Posted by Higher value for customs

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 04:42:02
Split into two suggestions to help increase the value of custom colours/special coats/wild colours. Please post if you do not support both, as well as an explanation as to why you don't think either would work.

The suggestions:

1. You've got this customized male, right? And then there's the "keep" option that was created to allow people to keep their GB spent on their fabulous male. However, this is equal, even for non-customized males. What if we changed this, so customized males will have the benefit of having this option? Or maybe create another Oasis item you can buy to get the option to "keep" any king's design for another heir.

You're supposed to have certain benefits when customizing your male, right? Hard work or lots of money spent - they should be worth something. A free "pass" sort of speaking.

2. Lower the chance for passing custom colours to cubs, as well as specials. Wild colours are supposed to be more common, right? Wouldn't it make more sense that the colours you have to pay for in the Oasis are rarer and harder to come by? Same wth the special lionesses. They're not that special any longer.

In my opinion, this would make customs a lot more valuable, and you'll actually gain something from spending those GB. It'd also make the game a bit harder, as well as increase the value for wild-coloured (sundust, goldens, fawns etc.) lion(esse)s. Think about it, a newbie can actually make profit by selling one of their cubs!

This suggestion has 18 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 20:52:20
You're getting the wrong idea, Axel. A customized male is a customized male! Any custom made/created in the Oasis will be defined as custom, even if their colours are wild or not.

I'm not expecting them to delete the option for normal users to retire their king early. Just that they can't keep the looks of their previous lion. This is why we've got special coated/marked lions with 1000+ stats now, because people use the retiring system to their advantage. Spending 10 GB to retire your king would be nothing compared to what you could earn for a many-marked special stud with high stats.

I actually think you misunderstood my whole suggestion. Colours WILL be inherited like they used to. You just won't be able to keep the heir's look over several kings. Right now you can keep your non-customized male over several generations as well, while the "keep" function was mostly added for customized lions. I'm not hinting that we won't be able to inherit colours, because the base is wild! Person B CAN keep their customized male, because he was created in the Oasis and is customized, just like your ordinary vandal 10 marked stud.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting a lot of support on this. But I won't be backing out of this anyway. Most likely it'll ruin how people play because the uncustomized king will have to be replaced with the heir's looks. That's why I compared it with the new hunting system, because it's something people won't like.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2013-12-15 20:55:01
What if I slowly over the 15 years my male was alive worked really hard and earned some GB, not customize all at once but to do so over the lions years?

If I buy a base changer, a couple of marking apps, an eye changer etc my males isn't technically customized. What would happen then?

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-15 21:02:08
Of course, the base changers/eye changers/marking apps have to get a lowered price. I personally think it's ridiculous to pay 5 GB for a mane changer that only changes the shape. It's your choice to change bases on your lions, change their eye colour (perhaps for breeding purposes?). With this system you also have to be more careful when timing, to get a heir that won't be old when crowned (if you wish to use his design for a while).

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PaardindeMist (#7513)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 21:35:41
I don't see the problem with the current system. Friskusis, have you ever early retired your male and then replaced him again the same day for stats, which I assume is the problem you're having with the retirement system.

It costs 35 GB to replace your male twice within a month. There's a cooldown, and in order to surpass it, there's a fee.

So if I got a 10 special marking maltese with a sideburn mane with shitty stats, and I wanted to throw my 2k stat submale in, on top of whatever I paid for both those lions/stud fees/mothers whatever, I'm paying 10 GB to replace with the pretty boy, 10 GB to replace with the submale, and 15 GB to surpass the 30 day cooldown. I believe, and don't quote me on this, that the cooldown still applies if your male dies and has to be replaced, so you're looking at a minimum of 25 GB if that's the case. Your math makes it look like you can get away with it for 25 maximum, when in actuality it's 35 as most expensive.

That's over 15 dollars of my own money I'm spending, and honestly, if I'm putting that much into the lioden piggy bank buying GB I think I should be able to use it how I like, including this method that you dislike so much. I don't stud my male, who I actually got using this method, nor do I breed to him. I just liked the idea of having a high statted boy of my own who looked the way I liked him to look, and yes, it cost me more than customizing would have.

Also, you mentioned several times after Axel brought it up, that this wouldn't make anyone play differently than they would like, but in your main post you even capitalize the word FORCE when talking about others' game play. I understand your concerns, but honestly, this cub market is shit, and it's not just because we're allowed to swap out males. In fact, I think the number of people who actually do this is relatively small in comparison to those who play the normal way, or say, claim a bunch of crappy NCLs and spam breed.

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Edited on 16/12/13 by PaardindeMist - Main (#7513)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-15 21:59:25
You also misunderstood my post. I meant retiring and inheriting it through the system.

So if you customize your male to be a custom color, retiring and inheriting the color would apply.

But what if I customized and the color isnt a custom color? I retire my male, have a submale, and his color wont be able to be inherited by the new king because his color isnt custom, while I did customize its father, just that the color isnt custom.

So more clearly:
Situation A:
Pay 10GB.
Customize male to vandal.
Breed submale: it is vandal.
Retire king, Submale becomes main.
New king breeds the new submale: not vandal.
Retire king, submale gets king's appearance.

