Posted by Chance Companions Exploration

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-09 20:26:52


Exploration? What's that?!Exploration is what happens when you send your companion out exploring the Randomization Realm for a while to retrieve special items! You must own one in order to explore. Don't own one yet? Check here!

What is the Randomization Realm and how do I get items?Well the Randomization Realm is where your companions live! In this realm, every biome is unique in its own way! There are special items in these biomes that only companions can retrieve. Your companion will be sent away for 2-4 days. The time your companion will be away, the biome your companion will be visiting, and the items retrieved will all be randomized. (Of course!) These items can aid in breeding better traits, finding better items, and overall owning rarer companions! The Records of Randomization is where I keep track of inventories!

The BiomesThere are numerous different biomes that your companions can explore. Keep in mind that I also take Items and my conversion rate is for every 1200 equals 1 . Here's a list of them!
Zone A [250]
-Buzzing Bayou-
The Bayou biome is muddy mess covered in Spanish moss and twisted trees. Stagnant water creates an ecosystem of muck that makes it hard to do anything. Your companion may have trouble bringing anything back. (Chance of no item) Common Items are mostly found here.
-Lucky Lavender Fields-
The Lavender Fields were cultivated long ago by companions. Since then the ground has become abandoned and overgrown with lavender. The aroma of the lavender is distracting to your companions. They may stay a while... (+1 day) Common Items are mostly found here.
-Tranquil Taiga-
The taiga is a mountainous region covered in lakes with enormous waterfalls. The sound of the waterfalls make it hard to hear, causing your companion to confuse where they are heading. (+1 day) Common Items are mostly found here.
Zone B [500 ]
-Graceful Grove-
The Grove has endless hills with few trees. The terrain is quite easy for you companion to travel. They should arrive right on time! Common & Uncommon Items are mostly found here.
-Sacred Seasonal Forest-
The Seasonal forest is littered with maple trees that change color. The scent of maple syrup is strong here. It reminds them of home! Common & Uncommon Items are mostly found here.
Zone C [1 ]
-Fun Fungal Jungle-
The Fungal Jungle is filled to the brim with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes. The bouncy mushrooms allow your companion to hop around in an instant. They may arrive sooner than later! (- 1 day) Uncommon & Rare Items are mostly found here.
-Spry Savanna-
The Savanna contains huge plateaus that are littered with strange trees. The wind energizes your companion, making them eager to return back to you. (- 1 day) Uncommon & Rare Items are mostly found here.
Zone D [2 ]
-Radiant Rainforest-
The Rainforest is filled to the brim with all kinds of life. Your companion is overjoyed by seeing all of this new and exotic life. They may stay a little while and get to know the residents of the rainforest... (+ 1 day & chance of finding a Companion) Uncommon, Rare, & Epic Items are commonly found here.
-Rolling Rainbow Hills-
The Rainbow Hills span a large area with trees dotted along the valleys. The leaves are iridescent rainbow and remind your companion of their home with you. Along their travels, Your companion may find strange white towers... Wonder what's inside? (-1 day & Chance of getting Artifacts) Uncommon, Rare, & Epic Items are commonly found here.

Items Descriptions of Items will only be revealed when any companion has obtained the specific item. Items will be randomized by rarity in that Common 50%, Uncommon 35%, Rare 10%, Epic 4%, & Legendary 1%
Common Items
-Common Kibble-
Bland and basic Kibble; Used for breeding [need 15 to breed]
-Small Accessory-
A small accessory to add to your companion; You can pick between three
Items needed to craft nests; Need 10 to make a nest
-Kibble Bits-
Small Bits of Kibble; Used for crafting [x10=1 Rare Kibble]

Uncommon Items
-Uncommon Kibble-
Savory Kibble with hints of spice; Used for breeding [need 10 to breed]
A premade nest, perfect for breeding!
Small scraps of various materials; Used for crafting [x25=Satchel]

Rare Items
-Zone Ticket-
A randomized entry ticket to any zone; The zone will be randomized A-D [Only 1 Use]
-Rare Kibble-
Fruity kibble with chunks of pineapple; Used for breeding [need 5 to breed]
-Medium Accessory-
A medium accessory to add to your companion; You can pick between three (Bandana, Glasses, Collar, Scarf)
-Gem Shards-
Small shards of diamonds and various other gems; Used for crafting [x15= Wishbone]
Sticky sweet-smelling substance gathered in jars; Used for crafting [x15=Incense]

Epic Items
Random Marking Applicator
A long stick with a distinct smell; Attracts companions in any zone after A [Only 2 uses]
-Large Accessory-

Legendary Items
-Instant Kibble-

Helpful LinksThe Records of Randomization
Adopting A Companion

Please fill out this form to explore!
Name of Companion:
Items: (Y/N?)
Payment: (sent Y/N?)

