Posted by | Higher value for customs |
![]() Friskusis (#8834) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-12-15 04:42:02 |
Split into two suggestions to help increase the value of custom colours/special coats/wild colours. Please post if you do not support both, as well as an explanation as to why you don't think either would work. The suggestions: 1. You've got this customized male, right? And then there's the "keep" option that was created to allow people to keep their GB spent on their fabulous male. However, this is equal, even for non-customized males. What if we changed this, so customized males will have the benefit of having this option? Or maybe create another Oasis item you can buy to get the option to "keep" any king's design for another heir. You're supposed to have certain benefits when customizing your male, right? Hard work or lots of money spent - they should be worth something. A free "pass" sort of speaking. 2. Lower the chance for passing custom colours to cubs, as well as specials. Wild colours are supposed to be more common, right? Wouldn't it make more sense that the colours you have to pay for in the Oasis are rarer and harder to come by? Same wth the special lionesses. They're not that special any longer. In my opinion, this would make customs a lot more valuable, and you'll actually gain something from spending those GB. It'd also make the game a bit harder, as well as increase the value for wild-coloured (sundust, goldens, fawns etc.) lion(esse)s. Think about it, a newbie can actually make profit by selling one of their cubs! |
Eternal (#18330)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-12-20 05:16:13 |
I was on the fence at first, but I don't think that I support this... I think it would be really intriguing if no one got to keep their male's design (whether they paid for it or not, I paid for mine) and had to rely one breeding (and/or choosing to spend the GB to make another custom male again). Myself, I'm relying on breeding. I want to breed my own heir. Did I buy lionesses outside of my pride? Yes. Will I buy a sub-male? No. I have a base pride and now I'm building. Fun...and totally beside the point. My point is, the idea is okay, but everyone should lose their looks, not just those that paid the GB to customize. Otherwise, there'd be no point because you can just as easily customize for a natural coat with natural markings, etc. You would just have to have the money. ![]() |
Friskusis (#8834)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-12-20 05:38:52 |
Axel@: Looking back at my first sentences I do realise they made no sense... You're right about that one. Anyway, I think that if the keep function should be changed, it'd have to affect everyone. Not like you suggested, removing the keep function for special-coated studs. Would cause an uproar, I'm sure. I see what you mean with people enjoying the looks of their current lion, wild or not, but genuinly I think it'd make it a lot more exciting for them to switch their kings at times as well. And they could always keep their previous kings in their dynasty (once our former lions start popping up there, of course). Keeping it short, since I have limitted time. But I read everything you wrote. My sister never had a problem with her wild-coated male, but she kept all the wild coated lionesses as well, and intended to change her wild-coated male once he was ready to retire (unfortunatly she quit before he got to that point). I think even "free" users would enjoy a good challenge. Blossom@: Agreed, though when you think about it, they implemented the 'keep' function because of the Oasis made males. They wanted to protect the ones who had spent lots of money on their king. However, this function broadened over all designs and has been used pretty effectivly to gain more and more. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to do as you suggested, and allow nobody to keep their designs for a while? ![]() |
Eternal (#18330)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-12-20 05:41:23 |
Everyone with a perfect special stud would definitely be highly upset if they couldn't keep them. Lol. It would still make the game way more interesting and more challenging, and everyone would get a shot at the top at some point or another, if they worked hard enough. ![]() |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-12-20 06:36:34 |
Depends on player styles really. If someone likes the design, why cant they keep it? As I have pointed out, wild coats are absolutely no threat to customs. They are the ones who have the very least impact on the game. If they like their rolled king, let them enjoy his looks for a long time, for generations if they like. If they want a change or truly wish to finally get a new looking king, they will simply keep the heir's appearance. They will do that when they feel up to it. And that is how it is right. Forcing something onto them will only cause them grief, and will have no other effect. Because this wont change the value of customs... And let's not talk about the theory if they would enjoy it or find it exciting. We couldnt know that, only if there was a poll about this, and whole Lioden could vote. Otherwise one cant say for sure. I for one would be highly upset if I like the wild design of my male and want my next king to look the same.... and then I am forced to have a completely different design... I think increasing rarity of custom coats by making inheritance a lower rate would be just enough for the start. ![]() |
Friskusis (#8834)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2013-12-20 07:20:18 |
Technically (in my mind, at least), you do keep a king's design at death. They implemented the dynasty for a reason, I'm sure... Don't get me wrong, if I ever get enough GB to recustomize my male I'll definitly make him fawn. Because that's the colour I love the most. I have nothing against wild colours, I just wish that people would take lions for other reasons than their bases. I could suggest a million things that could be added to the lions, to make them different and unique. Genetics (suggested by the staff) is by far my favorite, since it'll allow you a chance to pass on genes from your lion's parents. No offence, but why cry over pixels on a screen? Animals die in real life, and their looks aren't automatically transferred to another lion. If you love the design so much, keep it in your dynasty and you can admire him/keep him as a character if you please. If you like the looks of your current wild king, then your mission would be to breed an heir with similiar looks, right? I'd see it as a whole new perspective of playing LD. My idea of a start would be this: Introduce genetics, and make it more interesting to breed for genes as well, then remove the 'keep' function/lower the inheritance rates. Anyway, if the staff thinks this is an outrageous idea that can never be implemented to their site, they'll just delete it like the news comment said. ![]() |