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Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-05-09 19:51:39 |
This is (LOOSELY) based off of my adoption thread located here! This will be edited lots before I am satisfied with it, but ya know! This is where the RP will happen, I request that we try to keep OOC chat in the OOC forum, but I won't enforce it too hardcore. Some Rules: - All 18+ actions are to be fade to black - nothing involving minors and adults - Please put a warning before any gore, mutilation, or descriptive harm (self or otherwise) - Do not have a response that describes how someone else's character reacts UNLESS this has been previously okay'ed by the original player Each pride will be listed with a link to their respective page in the R&T Prides Forum. It is up to the creator of said pride to update it as people join! However, if they are anything like me, they may need occasionally reminders lol. But don't be pushy!! I will try to update this ASAP as people join and switch up their roles as well!! As a reminder, I would love people joining my pride just remember that the lion/lioness either HAS to have a mutation or fake it somehow to be allowed in the pride. That is just how my lore works for my pride Prides: SUNBAKED - Mongoose FAZING ECLIPSE - Turkey CAVEWALKERS - Alex BARLEYPLAINS - Tea LUSHPELT - Frostblight CELESTIAL/LUNAR - Avi Wanders/Rogues Death's Escaper (Death) (Turkey) Ꮺ Miles (Miles) Jester (Self Proclaimed Prophet) (Rayb1rd) Angus (Tea) Milzos (Randomness) Tiny Nutbar (Randomness) Ghost (Tea) Marlboro (Alex) Bubbling Spring (Spring) (Ryoka) Eagle (lilpeep) Zebra (Zeb) (lilpeep) Faron (Tea) Major NPCs: - Albion: a mandrill who keeps a few falcons and bats he has trained to help see if anyone has mutations and the size of the litter to be expected. He lives out near the Oasis that is unclaimable by any prides. That is monkey only territory. For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order: Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf Other Links: Follow this link to post your Pride description! Go here to post a character sheet! This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!) For the actual RP, go here! To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place! We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!! To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!! And this is a link to my adoption forum! Our Google Docs: Herbs and Uses made by Ray Languages made by Frost The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well! The Agate Family made by me! Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:54:17 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) |
Rayb1rd [G1 Overo] (#224266)
Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-20 21:25:59 |
Sage|Harris "Hey, cousin, embrace it. The lionesses like cute~" He snorts, ruffling his mane with a paw. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-20 21:29:49 |
Harris|Mangrove He bats at his paw with a light hiss- being flustered from their teasing. " I ain't cute! i'm scrappy and rugged! " He proclaims snarkily- puffing out his chest. Howl speaks up with a laugh- wraping an arm round the young male and pulling him into a hug. " Now don't go lying! You're cute as a bug! Don't you still sleep with that little cloth doll yer ma made ya?" He teases- making Harris sputter and shuffle out of his embrace. " Hey! You leave cuddles out of this old man" He growls- pouting still. 0 players like this post! Like? |
𓀰-ˋˏNi`awtuˎˊ -𓀰 (#258201) Aztec Knight View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-20 21:38:44 |
Lucien |Mangrove “Harris what have I told you bout usin that language?! Besides it’s fine to sleep with your mr cuddles, you sleep besides me still like when you were a newborn cub.” Lucien turns on her back and wiggles around before landing on her chest with an oof-scratching the side of her head with her back paw. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-20 21:46:13 |
Harris|Mangrove " I ain't a cub ma!" He grumbles- tail drumming against the ground. " I'm old enough to fish on my own! A-and I only sleep by your side to.. like- protect you! Ma!" he mumbles- knowing the real reason was because he hated the dark. He didn't like that he still was childish in a lot of ways. He was one year old already! He was supposed to be strong and manly like all his siblings were at his age. Howl chuckles- laying down with a sigh. " You shouldn't be in a rush to grow up yongin. Take it from me" He laughs at his own joke. (prolly gonna head to bed- night yall! ) 0 players like this post! Like? |
Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 11:55:54 |
Mudstone | Near Cove of Altars She couldn’t look away as she hid among the overgrowth between the branches. Moss trailed across her back and sides like a well made veil and she hoped it hid her from prying eyes. Her tail was wrapped around a branch above her to help steady her should she need to move fast. “What are they doing?” She murmured, gazing down in confusion. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:15:17 |
Angel+Dayla|Sleekwater He nods along to Dayla's words- repeating them once she'd finished. " Right. So at sunset I'll bring everybody to the cove to have her body blessed... then we'll bring her to the graveyard.. by the way- does she.. look alright?" he winces- thinking back to the gash in her neck. Dayla nods. " I have her all patched up- and sprinkled her in lavender and her favorite flowers. " She explains. She turns to Najwa as him and Okapi approach. " Greetings you two. Najwa.. is everything ready for Dolly's blessing tonight?" She asks with a tilted head. As Dayla speaks with the priest- Angel notices something shift near the altar cove.. almost big enough to be a lion. " Uh... I'll be right back.." He murmurs to Wayward before trotting over to the cove to search. He sniffs the air... odd… it kinda smelled like tigerfish and moss.. Had somebody been fishing over here? 0 players like this post! Like? |
Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:27:00 |
