Posted by Murk Cub Giveaway (Closed)

Sentient Being (#142426)

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2022-09-08 10:40:05
Credit for this idea goes to Beau [Side], from whom I won a lovely pie girl.

This is a pride that's on the brink of something terrible. Turquoise Lagoon knows that, and that's why she's eager to get her precious cub far away from here. Lions have been called from all across the land to have a go at trying to take in this young lioness, who will surely prove an asset to their pride.

A lioness was visible through the flowers and blossoms of the hill, though even these seemed to wither in the rotting darkness that had fallen over the land. The lioness was the color of a sunrise, mottled with cloud-like white spots. She wore something like a golden crown, and a yellow flower. "We're so happy you're here!" she greets, her tail swaying back and forth. "My name is Horizon Red. We've recently had a lovely young lioness born into this pride, and her mother is worried about leaving her at the tree. So we've invited you all here so little Sweet Pea can choose her family for herself."

The Cub: Sweet Pea
To be able to participate, all you have to do is post a small RP response which replies to the prompt for the day. I will respond to all of the posts at the end of the day. Each day counts as one ticket, with a max of ten tickets total possible. The day after this closes, I'll pick a random person to win.

1. One post per person per day
2. This ends on the 18th
3. Neither your post length nor the content will affect your chances of winning
4. I'd prefer it if you didn't play Sweet Pea in your posts, only your own lion, though it's alright if it's just a bit
5. If you missed some, you can jump right in, no problem

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Edited on 19/09/22 @ 09:46:48 by Sentient Being (#142426)

Beau❄️[Side] (#144085)

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Posted on
2022-09-08 23:17:45
The two lions approaching (followed by a vague lion shape) didn't appear 100% interested in Sweet Pea to start, their attention almost strictly Horizon Red. "Its been so long!" one of them squeaked, the other calmly following, Harvest and Queen Nephthys seemed overjoyed to see one of their old cubs yet again.

"It's great to see you, dear." Nepthys chirped softly, she was clearly getting older, as was Harvest who seemed much less snappy then when the broodmother was a cub, perhaps her old age had softened her? Nephthys went on and on for a while, rambling as she almost always did, before pausing, how rude of her. She stepped to the side, bowing her head, "Let me introduce you to one of our queens, Amber."

Amber let out a shy squeak, but waved politely at Horizon Red, the leopon clearly a bit overwhelmed. As she caught Sweet Pea's eye she waved again, giving a small smile, Harvest doing the same. Nephthys chuckled, "I'm glad to see you're doing so well, with all those fires and the hunting? I wish we could've been with you more." the queen hummed, while Harvest and Amber stood off to the side, chattering to Sweet Pea.

(I had to enter, an excuse to write? absolutely!!
You can also throw threads like these in the giveaway chat too! I learned that after my last one )

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Bbug0804 (#301749)

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2022-09-09 08:40:00
As bage walks up with 4 other lioness from his pride he sees the astonishment radiating from the others. Bage looks around only to find the glorious cub standing under the lioness. All the other stare at bage knowing damn well they are far interested in the cub and well cause chaos if he does not try to adopt her for them. Bage takes off a funny looking bag in front of the lioness filled with toys of all shape,size and colors! “ my lioness and myself would love for her to join our pride. We have experience great loss in our time and are currently looking for lions to be taken care of by all of my females. I promise a great home that is heavily protected only by the finest worriers. We also have a entire den dedicated to the cubs in my pride” “it would be a great privilege to adopt this young and beautiful cub” bage bows down to the lioness in hopes of being on her hood side.. but only the lioness will tell.

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 08:59:59
Beau [Side]: Horizon's fur seemed to stand on end with excitement as she saw Harvest and Queen Nephthys approaching, and she almost bounded forward, but held herself back. "Harvest! Mom!" she said, beaming. "I haven't seen you in ages!" She was equally as talkative, struggling not to interrupt Queen Nephthys in her excitement. The cubs seemed curious, and Sweet Pea poked her head out, looking far less frightened of them. As she laid eyes on Amber, she gave her a warm smile. She knew other lions could be quite cruel to hybrids, but she was very sure her old pride had been nothing but kind. Sweet Pea looked extremely curious, probably about her unusual appearance - she had never seen a leopon before. But she waved back quite nicely before ducking to hide behind Horizon Red again. Horizon brushed her with her tail, coaxing her to go talk to Harvest and Amber. "It really has been tough times," said Horizon, watching Sweet Pea as she assured Harvest and Amber anxiously that her fur was not green because it was moldy. "But life goes on, and we're doing alright. And I have a sweet little daughter in the pride now." She rubbed the head of the cub affectionately. "This is Hummingbird Mint." She continued talking with Nephthys until the sun was high in the sky and the cubs were getting sleepy and cranky, and then said her goodbyes and headed on home with them. (Beau, ticket counted for 9/8/22! I'm so glad you're doing this, and that Horizon gets to see her family again! So sweet :) I've also decided to keep the same prompt because nobody but you did the first day, but if you want to post again for today, feel free.)

