Posted by Three Heads Are Better Than One - Adopts HIATUS

M0sh (#188090)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-07 12:06:38
Permission: (Feel free to click!)

This is in its early stages and rapid/sudden changes of features and pricing may occur at any time.

UPDATE: I have an image above of the permission (verified through the moderators) that allows me to use the P2u Cerberus base pack for this site.

An excitable retriever bounds up to you the moment you come into his line of sight, each of its three heads bumping against another's as they competed for who was to get the most headpats from the newcomer. Their handler comes running up a few moments later, taking ahold of their harness and smiling kindly to you. "Apologies, He's rather rowdy. Never seems to run out of energy, and yanks off his leash all the time. I wish you luck if you ever end up trying to train one of these guys."


CP - Cerberus Points, Bank

Disciplines and Jobs

Certifications, Awards and Training

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Edited on 02/02/23 @ 10:46:53 by M0sh (#188090)

09/17/21 NRLC (#265685)

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Posted on
2022-12-12 16:45:49
I’ll buy a
Collar [Rose]
Simple Dog Bed [Red]
Crate [Black]

For when I get my next dog!

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NorthBound (G2
Ennedi Moss) (#104248)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-12-12 16:50:06
Username: NorthBound (G3 Spotted Bush) #104248
Registered?: No!
Handler Job: Cattle Farmer
When have you last adopted?: N/A

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Ginger | G2 Smog RLC
| beefy (#72691)

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Posted on
2022-12-13 10:26:03
I'd like to do Basic Obedience Training for Bau (#003) but I'd like to do it myself as to start working towards my GTC.

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M0sh (#188090)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-13 10:38:53
-- Request Cutoff --
Below I will post all replies, updates, and then the rollover. Please remember that this thread runs on its own rollovers dependent on when I can do them, and we're running a little behind schedule. Please do not post below, wait until after I've announced rollover to ensure nobody's request has been skipped <3

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M0sh (#188090)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-19 22:12:34
Sorry about the small hiatus! I got very sick for a couple of days. I have exciting news though!

-- Announcement --
9 new breeds will be coming to the thread soon! They were commissioned by me from the artist of the first set, and they will be exclusive to this thread/to me! These new breeds are as follows:
- Shar-pei, Weimaraner, Norwegian Lundehund, Neapolitan Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Borzoi, Mudi, Saluki and Papillion
You are going to need an Extended Breeds Permit to have/breed these new breeds! This is because the commission for these lines, as well as the original bases, costed me money (money well spent to support a talented artist, ofc) and to keep this going I'm going to need at least a little from the participants.

Breeding is now available! However there are requirement adjustments to breed <3
Non-spayed females must undergo a veterinary checkup before being eligible to breed. This checkup is a minor fee of only 50 CP for the regular breeds, and 100 CP for the EBP breeds when they become available.

The cooldown for both the female and male will be 8 days, to give me a good break in between requests.
Remember that all pups, if kept, must have a Collar, Dog Bed, and at least one toy before turning 8 months old.

Your rescue center trip (initial) is still free of charge! However the time to rescue again has been changed to 14 days or 2 weeks. In the meantime for a small free you may choose to buy local dogs up for adoption! This new feature allows you to choose the breed of the dog you're looking for, but they may not be purebred and prices will vary.

I do warn you all that the responses below will be rather short and sweet, but I promise I'm pouring lots of effort into keeping this thread together <3

-- Responses --
Shop/CP/Etc Requests

After your purchases, you are left with 40 CP in your bank!

Your stray-rescued dog has successfully been taken to the rescue center! The center welcomes him/her with open arms.
After a long walk with your energized, ever-bouncy dog Moe, you seem to be getting nothing much rather than an enjoyable walk with your beloved Cerberus pet. However near the end of your little trip he comes across a Purebred Reservation Ticket- allowing you access to reserving a pup from an established purebred pair once the feature becomes available!

Afterwards, your trip to the park is short and not so sweet. Although you brought your dog's favorite toy along, he gets in some kind of argument with a less than friendly chihuahua and you decide it's better to take him home and let him get a good rest in his bed.

After your purchases, you are left with 60 CP in your bank.

Rescue Requests
THIS PART IS A WIP!! It's after midnight so I'll add the dogs in the morning
(I do apologize for the lack of a greeting but there's a lot for me to do lovelies <3
You're welcome to choose one of the three dogs listed under your name!


