Posted by Windclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:40:58
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Windclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: The Harvest

Now that the loss of prey is finally fading, Windclan is almost back to normal. Food is of plenty, and families are growing. When strange plants begin to appear in the dry plains, the questions begin. Perhaps the harvest was too great? As the new herbs grow, a medicine cat is desperately needed to find out the answer to what may be danger.

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:44 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

clefairy (#77130)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-19 11:19:33
Dewflight| Mentions: Whitetail

Dewflight padded into her medicine cat den with fresh herbs in her mouth. She carefully held them so that she would not accidentally consume the leafy juices. Dewflight paused at the den entrance upon seeing Whitetail still in her den and looking terrible. "Still here?" She tried to say, but the herbs muffled her words. Perhaps he would understand me better if I... Dewflight tried to give a look of concern as she narrowed her eyes at Whitetail.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-19 11:26:44
Mentions: Dewflight

He looked at Dewflight and his head sort of tilted to the side, one ear sticking up and the other down slightly. His eyes were on her, still not all there.. but, after a few minutes he finally responded, "yes.." that is all he could manage.. he wasn't exactly feeling very well... he looked past her and into the bust camp, then back at her. His head tilted again and then he moved so she could get into the den as he was basically in the middle, though he almost fell over doing so.. his legs shaked a little more violently now that he moved. He looked back at her, finally deciding to speak some more, "I am still not feeling so well.. I hope to Starclan I will feel better soon..." He sighed before continuing, "how was herb hunting?" He smiled brightly, gesturing to the herbs in her jaws, he didn't know if she went to collect those or what but, he thought he would ask anyway.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-09-19 11:46:31

Featherpaw yawned in her small nest, peering outside the apprentice den. Standing up, her eyes squinted as the bright sun shone through the den. She trotted outside, watching her classmates.

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-09-19 13:43:08
Oakpaw - Mentions: Hollyfeather

"Oh wow, you would really do that for me?" The giddy apprentice didn't even acknowledge Whitetail. He was going to finally be a warrior! Oakpaw perked up, a little taller than he had previously. He hoped that Hollyfeather could pull this off!

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-09-19 13:54:53
Alderfall, Bramblekit - Cloudstar, his kits, Oakpaw

He had barely left the nursery. It was almost as if he was a queen himself. Alderfall took all of his time up in the day nurturing his tiny kits with a Cloudstar, and by nights he was certain she wanted to strangle his enthusiasm. As he stretches out beside Bramblekit, he watched as the little one played with his tail.
"Be careful there, tails can be dangerous son." He giggled softly.
The kit huffs. "Daddy, can we pwwweasee go outside? Mommy and Leaf and all of us can go out together!"
Alderfall breathes in deep. He says to his son, "Mommy is still resting. She needs all the strength she can get. And it looks like Leaf is asleep."
With a quick look back at them, Alderfall nudges Bramblekit outside, watching him as he runs around happily.

Bramblekit sees a younger cat by a huge rock, and he rockets over towards him. "Woah, this rock is hoooj!" He climbs up, knocking into Oakpaw.
Alderfall pads over, smiling weakly at the apprentice who has taken over his favorite spot. Well, he did have new priorities now, above all else.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-09-19 21:34:45

LeafKit, snuggled into his mother's tail, perked his ears, slowly sitting up as his brother and father left the nursery. He tilted his head, then leapt over CloudStar's tail and followed them out. He paused a moment, then, when he figured out where BrambleKit and AlderFall were, ran over, squeaking happily when he tripped over his own paws. He got back up as quickly as he could--almost falling back over in this process--then scrambled onto the rock beside his brother, his tail fluffed up happily. He was silent, already exhausted from his sprint over

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ProToge (#93170)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 00:24:47
Oakpaw - Mentions: Alderfall, Bramblekit

Oakpaw was shook out of his thoughts when he felt a small bump into him. He looked around, then on the ground a little kit was standing there, looking at him. Bramblekit looked a lot different than the mewling, just born, furball he had met in the nursery. Oakpaw reared up. "If you want this spot, you're gonna have to fight me for it." Oakpaw said playfully.

