Posted by cooldown for lioness

Nynke {6 special
mark maroon} (#12504)

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Posted on
2013-09-26 01:23:45
A cooldown for lioness instead of a cooldown for hunting.
We were given a lot of territory, but not enough training options to keep so many lioness!

So after your lioness came back after 15 minutes, they will have a cooldown of an hour before they can hunt again.
That means, that after 15 minutes, you'd be able to send OTHER lioness out for hunting. When they get back, they need to cooldown for an hour.
If you do the math, that means we could keep 4 teams of 5 lioness if you want a constant rotation. That would mean 25 lioness kept on a regular base - a lot more then 5-7 lioness I see most people keeping.

I think it could help solve the cub-problem. People can't really keep a lot of lioness, since hunting in the only way we can train them. All the others ... just sit there. This way, having more territory makes sense if we can send more lioness out. And at the same time, you still have your 1-hour cooldown. You can't train the same lioness more then you do now, you just train more lioness, not just the same ones.

Would it make the food too cheap?
NOPE! The food has a sort of minimum value, thanks to the monkey business! And - if people keep more lions, they'll need more food too. The number of lioness should go up equally with the food.

I see more people then just me keeping only 5 lioness, and selling all the others because we just can't do anything with them. So logically, a lot of people will suddenly use a lot more food too. So, food keeps it value.

Feel free to give feedback.

This suggestion has 332 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-11-03 18:16:19
Yes, breed more high statted cubs, and in the end no one can sell anything. More high statted lionesses in any pride will mean more high statted cubs for sale. And yes, there might be more need for them, but that need will quickly be drowned by over-supply once the next generation is raised. Right now the prices are just right. High statted lions cost more because of demand and supply.

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Jian89 [Side] (#12938)

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Posted on
2013-11-06 18:39:29
There is always someone gonna breed higher, so the prizes are going with it ... so it's still gonna change nothing to it

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Nynke2 {+1200 Fiery} (#13009)

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Posted on
2013-11-06 19:53:00
Laszlo, by the time I got my own lioness with stats that were good, I discovered the cubs I wanted to sell were considered low stats by that time.
The game keeps moving - High stats are going to become more common and common without this. You can't blame an idea that hasn't been done yet for the current over-supply in the market.

The term "high stat" has a changing definition - a high stat lion used to be a +300, now it's more +700 or even +1000.
The ones in demand are not going to change that much, considering the game just keeps moving. The "lower" high stats, +200 are already common ... without this idea.

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Edited on 07/11/13 by Nynke2 (#13009)

raiden (#15231)

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Posted on
2013-11-07 07:02:24
i agree with u

why have so many lioness that sit round not doing anything and so much territory then? with your idea it would be great

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Ariana (#7706)

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Posted on
2013-11-07 07:04:08

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Jian89 [Side] (#12938)

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Posted on
2013-11-07 18:37:18
even just having 2 hunting team to starting with already be nice. maybe a 'try out' to see how members would like it?

because it's indeed pretty stupid to have 40 space of territory, but only have 5 active hunters ...

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-11-07 20:38:49
However, you pretty much speed up the process.
Currently new members have already a hard time catching up, now you want to make it even harder? I think it is nice to have this slow process of crawling up on the high stat definition. With this there would be too many breeding lionesses in a flash that have high stats. It is nice to have only a select few.

Also, please keep in mind that it depends on you and on your playstyle how many lionesses you have. If you have trouble feeding your girls, then think smart and have a smaller pride. Easy solution and no need to kick up a nicely working balance.

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Veloz [BOOM] (#17905)

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Posted on
2013-11-07 23:31:13
Honestly it wouldn't speed up the process barely at all. As it is right now, I have about ten adult lionesses on both of my accounts, if I'm lucky and manage to time it I can manage to hunt one team six or seven times during a regular day. Which consists of me doing shores at home, being in school about 8 hours, and so on, this means I get onto Lioden during school time, just to hunt my lionesses. But then it's only 5 on each account.

If we have the possibility to have p to 40 territory spaces basically for free, when you fight for it. Then I don't see a reason to who I should have to limit myself to five lionesses just because I can only manage to hunt those. Having the other 15 just sitting there is purely annoying.

