Posted by Higher value for customs

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 04:42:02
Split into two suggestions to help increase the value of custom colours/special coats/wild colours. Please post if you do not support both, as well as an explanation as to why you don't think either would work.

The suggestions:

1. You've got this customized male, right? And then there's the "keep" option that was created to allow people to keep their GB spent on their fabulous male. However, this is equal, even for non-customized males. What if we changed this, so customized males will have the benefit of having this option? Or maybe create another Oasis item you can buy to get the option to "keep" any king's design for another heir.

You're supposed to have certain benefits when customizing your male, right? Hard work or lots of money spent - they should be worth something. A free "pass" sort of speaking.

2. Lower the chance for passing custom colours to cubs, as well as specials. Wild colours are supposed to be more common, right? Wouldn't it make more sense that the colours you have to pay for in the Oasis are rarer and harder to come by? Same wth the special lionesses. They're not that special any longer.

In my opinion, this would make customs a lot more valuable, and you'll actually gain something from spending those GB. It'd also make the game a bit harder, as well as increase the value for wild-coloured (sundust, goldens, fawns etc.) lion(esse)s. Think about it, a newbie can actually make profit by selling one of their cubs!

This suggestion has 18 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-18 03:33:46
I'm a free player. I made my 'perfect stud'. It's not impossible, you know.

My problem isn't that they're using customization tools in the Oasis. I spent money on changing the opacity on my cubs' markings, to give them a higher possibility to passing on the markings to their cubs. I've even done so on female cubs! I'd use the mane changer to get a mane that I'd prefer to have for future subs/kings.

Or perhaps making "custom coats" even rarer to be inherited. Specificly vandals/blacks/maltese/etc. and possibly lower the chance of special coats inheriting as well.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-18 04:35:04
'perfect stud' because you customized. This doesnt make you to one of the 'free players'. Free players are those who cannot use customization in any way, thus their lions still have the wild colors and markings they rolled them with or bred them with. They would be the only ones suffering from this idea. They arent a threat in the market to custom studs.

As I pointed out before, special studs -who make the customs worthless compared to them- use customization, thus they wouldnt be affected by your idea.

Yes, this was something I advised you suggest in my first post here. To change inheriting rates for customs to be harder to get, thus less will be on the market. And the less there is on the market, the more valuable they will be. Supply and demand.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-18 04:49:32
I never bought any GB, now did I? Technically I'm a "free player" as well. I never spent a penny on LD. So someone who's replaced their king with a submale with vandal base isn't a "free player" any longer, since their colour isn't wild any longer?

And as said, they're not technically customized. Boosting every marking doesn't make them customized. At least not in my opinion. Just altered from their natural looks. That's why I'm really annoyed by people who say they have a "full-custom" special stud. They're not full-custom in any way.

Could be a solution to the entire issue, even though it'd still be easier for those who already have custom coated lion. They can just keep this design for eternity, instead of breeding new kings.

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Blackthorn (#5838)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2013-12-18 04:58:51
No support. I think the retiring system is fine as is.

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Graciegra (Side) (#9776)

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Posted on
2013-12-18 05:05:45
I quite agree.

I would like that customizing the main male is worth a little more, now all can have a custom color male without spending GB

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Valiance (#8980)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2013-12-18 05:09:33
No support.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-18 05:49:23
Changed the title and split the thread into two seperate suggestions. Genuinly, my goal with this thread is to bring back value to the wild-coloured lions as well, making it less common having those "custom" bases.

I respect everyone who disagrees with my suggestion, but I really think that something should be done to make it easier for newbies to get into the game as well. :/

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-18 05:50:48
If someone didnt buy that GB, then then you wouldnt have that GB to customize your lion.
Those who have no money to buy GB for either real money or SB would be solely the only ones affected who barely have any effect on the market. They arent the ones who caused the sudden drop of value of customs.

The specials did and the studding system. Think of something against them instead of pushing down those who are not at fault. This wont make customs more worth, this takes away the little worth the wild colors still have left.

I was talking about the customization tools connected to specials, because apparently they wouldnt be affected by what you suggest, seeing they also are customized in a way, thus you wouldnt reach what you truly want to achieve. Simply they need to use a single marking changer and their design can be inherited by submales upon retiring. Do you understand what I am saying here? Specials would not be affected.

Thus the custom's value doesnt change an inch, specials still keep being 'perfect studs' for many generations to come, but the wild colors lose even more value and you are ripping the players from their favorite wild coats.

The only solution to this might be that doesnt disregard and completely destroy the fun of free players:
- full server reset or
- deletion of all current cubs and adols in the game or
- Making special coats and markings non-inheritable upon retiring the main male.

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Edited on 18/12/13 by Axel (#6627)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-18 05:54:07
And I dont understand how your second suggestion increases the value of wild coats ._.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-18 06:20:04
Less custom coats=More people turning towards wild-coats/custom colours being more valuable. If you can't acquire a vandal, but a nice golden then surely you'd keep that cub instead of throwing away loads of cubs? This is where I want the genetics to become part of the game. A cub can carry the gene for a custom coat, but they don't show the base themselves. A Bb situation.

I didn't buy my GB for SB. You can earn GB from other sources, you know.

I'm trying to explain, but... In my theory, less custom coats means that people have to keep some of their wild coats, right? And I don't think you quite understand what I mean with customs. ONLY customs created with the lion creator in the Oasis. Prettying up your lions with Oasis items won't make the lion "custom".

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-18 16:49:22
It still means that you could spend GB and you have a customized lion. It doesnt matter how you got to the GB. The main thing is that your lion isnt wild color any longer. Those who have wild coats cannot. They have no impact on the market. Wild coats are not valuable, and are no threat to custom colors, this is why the first idea would only trash their chances on the market and make their wild coats basically be worth nothing.

