Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (Character Sheets)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 09:01:50

Main Roleplay Thread


Please the character sheet as shown below. Anything in parentheses is optional as well! If you are wanting to play a cub younger than 7 months, please be sure to have a parental figure lined up prior to RPing!! Ranks available include; wanderer/rogue, warrior, den/broodmother, healer, scout, huntress. Ranks that you need permission from the prides ruler include; advisor, head den/broodmother, lead warrior, head huntress, priest(ess), lead scout,

Please make sure you have spoken with the owner of a pride prior to joining it! Also discuss with players first if you are trying to create relationships between your OC and theirs







((Rank Wanted:))




For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:53:40 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Snail_Juice (#286719)

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Posted on
2022-08-07 17:48:21

Name: Roscoe

Age: 3 years

Species: Leopard

Gender/ Orientation: Pansexual, He/they

Personality: Outgoing, humerous, cocky, playful, flirty, hyper, easily obessive

Backstory: Roscoe had been born in a strange place where Humans would gawk at him all day. One day they set him free into the wild. Big mistake, Roscoe had no Idea what to do, and being rasied with a Lion name Leo and a cheetah named Speedy, He spoke a garbled language of all three that no one fully understood. Luckily for Roscoe he meets Peori, a young Tigon who teaches him the way to talk. Roscoe still speaks his garbled Leocheetpon language, and longs for the day he finds Speedy and Leo once again.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-08-09 20:29:47

Name: Odin
Age: 9 years
Species: Lion
Gender/Orientation: Cis Male, bastard

Pride: N/A
Rank: 'Merchant' (see: killer for hire)
Rank Wanted: N/A

Find out IC ;P

Absolute bastard

- Takes the tails from each of his kills and keeps them tied together in a bundle. Makes a new bundle every month but never gets rid of them- this is just so he can see how 'productive' his month had been
- He has tamed and trained a lot of various vulture breads and uses them for scouting, hunting, and deliveries. Most prides who utilize his services recognize his vultures.

His Vultures:
Carrion, a cinereous vulture that Odin raised since she hatched. His personal favorite and one of the better messengers in his little flock
Here is what her call sounds like: YouTube Link

Misery, a bearded vulture he rescued when she was just a fledgling. She's good at tracking, not so good at sneaking or delivering messages.
Her call: YouTube Link

Femur, a griffon vulture who mainly just hangs out around the den and eats whatever is left over. Used mainly for hunting as he's good at spotting prey that Odin wouldn't be able to see from his vantage point.
His call: YouTube Link

Gizmo, an Egyptian vulture who was being used in a breeding program until her carriers got taken out by the Run Amok gang and Odin found her. She had a broken wing at the time and would have died without him. She is used mainly as a warning and guard of his den.
Her call: Shit man, couldn't find a video that actually had them making any noise so I guess no

Maggie, a palm nut vulture. Used exclusively as a messenger she is rarely with Odin as she checks in at various prides to see if anyone needs Odin. She is the most recognized of Odin's vultures.
Her call: YouTube Link

Diva, a lappet-faced vulture with a princess mentality. Found as an egg by Odin and reared by him she expects the world on a silver platter and only eats her meat if it is diced up into near perfect cubes. Odin is unsure what her use is or why he keeps her, but Carrion and Gizmo like her.
Her call: YouTube Link

Albert, a white-headed vulture who is in love with Diva. Diva hates him. He helps out with deliveries and checking in on other prides.
His call: YouTube Link

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Edited on 14/08/22 @ 15:53:23 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

DayDream? (#258083)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-08-10 15:42:31

Thats the appearance, sorry its a long link

Name: Fable

Age: 3 Years Old, barely.

Gender((/Orientation)): Fable Has A Male Tigon Build, However Is Female, commonly referring to himself as ‘he’ simply because of his looks, and thats what other lions mistake him for.

Pride: (Asking to join sunbaked)

Rank: Loner

((Rank Wanted:)) Pride Member (A Member Of A Pride)

Backstory: Fable was once in a pride, being the son of the ruler of the pride, he has long since forgotten the name, or the faces of those there, after a few weeks a no mane attacked, killing his father and his siblings, in a desperate attempt to escape he had ran away while the no mane was distracted, he learned how to hunt small rodents, and scavenge for scraps, he often likes to watch other prides, hoping he could one day join one.

