Posted by | Rulers and Tyrants (RP) |
![]() Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) ![]() Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-05-09 19:51:39 |
This is (LOOSELY) based off of my adoption thread located here! This will be edited lots before I am satisfied with it, but ya know! This is where the RP will happen, I request that we try to keep OOC chat in the OOC forum, but I won't enforce it too hardcore. Some Rules: - All 18+ actions are to be fade to black - nothing involving minors and adults - Please put a warning before any gore, mutilation, or descriptive harm (self or otherwise) - Do not have a response that describes how someone else's character reacts UNLESS this has been previously okay'ed by the original player Each pride will be listed with a link to their respective page in the R&T Prides Forum. It is up to the creator of said pride to update it as people join! However, if they are anything like me, they may need occasionally reminders lol. But don't be pushy!! I will try to update this ASAP as people join and switch up their roles as well!! As a reminder, I would love people joining my pride just remember that the lion/lioness either HAS to have a mutation or fake it somehow to be allowed in the pride. That is just how my lore works for my pride ![]() Prides: SUNBAKED - Mongoose FAZING ECLIPSE - Turkey CAVEWALKERS - Alex BARLEYPLAINS - Tea LUSHPELT - Frostblight CELESTIAL/LUNAR - Avi Wanders/Rogues Death's Escaper (Death) (Turkey) Ꮺ Miles (Miles) Jester (Self Proclaimed Prophet) (Rayb1rd) Angus (Tea) Milzos (Randomness) Tiny Nutbar (Randomness) Ghost (Tea) Marlboro (Alex) Bubbling Spring (Spring) (Ryoka) Eagle (lilpeep) Zebra (Zeb) (lilpeep) Faron (Tea) Major NPCs: - Albion: a mandrill who keeps a few falcons and bats he has trained to help see if anyone has mutations and the size of the litter to be expected. He lives out near the Oasis that is unclaimable by any prides. That is monkey only territory. For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order: Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf Other Links: Follow this link to post your Pride description! Go here to post a character sheet! This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!) For the actual RP, go here! To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place! We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!! To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!! And this is a link to my adoption forum! Our Google Docs: Herbs and Uses made by Ray Languages made by Frost The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well! The Agate Family made by me! Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:54:17 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174) |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:04:54 |
Lady Hadleigh|Afyasi's borders She shakes her head, throwing him a scrap of meat from an old dik dik. The meat was hard like jerky from being in the sun for so long. " Well. She isn't exactly wrong on that front. Eating other lions is something you must be eased into. Like teaching cubs how to swim! You wouldn't toss a newborn into the deep end now would you?" She chuckles, grabbing a bit for herself and resting in a bit of shade that a small cave dug into the side of one of the walls provided. She gnaws on the meat before speaking again. " No. What drove Coy mad was Hyena. There's an herb called snakeweed. Now THAT can drive you mad my boy. And Hyena made sure to plant some in his watering hole. " She hisses, thinking back ![]() |
7-TEA[gregariousOVER OClean] (#196088) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:07:09 |
Alaric | Afyasi’s | mentions: Lady : he frowned softly and sniffed at the meat before picking it up and sitting going to gnaw on it: “…….” :he didn’t comment on what she said: ![]() |
murderthistle | they/it/any (#230278) Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:15:24 |
Callahan | Afaysi's Oasis| Shiva, Hyena Callahan stood straight and tall, amber gaze soft. He dipped his head. "Greetings, Advisor. I am Callahan, High Priest of Motaji. This is my sister, Shiva." he paused to brush his tail over his cowering companion gently. "No need to worry, we mean no harm to you or your pride. We're just passing through." Callahan smiled, trying his best to seem like a peaceful traveler. Motaji whistled past, throwing up another bout of leaves. ![]() |
𓀰-ˋˏNi`awtuˎˊ -𓀰 (#258201) Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:21:41 |
