Posted by cooldown for lioness

Nynke {6 special
mark maroon} (#12504)

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Posted on
2013-09-26 01:23:45
A cooldown for lioness instead of a cooldown for hunting.
We were given a lot of territory, but not enough training options to keep so many lioness!

So after your lioness came back after 15 minutes, they will have a cooldown of an hour before they can hunt again.
That means, that after 15 minutes, you'd be able to send OTHER lioness out for hunting. When they get back, they need to cooldown for an hour.
If you do the math, that means we could keep 4 teams of 5 lioness if you want a constant rotation. That would mean 25 lioness kept on a regular base - a lot more then 5-7 lioness I see most people keeping.

I think it could help solve the cub-problem. People can't really keep a lot of lioness, since hunting in the only way we can train them. All the others ... just sit there. This way, having more territory makes sense if we can send more lioness out. And at the same time, you still have your 1-hour cooldown. You can't train the same lioness more then you do now, you just train more lioness, not just the same ones.

Would it make the food too cheap?
NOPE! The food has a sort of minimum value, thanks to the monkey business! And - if people keep more lions, they'll need more food too. The number of lioness should go up equally with the food.

I see more people then just me keeping only 5 lioness, and selling all the others because we just can't do anything with them. So logically, a lot of people will suddenly use a lot more food too. So, food keeps it value.

Feel free to give feedback.

This suggestion has 332 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Veloz [BOOM] (#17905)

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Posted on
2013-09-26 21:55:00
I totally support this, along with the same idea that was for the sub male's cooldown.

I currently have two hunting teams that I work on on this account, and since I can't possibly be on 24/7 I'll have to either choose to hunt 5 selected lionesses 10 times or settle for hunting all of them around 4 times a day as that is all the time I can put in due to school and other rl activities.

In the regards of food I think you're completely right Nynke, I use a lot of food already, since I have 17 lions in total on this account right now, even if it was possible to hunt one team every hour while the other is on cooldown it isn't always the lionesses bring anything back, so people would still need to buy food regardless, keeping the economy going around.

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Nynke2 {+1200 Fiery} (#13009)

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Posted on
2013-09-27 22:01:02
Thank you! ^^

I'm glad to hear you like it Veloz ^^
I'm hoping to spread the word a little so this will get noticed ;) It would be a good addition for the game play. We have a lot of territory now ... but with what use?

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2013-09-27 22:15:26
Support! I never did understand the logic behind the cooldown periods, if a lioness has not been sent hunting then she shouldn't need a period of rest only the ones who have. It just wastes time that could be spent training the next team.

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Edited on 28/09/13 by Mid [OLC] (#8680)

Bloodevolver (#2477)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-27 22:15:55
They need to do this ASAP.

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Jian89 *primal* (#12445)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-27 22:25:42
support :p

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PhoenixShadow🍁 (#18767)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-09-28 08:13:43
Totally support... This would be great. I hope they can do it. I also agree that it wouldn't decrease food value, because of what you said - the more lionesses you have, the more food you need.

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Swift (Hiatus
maybe?) (#19212)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-28 10:44:32
Absolutely support. I have some cubs that aren't really quality enough to sell, don't want to chase, but debating training them or continuing to send my current lionesses hunting. Being able to send different groups out would help this problem enormously.

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Oasis Breeder (#18725)

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Posted on
2013-09-28 15:47:46
I'm number 45 to support this:D I don't hunt with my girls a lot but am gonna start hunting more often so i'm not wasting SB on buying other people's food. I like this cuz you won't be tempted to hunt with the same girls over and over, it'll kind of make you have to use your other girls too so they will get experience.

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Outrider [clean
Elysian frail] (#7021)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-29 10:18:01
It's just so silly not to be able to hunt more as your territory grows. Another option I've seen is to be able to get/buy more slots in your hunting party as you gain more territory. Though that idea has been around for months and nothing has been done. :(

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GrimMelvin (#15401)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-29 21:00:12
This is actually a great idea, especially with submales.

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Bagheera (#884)

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Posted on
2013-10-01 06:58:16
This is a great idea!

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Chazz (#8112)

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Posted on
2013-10-02 13:38:46
Excellent idea! Keeping more than five hunters gets to be a bit frustrating as it is right now :/

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Kimakishi (#13351)

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Posted on
2013-10-03 15:43:04
It would be 20 lionesses, darling, but yes. This forever.

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october. (#20592)

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Posted on
2013-10-04 05:28:41
I love this idea! <3

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Darth Vicha (#14764)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-10-05 08:00:07
This would be really cool, and it'd be nice if they did the same thing with subs.
Or, maybe if you could send out 2 subs at a time?

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