Posted by Chance Companions Exploration

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-01-09 20:26:52


Exploration? What's that?!Exploration is what happens when you send your companion out exploring the Randomization Realm for a while to retrieve special items! You must own one in order to explore. Don't own one yet? Check here!

What is the Randomization Realm and how do I get items?Well the Randomization Realm is where your companions live! In this realm, every biome is unique in its own way! There are special items in these biomes that only companions can retrieve. Your companion will be sent away for 2-4 days. The time your companion will be away, the biome your companion will be visiting, and the items retrieved will all be randomized. (Of course!) These items can aid in breeding better traits, finding better items, and overall owning rarer companions! The Records of Randomization is where I keep track of inventories!

The BiomesThere are numerous different biomes that your companions can explore. Keep in mind that I also take Items and my conversion rate is for every 1200 equals 1 . Here's a list of them!
Zone A [250]
-Buzzing Bayou-
The Bayou biome is muddy mess covered in Spanish moss and twisted trees. Stagnant water creates an ecosystem of muck that makes it hard to do anything. Your companion may have trouble bringing anything back. (Chance of no item) Common Items are mostly found here.
-Lucky Lavender Fields-
The Lavender Fields were cultivated long ago by companions. Since then the ground has become abandoned and overgrown with lavender. The aroma of the lavender is distracting to your companions. They may stay a while... (+1 day) Common Items are mostly found here.
-Tranquil Taiga-
The taiga is a mountainous region covered in lakes with enormous waterfalls. The sound of the waterfalls make it hard to hear, causing your companion to confuse where they are heading. (+1 day) Common Items are mostly found here.
Zone B [500 ]
-Graceful Grove-
The Grove has endless hills with few trees. The terrain is quite easy for you companion to travel. They should arrive right on time! Common & Uncommon Items are mostly found here.
-Sacred Seasonal Forest-
The Seasonal forest is littered with maple trees that change color. The scent of maple syrup is strong here. It reminds them of home! Common & Uncommon Items are mostly found here.
Zone C [1 ]
-Fun Fungal Jungle-
The Fungal Jungle is filled to the brim with mushrooms of all shapes and sizes. The bouncy mushrooms allow your companion to hop around in an instant. They may arrive sooner than later! (- 1 day) Uncommon & Rare Items are mostly found here.
-Spry Savanna-
The Savanna contains huge plateaus that are littered with strange trees. The wind energizes your companion, making them eager to return back to you. (- 1 day) Uncommon & Rare Items are mostly found here.
Zone D [2 ]
-Radiant Rainforest-
The Rainforest is filled to the brim with all kinds of life. Your companion is overjoyed by seeing all of this new and exotic life. They may stay a little while and get to know the residents of the rainforest... (+ 1 day & chance of finding a Companion) Uncommon, Rare, & Epic Items are commonly found here.
-Rolling Rainbow Hills-
The Rainbow Hills span a large area with trees dotted along the valleys. The leaves are iridescent rainbow and remind your companion of their home with you. Along their travels, Your companion may find strange white towers... Wonder what's inside? (-1 day & Chance of getting Artifacts) Uncommon, Rare, & Epic Items are commonly found here.

Items Descriptions of Items will only be revealed when any companion has obtained the specific item. Items will be randomized by rarity in that Common 50%, Uncommon 35%, Rare 10%, Epic 4%, & Legendary 1%
Common Items
-Common Kibble-
Bland and basic Kibble; Used for breeding [need 15 to breed]
-Small Accessory-
A small accessory to add to your companion; You can pick between three
Items needed to craft nests; Need 10 to make a nest
-Kibble Bits-
Small Bits of Kibble; Used for crafting [x10=1 Rare Kibble]

Uncommon Items
-Uncommon Kibble-
Savory Kibble with hints of spice; Used for breeding [need 10 to breed]
A premade nest, perfect for breeding!
Small scraps of various materials; Used for crafting [x25=Satchel]

Rare Items
-Zone Ticket-
A randomized entry ticket to any zone; The zone will be randomized A-D [Only 1 Use]
-Rare Kibble-
Fruity kibble with chunks of pineapple; Used for breeding [need 5 to breed]
-Medium Accessory-
A medium accessory to add to your companion; You can pick between three (Bandana, Glasses, Collar, Scarf)
-Gem Shards-
Small shards of diamonds and various other gems; Used for crafting [x15= Wishbone]
Sticky sweet-smelling substance gathered in jars; Used for crafting [x15=Incense]

Epic Items
Random Marking Applicator
A long stick with a distinct smell; Attracts companions in any zone after A [Only 2 uses]
-Large Accessory-

Legendary Items
-Instant Kibble-

Helpful LinksThe Records of Randomization
Adopting A Companion

Please fill out this form to explore!
Name of Companion:
Items: (Y/N?)
Payment: (sent Y/N?)