Situation B:
Pay 10GB.
Customize male to golden.
Breed submale: it is golden.
Retire king, Submale becomes main.
New king breeds the new submale: not golden.
Retire king, submale doesnt get king's appearance because the color isnt custom.


Some markings simply look good and better on wild colors. So why would we be forced to choose a custom color? Plus it would pretty much cut down on buying and selling wild colored heirs. Because everyone would want custom colors so they can inherit.

This is still forcing and basically making participation in the market impossible for free players. The goal isnt exactly to drop the value of wild colored lions.

Plus it isnt fair at all towards people. If this is truly brought in, then I demand that this system applies to customized males too.

Your problem seems to be with the specials only I guess. Why dont you suggest something on that problem than suggesting something that limits free players altogether along with them?

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Edited on 16/12/13 by Axel (#6627)

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-16 02:30:44
Nevermind then. I see I'm getting nowhere with whatever I'm trying to explain. Or so it seems, since your examples doesn't match with what I had in mind.

My concern is that people can breed a perfect stud and keep him forever. Technically. And with good timing you CAN get past the limit. I've never early retired my lions myself, although I guess that if your king retires on his own and you decide to early retire to replace your low-statted male with a higher stat one, it'd still be 10 GB.

But whatever. I'm just getting frustrated, and that's the last thing I need now. Have it your way.

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Edited on 16/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2013-12-16 03:00:57
No support for all the reasons listed by Axel and Paar

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-16 04:51:35
Then breed your own perfect stud and keep him forever? o.O

I mean, no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Everyone plays the game the way they seem fit for themselves. If they want to keep the stud the way it is for ten generations, then they do so. If they want to have some change, then they will keep the submale's looks or customize.

To me it looks like there is some envy there, this is why the suggestion was made. Not many can keep up with the market, and not many have the chance to participate in it. I myself have pulled back from the market when the studding system was introduced, and didnt sell a single lion ever since.

Maybe it looks like the advantage is unfair, but think about it.... They probably paid a lot of money to get that perfect stud, more than you might be able to imagine. GB, which the site uses to maintain itself. Maybe they didnt use the customization to get that special coat, but they contributed to the site in a way. Would you take away their right to stud for a few generations, after they spent 20+GB for a single lion?

Special coats will spread eventually, become more common. When they came in, you could sell a special coated cub for 20+GB. Now it is waaaaaay lower than that. The prices will drop, and soon more attention will be given to custom colors. It will balance itself with time.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-16 05:12:53
Thaaanks, I already got your point... No need to rub it in. I've had a bad enough day already. Reworded my suggestion, by the way. Since my attempts to explain obviously aren't working.

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Edited on 16/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-16 06:37:45
I am not rubbing it in. Simply explaining.

And my opinion on this doesnt change. They worked for that lion and spent GBs to get them, real money. maybe they didnt customize, but still donated to the site to get them. I am sure the devs wouldnt want to take away their right to have their king keep the appearance.

And once more, customization already offers an advantage. A fair and natural one. You have your dream lion, you can stud and breed for the market.

I think it is enough advantage over wild colored males. Let's keep retiring fair for everyone.

Customizing isnt the only way either to donate to the site and get lions. But you can buy from others. Now what if I spent 20GB to buy a high statted nice looking lion -from customized parents but with a wild color. Turns out, my money would be wasted partially, since I cannot keep his appearance once he retires... It would reduce the prices of cubs further, because your next bred submale will not inherit the bought cub's look.

And what about those who use the GB items to add/remove markings, change the mane and base color? Those are also GB-bought customization tools. And most 'perfect special studs' use these to add and remove markings from the special bases. So basically they would gain the ability to give their appearance to the submale upon retiring.

So basically the only ones suffering from these would be free-players. Despite there being a GB item to keep the looks. Why? It wont do anything else than cause grief to free players. They already have enough disadvantage, let's not add more to the pile.

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Edited on 17/12/13 by Axel (#6627)

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-16 07:16:50
Added a suggestion on making another Oasis item that allows you to keep the design for another heir. Either way, I'm just a little too upset with real life (sickness) to continue messing with this at the moment.

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Edited on 16/12/13 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

PixelDuck (#20828)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-16 22:45:31
I'd rather have that feature gone completely, and only founder lions (Oasis made lionesses, rolled lions and NCLs) eligible for customization. But I think that would work best if the lions got real genetics (well, working like rl genetics anyway), for all features (including markings, no more slot binds!). I'm a bit sad breeding for anything but stats isn't really rewarded.

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Elemmire [main] (#6739)

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Posted on
2013-12-17 17:12:09
Friskusis - I totally get what you are saying, and I like it.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-12-17 18:53:50
PixelDuck@: As far as I know, they've considered adding genetics and I'd love to see that. :) Maybe you're right...

Elemmire@: Thanks, I'm bad at explaining. I do wish people would understand my concept though. :/

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-12-17 21:35:21
The problem is that the concept itself would only affect free players, whose lions are already no threat to become 'perfect studs' because of their coloring.

Special studs -who you actually try to reduce in value- also use customization tools from the Oasis to change their male. They wouldnt be affected by this apparently.

Thus it would only affect players that already have much disadvantage. I suggest tweaking of special coats being unable to be inherited by submales upon retiring only, but everything else can the same way as we have now. Everyone will be happy.

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