Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-12-28 13:07:07
Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Frostflight and kits

She stared at the She-cat, who seemed to know her name.. she was still wary of the cat, even when she pushed a mouse towards her and asked questions. She looked at the mouse and pushed it towards the Bush where the kits were but, only after taking a small nibble to make sure it was ok.. even if it was freshly caught, she didn't exactly remember this cat who gave them food nor did she even know the giant tom, who was giant to her because she was smaller.. she could smell the scent of something she had left behind.. what was it? He smelled of it too.. she kept silent, though her yellow eyes were on Frostflight who was staring at the Bush the kits were in. Her golden tabby pelt a bit tattered from the harsh reality of the outside world, beyond these territories. Though it looked like she tried to keep her pelt tidy.. it took her a few more moments before it clicked, her eyes went wide as she remembered the scent of Nightclan, the scent these two had.. "Frostflight..? How did we end up back in Nightclan territory? Or... did you leave with the... um.... Tom.. over there?.." she said, trying not to be rude about him being so big.. at least to her anyway.. plus he looked like a rogue to her. She looked towards the Bush as Pebblekit came out, his yellow eyes looked at Frostflight and he wondered who she was.. he wondered why these cats were here and it was plain on his face. Sunfang purred at him as he came and sat beside her, he looked past due to become an Apprentice.. maybe just 1 or 2 moons past due.. that wasn't too bad.. but he didn't really look like a runt anymore. Sunfang looked towards Frostflight again, "I didn't think we would ever be back here.. but from the looks of you both, the terrible cats are gone.." she said, her kindness had never left her, no matter what.

Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Sunfang, Nightfang, and kits

He was sitting beside his mother, still wondering who these cats were until he heard the She-cat's name.. he sort of remembered a cat by that name.. he stared at Frostflight, trying to remember but, he was failing horribly.. he then loomed to Nightfang, his eyes going wide. He looked.. scary.. but, he just opened his mouth and said what had come to his mind, "why is that cat so huge and mean looking.. his friend there looks friendly but, he looks like a rogue.." He said, meaning nothing by it, he was just asking. Sunfang gave him a look and knew he was in trouble.. oh well..

(Sorry late XD)

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-28 16:38:01
Shadestep Mentions: Lynks
Shadestep smiled back, his tail beginning to flick behind him. "I like this idea." He nudged Lynks with his shoulder in acknowledgment to her plan. Gaze being drawn to movement behind her, he noticed how she wagged her tail and felt his whiskers twitch curiously at the peculiarity of the action. His attention flashed back to her face when she asked if he was scared of being shown up. Shadestep gasped dramatically, a look of forged hurt on his face. "How dare you imply something like that. Of course I'm not scared." He snorted and turned from her when she ran off, stalking off into the opposite direction in search of prey.

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Edited on 28/12/16 @ 23:38:58 by Sunneh (#95479)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-28 17:40:51
Lynk was ready to show her skills to Shadestep who she had became very comfortable with in the short time they had been together. She slowed as she spotted a few movements in a small clearing, she flatten her self and walked half way around them as so that the wind would throw her scent in the opposite direction. "4 5 6 7 rabbits all nice and plump, and unaware of my presence." He whispered under her breath. She began to stalk towards them her eyes darting from the ground in front of her to the rabbits and back to the ground, she repeated this until she was in striking range. She could see the rabbits as clear in the dark as she would during the day, soon she spotted a very plump rabbit to focus on mating with the females. "Well you will do nicely." She chuckled as she sprung out of the grass just a few inches away from the rabbit. It dashes away lynks close behind it, just as she was about to catch it it disappeared into a borrow. "Oh fox pelt it got away, I better catch something or I will never hear the end of it from Shadestep." She said happily.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-12-29 12:38:57
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: NIghtfang, Sunfang, Kits

Frostflight' s heart fell a little when Sunfang didn't seem to recognise her, it had been a while... But she had hoped that the queen would still be faithful to her old clan. Sunfang had been gone a long time now, and to be honest she had every right to desert this clan, her whole world fell apart. But now that she was back, and the rouges were gone Frostflight hoped that the queen would settle back in. She noticed Sunfang sniffing the air cautiously, something flickered in her eye and she looked at Frostflight in a new light. The she cat beamed at the queen when she murmured her name. "Sunfang" she purred, before listening to the rest of the she cat's speech, her mind wandered back to Lynx and the boarders. She frowned "No, this is Nightclan territory, our scent boarders haven't been checked in moons, the smell must of faded." She looked at Nightfang as Sunfang seemed to be cautious of him, perhaps his mismatched eyes and muscly figure made her think he was aggressive. Frostflight only saw him as handsome, kind, loyal, brave... Well she could go on, but there wasn't time for that. She nodded "yes, Drake and the rouges are gone for good, which means that you and the kits can come back. I'm not forcing you to, no one is, but I think it would be safer." She watched as Pebblekit padded out, he was no longer small and scrawny, which was a good sign. She watched as his ample eyes drifted from hers to Nightfang, his iris widened and he gawked for a moment. When Pebblekit was finished Frostflight rested her tail tip on NIghtfang's neck; she hoped he wouldn't take offence to this. "Mean? A rouge? Nightfang is the bravest cat I know, besides you of course." She purred, bending down just a little she she was closer to his height.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-12-29 12:53:27
Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Nightfang, and kits

