Posted by Coy Fish's Den of Abandonment

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 10:13:25

The Wastes Den

After a long journey, you have arrived at Coy Fish's pridelands. The earth is dry and cracked, only a small stream trickling through. There are many caves, most of them looking clean and flourishing with moss and small rivulets of water from underground rivers. In one cave you see primal lions tussle and wrestle each other playfully. Another makes your head spin as these lions are all piebald and patched variants and their stripes seem to almost swirl as they weave around each other. However, you notice that there is one den that is unkempt and filthy. Here, cubs cough and scatter at the sight of anyone else. They are all muddy and skinny. There is no denmother within this cave, only small cubs and adols just learning how to use their long legs.

If you ask one of the older cubs where their denmother is, they cry and mention someone called Moogly. A loving soul who they wish could have lived forever.

A cool breeze runs across your back and you catch a glimpse of an apparition. It looks like a battered lioness with hazy wings and glowing eyes. It seems to mouth something to you.

"Please, help me save them."


Some ground rules/expectations:

I prefer responses to be done in an RP form! If you have cubs you cannot care for, I will also take them, but I do prefer giving them away. Any cubs I receive will be available for adoption unless they are used for the enclave quests. Once a lion hits a year old, they will be killed if they haven't been claimed.

All cubs are named based upon the rarity of their base, their eye color, the mane type, mane color, and fertility.
So, for example, C|Green|Razor|Elysian|↖️ means Common base, green eyes, razor mane, Elysian mane color, and Good Fertility

To claim a cub, at the end of your response put their link like so (all you have to do is remove the asterisks);
<*a href="LINKHERE">words/name/adjective<*/a>
the words/name/adjective can be whatever you want!

Before sending over cubs, I will give them a random name so I am sure to send you the right ones! Please don't think you have to keep the names and change them however you see fit!

I don't reserve cubs/adols or take requests to send them when they hit a year old. Either send me a link to claim one now, or hope someone else gets them lmao

I only take cubs that are not 2 years old! The oldest I will take is 1 year and 10 months. Please wait for me to respond in the Forum before sending them over as well

Some Other Links:
RP Forum based on the interactions on this forum!

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 19:49:48 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

lover (#270490)

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Posted on
2022-07-20 09:53:10
GoldBlood trekked the territory looking for the driest dustiest corner. When he reached the cave he was looking for, filled with sickly weak cubs he knew he could help.
"Moogly, ma'am i have great news and good news, well sort of. First of all I'm the king now! Father decided to step down now he's much older. And second of all ... The older lionesses are ready to retire which means I have a bit of a request, can i take three this time? Two males and a little girl? Please?"

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Viki (#275659)

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Posted on
2022-07-20 12:51:53
UncleLion Enters the cave "hello Moogly, The cubs i took last time have grown and are healthy and happy" he looks around and at some of the cubs that are running around or (trying) to hide. "this place still looks like a worse two feets pig pen," Uncle sighs "And I dont think it will change anytime soon." He sits near Moogly "of corse i didnt just come here to tell you that but i thought you wanted to know how thier doing" a puase then Uncle sticks his paw into his main and pulled out some small meat chuncks out, a few small animal Carcass and then an whole merkat "Its not a zebra or a hippo That ill like to give you but I dont belive that koi fish whould be "so kind" to let me give you that" he places it on the cleanest spot he can find nearby "sorry for the hair, That cant be much done with" There was a bit of silance, Then uncle spoke " I realise that i have space and i nodicet that they ( ) are staring at me (why do cub give me a death staring) So I think i will take them "

----The link----

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-07-20 12:54:10
((Please PM me around 7 lioden time! I am not near a computer right now and on mobile so I cannot send them over quite yet!))

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Viki (#275659)

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Posted on
2022-07-20 13:02:43

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Edited on 21/07/22 @ 01:29:37 by Viki (#275659)

Spotted <3 (#272244)

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Posted on
2022-07-20 18:10:21
Z: Zues

Z-Wow,these are some pretty cubs.
C-right!sad how he treats then : (
Z-hey!i like <*a href=" ">pretty/pretty/pretty<*/a>
C-Oh!and <*a href=" ">words/name/adjective<*/a>
Z-*gasp*WOW! <*a href=" ">pretty!!/oml/cutie<*/a> Is pretty!
C-Is that all for today Zues?
C-i think so