Aneesha | Afyasi "Yeesh, next time I won't ask," Aneesha mumbled from the male's harsh complaints, glaring at him before sticking her tongue at him in a taunt. When mentioning Imp her ears drooped in sadness, looking at panya with sadness in her eyes. "That's true Imp did adore her we have to go check up on him, but what do we do with him?" Looking at the still limp she tilted her head, seeing as the male was still trying to regain movement reminding her of the worms on leaves. "and it shouldn't matter that you lost this one battle you've won millions, or well that's what you'd boast about. Not to mention the hunting parties and the boulder thing, that one was funny. He almost choked on the pebbles when he crushed it." She joked to panya with a wheeze, teasing the poor male who couldn't move. ![]() |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:40:03 |
Panya|Afyasi " Eh. Let him sit there I say. He can think about all he's done." He remarks with a chuckle, as if he were some sort of father scolding his cub. Havrick snarls, not talking any further. Panya rises from the nest, having been dried off enough. " Let's go find him, I'm sure he could use a few friends right now... ones that aren't assholes." He jabs towards the smilus before leading the way out. As they walk Panya can hear the wailing before seeing the lion in question. He winces at the sight of him. The upper half of him was thrown across Afyasi's altar, a beautiful sculpture of a lioness with wings- a flat stone at the bottom for offerings. It almost looked as if Imp was offering himself to the goddess, his form hitching up and down with shallow broken breaths. His sobbing was painful and heavy. Panya looks to Aneesha, clearly unsure of what to do.. he'd never been one many found comfort in. Hyena+Domino|Afyasi She hums, her eyes widening slightly. Domino pipes up, now sitting next to the Advisor. " A priest you say? How charming! We're actually out of one at the moment!" He mentions. Hyena grumbles- looking at him. " Sorry about him.. he can never keep his mouth closed. But.. he is right- our pride's altars are rather sad at the moment. " She confirms. " I'd do it but I'm afraid I'm much too busy with my patients." Domino remarks with a dramatic sigh, putting a paw to his head. Hyena adds onto the statement. " Who are you a servant of? Katsani? Atia? Afyasi?" She questioned, interested in what experience the priest had. ![]() |
7-TEA[gregariousOVER OClean] (#196088) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:47:49 |
Neoma | Afyasi’s | mentions: hyena : Neoma had awoken to Alaric being gone. She searched the whole camp. The desperate frantic call of a mother now ringing out: “ALARIC?! Where is my baby!” :she hollared, looking in each nook and cranny, eyes wide and frantic. Alaric being gone had put her other cubs in a state of unease: Alaric | Afyasi’s border | mentions: Lady : Alaric swallowed the tough meat with a cough and looked around: “…… this place… smells bad…” ![]() |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:52:41 |
Lady Hadleigh|Afyasi's borders She yawns- shaking her head with a laugh. " It's quite alright. You'll get used to the smell my boy. But for now if it's too much for you to handle, Have this." She shuffles around in a small bag that she had brought. She hands him a small crown made of lavender, it was strong enough that as long as he had it near the smell of the rot wouldn't overpower him. " And here's another gift got you.." She chuckles, fishing around in the bag before pulling out a crimson shaded scrap of meat. " Lions meat.. Like I said- we'll start slow. And I have herbs in case you grow ill. But I think if you're anything like your father.. you'll enjoy this very much.." She purrs, handing both of the items to him. ![]() |
𓀰-ˋˏNi`awtuˎˊ -𓀰 (#258201) Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 16:55:47 |
Aneesha | Afyasi She sadly whined at the sight, looking at panya with a frown before padding towards imp. Standing at the alter she could only silently marvel at its beauty, going down in a low crouching position as her head touched the first step on the alter. Silently she paid her respects, mumbling out soft prays of safe passage through the afterlife for jade and good health to her friends and family. Done with her prayers she stood, wiping away her forehead and sitting near the sobbing male. She really didn't say anything, looking at the male and his half-thrown form as she placed a comforting paw on the male's shoulder. "The statue is beautiful isn't it, it's my first time seeing Afyasi alter although she might mistake you for an offering. Do you need help up imp?" she asked worriedly wondering how long the male had been out here. ![]() |