As it is right now you barely get any cubs or adols sold, even if they're good in both appearance and stats. I'd say this depends a lot on the fact that people don't just want lions sitting in their den that they can't do anything with but to feed and play with. Lioden would need some kind of change to get the market going again, that's one thing for sure.

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Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 00:02:44
Wouldnt speed it up? Let's look at the facts:

Currently you can hunt with 5 lionesses every hour. If you have two accounts, then it is 10. Now these 10 lionesses can gin stats and breed high statted cubs which can land in the market. Averagely that would be 15-20 cubs per heat if you breed for the market.

Now let's see if you put cooldown on lionesses:
You can send -in average- 10 lionesses per account. Which meant 20 if you use both accounts. Some can send even 30-40, depending on their time. All these lionesses will gain stats rapidly, and can give birth to 30-40, on rare occasions 50-60 cubs in average for the market per heat. If THIS is not speeding up the process and doesnt flood the market with high statted cubs then I dont know what would.

If you really find that they are sitting there boring, then have a smaller pride or instead of flooding the market, why dont you suggest other uses for lionesses instead?

- Lioneeses who arent sent to hunt could protect the cubs from other predators
- Lionesses who arent sent to hunt could protect the Hoard from hyanes and jackals and vultures.
- Some of the lionesses could be sent to wander on their own, acting much like the 'patrol system' of the submales and bring back small carcasses (only small, not big) and toys.
etc etc etc...

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Edited on 08/11/13 by Laszlo (#10825)

jakory (#9961)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 03:12:39
Laszlo, I like those ideas you've got there. ;W;

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Naestie (#21729)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 04:11:25
completely support actually came here to suggest that we can increase our hunting ground size with gold beetles to more lioness so that i can keep more then 5 lions BUT
this idea so much much better and i hope they will add this soon!

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Veloz [BOOM] (#17905)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 04:30:23
The stat gain of each lioness you send out wouldn't speed up that much as there would still be a cool down period for every lioness that have hunted. I would love to see more things that the lionesses can do if they do not hunt, but that is for another thread for game development.

The whole idea with that all lionesses should be affected because five of them have hunted is just ridiculous to me, same goes for sub males that patrol, but regardless.

I do understand your reasoning for that if people just breed for the sake of breeding then there will be a lot of cubs. However that is already the case going on right now. I can't speak for others than myself, and my way of playing, but if I breed my females then I generally always have a goal with it, I like having bloodlines, which is what I am working on building up right now. If I don't get a cub that lives up to the goals I have, and I don't get it sold for a reasonable price taking in consideration the time and money I've put behind it, then I'll just chase them, deleting them from the game.

How others play is up to them. I think changing the cool down to be individual to the lioness rather than affecting the pride is completely reasonable.

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Jian89 [Side] (#12938)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 05:00:06
As Veloz say, there is already a flood of to many cubs.

en maybe more hunter 'could' speed up high stats, but let me say this first.
only a month ago, the lowest high stat male on the leader board was 'barely' 1000.
now the highest is 3000+ and the lowest 1500+.
in regard, those are gonna keep high stud prizes, prizes NOT everyone can afford. so it's not that suddenly everyone is gonna be able to breed high stat lioness out of nowhere.

if there are to many cubs on the market, then people are either gonna sell them for lower prizes, making that higher stats are gonna be more clue + some of us do chase the cubs we don't sell in stead of just trowing them around.

why having 40+ territory if you would only have 5 active females? that is just ridiculous ...

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Nkanyezi (#21486)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 07:11:33
I have to agree with Veloz and GotaCacel.

I don't think being able to hunt, say, 10 females (2 teams an hour) instead of just one would cause that much of an upheaval in the market.

Laszlo, I don't think it would be bad to have the idea of protecting the food or cub as a bad thing. However, wouldn't have females patrol just result in the same thing? Sub-males have a chance for stats when they patrol, so why not just have a second hunting team?

I'd pay to unlock the feature to be able to put out 10 lionesses instead of 5. We can pay for territory over 40 with gold beetles, so why not an option to pay for additional females hunting, up to say 10?

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MysticSky (#10364)

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Posted on
2013-11-08 07:34:20
my idea for this hav lionesses hunt nore than on space :D like a submale. Or add hunting slots with sb . I do like your idea though by letting us with expanive prides hunt more lionesses we can keep our prides fed instead of going broke buying foods as I so often do

You have my support and my ideas!

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