@Nova (Official Lizard Person)

@Lae yūrei

@NorthBound (G3 Spotted Bush)

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Edited on 27/12/22 @ 23:32:38 by M0sh (#188090)

monteCarlo (#322666)

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Posted on
2022-12-20 00:02:59
Username: monteCarlo #322666
Registered?: no :(
Handler Job: profesh dog shower!!
When have you last adopted?: n/a

I would love to buy a gold collar, a beige dog bed, and a toy box in advance!! (40 CP total) Do you take tips? and is it here a form to explore Stray City yet?

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Nova (Official
Lizard Person) (#359588)

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Posted on
2022-12-20 05:36:10
:0 take as long as you need! i can wait patiently :3

if you ever need help with the thread id be happy to help <3

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Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-12-20 06:16:42
Hi I adopted the corgi lol but I don't know their id number!

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M0sh (#188090)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-27 23:31:32
!! NEWS !!
All four of the users from the post above should check their cerberus options in the spoilers, they are finished and updated!
@Monte please wait for some of the lovely people ahead of you to choose so that the remaining hounds in the adoption pool may have a second chance <3
@Nova I might take you up on that later on, still rushing to set everything up and in order :'D
@Apollo Numbers have been fixed up, check the announcement below to find yours hon!!

-- Announcement --

ID numbers have been fixed!
#002 is Rammy's Husky
#003 is Ginger's German Shepherd
#004 is Herbicide's Shiba
#005 is VanishingMuse's Poodle
#006 is Apollo's Corgi
newt's chosen hound will become #007, and so on and so forth <3

Stray City, Rescue Center and Adopting is temporarily shut down for tweaking!
Breeding is technically available but nobody should be putting in requests as none have two cerberuses yet ;>;
The site I was using to keep track of all the currency amounts decided to break sooo all members who have interacted above this post have had their CP reset to 200, regardless of purchases made.

There will be an overhaul to finish breeding, tweak job payments and requirements, and more soon! In the meantime please be patient and supportive of my efforts to continue to provide this experience for you all.

The new breeds have been finished and come out! These are as follows:
-Chinese Shar-Pei
-Neapolitan Mastiff
-Tibetan Mastiff
-Norwegian Lundehund

To celebrate the holiday season and new year, I'm offering to any and all members that would like one of these new breeds a chance to get one! Please remember you'll still need to have a breeding permit in the future to obtain more of or breed these new commissioned breeds (not the originals, just the new ones!)
The price of this is one Beetle Nemesis: Basicryptus costalis (Stink Bug) or Beetle Nemesis: Empusa Fasciata (Mantis). They can be found in tier 2 and tier 3 of the mantis shop respectively for 9 Stb, so I don't believe it's too much to ask <3

A maximum of 1 can be requested per user, and the breed, gender and colors will be randomized. They will be purebred though. Happy holidays!!
I'd like to order an Exclusive Cerberus!
Handler Job: (I'll do my best to choose a breed befitting of your chosen profession!)
Payment: (Stink Bug or Mantis?)

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Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-12-27 23:53:00
I'd like to get an exclusive ceberus!
Username- Apollo (HE/THEY) #246812
JOB- counselor
Payment- mantis!

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M0sh (#188090)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-28 00:39:45
@Apollo thank you for your contribution!

The beetle collector thanks you for your contribution and lets you know she'll put in a good word for you with a reputable breeder that owes her a favor or two. After some time you're contacted as she lets you know she's found a furry friend that should be perfect for you!

2 years, 0 months old
100% Tibetan Mastiff
Disciplined, Peaceful, Timid
Blue Bicolor (Natural)

While a rather timid puppy, this mastiff's handler worked to socialize him and so while he does tend to spook and hide behind his owners at loud cars or similar loud noises he is no longer nervous around people. Tibetans are gentle giants and he is no exception to this.
Additionally, this mastiff has the Therapy Certification and is ready to work alongside you!

Consider giving your tibetan mastiff a name!
And please remember that all canines adopted must have a collar, bed and at least one toy by the next 48 hours <3

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Edited on 28/12/22 @ 00:42:34 by M0sh (#188090)

Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-12-28 01:01:07
-Collar - 10 CP - Lavender
-Simple Dog Bed - 10 CP - beige
- Toy Box - (5 random toys) - 20 CP
I'll name him Marko

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Lae yūrei (#133089)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-12-28 02:38:17
I’ll take the German shepherd hound please

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newt (#10210)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-12-28 07:56:31
i'll take the golden retriever!

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Nova (Official
Lizard Person) (#359588)

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Posted on
2022-12-28 10:05:52
Ill take the Akita! <3

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