Personality: Fable Is A Rather curious tigon, enjoying long walks and exploring caves, he enjoys tussling with others for fun, one of his favorite activities is when he is able to be complimented, he loves compliments on his pelt, and colors, and enjoys wearing jewelry to embrace his beauty.

((Other:)) Fable will commonly refer to himself as a ‘he’ simply because it suits him better, but is indeed female, He will often wear shiny jewelry and crow feathers in his pelt to show off, He is commonly followed and harassed By Male and female lions alike for his extraordinary pelt, and the lions wanting him to bear there cubs to be even more pretty, he will always decline, and sometimes even run off, he isn’t fond of the idea of being used as a breeding tool for other lions, Or being used in such cruel ways, he is sometimes mistake for Heron, the god of wisdom and time, for how similar there pelt was, but he didn’t quite understand what he and the god had in common, for he held no wisdom, and couldn’t control time.

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Edited on 10/08/22 @ 16:46:50 by DayDream? (#258083)

OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-08-11 18:58:28


Name: Bubba

Age: 2 years old

Gender(orientation): he him. Bisexual

Species: Cheetah

Pride: none

Rank: wanderer

((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: him and his brother set off after growing up. Not too bad a child hood. Though they happen to get in trouble a lot but are practically inseparable

Personality: a smartass but a cuddle bug at heart. (Though he’ll never admit it) he’s sometimes a bit lazy, and will refuse to do much


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Edited on 11/08/22 @ 21:02:02 by 7-TEA[MOONSTONEechoCLEAN] (#196088)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-11 19:28:27

Name: Ambar
Age: 7 years and 2 months
Gender+Ori: She/her (polysexual)
Species: Lion
Pride: None

Rank: Bitch

Backstory: Ambar was born to a fur farm, and watched as her friends were skinned for their pelts- including her father and mother. But the odd thing was, she loved it. She thought it was a very interesting craft. Once the police found the farm- the animals inside were set free.

She was irritated by this and gathered a few of the other fur farm lions to form a small wandering pride. The group raided a nearby large human village- feasting on their corpses for months on end. Slowly amok made them all very aggressive and blood thirsty. They wreaked havoc on many prides for years- slowly growing bigger and bigger. Due to the carnage, many Hyenas followed them and feasted on their leftovers.

Ambar now lives in a large junkyard with the remainder of her small group and a whole lot of Hyenas. Who she and the other lions will regularly feast on, should anybody step out of line.

Other: Because of how much Human meat and liver she and her group consumed, they are permanently manic and aggressive. Ambar being one of the few that seems to have some control over her urges and emotions- being cruel and cunning still. She's also fairly strong due to this, and craves Human liver over anything else.

Ambar is the ex-girlfriend of Nyoka- who let her hyenas and lions beat and maul him for fun. She also often sent him out with trades and to trading hubs, becoming irritated when he never came back with human liver.

Ambar, despite her cruelty and violent tendency is also very charismatic and charming, and is a very skilled manipulator.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 08:54:04

Name: Mouse
Species: Cheetah
Gender/Ori: Cis male, tbd
Age: 2 years

Pride: None
Rank: Wanderer
Rank Wanted: N/A

Grew up in a good family unit but set off with his twin when they were old enough to be on their own. Enjoys pulling pranks and being a wise ass when he can.

Surprisingly dumb and naïve, has to constantly be moving around and being a dick, usually hangs back and lets his brother do all the talking.

- Likes to collect skulls and horns
- Speaks a little bit of big cat

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Edited on 13/08/22 @ 08:55:01 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-13 10:43:05
Name: Ragna

Appearance: An ugly female hyena with spiky fur, that’s usually dirtied with dry blood and dirt. She has large, dark spots covering her fur, and long, sharp teeth, which usually stick out of her mouth. She can look pretty- although she much rather not have to clean herself.

Species: Spotted Hyena

Age: Five

Gender and orientation: Female, pansexual, and poly.

Pride: Run amok gang

Rank: Hyena / Underling

Rank wanted: None, she doesn’t care as long as she’s in the gang.


Ragna was born to a vast, empty wasteland, the only living things to comfort her eventually left her or wasted away- Ragna herself was abandoned by her mother the minute she and her brother were born, and due to her mother’s abandonment, she and her brother grew close, being completely dependent on each other.

