Posted by | Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat] |
![]() Icestar (#72469) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-26 10:52:03 |
This is Nightclan chat Member sheet link Happen to stumble upon this thread and want to sign up? well, you can sign up here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan? Clan Info: [Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..] Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-11 23:17:54 |
Bumbletail>>Talon, Boulder Bumbletail gave Talon a small smile, she was going to use tgis opportunity to see Boulder oh how she missed him. "Thank you Talon." She said slipping out of the den first, she then waited for Talon to emerge. "You can lead the rest of the way, Drake doesn't really like me." She said shyly looking at her paws, she feared that he would attack her again. Lynks>>Open Lynks laid in the abandoned fox den, licking herself clean she loved how silent the surrounding was. She laid her head between her claws, and began to drift of to sleep. "Mother Lynx protect me as I sleep." She mumbled. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-12 02:25:02 |
Talon Mentions: Bumbletail, Shadestep, Frostflight and Drake He padded out after Bumbletail, not really waiting for Frostflight.. he was eager to get to that tom and see what was going on with the stupid cat.. his ear flicked as he heard Bumbletail, "what tom in their right mind wouldn't like a pretty cat like you?" He smiled, not actually meaning to flirt this time, more like make her feel better? He didn't know if she needed it, but he did it anyway. "Don't worry, I won't let that stupid hairball get to you" he smiled some more, meaning it and his hetero eyes flickered, his ears twitched as the scent of Drake wafted over, he guessed Stoneclaw was itching to tear Drake apart way more than any cat for what he had done to his sister, he knew how that felt.. if it was his sister, he would have already had him by the throat if he wasn't basically protected.. his eyes landed on the figure of Drake as he sat in the entrance to the nursery. ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-12 11:48:58 |
Bumbletail>>Talon Bumbletail rubbed against Talon, "Thank you Talon, Drake scares me and to know you will protect me makes me feel better." She said smiling warmly at the Hetero eyed male. She walked next to him until they came upon Drake, that is when she slowed her pace and was slowly walking behind him sticking close as she could to Talon. She didn't even look at Drake just kept her eyes on the floor, her heart thumping so hard it felt like it was going to jump out her chest. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-12 12:49:23 |
Talon Mentions: Bumbletail and Drake He smiled at Bumbletail and then turned his attention back to Drake who was now staring at them. He felt the She-cat get close behind him and he put his tail on her shoulder to comfort her as best as he could. His eyes were locked onto the smug looking cat. He couldn't help himself, he hissed as the cat smiled like he had something on him. "You are one stupid cat you know that?" He spat at Drake who was just smiling, it angered him but, he didn't even move closer. "For a Rouge you are pathetic.. you take orders even when there is no cat here to give you some.. who is it? What do you know? If you don't give answers that I want.. I'll.." He growled as he was cut off by Drake's smug response, "you'll what?" He said and it really made Talon angry. He didn't pounce at the cat, he was going to if he made any moves towards Bumbletail.. he watched Drake's every move.. Drake Mentions: Bumbletail and Talon He smiled as Talon hissed, he wasn't going to tell him that easily.. he wasn't part of his group.. why should he talk to him? His gaze went from Talon to Bumbletail. His ear flicked as he saw the situation between the two, obviously taking it the wrong way.. "I see... you clan cat took one of my rogues and now you want this one.. how many mates do you need?" He said harshly but snapped his attention back to Talon at the sudden sound sound of a hiss. He smiled, "what kitty? You going to protect her? What would I need to attack her for anyway? She has no use to me.. you can do what you want with her.. I don't care.." He was starting to get angry. He could see the Tom was barely holding back, if it wasn't for the cat, he probably would have taken him down by now.. he waited for either to speak as his tail tip flicked. ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-12 15:45:47 |
Maple | Rouge | Mentions: Drake, Stoneclaw Maple tossed her head back carelessly, she drew a paw over her ear before rising to her full height. "Listen up clan cat, your silly little plan of whatever isn't working; so let me go now and I will spare your life." She said simply, curling her tail around her paws. Maple didn't want a fight, not necessarily, she only really wanted to get out of here and be with Drake. Although now it was clearly too late, the words had already slipped from her mouth and knowing Stoneclaw this wouldn't go down well. Frostflight | Warrior | Mentions: Talon, Shadestep, Bumbletail and Drake Frostflight sighed as Talon and Bumbletail stormed over to Drake, the tom had a heart of ice so they were wasting their time whatever they were doing. She watched as Shadestep padded out of the camp, wondering if he had noticed or not. The tom was very protective of Bumbletail, she threw a nervous glance back to Drake, who was beginning to raise his voice. "Uh...Shadestep?" She called, feeling they may need to intervene to prevent injury. She bounded over to where they stood, saying nothing yet, only giving Drake a warning glare. (sorry they are a little short :P) ![]() Edited on 13/11/16 @ 10:49:07 by Sprinkles (#86006) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-12 16:10:20 |
(I am surprised the camp can't hear Talon growling at Drake XD they are basically yelling lol) ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-12 17:54:19 |
(shadestep already sort of walked out of camp, should i pretend he's still there?) ![]() Edited on 13/11/16 @ 00:55:42 by Sunneh (#95479) |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 03:43:21 |
oh sorry, I didn't realize Shadestep was gone. It's okay I can edit my post ^^ ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 03:45:36 |