Current Explorers
-Velvet [June 4]
-Mr. Mint Brownie [June 6]

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Edited on 02/06/22 @ 11:25:41 by ⭐Vixkin⭐|G2 Subtle Cherry (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-23 17:29:22
Hello everyone! Just posting this here in case any didn't see in the original thread. I have made a discord for Chance Companions! It is a heavy WIP and I am open to suggestions! There will be some discord only things going on soon that you may want to be a part of...

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Edited on 27/02/22 @ 19:58:38 by ✨Vixkin✨ |Gen 2 Svelte (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-23 19:24:54
@Kitsune, Velvet nods as you mention exploring. She seems to want to prove herself! She races off and leaps over a stream. The air becomes more humid and the ground turns into a slick mud.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Buzzing Bayou. She will be gone for 5 days. Check back soon!

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Edited on 23/02/22 @ 19:25:10 by ✨Vixkin✨ |Gen 2 Svelte (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 05:56:34
@Emeraldhorse, You see Ocean sneak up behind you. Playing along, you scare him before he can scare you. He lets out a gasp and rapidly begins to explain his adventures.

✦Ocean arrives at the Rainbow Hills with full confidence. This was his first explore and he was sure to bring back something good! He scented the air with his nose in search of anything really. A delicious fruity smell entered his nostrils which sent him into a frenzy. He began running across the hills in search of the source of the smell.... there! Hiding behind a small rainbow sapling was a pile of kibble. Ocean licked his lips while taking it. He was going to need a lot of self-control in order to not devour it now! Ocean found x3 Rare Kibble

✦After a while of endless searching, Ocean decided to take a break... He made a makeshift nest and bedded down for the night. He began to have horrible nightmares of monsters and strange creatures. Waking up, he could feel something watching him... A shiver went down his spine as he saw an accessory laying next to him that wasn't there the night before... Ocean found x1 Small Accessory

✦The winds had begun to pick up. Ocean couldn't tell if there was a storm brewing or what. He let out a huff. It was going to be hard to do much of anything with this wind. He persevered anyhow and began hunting down anything. As he approached the peak of a hill, tiny scraps blew onto his face- blinding him. He let out an exasperated growl and shook them off. They were scraps of various materials. What could these be used for? Ocean found x7 Scraps

✦Ocean was about to leave when he noticed something off... Glancing up his eyes widen. How had he not noticed before! It was as if a tower had just popped in front of him out of nowhere. He hesitantly entered and discovered it went on for forever! There were two doors... Which will Ocean Choose?

Door 1 A pure gold door that is polished so cleanly Ocean can see his own reflection. The handle has embedded rubies.
Door 2 A rustic wooden door that looks as if it hasn't been opened in centuries. Spider webs hang from the knob.
Exit Door Ocean books it- leaving whatever is behind those doors in the tower.

You have the option to choose between these three small accessories: Necklace, Bracelet, and Earrings. Which one will you choose?

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 05:56:55
@Euphoria, Jasper comes running up with a wide grin. He rambles on and on before actually telling you what happened out on his adventure.

✦Jasper quickly notices how fast his surroundings have changed. Once a spruce forest into a tropical wonderland-It was like magic. He sits for a while just admiring the beauty. Tiny specks of light seemed to fall from above and they cast small orange shadows on the vegetation below. His eyes shifted towards something glinting from far away. He cautiously approached only to discover that the glint was gem shards! He gathered them up. Jasper found x5 Gem Shards.

✦As the days go on, Jasper can't help but be exhausted. The calls of creatures drag on ALL night. Once he even tried to go and find them- but that didn't work. He did however manage to find a nest and some kibble! Jasper found x1 Nest & x2 Rare Kibble

✦Jasper was just about to leave this beautiful rainforest when he stopped dead in his tracks. Sticking out of the ground was a strange stick. He curiously picked it up. What does this do? Jasper found x1 Incense.

