Posted by V.1 How Much Is This Worth?

Kat Was Here (#17862)

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Posted on
2014-05-25 11:39:32
Hi there! This thread is for people who want to know how much a lion or item is worth whether it be ranging from a feather to a Hesperantha or a Sun dust base lion to a Mahogany base lion.

You may find yourself in a trade where you are for wanting a lot of items that you just HAVE to have. But the owner wants 20GB and nothing less. You need to ask yourself, "Is this worth it?" Here, people can attempt to give each other precise opinions and advice based on personal experiences and given facts.

Please note that it will not be exact rarities because items aren't classified as "common" or "rare". So, there are no guarantees that the person you are trading with will see it the same way as the person giving adviceor yourself.

So, even if you are just looking to know how much an item or lion is worth, or are trading with someone, this is the place to ask. Good luck :3

Also, if your question gets overlooked, please do not hesitate to repost it*. We'll have it looked at as soon as we can. :3
*Only when your post is on the previous page or farther.

- Rules -

~ Please do not spam. If you already know what an item or lion is worth and don't require a second opinion, don't post. We may not see another person's post and might require help or assistance that you don't.

~ ANYONE is welcome here! Yes, that includes you newbies out there. Whether you're a newbie on Lioden or have been here for a long time, you are all welcome to post here for help, don't be afraid or shy!

~ If you want to know how much a lion is worth by either only its markings or only its stats, please specify on your post! We want to answer you as efficiently as we possibly could!

~ You can either ask for how much something is worth or answer someones question, either one is fine!

~ When you do answer, if you could, please reply to the person as:
This item/lion is worth __SB or __GB

Using this template is not required, but it is highly recommended to prevent confusion and keep our answers neat.

~ If requesting a price for a lion or beetle, please give us a link to use rather than a name, that way we don't have to search and we can give you an estimate sooner!

Well that's it for now! Go ahead and ask, don't be scared!

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 16:24:18 by Kat Was Here (#17862)

.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 08:48:43
Alagos: Because that decor was released a while ago, you are looking at anywhere from 600SB-1GB give or take.

Keep in mind that its down 2 uses (which is why it may still be worth GB) BUT, it was a decor given to everyone on the game at the time. So only new members would not have it c:


Firekitty: She is pretty! You can barely tell she's maltese c:

Her stats are ok, not to high but not very low either. She has a common base color, a thick mane style, and a good eye color, along with these popular markings:

Slot 1: Lilac Rogue (68%)
Slot 7: Vitiligo 2 (44%)
Slot 8: Onyx Panther (58%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (69%)
Slot 10: Vitiligo 3 (44%)

She's a triple vit! Now, her marking opacities aren't too high (minus the OP and LR), but they still give her an over all great look.

Not only that but again, she's triple vit. I've seen a lot of players pay a pretty beetle or two for trip vits.

What may bring her price down a little is the lack of a set of higher stats. But do not worry I think you'd be able to sell her no problem~

I've seen girls like this one sell from anywhere between 200SB-1GB give or take.

The GB may be a stretch but it is possible. Especially if you have a buyer who really is in it for the looks, and not the stats.

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Pouring Rain (#4622)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 09:14:39
Thank you so much!! I also have these pretty ladies that I need a price for. :
Sorry for so many. Thank you in advance. :)

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Alagos (#28119)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-06-03 09:16:07
Thank you VulpesFelis :)
Guess I will just put it up for 1GB and see if someone bites.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 09:54:05
Firekitty: Beauty Mila has low stats, a common base color, a common eye color, and a thick mane. She has also has common markings.

(I'm not sure about darken onyx? Was that an NCL marking..or? I think it was, not sure).

But, that being said you could get anywhere from 70SB-100SB, give or take. You currently have her price set at 130SB, which I find to be a fair enough price for her.


Beauty Mira, on the other hand, has much higher stats (300+). She's also a special base, has a nice eye color, a norma mane style and color, and these popular markings:

Slot 6: Lilac Pelage (18%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (57%)

Only the vit is a high opacity. But due to her markings, special base, and higher stats shes worth a little bit more.

I can see her going from anywhere between 100SB-300SB, give or take.