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Overo🧧 (#256417)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 10:05:26
As Oil is wandering around he spots a few Lions gathering around. Walking up to meet the lions he greets Horizon seeing the little cubs on either side them. "Why hello little ones!" Sweet pea shys behind Horizon while the other cub greets them back. "Oh you both are such cuties, I'm sure we'll get much closer in the coming days, I do not have much time today I am deeply sorry, I shall be taking my leave now." He waved goodbye to the Horizon and the little cubs and wanders off to his own pride

//Hah forgot to write my own little blurb, love to see on of these kinds of forums again! Nice to see you here too Beau

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Edited on 09/09/22 @ 10:21:56 by Zhāng🧧G6Haliotis🧧He/Him (#256417)

carp (#229025)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 21:43:54
Sinew and lean muscle rippled beneath the stud's thin, glossy coat as he slinked with gracility towards the dense gathering of foreigners. Faer footfalls were silent, soft as the down of a fledgling, and as such, his presence was mildly startling. As his gaze fell upon them, it was benevolent and kind, catching the light of the sun in a way that imparted swirling galaxies and twinkling stars. An elderly lioness, albeit empyrean and timeless in her beauty, flanked the felis closely, her alabaster pelt enriched with roseate streaks and dove-gray blotches. Her delicate brow furrowed to a point in adoration as her sapphire gaze fell upon the bashful cub; her presence was warm, comforting like a sweet summer breeze or a motherly embrace. The corners of her muzzle began to curl into a fond smile, but she refrained from speaking for the time being.
"Greetings! My name is Cyphrem, I've come to meet the little one," The monarch hummed, his purr as soft as velvet, "This is my beloved Duchess, Cepheus. She is the overseer of my pride's cubs and the mentor of our broodmothers. I do hope her presence doesn't interfere, Madame Horizon Red," Cyphrem dipped faer head low in respect of the esteemed lioness, as he was still young and had much to learn. His behavior, at times, was adolescent in the way that he viewed authority, despite being the head of his very own thriving kingdom.
Cepheus gazed down at little Sweetpea with a genuine maternal softness about her. Languidly, she lowered to the ground, her belly fur grazing against the dew-laden grass, "Hello, love," She murmured gently, "I've heard wonderful things about you from your mother. I'm honored to meet you face-to-face after such a long journey, and I'm certain you'll fit in just fine with our pride. The others will adore you."

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Freaky Missy (#142500)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 22:27:59
Bbug0804: Horizon watches as a great maneless lion approaches with four other females. Rather amused, Horizon Red watches the king approaching and moves forward slightly to greet him. Seeing a sack full of toys, Sweet Pea pokes her head out curiously. “I’m so sorry to hear that your pride has suffered,” says Horizon, looking genuinely sad. “I know things seem like they’re getting worse, but I hope we can all stick together and see this through. I’m so glad you’re willing to look after little Sweet Pea. We wish we could keep her in our pride, but . . . well, things haven’t been so good for us either. Your pride sounds so wonderful.” She smiles at Sweet Pea. “Doesn’t it, honey?” Sweet Pea squeaks out some kind of affirmation. Horizon turns back to see that Bage has sunken into a bow. She looks perplexed, both flattered and as though she might laugh. “Oh no, you’re a king, there’s no need to bow to me,” she says quickly. “Why don’t we just sit. Tell me your name, and more about your pride.” She sits with Bage for a while, while Sweet Pea slowly gets up the courage to crawl over to the lionesses and bat at their tails. (Bbug0804, ticket counted for 9/9/22!)