- Avi - (#303308)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:05:29 |
Izel | Afyasi’s Oasis, Du Den | Lily of the Valley Izel shook her head, her coat of fur bouncing as she motioned her head back and forth, glancing back over to where Lily sat beside her, shuffling with her paws in the silence between the two. “ mhm. ,” she says, her voice sounding elated, caused by the warm feeling of heat that coursed throughout, & within her, showing on her face and body by the warm, bright red color of her cheeks. The color had begun spreading further across her face, and it had begun to turn into a more pink tint, matching the color of her paws and nose. Izel paused for a moment, breathing out a long puff of breath, spreading it between her paws. “ I really gotta thank you again- I mean, I really haven’t done anything to be deserving of this- thanks, Lily. ,” adapter a small break of silence, she speaks once more, her words interrupting their awkward solidarity. Petra | Afyasi’s Oasis, border | Petra continues to patrol along the border, making sure the other lionesses followed suit behind her, her short, stalky tail caught between her two legs, wagging a bit from both excitement and eagerness, it felt as is she were a young adol all over again, on her very first hunt- or her first fight. The thought brought a bittersweet feeling to her, she continued the journey m, despite the other guards protests and obvious annoyance with having to drag on any further. The large lioness sighed, her dark brown brushing against the thickness of the tree behind her as she shuffled to sit down, leaning against the tree, spreading her stuff limps out under it’s shade. “ fine. ,” she mutters, her voice sounding a mixture of both annoyance and relaxation, her demanding words followed by a short sigh. Petra sat down, closing her eyes as she listened to the other lionesses shuffling and moving around, breathing the mixtures of scents. The lionesses, she knew, were familiar, but, a small entanglement of others scents made the lioness flinch, opening her eyes to check if their were anyone surrounding them. “ Well, shit. ,” she curses, realizing they had patrolled the entirety of the border, without once crossing the intruders. She sighed, bringing herself up from the ground, ordering the others to follow her once more, becoming more on her guard as she felt at unease. Following the scent- she tracked it back to the pride, her body exhaling with relief as she realized the lions had been welcomed into the pride, seeing the familiar lioness, Hyena, greeting the lions that stunk with the same, unknown scent. ![]() |
7-TEA[gregariousOVER OClean] (#196088) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:08:57 |
Neoma | Afyasi’s | mentions: hyena, open : she continued to call for Alaric before trying to find hyena or just someone to help her: Alaric | Afyasi’s border | mentions: Lady : Alaric took the crown of lavender but seemed to hesitate with the lion meat. He stared at it, though didn’t want to make her mad so he reached to pull it closet: ![]() |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:11:19 |
Imp|Afyasi " For all I care she can take me.." He mumbles, sniffing and hiccuping. His eyes are red and puffy from sobbing, cheeks stained with tears and face twisted down into an expression of loss. " I should have done something.. should have stood by her.." He whimpers, burying his face in his paws once more to cry. Panya comes to his other side and bites his lip- unsure of what to say. " Well.. if it makes you feel better.. she uh.. Liked girls?" He offers with a shrug and sheepish smile. Imp looks at him with a baffled and offended expression. " YES PANYA THANKS THAT MAKES IT ALL BETTER AHA!" He screams at him before continuing to sob at the altar. Panya sucked in his lips, still stuck in the shrugging position a bit frozen from awkwardness and embarrassment for his words. Lady Hadleigh|Afyasi " Well? Are you going to stare at it all day?" She jests, taking a bit for herself and eating it with no hesitation. " It's a bit sour. But it'd still good." She offers ![]() |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:20:01 |
