will work on him soon and send over his new looks and code when I get the time. I am a little flooded with companions and commissions so there may be a delay :)

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-10 18:51:50
@Kitsune, Velvet cocks her head at you. She seems to not want to go! You insist and she huffs while heading north. She discovers a veil of vines and hesitantly steps through. She enters a lively rainforest with thick vegetation littering the ground.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Radiant Rainforest. She will be gone for 5 days [6 days - 1 from biome]. Check back soon! Velvet may come back with things!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 05:42:14
@Aldwyn, Kor practically runs into you, almost knocking you down. He shoots you a grin as he recounts his tale.

✦Kor pushed his way under a log and the rainforest unveiled right in front of his eyes. Light dappled his pelt from the openings to the sky in the canopy. His ears were overwhelmed with noise. Sound of birds chirping off to his left, a distant growl to his right, a bubbling stream behind him- noises were everywhere. As he traveled through the thick undergrowth, his eyes spotted something. A gleaming object lodged in the bark of a tree. Kor found x1 Small Accessory.

✦Kor's head perked up when the sound of beating wings flew by him. A flock of birds practically swarmed him, covering him in feathers as the birds flew away. Kor picked the feathers up. This is probably enough for a nest! Kor found 10 feathers.

✦Kor continued his adventures through the rainforest. The sun was now setting and he was getting cold. As he started to bed down for the night, he heard a distant calling from another companion. He immediately jumps up and tracks down the sound. Kor arrived in the middle of a large clearing with tall trees surrounding him and a canine standing in the middle. The canine lets out a howl and stares into Kor's eyes. What should Kor do?

A. Kor challenges the canine and stares back, signaling his dominance. His back bristles and approaches the canine, daring it to submit. (50% to claim)
B. Kor steps back, signaling his submission. Kor approaches the canine with his eyes to the floor and gives the canine a soft smile. (50% to claim)
C. Kor nods at the canine and steps back a bit. He shoots the canine a smile and asks for a trade. (50% to get an uncommon+ item)
D. Kor books it immediately, not looking back once. (90% to run safely)
(Percentages mean the chance of success)
You have the option to choose between these three small accessories: Necklace, Bracelet, and Earrings. Which one will you choose?

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 05:42:44
@Euphoria, Paradox approaches you from over the large hill carrying some items in her mouth! She rams into your leg and begins to describe her adventure with sparkling eyes.

✦Paradox ran over the hill and was met with an autumn-filled wonderland. There were huge trees every shade of brown, orange, red, and yellow possible. A strong scent of maple syrup was thick in the air. Paradox immediately began to search for some food after smelling that aroma. A savory and spicy smell flooded her nostrils as she uncovered kibble from under a nearby tree. Paradox found x3 Uncommon Kibble.

✦Paradox discovered a small path leading to what looked to be like.. a cave? She hesitantly headed through the opening and found a bundle of feathers that littered the floor. The cave looked as if it went down for ages, though she was afraid to approach. She gathered the feathers and left without a word. Paradox found x6 feathers.

✦Paradox wandered through the forest with starstruck eyes. She has never seen this much color in trees before! She managed to trip and tumble down a small hill as she was walking. At the bottom was a large sunken clearing with a pile of kibble in the middle. Where did this come from? She snatched up the strangely arranged kibble as a shiver ran through her bones. Paradox found x5 Common Kibble

✦Paradox let out a slight yawn as she retraced her steps back to you. She was ready for a nap.

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 10:12:24
aAA -- lets go with option A (dominance) and earrings, please!! :D

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 11:48:08

✦Kor bristled his fur as he approaches the fierce canine. It bared its teeth and a red glint surfaced in its eyes. There was no communication happening with this beast. Kor haphazardly took a step back, realizing his mistake in challenging the canine. Now, it loomed over him, casting a shadow on his frightened face. Kor turned in an instant and raced out of the rainforest. Kor was unable to claim the canine.