The adult cocoa lioness has 100+ stats and besides the special base she has a nice eye color, a normal mane style, and these popular markings:

Slot 5: Vitiligo 2 (96%)
Slot 8: Gold Panther (56%)

Both at high opacites. I can see her going anywhere from 100SB-250SB give or take.


The cub has low stats as well, a common base color, but has an exotic mane style, a nice eye color, and these popular markings:

Slot 1: Lilac Rogue (18%)
Slot 2: White Underfelt (65%)
Slot 5: Vitiligo 2 (88%)
Slot 6: Lilac Pelage (63%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (29%)

Two of them are at low opacites, but that's fine, the others make up for that.

Due to her stats she may go from anywhere between 90SB-200SB. A large range but really depends on who's buying. If they are buying for looks, they may pay more. If they are buying for both, you have have to find a middle for pricing.

Hope this helped!

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Pouring Rain (#4622)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 10:58:47
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. :)

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 11:13:45
No problem :3

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Wersa[OC][COF][CT] (#27958)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 12:11:26
My girl Kana? Triple vit. I was offered 200 SB(which I know is complete BS) and it got me thinking about what I should expect from people.

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Ras (#32083)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 14:06:50 Trying to sell my sub male, im asking 150 but im thinking that's too much

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 14:34:08
Wersa: It was probably due to her stats. They're pretty much NCL stats.

But, she is trip vit, all at decent opacities. So you can get away with selling her for 300+ SB.

I wouldn't go any higher than what you have her at now, just cuz you do have to consider her stats in pricing someway or another.

If the price it too high she might never sell.

Ras: Your sub is 271 stats with a normal mane style, and exotic mane color, and a good eye color.

He's got a common base color and this popular marking:

Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (47%)

It's not at too high of an opacity, but it's not very low either.

All of that together and I think you've got him fairly priced.

With him.. he's not that much of a looker. He's not ugly, just simple. For a male with his stats, he would have to be very shiny in order to get away with selling him at a high price. Because then people can keep him for his looks and retire his looks to a higher statted sub later on.

But since he's not shiny, the next thing would be high stats. Someone would want to buy him and then retire their previous male's look to him. But he's not very highly statted > x >

That's not to say he doesn't have much going for him. He is simple, but he has a special mark and an onyx mane which pretty much looks attractive on any base color.

So for the price of 150SB. I think you got it down near perfect~

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BreezyDraws 🎨 (#27168)

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Posted on
2014-06-03 14:37:42
How much is this girl's cubs worth

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-06-04 02:52:03
Malka: All the cubs have a good set of stats. Two of them have special bases while only one of them has a common base color.

Each cub has an exotic mane style and a good eye color, along with these popular markings:

Slot 3: Cream Soft Unders (30%)
Slot 5: Leg Banding Onyx (73%)
Slot 8: Onyx Panther (74%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 1 (68%)
Slot 2: Tail Banding Onyx (92%)
lot 10: Vitiligo 3 (51%)

(Taken from all 3 cubs). And most of these are at high opacities.

For the maltese and slate cubs you are looking at anywhere from 100SB-300SB give or take. They are 300+ stat cubs, and also have good markings.

For the male his pricing may be a little different simply because players will hold him to their submale standards. That being said you may get anywhere from 100SB-400SB give or take.

I give that extra 100SB into the range because he's a firey male with vit 1, 3 and OP. He has a nice look to him with a popular mane style. If you can find the right buyer they may be willing to pay a little extra for his looks. But keep in mind he only has 300+ stats, and most people try to look for 400-500+ in submales.

Hope this helped!

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WindHound (#21212)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2014-06-07 07:27:38
Hey Vulpes,
thank you for helping others getting the right prices for their lions :)

I wanted to ask, how much I could get for these two girls:

Onyx cub
Black cub

Thank you :)

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Sphinx (#35021)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-06-07 07:35:48
These two please?

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-06-07 11:41:22
How much are the foreground roots decor going for? I have one in my branch for 1 GB but I'm not sure.

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-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2014-06-07 11:45:20
I'm trying to figure out a good price for my upcoming heir, Grand Duke Harmon, to be studded at when he takes over the pride. I want to stud him at a reasonable price, that people will pay.

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