Chiku|Lunar pride The little tigon cub was currently playing hide and seek with one of the other cubs in the pride, giggling when she spotted the lion's tail that swished in the bushes. She pounced on them, wrestling with her friend for a bit before letting them go. The lion pouts and sighs- grumpy about losing. But is a good sport about it nonetheless. " Okay okay fine! You found me Chi. I guess I owe you a pebble." The cub relents, handing over the shiny treasure. Chiku squeals at the sight of it- promptly chewing on it and batting it around. The cub wanders back towards the broodmothers den while she plays with the stone. She feels a crunch beneath her jaws, soon spitting out the crumbled pieces of stone that had formed in her maw. She spits and sneers, not enjoying the taste. " Yuck.." She sticks her tongue out at the fragments before yawning. She watched as the sky became full of swirling colors- always fascinated by the sight. ![]() |
𓀰-ˋˏNi`awtuˎˊ -𓀰 (#258201) Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:38:39 |
Aneesha | Afyasi "You shouldn't say that Imp, you should never say that. There are times when everyone wants to change their past mistakes, tearing themself from the inside to get that chance. But jade still cared for you, even if she didn't love you you held part of her heart." Aneesha rubbed her paw up and down Imp's back to comfort him, patting him. "The loss of someone you loved is by far the worst thing most lions ever go through. But you should cherish the memories of her, and live on she wouldn't have you sorrow in sadness all your life. You don't have to accept it now, or in the years to come after it but try to find some peace. Tearing yourself from the inside in sorrow wouldn't make her happy, living on with her memories would." ![]() |
- Avi - (#303308)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:46:49 |
Kabir | Lunar Pride | Kabir looks around his pride, orange-red fur, in the image of a fire as the winds continued their blow against his coat of stripes and warm colors, making a dance of colors and fire as the king continued his walk along his pride’s trails, his claws sinking into the familiarity of the trail’s soils and occasional de-weeding and clawing of flowers. He shuffled and moved about, trying to dodge the tall, winding trails and mazes of flowers and weeds, sighing at the once marvelous sight, now overrun by to much of drying flowers and weeds. Despite the pride being at it’s top shape- including it’s natural beauty, a small area of land seemed to wither and die as the pride continued to flourish. The land of where Pierce was killed. Kabir usually strayed away from this area, but today, he found himself lost in the winding roads and many trails of the forests , able to find his way only after many minutes of lots wondering and dead-ends. It seemed along with every advancement the pride made, growing more stronger and it’s forests more thick & luxurious, the lands of the trees and winding forest seemed to only grow more confusing. Kabir left the forests behind, heading to the den where his cubs awaited- already hearing their rowdiness, as he turns a corner to their den, a soft smile upon entering , entering the den with a soft exhale of breath, worn-out from the long journey it took for him to reach the den, & his cubs. ![]() Edited on 12/09/22 @ 17:47:27 by Avi - Quinn (#303308) |
Frostblight (#282750)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-09-12 17:56:54 |
Chiku|Lunar pride The miss had been scrapping around in the royal den with one of her many stuffed toys that had been given to the king and his cubs from traders when the pride celebrated the birth of both cubs. She was gnawing on its hide skin when she heard her father enter the Royal den. She giggled, sneaking around the den and clumsily hid behind rocks and nesting materials. She narrowed her eyes and grinned as she prepared to pounce on her father. She roars in a high pitched tone as she leaps, managing to clasp his leg in her grasp and naw on it playfully. " I gotchu!" She taunts, looking for his approval or praise of her obviously amazing hunting and tracking skills. Imp|Afyasi He sniffles- sitting up to look at the altar with distaste. “ I appreciate the comfort Aneesha.. But I really thought I was going to start a new life with her.. That we’d run away to sleekwater once we were mated.. And sure.. Lady Hadleigh is gone.. Which is good. But at the same time… I wish Jade was around to live in the peace of it all..” He whimpers. “ Mates or not.. She was like my best friend.. Even before we were introduced properly I’d sneak out as a cub to see her. We had this game where we’d pretend the ground was the ocean, and that the rocks were Islands. And the little bugs we found would be the lions.. And we’d play out their lives. It was so fun.. We’d stay up all night playing.. What I wouldn’t give to play with her again.” He sniffles through his words, the memory bittersweet now. ![]() |