He peered over Bramblekit and the rock to see Alderfall standing there, gazing up at the two. His heart sank. "I was just playing with him, I swear" he said quickly. Oakpaw shifted nervously on the rock. "Oh, um, I will get down now." The apprentice was intimidated.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 02:22:47
Alderfall and Bramblekit - Oakpaw, Leafkit, Cloudstar

Alderfall chuckled at his other son climbing all over Oakpaw. "It's no worries Oakpaw, it is free ground. Just don't be surprised if these little mice want to ruin your sun bath."
He smiled warmly, looking back at Bramblekit, watching him climb in Oakpaw's head and gnaw on his ear. "Bramblekit, be nice."
Looking back towards the nursery, he was surprised Cloudstar wasn't awake yet.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 03:16:40
LeafKit--AlderFall, OakPaw, BrambleKit

LeafKit jumped at OakPaw's paw and purred happily, his tail curled up. He glanced at his father, then, seeing his father looking at the nursery, he mewed sweetly "Mommy's awake. She's jus' thinkin'!" He purred, innocently biting at OakPaw's paw

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clefairy (#77130)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-20 06:36:44
Dewflight| Mentions: Whitetail

Dewflight slinked past Whitetail towards the herb storage. She placed the herbs on the ground and prodded them with her paw to separate them, "Do get better soon. You're probably going eat the forest clean of herbs." She paused to flick a plant she had accidentally picked with the herbs from the pile. "Although, there seems to be a plenty amount of herbs around. I don't have to worry for moons."

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-20 06:42:12
Hollyfeather, Mentions: Cloudstar, Oakpaw.

Hollyfeather dipped her head to Oakpaw, happy to help, then padded towards the leaders den. Her calico fur stuck up with nervousment but she forced it down again. She wasn't the biggest fan of talking to the leader, Cloudstar seemed so much more wise and powerful.
Hollyfeather took a deep breath then meowed. "Cloudstar, can I talk to you?"

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 06:46:05

CloudStar glanced over at HollyFeather, then sat up "of course. What is it, HollyFeather?" She asked softly, her gray-black tail curling over her paws and her head high

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 07:02:01
Mentions: Dewflight

He smiled slightly after a little bit, it was a little late. He had looked at her after she said he would eat the forest clean of herbs and though his eyes were cloudy, he smiled and a little bit of amusement showed in his eyes through the cloudiness. "I hope to get better so I don't have to eat anymore herbs.." He watched her sort the herbs and always found it interesting, he never wanted to be a medicine cat, but he still found herbs interesting. "At least there is a lot out there" he said, sort of cheerful.. as cheerful as he could sound.

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clefairy (#77130)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-20 09:15:06
Dewflight| Mentions: Whitetail

Dewflight continued to sort the herbs but she noticed there had been something odd about it. "I could have sworn these were daisy leaves," She muttered angrily, tossing out yet another leaf. The leaf seemed be similar to that of a daisy leaf, or so that's what Dewflight thought. Upon further inspection, the leaf looked completely different. Dewflight scowled and continued to mutter, "Must have been tangled up into the plant..." Her fur began to fluff up with frustration and responded to Whitetail through gritted teeth, "There's starting to be too many."

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Edited on 20/09/16 @ 16:17:44 by clefairy (#77130)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 10:07:58
Mentions: Dewflight

He smiled slightly, moving unsteadily to see more of what she was doing. He couldn't do anything else... he might as well watch. He sat down near her, but not too close. He just sat there, "maybe.. or maybe not" he tried to lighten the mood a little bit with a little mystery meant to be slightly lifting. "please tell me I don't have to eat anymore herbs.." He looked at her, playfully, his eyes were wide, as if he were scared of the herbs and such. He was still a little disoriented and didn't know if she would laugh or not.

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