(Do what you would like ;p he would probably run into Nightfang out of camp, if you want him to see drama or a troubled Nightfang 'tis up to you cx) Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: open He padded through the forest, his mind clouded. His brother was really getting to him and he thought about what he had said. He thought about what he meant by Frostflight had gotten to him, he had no clue what he meant.. he sat down, leaned against the tree and sighed as he thought. He hadn't realised he had stopped and sat down until after he looked around, temporarily pulling himself from his thoughts. His odd eyes were dull, clouded by confusion and anger, he was mad at his brother for treating Frostflight like that.. why was he? Why was he so angry about it? He had no clue.. it was so confusing and everything troubled him. He wanted the rogues gone, just not his brother. He wanted peace and for every cat to feel safe, yet he wanted his family back.. then one cat crossed his mind, a queen that had taken all of the kits, hoping to give them a better future. He thought about his own sister, hoping she had found the wonderful life she wanted.. one that had nothing to do with their clan.. she shook his head as tears started to roll down, he clenched his jaw as he felt grief that crushed him. He dug his claws into the soft dirt under his paws, a few tears hitting his paws. ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 03:53:59 |
:/ I have already kinda edited for her to send Drake a few glares, nothing too serious though so she can probably see Nightfang soon enough ^^ ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 12:52:33 |
Bumbletail>>Talon, Drake Bumbletail only tried to hid behind Talon even more. Drake terrified her alot, but she thought she could ease Maple with some information about how Drake is doing. She stayed looking at her paws, not daring to make eye contact with Drake. Stoneclaw >> Maple "Shut up already, try and leave I will tear into you." He hissed digging his claws in the ground. "Even if Silence tried to protect you Frostflight and the others are outside." He said looking at Silence with a daring glare. "You better hope it works, cause you see I get rid of things I find useless." He stood tall an evil smile cut across his face as his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Just know this Silence isn't keeping you safe it is my sister, I neither hate nor like the tom sweet Maple." He laughed laying back down. "I have planned your death a many times some slow and painful other quick and clean, just know that you are always on my mind sweet kitty." He smiled sadistically at her. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 13:46:46 |
Talon Mentions: Bumbletail, Frostflight and Drake His ear flicked at the sound of Frostflight's voice. He payed no attention to her at the moment.. he was fully aware of how Drake made Bumbletail feel and he growled, "what? What would I want to do with her? Unlike you, I do not attack those who have no part in what is happening... you have come here on your own terms and dare hurt some cat just because they wanted to be close to a cat not of their group.. how pathetic.." He said, his tail still on Bumbletail, not moving just in case Drake tried anything. He was also aware of where Frostflight was.. his eyes were locked onto Drake like he was hunting prey. "How about you tell us what you know and I won't lay a claw on you or any cat in your group.. how about it?" He sounded oddly cold.. he was usually so warm but, now he was angry and his tone got colder as time went on being in front of Drake. He watched as the cat smiled, "I won't tell you anything.." Drake had said simply, which really got under Talons skin now.. "No one can save you, pathetic weakling.. you say they are weak yet look at you.. sitting here, afraid of the clan cat's with your precious Maple.. why don't you go get her back? Or are you too scared and pathetic to even try?" He said harshly, the words were spat out with such a cold tone. He watched as Drake's claws flexed in and out, he knew he was itching to attack him so, he smiled at Drake. "Awww.. little kittypet want to fight? I won't go easy on such a weak thing like you.. don't worry. I will say hi to your precious Maple for you" he mocked, pushing Bumbletail back slightly, the little nudge was gentle despite how he was acting towards Drake. He was being very kind towards Bumbletail and that was never changing, even as he mocked an enemy and tried to get answers for her, he was doing it to make her feel better.. at any cost. (Will reply as Drake after some people respond XD I am curious as to what people will say o3o will you let him get to Drake or no? It is everyone's choice >:D Mwahahahaha lol) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 14:02:17 |
Bumbletail>>Talon, Drake As Talon nudged her she looked back at Drake, "Don't worry about maole at this time Drake, I won't let the clan cats touch her without a good reason." She said in her usual soft and kind tone. She then walked towards the medicine den glad to be away from Drake. Before she entered she looked at Talon "Th-thanks for trying, it so nice to meet a kind and brave cat like you." She purred softly, she rubbed her head under Talon's. "You even offered protection and he is your friend, I feel bad that he was angered by your decision to stand by me." She said her voice no more than a whisper, she hated that she was so scared and weak. A single tear ran down her face, "I just want peace, I hate all this fighting and catnapping going on it makes me sick." She said her voice soft but shaky. ((I would love to see Talon get to Drake... Just because Stoneclaw can't be the only one challenging Drake...)) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 14:12:58 |
Frostflight | Warrior | Mentions: Talon, Shadestep, Bumbletail and Drake Frostflight growled, she was angry now, and not because of Talon he was only trying to help; it was Drake that really ticked her off. "Enough" she hissed, putting a paw between the toms "Drake you're practically asking for a fight, back down now, leave the forest and Maple will be left unscathed." She gave Stoneclaw a glance to make sure that he knew to hold back until they knew that Drake was hostile. ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-11-13 14:15:19 |
((Umm confusion... Stoneclaw, Maple, and Silence are inside the medicine den... While Bumbletail, Talon and Drake are aross the camp at the nursery den... So she wouldn't be able to get to Drake and Talon and hear Stoneclaw and Maple at the same time)) ![]() Edited on 13/11/16 @ 21:16:18 by DarkShamess😈 (#96769) |