Kor's earring will be added soon and sent your way!

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Kitsune (#217102)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 12:03:43
Ah, poor canine left all alone. Though somone need to put them in their place. Bad dog.

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Edited on 11/02/22 @ 12:04:03 by ~{Kitsune}~ (#217102)

DisneyLuv_ (#146284)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 12:04:52
If it were Lionel, he probably would’ve gone with the aggressive option as well!

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 12:23:52
:handshake: :handshake: :handshake: head empty no thoughts only fighting asSKJGSDKJSDGKHJ --

@Hydrixity i'd love to explore again though, if you aren't too overwhelmed! :D

Name of Companion: Kor
Zone: C
Items: n/a
Payment: 1 GB, to be sent upon confirmation

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-11 12:29:18
@Aldwyn, Kor nods aggressivly, eager to go out exploring. Before you can say anything, he darted away. Kor leaped across a nearby stream and found himself following a purple lined path. The path led to a magnificent biome with mushrooms sprouting up everywhere.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Fun Fungal Jungle. He will be gone for 3 days [4 days - 1 from biome]. Check back soon and Kor may come home with items!

[Not too overwhelmed yet! I have a process to things that helps me stay sane haha!]

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-02-12 10:02:21
Name of Companion: Paradox
Zone: C
Payment: sent 1 GB

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Falkenstern25 (#224312)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-02-12 10:15:08
Name of Companion: Awan
Zone: D
Payment: sending 2gb

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-12 10:31:50
@DisneyLuv, You see Lionel arrive over the top of the hill. He shoots you a snaky grin and sits down next to you. He details everything he had saw and gathered.

✦Lionel approaches the biome with a steadfast attitude. The hills dwarfed him as they looked like they could reach the sky. The trees cast beautiful and colorful reflections onto the grass and Lionel couldn't help but be hypnotized by them. The wind picked up, ruffling through his fur. A crinkly noise rang through his ears that disrupted him from his trance. Flying through the wind was what looked to be a random piece of paper. Lionel snatched it from the air and put it away. Lionel found x1 Zone Ticket.

✦Lionel follows a black pebbled path that led up to the peak of one of the hills. Placed in the middle was no other than the magnificent tower he had heard stories about. It was made of ancient marble bricks that shined in the sun. He approached the tower but struggled to find a way in. It seems as if the entrance was blocked... Hours pass and Lionel gives up finding a way in. He would just have to come back another time... Though he does find a small pile of kibble next to the supposed blocked-off entrance. He gathers it and heads down the path. Lionel found x2 Rare Kibble.

✦Lionel continues his journey through the lands of this mysterious biome. He comes across a tree that has been cut down... by something huge. As he investigates the tree, he notices an indentation in the bark. It was once words now long forgotten, and Lionel certainly couldn't remember their meaning. He removed the bark with words on it and discovered an opening in the trunk where a nest and common kibble lay. He takes it without any hesitation. Lionel found x1 Nest and x4 Common Kibble.

✦Lionel decides to head back after the last eventful few days. He can't wait to tell you about his adventure!

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Edited on 12/02/22 @ 10:33:30 by ✨HYDRIXITY✨ (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-12 10:38:20
@Euphoria, Paradox bounces up in the air and nods vigorously as you asked her to go explore. She races off into the nearby brush. She comes across a biome with large hills and many plateaus covered in strange twisted trees.

Your companion has rolled to go explore the Spry Savanna. He will be gone for 6 days [7 days - 1 from biome]. Check back in a few days! Hopefully, she'll return with some items!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-12 10:43:42
@Falkenstern25, You see Awan perk up as you mention exploring. Ever since his appearance changed, he has been more than happy to keep exploring! He grins and heads onward. The trees soon become larger and larger. Before he knows it, Awan enters the Radiant Rainforest.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Radiant Rainforest. He will be gone for 3 days [2 days + 1 from biome]. Check back soon and Awan may come home with items, or possible a new friend!

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