Zhāng: Horizon greets Oil as he approaches, quite happy to see another king interested in taking in the little cub. She makes an attempt to coax Sweet Pea out to meet him, but as he tells her that he doesn’t have much time, she smiles and nods. “I understand. It must be difficult, running an entire pride. We really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule, and we hope to see you again very soon!” She gives him a little wave with her tail as he walks away, and Sweet Pea watches him with bright green eyes full of curiosity. (Zhāng, ticket counted for 9/9/22!)

carp: Horizon watched the mighty king and his beautiful lioness as they came towards her and the cubs. Her snow-white eyes met the gleaming blue ones of the lioness and her eyes crinkled up with welcome. “Good morning, Cyphrem,” Horizon greeted in return, quite cheerfully. “And good morning, Duchess. We’re so glad to have you. Both of you, including Duchess. She’s absolutely not interfering. In fact, I’m glad you’ve brought your lead broodmother with you. As the young king deferred to her, Horizon raised an eyebrow, beaming and yet a bit bashful. “No, no, you’re a king, please don’t - I’m just a broodmother, there’s no need.” She laughed and continued to talk to Cyphrem, asking a few questions and just chatting. Sweet Pea, meanwhile, squeaked as Duchess made eye contact with her. She seemed to relax, though, as Duchess lowered herself to Sweet Pea’s level. “You know my mommy?” she asked, ears perking up. She paused, then asked shyly, “How far away do you come from?” She grew more comfortable with Duchess, explaining animatedly about the other cubs in her pride. (carp, your ticket has been counted for 9/9/22!)

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 22:30:22
DAY 2 ENDED! Day 3 prompt is up!

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skye HIATUS (rolling
minimally (#330224)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 23:10:43
A lion draped in watsonia flowers approaches the area with a lioness trailing behind him. He was a grand, strong and tall; his mane flowed in the wind and he stood with confidence. He was young, but bold. The lioness followed after; she was not quite so headstrong, her tail swaying slightly behind her. She walked slower than the male, but walked with poise and grace. The lioness seemed slightly cautions, while the lion seems without a care in the world. Together, they slowly approach Horizon.
"Hello, I'm Scarlet Letter and this is Coral, she is the lead lioness of my pride. Your young one seems very energetic. She reminds me of some of my own." He sits down near Horizon to observe the cub more closely.
Coral follows behind Scarlet Letter and drops a few meat chunks down. "Horizon, it's a pleasure meeting you!" She bowed her head slightly and looked up at the lioness with awe at her shinning coat. She looked over at Sweet Pea dancing through the flowers. "Sweet Pea is such a precious cub." She paused watching Sweet Pea. "I have a feeling her and Dusk would get along well. Perhaps I'll bring her along next time to meet Sweet Pea."Scarlet Letter turns back to Horizon and says "She's beautiful and would be a great addition to any pride. It would be an honor to take her into our pride wouldn't it Coral?" Coral purrs in agreement and trots over to frolic with the cub.

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Edited on 11/09/22 @ 00:04:23 by skye (#330224)

ᴄʜ | (#224170)

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Posted on
2022-09-10 21:20:20
A lioness with a rather bright and air-flowing mane proceeded to scan the territory until their gaze laid on a Lioness with a green-ish cub busy observing a flying butterfly and playfully trying to grab at it while the mother turned their gaze towards the observing female who've just took a seat several feet away from the two, the cub proceeded to wonder a little bit further but still in direct sight of it's mother. The lioness with the cub proceeded to signal the gal over and they've hesitantly agreed, then padded over slowly and sat away to let the lioness have their own personal bubble. " Sorry.. I couldn't help but observed such a family with care and love being spread around, and my name's Destination. " The maned-lioness spoke in a rather gentle tone, the lioness with the cub introduced herself as Horizon. Then the maned lioness looked over at the cub now rolling around in the long-grass while reaching it's little paws out towards the sky, Horizon proceeded to tell them the little cub's name was Sweet Pea". " Such a cute name for such a fiery spirit. " Destination spoke before Horizon spoke about she couldn't keep up with such a ferocious energy her cub and offered Destination to go play with her cub under her watch.

Destination once again hesitated before padding towards Sweet Pea, as Horizon observed the two she noticed Destination now playfully tussling with Sweet Pea taking a nom at their ear. The maned-lioness chuckled as the cub kept attacking their ear then their paw which they've quickly won using their paw to settle the cub down but then a butterfly appeared which then Sweet Pea proceeded to observe and reach her little paws at the insect. Horizon didn't expect such an outcome as her cub was always hesitate to talk to strangers beyond her mother and littermate.

