Posted by Higher value for customs

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 04:42:02
Split into two suggestions to help increase the value of custom colours/special coats/wild colours. Please post if you do not support both, as well as an explanation as to why you don't think either would work.

The suggestions:

1. You've got this customized male, right? And then there's the "keep" option that was created to allow people to keep their GB spent on their fabulous male. However, this is equal, even for non-customized males. What if we changed this, so customized males will have the benefit of having this option? Or maybe create another Oasis item you can buy to get the option to "keep" any king's design for another heir.

You're supposed to have certain benefits when customizing your male, right? Hard work or lots of money spent - they should be worth something. A free "pass" sort of speaking.

2. Lower the chance for passing custom colours to cubs, as well as specials. Wild colours are supposed to be more common, right? Wouldn't it make more sense that the colours you have to pay for in the Oasis are rarer and harder to come by? Same wth the special lionesses. They're not that special any longer.

In my opinion, this would make customs a lot more valuable, and you'll actually gain something from spending those GB. It'd also make the game a bit harder, as well as increase the value for wild-coloured (sundust, goldens, fawns etc.) lion(esse)s. Think about it, a newbie can actually make profit by selling one of their cubs!

This suggestion has 18 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 04:47:32
What about the people who don't publicly stud their kings?

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Elemmire [main] (#6739)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 05:27:48
This is genious. It would help the market like no other. Support.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 05:35:57
Kailani@: If this was to be implemented to the site, it'd have to be the same for everyone, of course. It's just a choice you make, to not open for stud requests. With such a system everyone would have to work to keep a stud everyone will enjoy. Of course, I wouldn't mind keeping the "retire early" button for 10 GB, but perhaps keeping the looks should be reserved to customs only?

Personally, I'd love to have more things to do here. Would make me more eager in training my lions to be the best, and you'd have to choose, genuinly, between good stats or good looks (if you're not lucky enough to have both). c:

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 05:49:13
What about the folks who have private, non custom, studs and wish to keep their looks over time?

I guess I feel that this is forcing people to play a certain way. While I do agree that something should be done to make custom lions more "valuable" I don't think this is the right way to do it.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 06:51:56
I don't see the problem... If we implement it for some, it has to be implemented for everyone. And yes, if they love the looks of their current king they'll just have to look at them in their dynasty instead.

If my dog dies, I won't be able to replace him with an exact copy. I think it's logical that this sim works the same way; there's a reason to having heirs. If not we might as well go on with an everlasting king, since everyone wants to keep their current looks!

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 07:13:45
No support.

When you customize for GB, you get the more pretty look anyway, which you can inherit to the heir. Now, why would we take away this right from those who didnt spend money to the site?

Indeed as Kailani said, you would be forcing people to buy males even though they like the wild look of the current main, and would like to keep it, and want to solely breed within their own pride, because this is the natural way a lion breeds.

I most certainly wouldnt want to be forced to buy a male just so I can keep its looks.

It wouldnt be fair at all towards the 'free players' in a free game.

The value of customs was trashed with the introduction of the studding system. Nothing more. Custom cubs flooded the market, we are still suffering from that enormous wave. And now we are stuck with this as a result. All we can do is accept it.

The only way I might be able to see a correction would be to alter the chance of a cub inheriting custom coats to very low. At least for a while to filter out all those custom lions which were a result of the unlimited studding system back then.

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Rhaenys (#19756)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 07:23:46
No support

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Corwinn {Side
Account} (#22171)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 07:40:16
I don't know if I support this.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 08:38:26
I get your point Axel, but I still think it's a good idea. c: Not because it'll "force" players to play in one way or another. I'm a free player, as you so wisely named it. It's possible, trust me! I'd keep my heir's looks, had it not been for the fact that I struggled to get a customized and my breeding partner prefers custom coats.

People keep rambling about "realism" in the game. Where's the realistic point about having identical lions all the way through the game? The people who donate are supposed to have an advantage, right?

I suppose people don't like this, simply because it destroys the way they were going to play this. With a super-awesome lion design that lasts forever. I'd love to see customized males be more valuable again! I remember back when I joined, you had to pay a LOT to get full-custom cubs. Now they go for free, because everyone wants the cubs these high-stat, special-coated males produce. I think it'd be fair if these users had to use their heir the next time around, and not continue their way around with the design they already had.

