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![]() Icestar (#72469) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-26 10:51:08 |
This is Snowclan chat Member sheet link Happen to stumble upon this thread and want to sign up? well, you can sign up here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Event: Test of Strength and Loyalty There is something lurking about, within Icestar's dreams, as well as other warrior's/queen's dreams and within the forest.. will the cats that follow the leader and deputy stay loyal or rebel against what has been established as rules to protect them? These are tests that seem to not be from Starclan, which has once again gone silent. Could these threats be from the Dark forest? Or are they something more vicious? Either way, this will test every cat, physically and emotionally.. will Snowclan stay together or will it fall apart? Clan info: {Will add soon, just thinking of a template} Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 14/11/17 @ 17:47:29 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-24 22:17:57 |
Icestar ~ 43 Moons ~ Apprentice: N/A ~ She-cat ~ Leader ~ Remaining Lives: 7 ~ Mentions: Emeraldfrost She was thinking about what should be done before something happened. She had pulled from her thoughts as she looked at Emeraldfrost and smiled, "looks awesome, why don't you eat first?" She offered kindly. There was a little sparkle of something in her eyes, she never really showed emotion a lot but the little sparkle was kindness, happiness and something else.. even she couldn't tell what she was feeling but, she let it go. She thought about when the ceremony should take place, when a new Apprentice should be named and about all her duties. She had to take care of them once they were finished eating.. she was going back to how she used to be, taking on challenges by herself, thinking of everything by herself. She was never really that good at planning with others, but when she had to work with others, it was easier. She was confident but a little antisocial at times, though she does mean well, some cats would say she works too hard. A cat once told her to rely on her clan which relies on her, she tried to, but she was used to thinking and dealing with problems alone, ever since her family died.. but her sister still lived on. She just doesn't know where... (Sorry XD I needed some entertaining filler) ![]() |
Blair (#91417)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-25 04:46:36 |
Stormheart||Male||32moons||Mentions: Crimsonwing Stormheart decided to shrug off his earlier conversation and do something he enjoyed more. He saw Crimsonwing and decided he had a new cat. "Hey Crimsonwing." He purred grinning. He flicked his tail his gold eyes shining as he sat down. His long grey fur swooshed in the light wind. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-25 06:18:07 |
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar Emeraldfrost nodded, smiling warmly back at Icestar. The look the leader was directing at her was captivating, and if even possible, Emeraldfrost felt markedly lighter than before. She drew her gaze away, not snapping away from the fluttery sensations this time, but instead letting herself dip her head gently to the rabbit, her body warm and almost feeling as if she was in a dream. Emeraldfrost ate a portion of the rabbit before quietly drawing her tongue over her lips, cleaning away traces of any potential stains from her white fur. She watched Icestar as she waited for the other to take her turn at their meal, and wondered what the other was thinking of. "What do you have planned for today?" she asked, tone affable and curious. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-25 06:19:44 |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-25 10:25:54 |
(Lol maybe.. but I feel like it's just filler XD) Icestar ~ 43 Moons ~ Apprentice: N/A ~ She-cat ~ Leader ~ Remaining Lives: 7 ~ Mentions: Emeraldfrost She smiled at Emeraldfrost as she snapped from her thoughts. She heard her question and thought for a moment, then replied, "to do my duties" she smiled again. She looked at the rabbit, taking a few bites out of it and then looked back at Emeraldfrost. She cleaned her face off, "I have to call a meeting.. I have to do a lot and it is hard when I don't have a deputy.." she said, she thought about how starclan had gone silent, what was going to happen to them? She was worried.. she stood up and stretched, she had eaten so little but she suddenly didn't feel hungry. "You can finish it if you're hungry" she smiled, "I will see you around ok?" She said with a smile and a purr, rubbing her head against Emeraldfrost's while she still purred and padded towards her den, up the path, then she reached the platform in front of her den. She looked down onto the busy camp below and called out, "all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here underneath the ledge for a clan meeting!" She sat up straight as she tried to look like an actual leader. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-28 19:39:31 |
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar Listening to Icestar, Emeraldfrost hummed gently to signal her attention to the other's words, her tail flicking lightly beside her. When she noticed Icestar was done with the rabbit, even though she'd taken only a few bites, Emeraldfrost looked at her inquisitively but said nothing. She watched as Icestar stood and she dipped her head. "If there's anything you wish help with after the meeting, you need only request it." When she felt Icestar begin to rub against her head she stiffened only slightly before leaning into it and rubbing back, letting out a purr of her own. "I'll see you when you're done then." She smiled easily, frost-green eyes shining lightly with amiability. For a moment Emeraldfrost watched Icestar make her way to where she'd call the meeting from, before returning to the rabbit, having bites of the remaining more sought-after parts. As Icestar called the clan together she scraped away a shallow dip, covering the remains of their meal as the cats came together. When she was done, Emeraldfrost padded closer to the currently collected cats. Her manner of walking was as graceful as usual, tail swishing behind her gently, gaze calm and kind. She sat and brought her tail around her white paws, looking up to Icestar. (rip sorry for the late reply I've been busy, though it seems no one else has replied either) ![]() Edited on 29/11/16 @ 02:42:21 by Sunneh (#95479) |
