Posted by ◄Head Shot► ~ Zombie Apocalypse Role-play

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 14:59:19
Dear ◄Head Shot► members,

The roleplay will take place here. We beg you mention your character's name, location and mentioning of other characters before every post to avoid confusion and facilitate the following of separated plot lines. Example:

Piper Ederwin ~ Location: City Center ~ Mentioned: Scarlett Deever

We also suggest you pay attention to the updates. The areas where Danger Events are about to take place will be marked with a skull next to their name before it happens.

Thank you and have fun!

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OOC Thread



~ Dean Ederwin, Piper Ederwin, William Grey & Theodore Weaver have drawn a herd out of Noxton City. Zombies might be soon crowding the Highway, keep an eye out!

Current Season: Summer

Current Locations Available

The City

Noxton City. Though it took a couple of days for people here to even believe that the outbreak was actually happen everyone surely wanted to be the first to flee when zombies started appearing. Of course, not many of them made it out as the main route out of the city got absolutely stuck in a traffic jam the city had never seen before. Even if it is pretty filled with infected, some streets are clear enough and in such a big place there must surely be a lot of stuff worth scavenging for.

zombcity-1592162.jpgThe Highway ☠Potential DE☠

This highway can take you many, many miles away from Noxton. It is through here that the lucky ones to get out of Noxton on time went driving, trying to find greener pastures. Ironic, seeing as how the Highway crosses for the majority of its length through the rural areas of the state.

zombhighway-1592165.jpgRural Areas

Large open fields, ponds and valleys. They surround the highway. Sprawled over, sometimes two or three miles apart from each other stand different farms. Many home to the infected, someones completely destroyed by scavengers, others healthy and offering good shelter for the night. In the rural areas we can also find the woods and some small towns.

zombruralarea-1592167.jpgThe Woods

They are dispersed through the rural areas and not completely connected meaning we have small, medium and large sections. There are several creeks and streams, some of which might produce flash floods in the wet season and other which might dry during the summer, making it difficult to obtain water. Here you can find different game: squirrels, hares, deer and of course, zombies.

zombwoods-1592172.jpgThe Town

This town is located in the rural area, approximately 300 hundred miles away from Noxton City. It is abandoned and there are some zombies around, or maybe many and you just haven't noticed. There is a pharmacy, a gas station and a general goods store. But are there any supplies left?


Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/01/16 @ 07:58:06 by Rocheneux (#43822)

BuckyBooty (#6293)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 11:21:44
I'd be down

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BuckyBooty (#6293)

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Posted on
2016-10-30 09:38:37
I miss this

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-10-30 09:39:24
Same >.>

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Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-27 11:14:50
This active?

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