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Avivit (#282473)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2022-07-21 01:02:27
Ime's paws kick up the dust lightly as she walks. Her eyes are heavy with grief and the submale that towers over her looks like he hasn't had a night's sleep in a good while. His eyes catch on the pied den, roving over the pelts that swirl in ways reminiscent of his own. His fur stands on end as his ears pin, he could never leave his mother, not even for his own cushy den and all the food in the world. He speeds up slightly, fur melding into the softness of his mother beside him, ever her shadow. With all the sorrow swirling in their air Ime doesn't even flinch stepping into Mooglys den. Her legs carrying her towards the back of the den towards her, eyes roving over the sick forms of the cubs at her feet. "Hello Moogly, I wish to say it was a pleasant visit today." Ime sits, her tail limply curling around a sleeping cub at her feet. "Rowmane would be here, but this is a call I made on my own." The pied submale sits beside her, tilting his head in cublike charm to the playing adolescents across the den. "We have recently had a cub death in the pride, my king took it harder then most, so I thought that bringing some joy to the pride would help." She bends gently waking the cub and smiling at the little yawn she lets out. "This one would be amazing, she'll blend right in."

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-07-21 18:08:44
((Believe I am all caught up!))

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tokkinight (#291965)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2022-07-21 18:59:51
[im new and im never done RP but here I go!]

'is this the place that he was talking about?' Wook thinks to himself. He cautiously heads toward the entrance of the cave. His eyes quickly adjust to the dimly lighted area.
"Are you Moogly?" Wook asks. Their eyes met. "I heard that you have cubs that were needing to be adopted. It just so happens that I have room in my pride for a male".
Wook takes a closer step towards the cubs, his eyes narrowing as he surveys each one. In order to adopt a cub into his pride, the cub must be kind enough to join in and maybe take over a key role...
Wook's eyes went back and forth between the cubs and finally his gaze rested on one of them.
He looked back at Moogly...
"May I have this one please?"

Choice: words/name/adjective
(I'm sorry I don't know if I did the link right)

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Val (#285937)

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Posted on
2022-07-22 00:43:23
An old, piebald lioness enters the den, looking around sadly. She mutters to herself before approaching their caretaker. "Sad to see how cruel some king can be. We'd like to take this little one if possible. Our king would take good care of her, and we've got plenty of our own little ones that she can play with." She gestures to a young, dark-furred lioness.


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Jay (it/he) (#286384)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-22 13:51:00
Jupiter creeps into Moogly’s den, shuttering at the memories of being here. “Moogly, how have you been,” She purrs, greeting her old mother figure. “My new king says we have room for two more cubs, and he wanted me to come back to get some from you.” Jupiter looks around for a few moments before a white cub catches her eye. “Hmm,” Creeping up to her, Jupiter crouches down. “And how would you like to go home with me?” Next to the white cub, another cub with gorgeous sunset eyes sits, batting at Jupiter. Turning her head, Jupiter smiles at the cub, “Would you like to go, too?”

(( and it seems the white one got adopted))

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Edited on 22/07/22 @ 20:55:17 by Juno (he/they) (#286384)

Kimanitheevil (#270025)

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Posted on
2022-07-23 19:28:35
Resolution walked in knowing what he wanted. Last time a cub bit him and he wanted a brave strong female to add. He noticed a little cub fur fluffed up growling st him as she stood infront of some rocks. " may I take this lovely lady home?"

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-07-23 21:17:48
((Which one do you want, Lionlover1?))

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Kimanitheevil (#270025)

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Posted on
2022-07-24 11:22:52
(( oh shit sorry its probs taken but I will try lol))

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Oasis (#276840)

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Posted on
2022-07-24 13:08:50
Brilliant padded inside the cave, he hadn't visited this place in a long time. Looking around, the cave seemed much emptier with only the kind Moogly and a small cub who looked to be only six months old. He looked at Moogly and spoke. "May I take this young cub?" Brilliant asked in a kind voice.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-07-24 14:36:02
Moogly looked up, squinting to try and see through the cataracts that plagued her eyes. She sniffed, tilting her head, "Brilliant?" She coughed, "It's been so long." Moogly bowed her head but remained laying upon the filth covered floor. Her skin hung off her bones and she seemed too weak to really even lift her head.

"I think you would make a wonderful king for the little one." She looked around, trying to locate the cub in question. They trundled over to saw good bye to their mother.

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