✦Jasper darted towards home. He was so ready to get back to you!

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 05:59:46
Name of Companion: Jasper
Zone: D
Items: incense
Payment: Y

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Coyote|Ice base|
DECORRRR (#244119)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 08:02:55
OOO earrings please. Imma go with door one EE

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 14:09:02

Ocean creaks open the door and peeks inside. There was another room! Ocean hesitantly entered the new room with a look of determination spread across his face. Inside this new room was a spiral staircase to his left that seemed to go up and up and up. To his right was another door- this one seemingly normal with nothing special about it. Where will Ocean go?




[I will add his earrings as soon as I can!]

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 14:11:34
@Euphoria, Jasper slyly grins at you when you mention exploring. Before you can say another word, he darts off into the horizon. Where is he going! He follows a worn path til the biome before him seems endless.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Rolling Rainbow Hills. He will be gone for 5 days[6 days -1 from biome]. Check back soon and he may return with some good items!

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Coyote|Ice base|
DECORRRR (#244119)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 15:55:50
Uh ill take right? im scaredddd

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 17:23:16

Ocean slowly opens another door... and to his surprise- There was not much. It was an oval room with white columns every so often. In the center of the golden tiled floor was just a pile of kibble with a note that read "You were so close! Try again sometime soon maybe?" As soon as Ocean grabbed the kibble, the room warped out of existence. Now Ocean was standing at the tower entrance- VERY confused. He gathered his things and headed home with a million thoughts going through his head... Ocean found x1 Common Kibble.

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Coyote|Ice base|
DECORRRR (#244119)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 17:44:44
zone D
paymant sent!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 20:06:01
@EmeraldHorse, You see Ocean let out a big yawn. After his last explore he has definitely been more tired and on edge than usual. Regardless, he trots off into the distance.

Your companion has rolled to explore to the Radiant Rainforest. He will be gone for 6 days[5 days + 1 from biome]. Check back soon and he may return with more than just items!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 21:36:37
@Clem, you see Fynn's ears pop over a hill. He's back! Though he looks a bit sad... what happened!?

✦Fynn follows the small stream downhill until the biome shifts into one of a marsh. Lilypads floated upon the surface of the stagnant water and mud surrounded the tall willow trees. Fynn... was repulsed. It was truly dirty and disgusting here. He trudged onward through the thick vegetation and mud. A few things caught his eye. Floating atop the surface were what looked like scraps of random materials. Fynn hastily gathered them all. Fynn found x6 Scraps.

✦Fynn began to search for a dry spot to bed down for the night. A hollowed tree caught his interest! Hanging by the entrance was thick Spanish Moss. This could make a perfect nest! Fynn found x4 Moss.

✦As Fynn was packing up, the unbelievable happened. The mud seemed to be alive! It practically swallowed him whole and spit him right back out. He checked his belongings... the moss was gone! He let out a long sigh and got up. Fynn lost x4 Moss.

✦Fynn retraced his path back home while avoiding all the mud puddles he could.

[So sorry this was late!]

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-27 11:36:54
Explorations will be extremely late. I have been out of town the past few days and haven't had time to type them out. Thank you all for your patience!!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-27 18:30:40
Hello all! I have been brainstorming for a simpler solution to the explores. Life has been hectic- with high school on top of college on top of tennis season- it is hard to get things done how I want them. I still want to work on and improve companions! So I want your opinions. Would you all be okay with no paragraph-long explores and the time sent away becomes shorter instead? I will add an item into the soon-to-be shop that makes it so your companions explores will be detailed. Please let me know your opinion on this and if it would be okay. This would save me a lot of time but I want it to be something that you guys are okay with.

Basically help me choose between these two options:
Continue with this system of explores
Change explores so that you get the items SOONER but it will be less detailed (unless you buy the item in the shop)

Discord has helped me come to a decision. Explores will be simplified and the time will shorten to 2-4 days. I will be adding an item in the soon-to-be shop that details explores :)

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Edited on 27/02/22 @ 19:21:01 by ✨Vixkin✨ |Gen 2 Svelte (#226385)

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