She looked at Frostflight when she spoke, nodding when they were invited back. She looked at her son, still giving him the look where she was going to talk to him later. Then she looked towards Frostflight as she spoke of him, she remembered how she used to talk about Riverwhisker.. she missed him more and more each passing day.. she told the kits to come and waited for all of them to gather before she stretched and looked around, remembering where she was and where the camp was. She looked to Frostflight, "so that's his name.." she smiled, hinting at something she detected from the way she talked about him like a gossiping Apprentice. "Come on, let's get you all into camp and some sleep.." she purred at the little ones. "Are you two coming?" She said as she looked between Nightfang and Frostflight.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-30 09:52:32
Shadestep Mentions: (Lynks, Bumbletail, Boulder, Stoneclaw, Sunfang)
Ears perked, Shadestep made his way cautiously towards a faint rustling and farther from Lynks. He slowed and his pupils constricted as a shrew came into view, its head raised and sniffing the air as it came out of the underbrush. Shadestep crept forward, ears angling forward even more as he made his way to the prey. Before he was in a comfortable range to spring the shrew noticed him and scurried off in a panic. Shadestep gave a futile chase after it before giving up when he couldn't find it again after some searching. The black tom set off again in a new direction, remembering to keep his pawsteps quiet despite his eagerness to find new prey and get back to Lynks. Though he wished to spend more time with his new friend while he could, he still longed to get back to camp. With the rogues gone he could finally banter with Bumbletail in peace, and he planned on getting to know her new mate better. Stoneclaw would finally be out of trouble—he hoped, and Sunfang could return to camp safely. Lost in his thoughts of returning home, he narrowly missed movement a bit off. Shadestep turned his attention to a plump vole nibbling on its meal among the roots of a tree. He stalked forward carefully, haunches shifting slightly as he got close enough to pounce. When within a distance he knew he couldn't miss, he leaped forward, taking the overly round critter by surprise. With his catch in tow, Shadestep began to pad back to where he was with Lynks last. As his mind traveled back to his thoughts before he felt a flash of guilt at how much he wanted to get back to his clan. It felt wrong to want to leave Lynks so much, but it wasn't him wanting to leave her, it was him wanting to get back to his clan. A thought suddenly crossed his mind: maybe she could join us.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-30 12:31:26
Lynks made her way back to her and Shadesteps meet up place. She had two young rabbits hanging lifeless in her mouth. She jumped through the bushes purring uncontrollably, she paused as she caught sight of Shadestep. "Nice catch Shades, I didn't do so well as you can see." She said dropping both of the rabbits on the ground, smiling at Shadestep. "I only caught them because ran into a small burrow so it was easy to dig them out." She chuckled soflty, she looked back down at them then at Shadestep. "Is it ok if I help take them back to your pack err i mean clan?" She said shyly not looking into Shadestep's eyes so he wouldn't see her blushing. "I mean i-if not I understand." She said fumbling with her paws still not looking at Shadestep, her heart was beating so fast as if she just finished giving a long chase.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 02:44:03
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: NIghtfang, Sunfang, Kits

Frostflight saw the look of pain in Sunfang's vibrant eyes and a brief memory of Riverwhisker flashed in her mind. Sunfang must miss him so much, Frostflight couldn't imagine loosing Nightfang he was all she had now. Sunfang speaking broke her moment of day dreaming. She glanced over to Nightfang to see what he wanted to do, but his expression was hard to read. "I think we'll meet you there, we need to catch a bit of prey and patrol the scent boarders. The others will be happy to see you and the kits back safely, but we should talk more when everyone is together again."

(Short sorry XD)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 02:53:56
(It's fine XD)

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Nightfang, Shadestep, Lynx and kits

She smiled and nodded, "of course, we will meet you two there!" She said, sounding cheerful despite how she looked. She looked at the kits, "come now, we are going home.." she purred gently to them and then began on her way to camp when she caught sight of a cat.. maybe two? She curiously padded up to them, not bothering to sneak around. She just padded up to them, she sort of recognized Shadestep.. but who was the She-cat?? "Hello.." she calmly, "sorry, am I interrupting something?" She asked kindly, with a smile.

Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight and Sunfang

He had kept his mouth shut, eyes away from Sunfang and waited for the time for them to go.. he had saw the flash of hurt in the She-cat's eyes and he didn't want to see it again.. his expression was blank, but he just wanted to go. He heard Frostflight and nodded, watching as Sunfang walked off with the kits towards camp. He looked at Frostflight, "She must be really hurting.." He said, not really knowing how to help..