However, this love only lasted for a few weeks until hunger took over, and worth the barren lands surrounding them, Ragna came to the solution of killing and eating her brother. After her brothers death, she grew a taste for violence- beginning to kill whatever life she could find, living purely for the fight of life- until Ambar came along. Since then, she’s stuck with Ambar and her gang, bullying Nyoka, although she doesn’t enjoy it, and sees the act as petty- although, she sticks with the gang so she can continue feasting on others more easily.

Personality: Unsentimental and insensitive, Ragna can be extremely blood thirsty, always trying to start a fight. Despite her drive for blood- Ragna’s lazy when it comes to anything else, usually to bored to even do anything else, and because of this, she has a very dirty and unkept appearance.

Despite not showing any emotion or remorse at the mention of her brother, she has named him Rai, and even hides his bones so no others can get to them.
Seems to be close with the other hyenas- but the reasoning is unknown, and it is speculated it’s because she has grown a taste for other hyenas.
Ragna is almost always tailing Archie, or as she’s deemed him, “ Chews “, after he found her brother’s bones. He even reminds her of her brother.

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Edited on 14/08/22 @ 16:51:27 by Avi (#303308)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 10:45:46

Species: Lion
Age: 1 year
Gender/Ori: Cis Male, Pan

Pride: Run Amoks Gang
Rank: Underling
Rank Wanted: Liver Eater

Barry Barracuda was born into a spiteful mateship. His parents were only together out of status and hatred for the other. They both knew that the other hated them, and that a mateship would be the best way to ruin each other's lives. Barry's Barracuda's father was the king of a pride, his mother an eligible lioness from a neighboring pride that wished for an alliance. Thus, the two who hated each other the most were mated. They had 5 cubs, Barry Barracuda being the youngest of them all. He was often ignored and left out of everything and eventually forgotten altogether on one of his family's painful excursions. They did these at least once a month to keep up the pretense of a happy mateship. They were terrible actors.

Barry Barracuda. left on his own, eventually found the Run Amoks gang and slipped his way in. After his first taste of human liver- he was hooked on the stuff. He looks up to Amber and hopes to be just like her one day.

Stupid lil bitch who just wants more liver and wants Amber to be proud of him

- Wants to be second in command
- Insists his name is Barracuda and gets unnecessarily angry if you call him Barry

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Edited on 13/08/22 @ 10:47:11 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 11:05:31
Name: Dazed Solar

Age: 3 yrs 5 months


Gender/Orientation: Female, Pan-Ace

Pride: Fazing Eclipse

Rank: Royal

Rank Wanted: Queen

Backstory: She was born to a former queen of Fazing Eclipse and was a royal cub, then became a royal who desires to be queen.

Personality: A childish and spoiled royal that enjoys hunting animals for fun.

Other: Father is the current king of Fazing Eclipse, Breaking Eclipse, and mother was named Shining Sun.

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Edited on 13/08/22 @ 11:06:00 by Turkey (#281281)

-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-08-13 11:13:00

Name: Canis (Cane-is)

Age: 1 year 2 months

Gender((/Orientation)): cis male/bisexual

Pride:Run Amoks Gang
Rank: Underling
((Rank Wanted:)) liver eater

Canis was born in the Pride of Drell in a far off lion pride. Canis is actually the bastard son of the king of the area. Canis‘s mother was the kings servant. She died when he was but a babe. The king sent him away to be in the north. Canis grew up learning the ways of the killing and stealing, especially human villages. He learned about the run amok gang and joined after seeing them kill a village

Canis is intelligent and open minded. However, he can be offensive and sarcastic sometimes, especially when he thinks he’s right.

-Likes to annoy and hang out with Barracuda/ Barry

-likes to bite people

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:59:01


Name: WD/ Void aka Wandering Darkness

Age: 6 years

Gender(orientation): he him, bisexual

Species: lion

Pride: Run Amok


((Rank wanted)):

Backstory: he found the liver eaters albeit young. Having escaped from a cage, he was going to get shipped out to be killed and skinned

Personality: quiet, often distasteful of others. There are few who he wishes to spend time with

((Other))- he often disappears for days to weeks at a time. Usually returning with human livers for dearest Amber. He usually carries them gently and carefully. He doesn’t care much for human livers, he saves that for the crazed. Though he desires human heads and skulls, he loves breaking them open and slurping the brains And eyes

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- Avi - (#303308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-13 21:37:03
Name: Archie, but is called “ Chewy “ or “ Chews “.