Current Explorers
-Velvet [June 4]
-Mr. Mint Brownie [June 6]

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Edited on 02/06/22 @ 11:25:41 by ⭐Vixkin⭐|G2 Subtle Cherry (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-20 20:44:20
^^ Artifacts are a multitude of different items all with different permanent effects. Companions can be found in the Radiant Rainforest always, though there is a very, very, very rare chance to find them everywhere. Incense can be used to increase that chance of finding a companion in any zone after A! Hope that answers everything :)

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Coyote|Ice base|
DECORRRR (#244119)

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Posted on
2022-02-20 20:58:25
kk thx!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-21 06:53:43
@Aldwyn, Kor pops his head out from some trees with a grin on his face. His fur was a matted mess but he looked overall happy! He prances a bit before telling you all he did.

✦Kor watches as the trees shift from the oaks and elms he is used to, to the tall Amazonian trees that tower over him. Kor couldn't help but notice something different about the forest. The wind was now blasting far more than ever. The vines that used to hang still were now swaying in the wind and the rustle of vegetation and leaves rung out in the rainforest. The wind did bring a specific scent to Kor's nose... Laying in a patch of grass was kibble! Kor took it with a mischievous grin! Kor found x3 Rare Kibble

✦The wind hadn't died down by the time Kor was going to sleep. It just kept blowing... He wondered if there was a storm coming? Though Kor was too exhausted to go and do anything, he could make out companions in the distance and their calls. The wind pretty much made it impossible to try to locate them. The only thing he could do was lay in his makeshift nest under a small overhang. When Kor awoke in the morning, his fur had been matted from the harsh winds. Those once harsh winds had now calmed down. Laying across the ground were small scraps of various things. Kor gathered as much as he could. Kor found x9 Scraps

✦As Kor began to leave, something else caught the attention of his nose. A sweet aroma came from his left and he immediately began hunting it down. Clinging to a tree was honey! Kor let out a happy arf and collected it. Ohh this could be used for something! Kor found x6 Honey.

✦Kor let out a sigh and decided to head home. He didn't get as much as he wanted though he is sure to try to return soon!

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2022-02-21 14:26:01
try and return soon is,,, correct sdjksjdhg.

Name of Companion: Kor
Zone: D
Items: N
Payment: 2 GB, to be sent upon confirmation

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-21 21:06:52
@Aldwyn, You see Kor get a little too excited when you mention his last explore in conversation. As a result, without you even telling him, He rushes off into the distance. Where is he going?! He prances off over a nearby hill. The biome immediately changes into one of hills and rainbow trees.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Rolling Rainbow Hills. He will be gone for 5 days [6 days - 1 from biome]. Check back soon!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 05:47:10
@Kitsune, You see Mr. Mint Brownie arrive through a grove of trees. He looks happy with himself! He races over and begins to recite his adventures.

✦Mr. Mint Brownie watches in awe as the scenery shifts almost in an instant. The trees become taller and the ground became full of vibrant life. Beautiful radiant light dappled onto his pelt and he couldn't help but smile. Though something else caught his attention. A beam of light seemed to shine on a mountain of kibble. Just seeing it made his mouth salivate! He greedily gathered it- he couldn't wait to get back home! Mr. Mint Brownie found x6 Uncommon Kibble

✦The days continued on and Mr. Mint. Brownie was feeling a bit discouraged. He had found nothing besides some stupid kibble. He sighed and laid back against a tree. To his surprise, a thud rang out once he did that. Tiny shards and bits of kibble fell onto the ground and surrounded the canine. Confused, he picked them up. These could be useful! Mr. Mint Brownie found x4 Gem Shards & x6 Kibble Bits.

✦As Mr. Mint Brownie was packing up his things, a companion call rang out all around him. He dropped everything and raced into the thick vegetation to find them. Unfortunately, by the time he had reached the clearing, the companion was gone. Though left behind was an accessory that Mr. Mint Brownie gladly snatched. Mr. Mint Brownie found x1 Medium Accessory.

✦Mr. Mint Brownie decided to head on home with a grin. He could not wait to tell you everything he had done!

You have the option to choose between these four medium accessories: Bandana, Glasses, Collar, and Scarf. Which one will you choose?