Destination then padded towards the lioness and sighed, " Sweet Pea is such a fighter inside of such a tiny body, any lion would be considered to be lucky to have her in their pride. It'd be such an honor to accept her and take her under my care with 'my king' even though he couldn't come spend time checking out this little darling due to him checking on his cubs for the millionth time but it's way too late, good luck to other travelers who'd find interest in such a fiery spirit that resides in that cub." Destination spoke while giving a small soft smile at Horizon before getting up and going towards the sunset, then fully disappearing into the distance. But wait... Did that lioness drop something?.

//9/10/22 prompt as i've finally got time to post it with a rush.//

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Beau❄️[Side] (#144085)

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Posted on
2022-09-10 21:37:52
Queen Nephthys and Harvest trot over to Horizon Red without any hesitation, Harvest gently bumping her shoulder with her forehead. "Oh this is so wonderful, we just had to come back." She hums softly, patting at the ground with her paws before slowly laying.

"It has been a while, the others are so happy to hear you're doing well." Nephthys added in, smiling and settling down next to her favorite girl, she seemed tired, since and she snuggled into Harvests' back she began to fall asleep. Harvest laughing softly and rolling her eyes before continuing to ask Horizon about how she'd been doing. Occasionally peaking up and looking over at Sweet Pea.

It took a while before Amber slowly snuck up, giving Horizon a polite hello, clearly she seemed more interested in the butterflies as well as she quietly trotted off. "Hi there!" She chirped softly, getting into a hunting crouch and flicking her tail. "Wanna see how I catch butterflies?"

(I stg im gonna do my best to be here for this, sick or not )

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-09-10 22:36:05
skye: Horizon immediately walks over to greet the two as they approach, giving the watsonias adorning Scarlet Letter a good look - judging by the flower behind her ear and her own floral surroundings, she seems quite fond of flowers. "Hello, Scarlet Letter," she greets warmly. "And hello, Coral. I'm very glad you've decided to come, and I hope Sweet Pea takes a liking to you." Hearing the king remark about his own energetic cubs, Horizon laughs. "They can be a pawful, that's for sure." Seeing Coral's little peace offering of some meat, Horizon seems quite taken by the gesture. Perhaps she never expected this level of interest. She nods, looking out at Sweet Pea. "Dusk must be one of your cubs. I'm sure Sweet Pea would feel relieved to have come other cubs here." As Coral goes to play with Sweet Pea, the cub runs face-first into her and proceeds to hide behind a tree until a particularly large butterfly coaxes her out, and she seems perfectly happy to frolic with Coral after that. (skye, ticket counted for 9/10/22!)

LITTERWICH: The lioness before Horizon seemed full of energy, and despite Horizon's own relentless cheeriness, she felt a little shy around a lion so overflowing with vim and vigor. She was quick to suggest Destination go play with Sweet Pea, who could more easily match her wild energy. Besides, chasing butterflies might be good for her. The little cub seemed fond of her. In truth, Horizon had been worried about her as first, but Sweet Pea didn't seem to mind her at all. As Destination came back, Horizon gave her a big smile. "Looks like you two had fun." She listened as Destination said her piece about how wonderful it would be to have the little cub in her pride, and nodded along. "I'm sure your king is quite busy - it's a busy thing, having to rule an entire pride. But it's just as good having you here, and I hope you'll come around again." (LITTERWICH, ticket counted for 9/10/22!)

Beau [Side]: Horizon had obviously expected her mother and broodmother, because as soon as she caught sight of them her ears perked up like she'd won a treasure hunt. She gave Harvest an affectionate lick on the top of the head. "It's so nice of you to stop by again. You're feeling alright?" she asked, looking like she wanted to help Harvest as she laid down. She settled down next to her after a moment's hesitation, though, and started talking to Harvest about this and that, watching Nephthys nod off. She mentioned her eldest daughter, Sunsun, and her husband in their servant pride, and Will, who had told her to say hello to Harvest for him. Sweet Pea, meanwhile, had gotten a few other lions to go chasing butterflies with her, but all had cleared off by the time Amber came sneaking over. Sweet Pea barely seemed to hear Amber's greeting, totally absorbed in her little game. But as Amber offered to show her butterfly-hunting techniques, Sweet Pea perked up. "Of course," she said graciously, but she wriggled with excitement to say her next sentence: "And then I'll show you how I catch butterflies." The two continued to tussle and play until Sweet Pea finally got tired, stubbed her paw, and accused Amber of having tipped her in a tragedy of tears. She was quickly over it, though, and talked animatedly with Amber as she lay curled against Horizon's side, barely listening to the murmur of her broodmother and her friends somewhere above. (Beau [Side], ticket counted for 9/10/22! And aw, don't strain yourself if you're sick. You can just write, like, a sentence, and that still counts too.)

