Permission image is a clickable link! It will take you to the base itself on deviantart!
I recommend everyone to check out PeachiGhost's artwork/bases and consider supporting them!
This is in its early stages and rapid/sudden changes of features and pricing may occur at any time.
UPDATE: I have an image above of the permission (verified through the moderators) that allows me to use the P2u Cerberus base pack for this site.
An excitable retriever bounds up to you the moment you come into his line of sight, each of its three heads bumping against another's as they competed for who was to get the most headpats from the newcomer. Their handler comes running up a few moments later, taking ahold of their harness and smiling kindly to you. "Apologies, He's rather rowdy. Never seems to run out of energy, and yanks off his leash all the time. I wish you luck if you ever end up trying to train one of these guys."
1. You may not resell to a third party, alter or otherwise attempt to recolor/warp the dogs you receive from this thread.
2. Dogs or puppies on this thread may be sold for CP through this thread's official
3. Do not register your secondary account to get more under the radar. You must link your secondary account during registry and any posts made under it will be treated the same as main account posts.
4. Please ensure you have fulfilled a certain profession's requirements before attempting to register as that profession.
5. Please be patient, respectful and polite to all participants, staff or non-staff regardless.
6. Do not rush or complain about the wait time after breeding requests or other interactions that result in one or several dogs coming into your possession! It takes time for them to be designed and all of their information to be rolled!
CP - Cerberus Points, Bank
What is CP? Cerberus Points are the in-'game' currency for this thread! Rather than directly purchasing everything with SB or GB, you may purchase points in advance or right before needing to buy/upgrade/cover something for the thread with a pricetag.
Why aren't cerberus points all free?
Well while I do provide a little CP for newly introduced members, there are a few reasons I do apprieciate the support of SB (and especially GB) purchases. The main reasons though are that I paid real money for the right to use the base, money that I worked to earn. And the simple fact that the art, while sometimes simple, takes up my personal time to complete.
I do make things relatively cheap, so buying CP is more a way to support me than a way to play.
HERE the bank will transfer your SB/GB and convert it to CP for you! The rates are listed below.
SB: 1 / CP: 2
GB: 1 / CP : 2000
To buy CP, use the form directly below and then send the currency! While you are in charge of ensuring you know how much CP you have, I will keep track of it in case you forget <3
Amount Purchasing: (please always make sure the amounts end in 5 or 0. Example, 10 or 85)
Purchase Method: (SB/GB)
Disciplines and Jobs
Your hounds are able to be registered for a variety of jobs and disciplines, as well as yourself. These will earn you CP and rewards, though make sure to pay attention to the requirements or certifications needed!
Jobs for the Canines:
- Housepet - For dogs that are not qualified for other professions, they may be family or household pets. This profession applies to all breeds and/or mixbreeds. This does not have any prerequisites or requirements.
- Watchdog/Guard dog - After having completed basic security training, a housepet or unassigned dog may become a watchdog. These dogs will watch over you and your valuables at home. Recommended breeds are Huskies, Retrievers, Bull Terriers, and German Shepherds. Acceptable breeds are Shibas, Akitas and Poodles. Exempt breeds are Chihuahuas and Corgis.
- Emotional Support/Therapy Dog - These dogs must be calm, social and friendly as they are meant to help those with trauma, anxiety and more struggles they may be going through. These dogs must be trained and have a Therapy Certification! Recommended breeds are Shibas, Retrievers and Corgis. Chihuahuas and Bull Terriers are not recommended as they struggle with the training needed for this profession.
-Herding Dog - These dogs are responsible for herding large farm animals and scaring off predators. They must have at least basic herding training and their owners must be of the Cattle Farmer profession to qualify. Huskies, Akitas and Retrievers are recommended. Bull terriers and german shepherds are acceptable. Corgis, Poodles and Chihuahuas are exempt.
- Show Dog - These dogs may be admitted to obedience and conformation shows to earn titles and prizes for their owners. They must have basic obedience training, be purebred for conformation or 90%+ of the breed you're entering for obedience trials. All breeds are permitted but Chihuahuas, Poodles and Corgis are recommended.