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 05:47:36
@Falkenstern, You see Awan approach from his adventures, which is becoming a regular occurrence nowadays. He smiles as he lays down, nuzzling the grass. He begins to tell you about his exploration.

✦Awan follows the black pebbled path- never straying from the path. Slowly the terrain begins to shift. Insanely beautiful shadows are cast over his face as he approaches one of the many rainbow trees. He stares at it for a while, fixated on its shimmering leaves. Though something seemed odd... Wait! There seemed to be something in the tree! Awan rapidly began to climb up the bark and was immediately disappointed. Here he was thinking it was something valuable! It's just a bundle of feathers.. Awan found x5 feathers.

✦Awan continued his trek, truly taking in the beauty of the biome. It seemed like it would be plain but Awan could never find a plain thing about it. From the rainbow trees to the grasses that moved like waves- he loved this place! He couldn't help but lay in the grass and soak up some sunlight. As he was lazing about, a glint from a nearby hill caught his eye. His paws darted towards it and he cocked his head in confusion. Laying there were tiny shards of gems. He sheepishly took them. Awan found x6 Gem Shards.

✦The sun was setting and a strange object caught his eye. On the top of a nearby hill was a large white tower. Awan hesitantly approached the tower and a chill ran down his spine. Around the entrance were what looked to be pawprints in the dirt. Whatever had just entered is still in there and there was no way Awan was going to find out what 'that' was. Before he left he peeked inside and snatched up the nearest item. Awan found x3 Uncommon Kibble.

✦Awan groaned inwardly thinking about the trip back.. this was going to be rough. He sighed and retraced his steps.

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Kitsune (#217102)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 09:03:17
Name of Companion: Mr. Mint Brownie
Zone: A
Items: (Y/N?) Na
Payment: (sent Y/N?) Y

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DisneyLuv_ (#146284)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 09:04:53
Name of Companion: Lionel
Zone: C
Items: (Y/N?) N
Payment: (sent Y/N?) Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 18:09:56
@Kitsune, Mr. Mint Brownie grins as you mention exploring. He prances off into the distance and over a hill. Soon the terrain shifted into a mountainous biome with spruce trees and waterfalls.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Tranquil Taiga. He will be gone for 7 days [6 days + 1 from biome]. Check back soon!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 18:13:48
@DisneyLuv, You notice Lionel gazing out into the forest. You mention exploring and he shoots up immediately! He rushes off into the woods and finds himself in a hilly biome with twisted trees.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Spry Savanna. He will be gone for 5 days [6 days - 1 from biome]. Check back soon and Lionel may come back with more than just items!

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Edited on 22/02/22 @ 18:48:48 by ✨Vixkin✨ |Gen 2 Svelte (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 18:17:00

Hello all explorers! I just wanted to update you all on something. I am currently extremely busy with IRL issues so explores might become less detailed or late and I apologize for that! I have loved working on these Companions but they do cause a fair amount of stress. I hope you all understand! <3

[PS. A shop will be coming soon! Also an event is in the works :) ]

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tte/Ivory) (#191309)

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Posted on
2022-02-22 20:59:44
Just saw the announcement!^^ No worries! Tale all the time you need♡

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Edited on 22/02/22 @ 21:01:25 by MoonlightStar(3xRosette/Ivory) (#191309)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-23 05:52:58
@Kitsune, Velvet approaches with purple streaks across her pelt and overall she looked like a mess. You asked her what happened and she explained.

✦Velvet enters the lavender fields with a determination like any other. She wants to make up for what happened last time she explored. She began searching the endless rows of purple for anything of interest... and she finally found something! In a neat little pile was some kibble. Who would leave them here? Velvet found x4 Common Kibble.

✦Velvet sighs and kicks the dirt in frustration. She was usually patient but this exploration was getting to her. The aroma of lavender was always lulling her to sleep and while she tried to fight it- she couldn't. She stumbled on her feet and passed out from exhaustion. When she awoke... she was somewhere else entirely. She was in a clearing with no lavender around her. She noticed pawprints in the dirt that seemed to lead nowhere. She then realized she was in a nest? Who had put her here? She sheepishly gathered the nest. Velvet found x1 Nest.

✦Velvet sighs and heads back home. She wished she could gather more but something is holding her back... she's not sure what.

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Kitsune (#217102)

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Posted on
2022-02-23 15:15:41
It's alright Velvet, poor baby, I'll get you fixed soon.
Name of Companion: Velvet
Zone: A
Items: (Y/N?) Na
Payment: (sent Y/N?) Y

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