Would make people more eager to get young submales to ensure a long-lived king. I honestly can't see the negatives with this. It's just like when they implemented the new hunting system. Because we couldn't continue statting as quickly as before, everyone hated it. But that's what it's like, and we have to get used to it. It's more REALISTIC this way. And it'd be more realistic if the lion actually died when he retired (unless he's a custom someone payed hoards of GB on).

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 17:29:48
Please do not compare the new hunting system with your idea. The new hunting system was an overall update. Not just for free players, not just for those who spend GB. But the limit was for everyone.

There is a difference between balancing and making something unfair.

When you customize, you already have a lot of advantages. You get the lion you dreamed of, you can breed for the market, you can stud. You get money out of it. Well, you get the chance for it at least.

When you dont customize, you can bask in the wild appearance of your male and breed for yourself only. Or if you have high stats, then you can stud, otherwise you are closed out of the market.

If we are talking about realism, then make it so it is fair and limits everyone. No matter the color of your male, there should be no opportunity to inherit the exact coat. Because nature doesnt care about GBs spent for customizing.

And please define what you view as 'custom'.
- Lions customized.
- Lions bred by customized males.
- Lions in the family line of customized lions.
- Lions inheriting custom coats from customized male.
- Lions inheriting custom markings.
- Lions inheriting no custom colors or markings but are the offspring of customized males.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 19:50:45
You can quicken your waiting time with GB. But that's not revelant for the case.

People get more money out of special-marked and coated lions these days. Customized males no longer work as studs! I've had my male at the lowest possible, his stats aren't that bad and overall I don't think he's ugly. Yet I've never gotten an outside breeding request for him.

Custom would be lion(esse)s customized in the Oasis, and their offspring would be full-customs or half-customs depending on their breeding partner.

The retiring system was created to make donators who customize their male able to keep their GB spent. I don't believe in the slightest it was supposed to be taken advantage of like it is now!

Okay, so if you do breed only for yourself and "bask" in your lions wild colours, then why wouldn't you be able to breed a heir that could take over the spot of your leader, with equal amount of "wildness"?

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Edited on 16/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 20:13:49
So, if say, I have a customized lion, not with custom colors, but wild colors, then breed it to my females, no matter if my male was customized, my heir cannot give his look to his own cubs, because it isnt a custom color?

Kind of unfair and not exactly thought out.

This would only make new members and those who dont pay money less happy about the game and about their luck for the coat they got for their lion. If they want to keep their lion's looks, then let them do so. If they want to change the way he looks, they can just keep the heir's look. Dont force them to play one way and limit them, just because you want to make customs more special. The special coats will spread and eventually become even more common than custom colors. I for one see more fieries now as studs than vandals ._.

As I have pointed out before, custom's value was trashed by the studding system and nothing will bring back their own value. The only way I see would be a complete server reset or deletion of all current cubs and adols, plus half of the females, AND the deletion of the studding system. Studs would get back their worth. Otherwise I see little chance, even with this. This would cause a huge uproar and many would quit.

The retiring system was made for everyone. Not just donators as the way to make retiring easier. Not just for those who spend GB. Please keep that in mind. This is a free game, so those who pay GB can maybe get advantage, but completely favoring them would be a downfall of the game.

And for your last sentence... But what if like his looks? What if I feel lucky after rolling it and got this neat appearance and want to keep it for a few more generations? What then? Would you force me to part with it? Just so others can sell me their lions? making me dependent? No thank you.

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Sixxela . (#2641)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 20:16:48
Don't approve of this idea, doesn't get my support.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 20:24:11
Just to explain it in a better way:

Situation A:
I pay 10GB to customize my lion to be vandal. I breed a submale that is vandal too, whose looks can be inherited by his own cubs.

Situation B:
I pay 10GB to customize my lion to be dark golden. I breed a submale that is dark golden too, but his looks according to your idea wont be able to be inherited by his own cubs because it isnt custom color. I paid 10GB for the customization, the same way as person A. So, why cant I keep the look? Just because it isnt custom?

I am right now person B. My lion was customized, it doesnt have a custom color though. And according to your idea, the cubs cannot inherit the color because it isnt custom. Some people simply like the wild colors more than custom ones. And this idea would force them to take a custom color if they want it to be inherited.

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Edited on 16/12/13 by Axel (#6627)

Lionness (#20926)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2013-12-15 20:29:36
No support

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