Mudstone | Near Altar Cove She froze high up in her tree, forcing herself to remember to breathe despite the fear that this would make her even more noticeable. She watched the odd lion approach and sniff around. Mud could feel her heart pounding and dug her claws into the tree branch beneath her. “Dont look up, dont look up.” The mantra played on repeat in her head. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:32:15 |
Angel|Sleekwater He furrowed his brow- rustling around in the bramble nearby- he looked around- eyes trail up the tree tops and spotting a stranger. He blinked- a bit surprised. That certainly wasn't one of his. She was fitted though it seemed- much like he and his pride were... was there somebody else living here? Was it just them? He tries his best to look kingly and intimidating- putting on a stern face and puffing out his chest. " Hey! You! " He calls up to them- voice cracking slightly- which makes him flush a bit. There goes that act he supposed. " Hey! You! " He calls up to them- voice cracking slightly- which makes him flush a bit. There goes that act he supposed. 0 players like this post! Like? |
7-TEA[gregariousOVER OClean] (#196088) View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:32:50 |
Najwa | sleekwater | mentions: okapi, angel , Dayla : najwa nodded: “Yes everything is ready… just waiting now.” :they said 0 players like this post! Like? |
Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:36:07 |
Mudstone | Angel She can’t run now! That’d be seen as cowardice! She curses her curiosity and tries to channel her inner Grandmaw. “Whatcha want ya sand-stomper?!” She was glad that at least her voice didnt crack, but it climbed up octaves as she spoke instead. She was smaller than most lions, with dense fur and a thicker tail. If Angel looked close enough, he’d notice almost webbing between her splayed toes as she gripped the branch. She tried for a snarl, but had the feeling it came out more as a grimace. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:38:13 |
Dayla|Sleekwater She nods. " Perfect.. Did you need funeral fittings? I always have some on paw. Just in case" She explains- looking over their attire. " Oh- and before I forget-" She quickly races to the shed near the graveyard- getting what seemed to be a vial of swirling purple liquid. She hands it to her- soon explaining what it does. " This is called Murk haze. It's an old shaman potion for grave tenders. It'll help me hear dolly better should she choose to speak. Though fresh souls are often pretty hazy and simply wish to rest- so she most likely won't.. You just need to drip a few drops over her body while you bless her." She sighs- rubbing the back of her neck. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:41:19 |
Angel|Sleekwater He tilts his head and squints his eyes. She certainly wasn't like any lion he'd seen around here. Sand stomper? He felt as if he had heard that somewhere before- maybe one of the mandrills had said it before? He shook off his thoughts and stepped closer. " Well... I would like to know what your doing in Sleekwater pride.. As king it's my duty to protect it from outsiders." He responds- shaking out his mane a bit. She looked a bit smaller from this closer angle. He wondered if she was the only one that looked like that. 0 players like this post! Like? |
- Avi - (#303308)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:43:06 |
Katniss | Mangroves | He swayed around the mangroves, now in a small lake area secluded by short trees, his feet dirtied by mud. “ How annoyin’ ,” they muttered to themself, small bugs slipping through their fingers, huffing when the bugs were eaten by small fishes. Groaning, they finally gave up, throwing back their head. “ We’re headin’ home. ,” he said to himself, scooping up what little bugs they could find and throwing them into a pouch. The thoughts of what had happened earlier haunted him, making him groan once again, the sound echoing through the mangroves. Leaving the small area, they began to hear the outburst of their family, sighing as he heard different voices he old barely recognize, leaving his family and moving to go spy on the pride, their eyes widening as they realized what had been going on. “ Mudstone that snag! ,” he cursed, seeing the lioness talk to one of the more weaker-looking pride members. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) Maneater View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:45:38 |
Mudstone | Angel She huffed and shifted her position, “I shoulda been the one ta ask ya that! This here is family land, interloper, and we don’ take kindly to yer kind here!” She lashed her thick tail around the branch she rested on and moved farther forward. “Yer mighty funny lookin!” She couldn’t help but smile, “How ya gonna balance with that skinny tail o yers?” It seemed she realized she was getting friendly with the enemy and quickly brought back her incredibly awkward grimace. “I ain’t even knowing what a king is, I reckon its somethin like my Grandmaw.” She mumbled, mostly to herself but also trying to let the stranger know just how little she cared. “And whys all yall mucking up our lands, stranger?” 0 players like this post! Like? |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-07-21 12:51:43 |
Angel|Sleekwater He chuckles- finding her a bit amusing " Well aren't you full of questions? I didn't know another pride lived here.. Why didn't you make yourselves known sooner? I would have left" He raises a brow. " But it looks like we'll be neighbors now! We just settled down everything after all.. it'd be too much work to move it.. plus- I really don't wanna carry 50ish lions in a cart again" he sighs sheepishly- mostly to himself. He looks her over once more- smiling slightly. " My pride doesn't climb trees- we use bridges and ladders. But clearly that's not the case with your pride clearly! You're almost primate like! Fascinating...!" He chuffs- he always enjoyed meeting lions from different prides.. most of the time. He loved studying the differences between them. 0 players like this post! Like? |