Posted by cooldown for lioness

Nynke {6 special
mark maroon} (#12504)

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Posted on
2013-09-26 01:23:45
A cooldown for lioness instead of a cooldown for hunting.
We were given a lot of territory, but not enough training options to keep so many lioness!

So after your lioness came back after 15 minutes, they will have a cooldown of an hour before they can hunt again.
That means, that after 15 minutes, you'd be able to send OTHER lioness out for hunting. When they get back, they need to cooldown for an hour.
If you do the math, that means we could keep 4 teams of 5 lioness if you want a constant rotation. That would mean 25 lioness kept on a regular base - a lot more then 5-7 lioness I see most people keeping.

I think it could help solve the cub-problem. People can't really keep a lot of lioness, since hunting in the only way we can train them. All the others ... just sit there. This way, having more territory makes sense if we can send more lioness out. And at the same time, you still have your 1-hour cooldown. You can't train the same lioness more then you do now, you just train more lioness, not just the same ones.

Would it make the food too cheap?
NOPE! The food has a sort of minimum value, thanks to the monkey business! And - if people keep more lions, they'll need more food too. The number of lioness should go up equally with the food.

I see more people then just me keeping only 5 lioness, and selling all the others because we just can't do anything with them. So logically, a lot of people will suddenly use a lot more food too. So, food keeps it value.

Feel free to give feedback.

This suggestion has 332 supports and 0 NO supports.

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HilleriX (#5766)

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Posted on
2013-10-05 08:26:56
I love this idea, totally supporting this since the current hunting system seems as a bit of a lioness waste to me ^-^'

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MurderVictim (#2008)

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Posted on
2013-10-05 18:35:40
Total support!

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Leafeon (#18039)

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Posted on
2013-10-08 07:24:32
Love this. Perfect! :DDD

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Supernatural |BBC| (#3486)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-10-08 16:47:33
Supported, 'nuff said.

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Clay 🐓 (#20064)

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Posted on
2013-10-09 14:17:05
This would allow users to non-stop grind-train their lionesses all day long without any real breaks, and therefore I don't support

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Rizzi (#6329)

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Posted on
2013-10-09 20:30:26
I have 2 hunting teams and waiting a hour before i can hunt again is sometimes really annoying......

Full Support From Me !!!


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Palecat5 (#7948)

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Posted on
2013-10-16 01:52:49
I want this so bad. I chased more than enough of girls to save money.

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Katavi [Mhenga
Usafi] (#21119)

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Posted on
2013-10-17 20:01:30
Full support from me. I'd love an option to have two hunting teams and actually get them both their 10 hunts a day.

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Ariana (#7706)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-10-17 20:19:31
So true

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Bamon (#12532)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2013-10-17 21:24:23
I support this. I have a lot of lionesses that I want to train up, but as it is I can only do five at a time. If the lionesses who hunted got the cooldown from hunting instead of the whole lot of our lionesses, it would be such a bonus, and I agree about the food. I have two large prides to feed. Sometimes, hunting just five lionesses and with my lion in explore just doesn't give me enough food for the day. XD

This definitely needs to be put in for subs too. =3

Good idea!

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Edited on 18/10/13 by Bamon2 (The 200-reds!) (#12532)

Laszlo (#10825)

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Posted on
2013-10-18 06:37:15
I only support an additional hunting party for a good SB price, but nothing more.

As Clayton said, this could be abused badly.

And seriously... this would unbalance the game greatly. Why?

Let me explain:

Right now there is a balance between big and small prides, both have advantages and disadvantages.

In a big pride you can breed and sell cubs, you can sell lionesses, etc etc. So gain one type of income, which is the advantage. However, a big pride needs food indeed, more than small prides, and five lionesses might not hunt enough for the pride's needs. This is the disadvantage.

And who will get the food?
The small prides.

A small pride has excessive food which they can sell, which is one type of income, which is the advantage. However they dont breed, and dont sell cubs as they dont have the capacity, which is the disadvantage.

With this type of cooldown you would unbalance the working system. Small prides would lose their advantage and only income beside exploring.

Plus it is just right that you can train only five lionesses at once if you have only one hunting party. This way big prides dont have an enormous advantage over those who choose not to have a big pride.

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Edited on 18/10/13 by Laszlo (#10825)

jakory (#9961)

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Posted on
2013-10-18 10:18:34
@Laszlo - what you said is like deja vu, lol !

I'm on the fence since I don't really care for training my lions, lol, stats aren't my obsession - beauty is.

I think it's a more realistic idea, but it would hurt the lil'prides, lol, I don't sell food even though my pride is small but y'know some people make their income that way.

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Nynke {6 special
mark maroon} (#12504)

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Posted on
2013-10-20 15:59:16

Currently their isn't really much balance ... You might have a point in the small-big pride thing, but I'm a small pride. I recently retired some lioness, and I didn't need all of the cubs from their last litter. So I tried selling those. TRIED. They were freaking good cubs, but I couldn't get them to go for even a remotely decent price. They had stats, they were pretty... but nope, I got low offers. That is not balanced ....

Most small prides care about stats, it would give them the ability to keep more. They don't have more because the thing they care about, can't be gained for any more lioness. So they are small prides.
The number of lioness should go up equally with the food, so small prides should still have food to sell ^^
And small prides can sell cubs as much as big prides.

You can grind with this, yes. But I'm not suggestion to remove the 10 hunts per day limit. They can grind ... but still with a cap.
And on top of that ... You can't perfectly switch 4 hunting teams to make the 15 minutes in an hour. Ideal would be 2 hunting teams, for people with a lot of time, 3.

Most people have jobs and school, an hour cooldown each time is a lot. This would allow those people to play in the evening without needing to leave their computer for an hour each time.

EDIT: And also .... I don't care much for the sales. I just like to play the game, train my lions and lioness, make them gain more and more stats. It would just be a lot nicer if I had a 2end hunting party to play with ^^ Some more color diversity for me, 5 isn't much to work with. But I can't keep more, cause then I wouldn't be able to keep their stats up.

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Edited on 22/10/13 by Nynke (#12504)

Harrisheart (#3768)

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Posted on
2013-10-22 16:31:51
I kind of support this because I really hate only being able to hunt one team! But I would be perfectly content with say only 2 teams - that's still 10 hunting lionesses! XD.

I think if people could hunt so many girls then the likelihood of them bringing home food should be reduced at least a little. Not a lot, but some to keep it fair. I mean my team of 5 was feeding 18 lions for a long time o.0;.

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Nynke2 {+1200 Fiery} (#13009)

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Posted on
2013-10-23 06:50:29
Keep in mind just because we can have more hunts in that case, that the lioness won't always bring something back, and that not everybody can spend as much time here!
People seem to assume everybody is on this game 24/7 ... I mean, it's not like your lioness bring back a little less every now and then ... I have days I have plenty of food, and I have days I hardly have enough for myself. And I keep selling the ones I can't hunt with.

It would bring some more diversity yes, but some people would still chose to have only 1 hunting team..
And don't forget, not all big prides really go hunting that often ...

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Edited on 25/10/13 by Nynke2 (#13009)

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