- K-9 - These dogs go through extensive training to ensure they are focused and prepared to be alongside K-9 Handlers. They must have full k-9 training certifications and their owner must be a k-9 handler to qualify. Recommended breeds are German Shepherds, Huskies, and Retrievers. Akitas and Shibas are acceptable if they follow the required trainings, but typically struggle to pass through training. Bull Terriers, Chihuahuas, Poodles and Corgis are exempt.
Handler Jobs:
Jobs: You may only have one of these per user. This does not apply to certifications.
Cattle Farmer - These handlers raise cows, sheep or other cattle. Thy earn 40 CP per mature cattle slain (typically 1-2 per day). To prevent cattle from running off, these handlers are recommended to have at least one herding dog. Per each day's rollover your cattle amount may increase or decrease depending on the amount of calves that are born, the season, and the amount of herding dogs you own to lead and protect them.
Note: your initial amount of cattle will likely diminish more day by day until you have at least one herding dog. Your cattle amount cannot become lower than 2 (one bull, one cow) however you will stop earning CP until you have at least 4 cattle again.
-K-9 Handler - These handlers are typically officers or members in an official security profession which requires them to have a trained dog by their side on each working day. They earn 40 CP per day as their wage, as well as additional 40 CP per each fully trained k-9 they have with them (Maximum of 4 active k-9s).
- Counselor - These handlers accompanied by therapy dogs comfort stressed or emotionally vulnerable people to help them overcome trauma or issues in their life or past. These individuals earn 50 CP per day. This profession's daily earnings will never increase or decrease, and will always be a steady source of income.
- Professional Dog Shower- These individuals have a typical office or working job, usually 9-5. but they are listed as professional dog showers as they spend their salary and free time entering their prized dogs into shows, boasting their titles and otherwise striving to improve their breeds. They earn 40 CP per day from their jobs, and may earn 200-1000 CP from winning competitions that their dogs win.
Certifications, Awards and Training
Canine Certifications and Awards
Therapy Certification - Awarded to dogs who have completed therapy training. This will be listed in the Certifications Section of their information panel.
K-9 Certification - Awarded to dogs that have completed the full k-9 training program. This will be listed in the Certifications Section of their information panel.
Bronze Conformation Award- This is awarded to show dogs who win 3rd place in the conformation show of their breed. This can stack if your dog wins multiple times.
Silver Conformation Award- This is awarded to show dogs who win 2nd place in the conformation show of their breed. This can stack if your dog wins multiple times.
Gold Conformation Award- This is awarded to show dogs who win 1st place in the conformation show of their breed. This can stack if your dog wins multiple times.
Bronze Obedience Award- This is awarded to show dogs who win 3rd place in the obedience trial of their breed. This can stack if your dog wins multiple times.
Silver Obedience Award- This is awarded to show dogs who win 2nd place in the obedience trial of their breed. This can stack if your dog wins multiple times.
Gold Obedience Award- This is awarded to show dogs who win 1st place in the obedience trial of their breed. This can stack if your dog wins multiple times.
Basic Security Training - This will train your canine how to recognize an intruder coming in and commands to defend you or call off an aggressive response if a guest is seen as an intruder. If successful your canine will automatically be promoted to a watchdog unless specified otherwise.
Basic Obedience Training - This will train your canine basic obedience such as how to sit, lay, heel, bring items to you and walk with you after heeling. If successful your dog will be eligible to complete in obedience shows!
In-Depth Obedience Training - If your dog has completed Basic Obedience Training, you may enroll them into this training to further their knowledge of commands and solidify their ability to focus upon their handler. If successful your dog will receive a 20% boost in obedience shows and be able to be walked off leash!
K-9 Training - This serious, well rounded training will teach a cerberus to become a loyal and efficient companion for a law enforcement official in their daily duties. Large breeds tend to do better in this training than small breeds, and if successful your dog will be able to accompany you on your job, so that you'll receive CP bonuses (if you are the proper profession to qualify)
Handler Certifications
Reputable Breeder Certification - There are multiple variants of this certification, but it’s general requirements are as follows. A dog bred by you must earn all the requirements/certifications for its field. (For k-9 must have all training and been in the field for a minimum of 8 rollovers/ For conformation must be purebred with no health issues, and have won at least 3 gold awards). Once that dog has fulfilled the requirement, the same requirement below must apply to at least one of its offspring, and the offspring of that offspring. As a reputable breeder it is expected any offspring carrying defects or health issues should be neutered/spayed.