(Mine are short too.. n sorry you two, Sunfang has crashed the party XD)

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 03:19:31
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: NIghtfang, Sunfang, Kits

Frostflight sighed and padded over to him "she must, I can't imagine the weight of the grief she carries on her shoulders." She pressed her flank against his gently, breathing in his scent before reluctantly pulling away. "we should probably get moving, now that everyone is back we should discuss what we are going to do." She meowed, gaze fixed on the horizon. The future was looming over her and she couldn't push it away any longer, it wouldn't be long before they had to leave...

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 04:55:24
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight

He nodded, not knowing what to do about this anymore. "We should before we have to get you to the starry lake." He said with a smile, licking the top of her head with a purr. "Lead the way oh great leader.." He teased lovingly. He waited for her to move first, he thought about how sad Sunfang must be.. he couldn't imagine a life without Frostflight.. now that he had her, he wasn't letting go.. never would. He thought about his troubled family, how their parents died, how his brother left first, then his sister, he had been stuck here in the shadows.. he had been so unsure about coming out.. so unsure of what they would do if they found out... but now they knew and he was OK. He never thought he would be really.. he thought he would always have to live on the shadows but, now he had a life and he could live happily with Frostflight. He was happy for once after everything had happened and tore his whole world apart.. now he felt whole, not just a broken excuse for a cat.

(Needed filler.. it was so tiny XD)

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 03:55:16
(Happy New Year!!)

She laughed and twisted around to face him, the worry fading from her eyes. She began to pad forward, waiting 'till he was by her side before she would start running. "I wonder... Riverwhisker said I had to bring two cats, but who else?" She wondered, more to herself but Nightfang probably heard. Her icy eyes were fixed on the horizon, they traced the snow dusted mountain peaks where Snowclan must reside. Frostflight wondered if they were okay, did the rogues get them too? She hasn't heard from them in moons... She wondered if she would pass through their territory to get to the starry lake, would they be hostile? Or friendly?

(sorry, writers block >.<)

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-01 09:30:50
Shadestep Mentions: Lynks, Sunfang, (kits)
At the sound of purring Shadestep picked up his pace. His tail crooked at the tip from where it was raised behind him when Lynks came into view. "Didn't do so well?" Shadestep questioned in amusement after setting down his catch, "doesn't matter how you got them, you still got two rabbits." Shadestep's eyes narrowed slightly in confusion and he titled his head as he watched Lynks avoid eye contact. "Yeah, let's go, I can't carry all this on my own." She was so forward before, why was she messing with her paws and looking away from him now? As his mind ran though possible reasons to her sudden change in behavior, his ears suddenly angled towards a noise a bit off, and he straightened his form when he heard a set of paws approaching. He blinked when he recognized the cat and a smile quickly met his face. "Sunfang! I haven't seen you in awhile." He looked to Lynks briefly and then back to the queen. "No, you're not interrupting anything. How have you been?" Shadestep hoped she and the kits had fared well in their time gone. Their return stirred his eagerness to get home, and he didn't feel as guilty about the urge now that he imagined Lynks joining them.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-01 09:55:49
Lynks>>Shadestep, Sunfang, Kits
Lynks jumped up with happiness at Shadestep's words, only to jump up in freight when Sunfang came up to them. "Oh hiya, my name is Lynks." She returned a Sunfang's warm smile, it quickly grew into a big excited smile as she saw a kit next to Sunfang. "Is that your kit?" She said walking up and getting to eye level with the kit her tail wagging as usual. "You are so lucky, I would love to have my own kits" She smiled warmly at the kit. "Wouldn't you Shadestep?" She said smiling excitedly at the black tom.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 13:04:34
Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Shadestep, Lynx and kits

She smiled at Shadestep, "it sure has been a while.. I have been better.. but the kits are just fine." She said, her pelt was rough and she was quite skinny, she sat down and little Pebblekit was right near her. She looked to the other kits and wondered why they were so quiet.. but, she looked to the cat called Lynx.. she had never seen before.. "Hi, I'm Sunfang.. and yes, this is my kit Pebblekit." She said with a smile. Though there was a sort of masked pain in it, she stood once again and urged the kits on. "We are heading to camp, are you two coming?" She asked kindly, paying no kind to how different Lynx looked compared to them. She thought her bobbed Tail was quite cute in a way..

Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight

He smiled when she laughed, he found joy in the time with her. He thought about her question.. "I don't know.." He trailed off after it sunk in that she said Riverwhisker.. "Riverwhisker? Isn't he.." He didn't want to say the word.. he hoped she knew what he meant. He looked towards Snowclan territory just as Frostflight was, he wondered why they called it Snowclan.. why couldn't it be something else? Like Treeclan? That would have made more sense of there were lots of trees over there.. but he would never know. He never really wanted to see a Snowclan cat actually, he didn't know just how they acted..

(Writers block DX)

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