Posted by Perma portal & annual item dump

🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2024-05-15 19:36:47
Hiya. Since the player boom and what I call the Black Friday MoD fiasco, a lot of stuff hardly sells for what it use to. Mainly lions in general.

I've seen a few suggestions for ways to tie up this issue in a bow. Yes I'm here putting out my 2 cents of a suggestion as well. Lol. Toss spaghetti at a wall and eventually 1 noodle will stick right?

A confirmation popup box is a must to avoid any accidents!

My proposal for lions

I have it as is strictly to prevent folks from breeding more lions specifically for this. The goal is to lower the overall lion population without trashing the chase pool. Like how wolvden has illness only more easier to do. The game has a mass breeding issue as it is already.
There's a age limit specifically for the fodder market in mind. That way it won't be trashed in the process.

Adults only and any adult under the age of 14. Doesn't matter if there's a mutation or not. Stats, base, and markings don't matter either. This is to be put in place to help control the overall population only.
(Save the chase pool!)

A portal like the celestial one or something like that.


In Adventuring under the much dreaded Journey to Vredefort Crater quest banner? Something like that.

None. Go wild!

Limitations Reason
This would function similar to that of monkey business only it'll accept any adult lion within the proper age range. The payout is minimal so it can't easily be abused but still functional. Does monkey business have a daily item number limit? Nope. Yet items are more easier to stock up on than lions. (I currently have over 500 full use lion skull burried alone myself.) The July portal has a daily lion limit because the rewards are greater. The limitation was placed to equal out the playing field

10 sb a lion.
I will not add to this. It's 10sb per lion only. No shop or any other rewards.

Rewards reason
If you have to turn to a sinkhole you're desperate and it keeps the mass senders in check as well. Also a good chunk of them will most likely be potatoes anyway. Then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A common reason why decent lions can be found at fodder price or just not sell even though it's nice looking to the seller.

My proposal for items

I honestly won't be upset if this doesn't pass. I have yet seen a sinkhole suggestion for items in general. Figured this would be a fair start as far as suggestions go. This would be very limited. Not sure if it should be 1 day, 1 month, or 1 week. Consider this a kind of annual cleaning of the hoard for those with more items than they know what to do with.
July already has low GB prices as is which is why I picked that month as a possibility. if anything this might help that part of the month since there will be a increase in SB.

Anything you feel like getting rid of. No limit as to what you can add unlike Monkey Business.

Maybe a passing celestial being looking to barter?

Maybe July. Too frequently might be a pain to code. Plus it's technically conflicting with Monkey Business.

In Adventuring under the much dreaded Journey to Vredefort Crater quest banner? Something like that.

None. Go wild!

5sb a item

Rewards reason
If you have to turn to a sinkhole you're desperate and it keeps the mass senders in check as well. Also a good chunk of them will most likely be stuff you can't sell in Monkey Business.

This suggestion has 165 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/08/24 @ 08:37:17 by 🗡️ LunarKnight [Project King] (#151072)

Aty (#369053)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 00:00:40
My only complaint about this idea would be NCLs, claiming ncls myself is a waste of energy and time consuming so I only buy from TC when I do breedings and this would make buying ncls more expensive. Maybe add a minimum amount of required markings to toss into the pit or refuse heritageless lions

edit: I consider ncls over the price of 10 each to be expensive and this is what they usually go for, 5-10 and if the pit gives 10 per ncl people would overprice them if they sell on TC

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Edited on 24/08/24 @ 00:04:33 by Aty (#369053)

🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2024-08-24 08:14:46
I regularly buy NCLs for my project at 15-20sb without complaint if I can't find any lower. It's easy to get SB when you battle in explore with the patient personality. If one doesn't claim they can use the energy to battle instead. ^_^

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Ennedi] (#34765)

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Posted on
2024-08-28 21:19:28
As someone who sells fodder lions (be it NCLs or fodder cubs), what would the befit for this be (genuine question)?
My fodder prices are 10sb, so in this particular suggestion I'd probably just continue doing sales because I can do bulk-selling and even just slap them all in the TC before I hop off.