Well, this will in a way reduce the value of wild coats, as there will be a lot more. It might indeed make custom colors more valuable, but specials will still trash them even after, since they will become even rarer, thus their value will rise, studs become more sought after.

This still needs a slight tweaking. I am not sure what would be better, honestly... There are two situations:
1. We make specials more rare by them having a lower inheritance rate, thus making it harder to obtain, raising their value further...
2. We make specials still easy to obtain, letting them spread fast and become more common and lower the value.
So, I am not exactly sure which is the most fortunate...

And I think the staff would disagree on your last sentences. Those who use customization tools are also counting towards customized, as they actually spend above 10GB while buying more customization tools and applying them. People would surely be enraged when they spend real money on a lion's customization, be it with tools or the full customization option, and they lose the coat after a generation. The customization tools would never be bought again, and the staff would get less income...

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-19 21:43:24
*cough* I already told you... Using a fancy Oasis ITEM won't make your lion customized! You'll physically have to use the generator and make one there if you want a custom. And if both systems are implemented, you'll have less special coats and no ability to keep all of your custom coated lions (since inheriting the coat is now rare) and thus more wild-coloured studs/lions will appear.

I don't get why you're still saying it'll reduce their value, while I think it'll be on a rising course. Less custom coats will mean that people will pay extra for those, but now that wild colours are more common people will look more at stats than bases. True, custom based studs will be searched for and people will probably pay extra for them as well, more than the wild coloured studs. But it was like this when LD first started, wasn't it? Custom bases in your pride allowed us a chance to get custom coats in our pride, while wild colours should be more common.

Specials value has dropped now that they're common. Even I managed to obtain a special without too much hard work. Shouldn't specials be rare and more valuable?

I'd buy customization tools. Just not use them all on a single lion. Because I don't honestly see the point of that, unless you're planning on making a "super-stud" with tons of special markings. My view on the case is that the lion is finer than it originally was, with his opacity markings and all. But genuinly, I don't think the lion is "customized". Please, define what you see as a "custom". Right now you're making it sound like buying one Oasis tool to change an opacity makes them a custom.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-19 22:29:05
Using fancy oasis items I know dont count as customization. But the staff might not think the same way, as I have pointed out before. They paid real money for those items, and I am sure they dont want their customers to lose the markings and coat after using them.

I wasnt saying that your second idea is bad. I am okay with the inheritance being rarer, as I have also suggested it in my very first post here, that this would be the best solution and not your first idea.

I am complaining only about your first idea, which you have formed because specials take away the value of customs and everyone wants them instead of customs. But in the end only those who spent no GB and have wild colors would be affected negatively -those who have absolutely no effect on the market and on the value of the customs. Because, as I have pointed out, the staff would never reduce the value of their own customization tools and surely would give them the ability to inherit the coat upon retiring, just so people keep buying them.

And now I have to ask you an important question:

1. Do you want the special coats be become rare, hard to get and still keep their higher value, being more valuable than customs, overshadow customs and let people ask for studs only from special coated lions...


2. Make specials less valuable, more common, let them spread, so customs can get back their value above the specials.

Because your first idea was made thanks to the special coats and the fact that they can keep the design upon retiring. Now you want to actually defend them and say they need to stay rare? Doesnt it equal to reducing the value of customs?

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-20 02:16:20
I honestly don't see the point. Buying those things are your choice. Just as if you skip the waiting time on hunting/patrolling or buy 100 energy. Should these things also be "kept" then?

Personally, I'd like to see both happen.

Isn't the game about working hard to get what you want? And if a newbie wishes to play for him/herself, then they won't get involved in the market at all, thus limitting them to all wild coloured lions.

I want them to be rarer. Don't you see? The coats are harder to inherit (possibly incorperate the genetics system into this) and special studs cannot be kept for many generations. Thus the bases will be rarer. On the other hand, when custom colours also become rare due to the lower chance of inheritance, these will also rise in value. Many people love these colours, and would pay a lot to have them. Or work intensivly to gain those colours. My problem is that the "special" bases no longer is special. You can get a plain special coated lioness for nothing these days. With markings, she immediatly gets more expensive, but otherwise anyone can get it. Why not make both specials and customs a tad rarer, and make the game harder? It'd bring a purpose into breeding as well.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-20 05:06:39
I wont even comment on your first sentences because they make no sense ._. Those tools are not meant to be kept but used and they serve their purpose.

I still dont understand how taking away the right to keep the wild colors on their lions for generations would be useful...
What kind of use does it have in the matter of the customs' value?
If they want to keep their wild coats for generations, let them have it. If they dont want to change it, dont force them. They have no impact upon the market, as the wild colors dont sell anyway.

And making specials rarer.... well.... Depends. Maybe you should post a poll about this in the Waterhole before making this idea, just to see what most think. The opinion on making the specials rare or not is under heavy debate of the playerbase. Of what I could see, many wish to make them available for everyone and share the coats and markings. Of course I can help you and open a discussion thread about it myself.

I know your goal, I understand it of course. I understood it from the start and I do support the idea of making customs more valuable -as my first comment on the first page shows.

However I am also trying to keep this fair. Limiting wild coats to one generation wont solve the issue. It wont even have an impact on the value of customs. It will only cause grief to wild coat breeders, and players who cannot buy GB in any way.

Your second idea is good. I would support this if you removed the first one. I have no issues with that.

If you truly want to make special coats so rare, then instead of limiting wild coats, how about taking away the option to keep the appearance of a male upon retiring if it has a special base? It would have greater impact on the market and make the coats rarer. And in return it would leave the wild coats alone.

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