Appearance: A dark brown, almost black hyena, with short fur, light brown stripes around his arms and legs- as well as around his paws. He has dark brown eyes, and small- mole like spots around her face and paws.

Species: Hyena

Age: Two

Gender and orientation: Male and straight.

Pride: Run amok gang

Rank: Hyena / underling

Rank wanted: None, he would much rather be anywhere else besides the gang..


Archie was born into the same wastelands as Ragna, having to fend for himself almost the very moment he was born as an ugly and weak hyena, barely able to survive on his own. For some reason- the small hyena was scared of just about anything, avoiding his own face and even other kinds of life forms, and it seemed this would have been the end for Archie, at only a few weeks old.. However, his future was changed once Ragna found him once she was looking for a fight, instead stumbling across a weakened and mangled hyena, taking him into the gang.

Despite this seemingly kind act, Ragna never tried to speak to the hyena again, even going as far as ignoring him- only ever speaking to him again once she stumbled across Archie chewing on her stash of bones.. Ever since then, she’s been glued to Archie’s side, making sure he never leaves her sight.

Personality: Easily scared and submissive, Archie hates having to stand up for himself, even speaking to others scares him at times. He is easily queasy and nauseous- any kind of gore easily making him sick, sometimes even making him faint.

Has a weird habit of chewing on bones, thus his nickname “ Chewy “.
Has a weird “ bond “ with Ragna, due to the fact he accidentally stumbled across her brother’s bones..

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Edited on 14/08/22 @ 16:48:48 by Avi (#303308)

Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-08-15 10:23:53
Name: Galactic Failure

Age: 3 yrs 5 months

Appearance: Interstellar pon basically.

Gender/Orientation: Male, AroAce

Pride: Fazing Eclipse

Rank: Burden

Rank Wanted: King

Backstory: He was born as a sibling to Dazed Solar and Wet Grass, without Dazed or Galactic knowing, as he was considered a disappointment/failure for being born a pon (as it meant their mother had bred with a leopard or leopon).

Personality: Cruel and ambitious, if given the chance he would murder the king and punish everyone.

Other: Mother was a former queen before she died, is the brother to Dazed Solar and Wet Grass.

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Edited on 15/08/22 @ 10:39:27 by Turkey (#281281)

Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-08-15 10:39:13
Name: Wet Grass

Age: 3 yrs 5 months


Gender/Orientation: Male, Homosexual

Pride: Fazing Eclipse

Rank: Burden

Rank Wanted: Advisor

Backstory: He was born into the pride with his sister, Dazed Eclipse, and his brother, Galactic Failure, to a former queen who has died, named Shining Sun. Wet Grass is the oldest sibling, and Galactic is the youngest.

They were sent to the burden’s den immediately and adopted by a kind felis lioness named Stale Grass, with her one unmutated cub and her primal cub which were adopted by Shining Sun as ‘replacements’ for them. While Wet Grass’ sister, Dazed Eclipse, was living her life without a care and being spoiled, he was with his brother practically being starved to death.

His brother, Galactic Failure, was always dreaming and talking about being king. To soothe him and try to calm him, Grass told his sibling that he would be his advisor and support him no matter what.

Personality: A shy and calm leopon.

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salty - she/her ☆ (#284907)

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Posted on
2022-08-25 10:19:19
Name: Sapphire

Gender/Orientation: cis female, bi

Pride: Sunbaked

Rank: Scout

Rank Wanted: n/a

Backstory: Sapphire was born into a family of 10 other siblings, all piebalds/patches, and she was the middle child. Her parents were killed in an assassination attempt, and so was one of the younger siblings. Many of the other siblings died due to starvation or sickness, leaving her and 4 other siblings left. She always followed orders and was used to other people’s ideas becoming her ‘ideas’ ; agreeing with everything everyone said, even if it wasn’t at all morally correct. Soon after, a large fight broke out, and she was forced to fight her siblings. After accidentally killing the closest sibling to her, she fled and is desperate for reassurance that she did the right thing.

Personality: she's sarcastic and pretty sadistic in general. She can be distant when first meeting someone, but if she gets close to someone, she can be quite sweet, and reliable. She hates killing, though she doesn't mind blood.

Other: she loves to watch the birds!

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