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-09-10 22:39:24
DAY 3 ENDED! Day 4 prompt is up!

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Overo🧧 (#256417)

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Posted on
2022-09-11 04:29:28
Greeting everyone on his way over, he Joins the green lioness and gladly accepts her offer to go to the spring, "Why I can tell the resemblance between the both of you, you two are practically identical! Little Pantalone here is excited too, she may be a few months younger but I'm sure they'll get along just fine! She seems to love the water, not sure who that came from" A little cub jumped out from behind him and splashed into the water following Sweet pea out to play while the older two relaxed.
Nearing the end of the day both of the cubs were tuckered out, getting out of the water Oil had to grab Pantalone by the scruff to get her to leave, bidding a farewell with a mouth full of cub he set off to go back to his territory
//Felt like writing a little more today, have a nice day

<This was day three but I fell asleep after I wrote it and forgot to reply it didnt want it to go to waste so might as well
Wandering over today, Oil seems to have a new addition by his side accompanying him today. It seems like a little rainbow cub, its pelt just like his. Greeting them both he sends off his own little cub, he looks like he hasnt gotten much sleep recently. He lays off the the edge under a tree to take a rest.

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Edited on 11/09/22 @ 19:14:43 by Zhāng🧧G6Haliotis🧧He/Him (#256417)

Beau❄️[Side] (#144085)

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Posted on
2022-09-11 20:36:30
Nephthys greets all three cheerily, smiling politely and bowing to the cubs mother. “It’s wonderful to meet you!” She chimes, “sorry I’m late, Harvest just had her last litter, isn’t it wonderful?” She cooed, Amber not far behind. “She did ask me to tell you to inform Sweet William, if you don’t mind.”

Upon hearing the word “swim” Ambers interest immediately peeks, she hops over, asking if she can join, she’s a great swimmer after all!

The normally quiet pon seems like a chatterbox and she talks about how much she enjoys the water, tapping her paws in excitement and bouncing around with Sweet Pea.

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Sentient Being (#142426)

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Posted on
2022-09-11 20:59:01
Zhāng: Laughing as Oil mentions her resemblance to Sweet Pea, Turquoise seems quite pleased by this. She flicks her ear and tilts her head, giving Sweet Pea a motherly look. "Well, isn't she sweet?" she said, referring to Little Pantalone. "Glad to hear she's fond of the water. I know plenty of lions aren't, but I was just about born and raised in water. Gotta get my paws wet every now and then, you know?" Horizon is still out meeting lions, so Turquoise and Sweet Pea pad down to the springs without her. Splashing around a bit, Sweet Pea leads Pantalone over to a shallow places where the water was as hot as though it had been heated with fire. Turquoise, watching them, chattered at Oil about silly things like the prey and the leaderboards and her theories on the inexplicable omens. As the cubs started splashing wildly, she stood without warning and took a flying leap into the water, causing a huge splash. She laughed as she got out. When the time came for everyone to leave, she said goodbye and headed back home with Sweet Pea. (Zhāng, ticket counted for 9/11/22. Since you didn't actually post yesterday, I'm sorry to say you can't get a ticket for that day.)

Beau [Side]: "Wonderful to meet you too," Turquoise said, watching her bow with slight bemusement. Horizon gave her a slight nudge and then whispered something into her ear. "Oh!" Turquoise said, much more loudly than she had intended, and gave an awkward bow that looked more like she was cringing. Horizon let out a little laugh and said to Nephthys, "I'm so glad to hear about Harvest's new litter! Though it's sad to think this will be her last - it feels like timed has passed so quickly. I'm glad to tell Sweet William, of course. He's been talking about coming down here. It's just that things are getting more busy in our pride, and he hardly has time to himself." Seeing Amber's face upon being asked to swim, Turquoise and Sweet Pea both seemed delighted. "Well, come on then!" Turquoise said cheerfully. Seeing how well she took to the water, Sweet Pea was eager to get swimming tips from her. "She's good, isn't she?" said Turquoise to Nephthys, loudly enough for Amber to hear. "That'd be because she's half leopard or jaguar or something?" Sweet Pea seemed slightly embarrassed by her mother's question, and led Amber out into slightly deeper water. There they could play for a while, far enough away that the lionesses' chatter mixed in with the bubbling water, but close enough to be safe. (Beau [Side], Ticket counted for 9/11/22! Sorry my replies are so long, and don't worry about matching them - I just get carried away.)

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