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2024-08-28 21:57:19
If this were to pass nobody would be forced to use it. It would just be another option besides chasing/Killing/nature reserving.

I'll use myself as an example. I'm currently working on recreating a RL. Until recently I was mass breeding NCLs daily. In order to make room I'd chase those with cubs I don't need in mass just a few hours after rolling over. If this were to be a actual thing I could just toss them into the portal or whatever it ends up being. I could then use the 10sb per lion to buy more breeders for potentially 10sb each. It's a cycle of buy, breed, trade for automatic SB, buy, breed, etc. I've been chasing since I need my energy. I've tossed literal hundreds of NCLs into the chase pool alone whin the past month. Something I'm not happy about.

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2024-08-28 22:09:20
It would also be good for those who suddenly need space and don't want to chase or use energy. ^_^

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Ennedi] (#34765)

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Posted on
2024-08-29 10:20:19
For now, no support from me.
I feel like this (in it's current iteration) simply adds another system that many (myself including) would simply ignore. I'd rather a system that improved upon the current foddering than simply adding another option. (And would rather the Devs spend time on improving features then simply adding more.)

If there's not enough benefit then people won't use the system, but If the rewards are really good then lions get hit almost too hard.
The reason the Portal is popular is because it gives good benefits, but that said there's even a cons (in my opinion) when the portal is up too. Even though the portal is for adults-lions only, the tree becomes (and stays) empty for the entire month so there's always quite a few players that want to grab a cub, possible for keeps, that simply aren't able to. A tree 'cleaning' is good now and then, but if this was a situation permanently than the tree would become just all portal-fodder too.

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2024-08-30 05:26:42
My example is just 1 of many. I made this because for a long time lots of folks would voice their unhappiness with the economy in main chat. Their lions aren't selling. If they're not selling then at least with my suggestion they'll get something out of it if they don't want to chase. Many folks rely on lion sales to help them with goals and projects.

This why in July the tree is for the most part empty compared to other months:
30% energy
3% impression
EXP equal to (LVL x 20)

10sb isn't much itself but if you use it 50 times that's 500sb. That's 1/4th the cost of a IBF or 8 Nesting material. It's enough to have a demand but not enough to have folk tossing everything they can at it.

As long as new traits, especially breed only, are being added to the game there will always be a sudden jump in cubs. As I've mentioned in my original post, the site has a big mass breeding problem. Because of that not all would be allowed to age up which leaves many either being chased as cubs/adolescents or abandoned at the tree.

I'd honestly be just as happy if the chasing system had a filter that would separate regular NCL chased from other chased. There's a new item for claiming but many folks are hesitant to use it.

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Ennedi] (#34765)

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Posted on
2024-08-31 09:25:46
You mention cubs here, but you're post also still doesn't actually aid in the cubs mass-breeding situation (You specifically mention Adults only and any adult under the age of 14.).

I feel like this post would also benefit from being split up. Like the item is fine, personally I have no use for it, but I wouldn't say 'no support' to it either. But the lion system you have currently/ first pass I can't picture helpful.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2024-11-29 20:09:57
RE: Sinkhole for items.
Wolvden allows you to sell anything and everything to their version of Monkey Business: The Raccoon.

Two suggestions:
1. Let people sell ANYTHING at MB. Doesn't even have to be high prices.
2. Put a second type of Gorilla Quest in, where they're looking for stuff to decorate their nests and play with cubs. They'll ask for items in bulk, with varying MT rewards.

Only let players do one or the other per day, either cubs or items. Unlike cubs, items have more of a market, so it'll probably help a fair bit with thinning out trash content from the game and helping players make branch sales.

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🗡️ LunarKnight
(G1 Ennedi) (#151072)

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Posted on
2025-02-03 21:44:34
@[△] Nadir (#108458)
I like both suggestions.

I think someone suggested I split the lion and item suggestions and put them in separate threads. I'll do that tomorrow as soon as I have enough time.

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