『Moon』 (#100696)
Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-30 03:12:22 |
Blossomfall⎟Warrior⎟Female⎟Snowclan The newbie sat outside her den,looking around curiously. She lacked any kind of friends,and wished she'd make more now,since she joined a Clan. She was grateful for this opportunity, and jumped to her feet. Hunting would be a good idea indeed,so she rushed into the forest. Blossomfall flicked her ear as she heard a bush moving. She shot her head towards the bush,narrowed her eyes and crouched down. She silently crawled towards the bush,looking around for any sign of movement. Maybe it's been just the wind. Anyway,she decided to keep stalking the bush. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-30 03:22:10 |
Icestar ~ 43 Moons ~ Apprentice: N/A ~ She-cat ~ Leader ~ Remaining Lives: 7 ~ Mentions: Clan She looked at her clan, she was proud to be the leader of this wonderful clan. She sighed as the last few cats gathered, "now, I have called this meeting to announce the new deputy of Snowclan. As you all know, we have gone without one for quite a few moons.. now I call upon our Starclan ancestors to look upon the new deputy and approve of my choice. The deputy will be Emeraldfrost." She announced as she stood up tall to look across the clan, her eyes landed on Emeraldfrost as she waited. She hoped the clan approved as well.. she didn't really give chance for the cat to speak because she started to speak again. "Emeraldfrost has been there for all cats.. she has displayed courage and tenderness, what this clan needs of their deputy." She finished, pride in her eyes, she smiled at the whole clan as she waited for their reaction. ![]() |
『Moon』 (#100696)
Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-30 03:37:38 |
Blossomfall⎟Warrior⎟Female⎟Warrior Suddenly,she heard a noise coming from the camp. She didn't realize a meeting was on! She sprinted back to the camp,and tried hiding behind one of the bigger cats,hoping she won't be noticed. But her curiosity jumped in. She popped her head out from behind the cat,and looked at all the cats,trying to spot the new deputy. ![]() |
shadowqueen (#77712)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-01 15:27:00 |
Dewnose | SnowClan Medicine Cat | Female | Mentions: Icestar, Emeraldfrost | The fluffy white silverpoint's ears pricked at the call of a meeting. Dewnose dropped the marigold into a small pile and padded out of the den, taking a seat near the entrance. The she-cat listened to the news of a new SnowClan deputy and began to yowl, "Emeraldfrost! Emeraldfrost!", hoping that some other cats would get the hint and join in. Dewnose didn't know many of the SnowClan cats, but she had seen Emeraldfrost here and there. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-01 19:54:20 |
Emeraldfrost Mentions: Icestar, (Dewnose) Blinking upon hearing her name, Emeraldfrost soon registered that she was the new deputy. Upon this realization, her attention was fully on her surroundings, on Icestar's congratulations, on Dewnose beginning a chant of her name. She rose on steady paws and padded closer to the leader's overlooking ledge. When Emeraldfrost reached the front of the gathered cats she looked up, eyes warm and vibrant. "I am deeply honored, I vow to serve my part well." She dipped her head, more low and prolonged than her usual respectful nods. After displaying her reverence, Emeraldfrost raised her head once more. She looked back to the assembled cats, hoping they were pleased with the announcement and had no issues with her placement. ![]() |
『Moon』 (#100696)
Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-01 20:00:21 |
Blossomfall⎟Female⎟Warrior The she-cat watched quietly and sat besides the large cat she's been hiding behind a few seconds before. She watched and blinked her eyelids quickly then opened her eyes as wide as she could. She didn't knew either to keep silent or cheer this cat... Blossomfall thought this event is important,and decided to let out a small yowl:"Emeraldfrost!". After that,she glared around,uncomfortable,as she was usually anxious around big crowds. Espacelly around unknown big crowds. ![]() |
shadowqueen (#77712)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-01 20:06:19 |
Dewnose | SnowClan Medicine Cat | Female | Mentions: Icestar, Emeraldfrost | She fell quiet to listen to the words spoken by Emeraldfrost. Dewnose slowly stood and headed towards the crowd, weaving between cats to reach the new SnowClan deputy. "Congratulations, Emeraldfrost." Purred the medicine cat, encouragingly rubbing her side against the other she-cat before retreating towards the medicine den. Perhaps Dewnose could get Emeraldfrost to give her a cat or two to help with finding some herbs. Good idea. She thought. (What season is it IC?) ![]() |
Blair (#91417)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-01 22:02:40 |
Stormheart||Male||Warrior||Mentions: Emeraldfrost and Blossomfall He was sitting near to the back let out a loud cheer, "Emeraldfrost! Emeraldfrost!" He smirked at on of the cats ahead that meekly let out a quiet cheer. He stood up walked over to her. "Why so shy?" He said peering down at the crouched cat. Sorry Writers Block!)) ![]() Edited on 02/12/16 @ 06:24:33 by Blair (#91417) |
『Moon』 (#100696)
Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-01 22:09:25 |
Blossomfall⎢Female⎢Warrior The calico looked at the unknown figure,rising her eyebrow."I don't know... Well maybe,because I'm new?"She felt slightly offended,though she didn't exactly knew why. She gazed back at the deputy. She sighed deeply and took a look at the cat next to Emeraldfrost,flicking her tail. ![]() |